Disease forces healthy people into exibitionism


curious alien
Jul 3, 2017
This is pure word building that can be seen by some as perverted.

The very gist is in the subject already. Yes, I did mean that people that have/may NOT contracted the disease, and yes, that means just about anyone, are required to frequently disrobe and demonstrate their body at large and genitals in particular to others, including random strangers, in order to detect and/or prevent the disease. In the long term, that will eventually create a very different culture in with nudity is not only accepted but effectively required. That was the first genesis of the concept, thinking about what circumstances could turn human society into mandatory nudist one. Here we, however, are interested in the transitional from current culture or even more prudish close future (or alternative past if you like or feel that easier to achieve) rather than the final result.

Now some possible facts that are, of course, open to discussion or complete remaking and ignorance.

So, a particularly nasty disease comes around. It has high chance of quick, painful death and/or mutilation if not treated, the only known medication is very effective, but only if used very fast at the first signs of the acute phase of the illness that is virtually undetectable before that.

(My first idea evolved from a variety of zombie virus, but creating of zombies is unnecessary and this stuff probably work better as a bacteria or fungal infection or some other more parasitic oriented lifeform than a virus.)

Now, the detection of the first signs of the illness involves, along something trivial like sneezing, checking ones genitals for alterations somehow undetectable for the infected person her/him self -- and that is the hardest nut to crack to make it all work. Just for added kinkines, easy confirmation of the diagnosis may be requiring to observe the suspected person to cum. Either can be done by persons with minimal training.

There is some reason why the medication that is, obviously, required in every first aid kit can't/shouldn't be used preventive, or just on the basis of the smallest suspicion. It could be: highly toxic on it's own if overused and/or used on person not having the infection; have bizarre side effects, such as uncomfortable arousal (abusing it as date-rape drug, convincing healthy person in taking it may even be a great side-kink); very expensive or at limited availability due to extremely complex technology involved; anything else you can't think of, worse is better here.

Transmission mechanism is somehow a bit of mystery. Due to the nature of the symptoms, it is initially classified as STS, but extensive testing seems to prove that, at least person on the medication induced sex craze can be considered safe and non-contagious. Then, there are proof that it might be highly contagious, even by air, about the time the symptoms surface and some period immediately before. Incubation period appear to be highly varied, from as little as a day, to several months and possibly more, but averaging about three weeks. There also is no vaccine or any permanent immunity for those who already had contact with it before, it can happen again and again.

That all makes it hard to assess the true death rate of untreated cases, it is believed by some that it might be possible to just sit it out without major trouble. That belief claims many lives and is a basis for drastic rules.

That's about all I know about it now, and I'm not interested in telling any stories in this universe myself, not right now anyway.
1) I'm not speaking English. Yes, I can write (and I do read freely), but writing tend to be a slow, painful process, and believe me, you wouldn't understand a word if I tried to read aloud what I had just typed.
2) I'm not feeling anywhere near qualified for this type of storytelling. Indeed, I can't even imagine how to approach the unavoidable techno-babble involved.
3) I would rather work at any of other dozen or so current projects that may eventually result in a story published on Literotica.
4) The setting can easily survive very different autors writing very different stories, even while molding the facts for their needs, so even if I would be in mood for it, I'm not jealous in the slightest.

Special thanks to AnonymousPerv recently submitted story "The Not-So-Reluctant Samaritan" with the Bluedick illness for reminding me about this old concept. Jut so it is said right away, those ideas are not connected in any way I'm aware of, despite some trivial similarities.

EDIT: replaced 'snoozing' with 'sneezing' as it was intended.
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Problem: mass deaths aren't really sexy. In A Fall of Stardust I take a different approach to turn Earth's population nudist, but I skipped explicit genocide. I'm sure that would have been a mood-killer.

Your approach might work if the disease is odd but not fatal. The skin of the infected becomes super-sensitive so they cannot bear to wear clothes -- but that's okay because they adjust to ambient temperature and always feel comfortable naked. The question: can the infected and the un-infected bear to touch each other? Will they need special lotions, maybe extracted from chimpanzee sperm or snail mucus?
Problem: mass deaths aren't really sexy. In A Fall of Stardust I take a different approach to turn Earth's population nudist, but I skipped explicit genocide. I'm sure that would have been a mood-killer.

