Monster pet shop

"Well ma'am, we have a lot of options for people in your situation. Almost all of our pets are self-sufficient, so you taking care of one won't be a problem. In fact, it's not uncommon for pets to take care of household chores like cooking and cleaning." Amanda explained to the very attractive woman. "As for your allergies, we have medication for pets and owners to help with mild cases. For more extreme cases, we do have hypoallergenic pets, as well as scaled and feathered ones. We also have pets with higher concentrations of human DNA that would be good with allergies. So basically, your allergies shouldn't be a problem if you want to see a wider array of pets." Amanda explained. "So does that information change what you'd like to see, or would you still like to see the reptile and avian pets?"
Her expression was calm, albeit a little irrate that the woman didn't see to have any issues with her attempt at foiling the need for a pet. No fur, no problem. She stifled an exasperated sigh, and played with the thoughts of sticking to her guns and getting a pet lizard or bird. Having realized however that she had never owned either and hadn't the slightest idea of how much maintenance they would take, she found herself giving an ample shrug of her shoulder. "I suppose you could show me them all if there are means of taming down allergies."

She waited for the woman to show her to the enclosures of the animals they kept at the shop, mulling over everything she had been told. She'd been a bit distracted, so of course when she realized the woman had said the pets could take care of not only themselves, but house chores as well, she blinked several times in confusion, slender brows furrowing. "You... said the pets could do house chores? I've got to see this." As they entered the back area where the pets were kept Charlie found her eyes widening as she glanced into one of the rooms. IT was damn near a tropical rain forest in there--climate and all. As a dragonfly zipped past the window, she turned her gaze to Amanda sharply, almost fearful to see what sort of creature was behind the door. Good lord, how did they manage to get exotic creatures from other countries? Why in the world did the shop not look nearly so large from outside? How... legal was any of this?!

"..What.. kind of pets are these.. exactly?"
"Monsters of course. Didn't you know?" Amanda asked with a bemused expression. "Don't let the name fool you though. Are girls are harmless, for the most part. The boys, maybe a teeny bit less so, but for the most part all of the pets are domesticated. Monster is really a misleading term. They're animal human hybrids. Like furries." Amanda explained, leading the woman through the jungle room. Amanda didn't normally take first time owners to this room, but something about this woman projected an air of self assurance and authority. Amanda got a strong sense that this woman could "handle herself".

As Amanda took Charlie through the forest explaining the science behind the pets, she heard a rustling in the brush to the side of the trail. Amanda gave a smirk, like a mother catching a child with a hand in the cookie jar, before speaking in the direction of the noise. "Layla... Don't do it." She said in a warning tone. "Please?" Replied a feminine voice from the bushes. "No." Amanda replied. "Just a little one?" The voice asked. "No. Just come out here an introduce yourself." Amanda said, her tone sounding a little strict. "Fiiiinneeee." The voice replied.

There was more rustling, before a beautiful tigress emerged from the forest on all fours. She slowly approached the two women, her humanoid body moving with the fluid grace of a predator stalking her prey. She slowly stalked towards Charlie, clearly liking what she saw. She gave the woman a few curious sniffs, before rubbing her soft fur against Charlie's bare legs. "This is Layla. One of our many wonderful pets. She's a tigress, and she seems to have taken a liking to you." Amanda said, watching as the happy cat rubbed herself against the woman. "I have to check on something in my office. I'll be right back." Amanda said, turning and walking away from Charlie and Layla. Amanda smirked when she heard the tigress begin to purr.

The tigress purred, rubbing against Charlie one last time before rising to her feet. She looked over the human woman with a look of hunger in her eyes, and she licked her lips, giving a brief flash of her sharp fangs. "Hi, I'm Layla." She purred, her voice low and sensual.


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Layela looked so beautiful. If this woman didn't take her, He would. How he longed to hold and feel her unique bod
Bumping at a different time of day to see if anyone wants to enter the shop as a monster for sale
I'm game. My monster is a siren, she needs warm temperatures, water, eats raw fish and has an appetite for men. It's not a bad idea to keep a few waterproof sex toys handy for her to take care of her cravings.


Behind a protective wall of glass, Meridia reclined on the rocks and sand, basking beneath the heat lamps built into the ceiling, her feet immersed in the water.

Meridia was a siren, the classical variety, and she had the foul luck of being captured by deaf sailors and brought to land. Precautions had been put in place to prevent her from being able to interact with anyone on her transit from her island to this pet shop, and the glass she was held behind was perfectly soundproof. If anyone heard her voice, she could easily escape. The few times she was taken out of her terrarium, she had been required to wear a muzzle and leash. The keepers of the store hadn't been able to determine how to keep her silent and obedient once sold, and given her dangerous nature, she had gone unsold for quite a while.

Bored, and with hours before her next feeding, Meridia lay on her side and began to rub her pussy.
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