Story idea : "Literotica troll" (categ. humour)

Sounds interesting. I don't have much else to say as I'm brain dead from work. :( :)
Maybe it's only because I can't think of trolls as anything other than unloved and unlovable assholes sitting in their parent's basements, leaking hate and spite in a desperate bid for any attention, any recognition, anyway at all to feel themselves as an interactive and engaged being in a world that has very rightly rejected them. But I just don't see a way to make a story about them amusing or in any way fun. You're dealing with someone who literally has nothing better to do than insult strangers, and in many cases I suspect they are people who have undiagnosed or unmonitored mental issues. It's hard to make unwell or repellent people seem appealing.

I'm not saying it's impossible - there's a kind of dark humor to some of Dostoyevsky's Notes From Underground, which is kind of like what you're asking for.

At any rate if the idea is to hold a mirror up to the average troll so he can see himself as he truly is, I think it's hopeless. Anyone like that has to be, if nothing else, utterly blind to self.

The best solution to trollism is the Block/Ignore function of the website in question. Starvation is the only thing that kills a troll.

What I personally wish is that if you Ignored someone, they could no longer see your comments or your stories. Imagining entering a forum and seeing virtually no posts, now that could send a message even a troll would notice.
The idea that trolls are social misfits confined to their parents' basements is cathartically comforting but incorrect. It may certainly be true of some of them, but (for example) no small number of the trolls involved in this were and are otherwise normal seeming, socially functional people, even popular folks-about-town in their local milieu. (I actually learned about that controversy because a guy I used to know from the local party scene -- a well-respected and quite popular guy, too -- started putting up misogynist propaganda about it on FaceBook.) You just never know.

Of more interest for this concept, though, is that it's perfectly possible for two people with radically different personalities -- or just-similar-enough-to-grate-on-each-other personalities -- to seem like trolls to each other without either of them being outright malicious (just mutually obstinate because of pride). It might be fun to have a fictional version of such a relationship, involving improbably but entertainingly gorgeous male and female authors (or same-sex, or whatever) resulting in torrid meetup hate-fucking that gives birth to a loving (albeit tempestuous) real-life relationship.
^ I found that story through your recommendation and I agree with you, I quite liked it for the most part. It was an interesting, funny and sexy take on what would normally seem a genuinely creepy situation.
The trolls are probably ecstatic that you are obsessed with them. ;)
Point. This sort of thing could certainly give "don't feed the trolls" a whole new meaning.
I've written's called Oh Crap!

But it might not be about the kind of trolls you are thinking about...but you might get a chuckle out of it.
Point. This sort of thing could certainly give "don't feed the trolls" a whole new meaning.

Or give them a taste of their own medicine.

Nothing I'd be interested in writing, but it could be funny if done well.
yes, some ppl. that replied to this thread gave me a few ideas :

Perhaps to start by describing him in the 'real life' setting : he is actually 'a very nice', shy guy, unfortunately less generously endowed ; none of his female coworkers care to notice him.
So in order to compensate, he starts living his life in the imaginary reality of online forums. But then a lit. female writer takes pitty of him, they become intimate , and a miracle starts happening : the healing begins aka his endowment (ck) starts to 'grow endlessly', as Cyrano would put it. So his female coworkers start noticing him at work (final stage of healing) and he no longer needs the imaginary world of the online forums.

Geronimo Appleby wrote a good one about a loving wives troll, but his was really over the top and he put it in LW to flame them...the feedback was hilarious.

There is an incest one...its killing me because I can't think of the name of it "Saturday with the..." and it had the families name and it was so over the top using every incest cliche there was and was a lot of fun.
I do have a story posted here based on a poster who was trolling me at the time. I doubt many of the story's readers even knew it was a troll parody.

That's a good idea. If you had to cast a member of the forum to be the main character, you'd end up spending way too much time interviewing the trolls.

I don't know why, but this site has always attracted them, and they're pretty determined. Over time, I've found out that there have been several members who would share accounts just to keep some prank or another running and then when you find out the big reveal, it's supposed to be shocking or surprising, but then it really isn't.

Anyway, that's a good idea and I do hope you read material from other male authors. I've written plenty myself, but it may not be to your liking.
So, when you decided to randomly troll me today, it was story research???

That's hardcore creativity.