Hmmm... you kill off probably 31/32 of human population likely forcing survivors into canibalism in your story and then claim you avoided genocide. You seem to have no idea what the proportion of livestock body mass against wild animals body mass is, what we are doing on this planet right now, when wildlife is becoming marginal and decorative.

I have toyed with dissemination of fabrics, but I love long girl's hair too much (although at school I knew a girl with no hair at all (genetic anomaly) and she was rather hot anyway). Now I think about cloth eating nanites, those could work much more selective and even in quasi-controlled manner. Funny, I dubbed that stuff Stardust as well.

And I don't even start about black matter. Yes, it's a nerd here.

My disease has no need to kill more people than flu does, and yes, said that, I know that Spanish Flu killed more than the Great War globally (both happened around the same time). Most of the victims would be stuck up prudes and religious freaks, so no much of a loss.

Besides, permanent transaction into nudity is a bit out of my intended scope here, and in your story it is the presence and fear of disguised aliens not the apocalyptic loss of fabrics that is the real device for achieving that. People can be more afraid and cruel towards sick fellow humans than any aliens. Just like in your "playful" story, none of those truly horrid details and implications need to be in the focus.

On a side note, the approach of association clothing with lies, treachery and danger in general may work. I consider to use that as one possible explanation why benevolent aliens we actually want to share knowledge and living space with (they have few spare planets just terraformed and ready for settlement) are outright refusing to communicate with non-nude humans.
How about it being some sort of fungal bacteria, like that one that feeds on spiders and controls it's motorfunctions. It slowly takes over the brain and nervous system, not turning people in to zombies, but moving basic, primal nature to the front; hunger, drive to mate, et cetera. There's just enough critical thinking to do regular human things, people are just more animalistic. A construction worker can still operate a tower crane with great detail, but won't hesitate to put basic function first, like fucking the secretary. I can't think of how it would start, but once fully infected(being a fully matured bacteria), spores are secreted with pheromones, saliva, sweat, semen, to infect others.

As far as the medicine, it worked too well and because of the symbiote relationship as it feeds on your brain; outright killing it, either leaves the person with degrees of braindamage to outright braindeath, because after so long your body treats it as a vital organ and the only outright cure is getting to it before its gestational period ends. So the medicine had to be dialer back to allow people to live with it. Like AIDS.
I'm actually working on a science fiction novella that involves something vaguely similar. In this story, the proximity of an alien species produces transformations in people…sexual transformations.

It manifests mainly as impulsive nakedness and increased libido and development of genitalia, but prolonged close exposure leads to the mutation of new forms of sex organs. It's an odd idea I've had on the back-burner for some time now.
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I think the story would be sexier if the disease made people want to be nude rather than created a situation where nude inspections were required. In the latter situation being nude would cease to be sexy after a short while.
That's working great.

How about it being some sort of fungal bacteria, like that one that feeds on spiders and controls it's motorfunctions. It slowly takes over the brain and nervous system, not turning people in to zombies, but moving basic, primal nature to the front; hunger, drive to mate, et cetera. There's just enough critical thinking to do regular human things, people are just more animalistic. A construction worker can still operate a tower crane with great detail, but won't hesitate to put basic function first, like fucking the secretary. I can't think of how it would start, but once fully infected(being a fully matured bacteria), spores are secreted with pheromones, saliva, sweat, semen, to infect others.

As far as the medicine, it worked too well and because of the symbiote relationship as it feeds on your brain; outright killing it, either leaves the person with degrees of braindamage to outright braindeath, because after so long your body treats it as a vital organ and the only outright cure is getting to it before its gestational period ends. So the medicine had to be dialer back to allow people to live with it. Like AIDS.

That's working great. So...

It starts as mad scientists experiment that promises rejuvenation, universal cure of cancer and most other disease, basically offering perpetual youth and near immortality, but it goes terribly wrong, because is used prematurely and on wrong subject(s), where it comes in contact with some well spread natural infection (next to harmless on its own like nail fungus) and mutates.

Long term infected are slowly turning into mindless animals. Speed of this process can greatly differ from person to person, both objectively and perceptually, personality changes are far more visible (and tragic) on bright intellectual people, while dumb or demented, drug addicted beggars (or rap stars) may go for a long time before anyone suspects something's wrong.

They are spreading the infection, both directly to others and in form of spores that can survive in the environment for prolonged periods. If untreated they will eventually die from the brain damage, but it takes (many) years, and before death they become mindless 'zombies' obsessed with sex, but their bodies do not become revolting, instead they look insanely hot.

Because of highly fastened metabolism, constant, unconscious exercising and symbiotic effects of the fungi they lose excess body fat, look rejuvenated and physically beautiful. They also produce copious amounts of pheromones and, instincts driven, are excellent lovers. However, they are infertile.

There are few faint differences in the appearance though, so called 'marks,' (slightly altered skin colour? faint glow in the dark?) most noticeable at and around genitals. They also are sneezing often.

They shun clothing, because it feels too restricting, comes in way when they need sex NOW, and is no use for them anyway because their temperature tolerance grows greatly allowing them to be comfortable naked between 0-180 F and they never suffer sunburns, it is even claimed they may be developing ability to process energy from sunrays directly.

There is a control medication that 'send the fungi to sleep,' halts the brain damage from progresing and stops spores from being produced, and also tones down the 'marks' to near nothing, but never completely remove them. Unfortunately, it also remove positive effects of the symbiote. It should be used regularly and can't cure/reverse the damage already done or kill the fungi (without killing the host anyway). If they miss their pill, they won't even notice, but turn into contaminants and slip deeper into animalistic behaviour, 'marks' will flare into full power almost immediately too.

Infected people are feared and loathed by the healthy, it is even discussed can they be allowed to exercise full set of human rights, the final stages surely can not, but the limits are hard to define. So, long term infected ends up being used as legal naked slaves by those who dare to do that.

New infection is initially almost totally undetectable, and while complex, costly methods of revealing the early stages of infection may exist, those are nearly useless to most anyway, because there is no known cure at that stage, it may be possible to slow down the growth of the fungi, but not stop or exterminate, it regenerates too quickly. Staying in an institution until the moment of gestational isn't an option either, impractical at best, because that can take anything from few days to several months.

The only hope to 'save humanity' is a short window right at / after the end of the gestational period when the marks first appear -- undetectable by the infected him/her self, as already under the mind control influence of the fungi they are convinced it is how they should look -- and the person may be already contamious also, but a powerful designer drug can successfully kill the symbiote without killing the host. There is less than a day to try it, after that it is almost surely deadly and ineffective.

Even applied in time the killer medication is dangerous and turn the person crazy for a (relatively short) time. Every use and outcome should be registered. Since the cured him/her self is interested in that, it usually happens even for attempts with black market drugs.

By a kinky twist, cumming a lot is deemed to be a key to survive the removal of the fungal symbiote successfully. Due to delicate chemistry involved, masturbation won't work, even vibrators can help little, only real sex with alive partner(s) really count.

There are three* possible outcomes:
- the person dies (chance for this goes from near zero in the first hour after marks appear, to near certainty after a week or so after);
(*) the theoretical fourth chance, damaged human survive while symbiote dies, is so unlikely it can be ignored;
- botch the host human and the fungi survive, now inseparable, human possibly with brain damage or in deep 'zombie' state (chance grows from near zero in first few hours to near certain after a day, then is consumed by death chance; this in particular is believed to be greatly decreased by orgasming during the cure attempt);
- fungi dies, human survive undamaged. No lasting immunity is received though, new infection can happen again.

In practice, every time you sneeze in public, you are asked to disrobe and demonstrate your genitals to everyone around to prove you are not infected. Actually, it is a good idea to ask someone to look at you if you are sneezing. If marks are discovered you can choose to accept a medication that may kill you, or submit to a sub-human status for rest of your life.

And, you better ask as many as you can find, because if they are lying either way you are doomed:
- Suppose, you are healthy, but they claim there is marks, give you the drug and gang bag you silly. More often happen to girs. That is illegal, of course, but relatively harmless in comparison to the opposite. There only small chance you die from the drug itself, but you register as cured, and if you are in fact infected and either do the expensive testing just to over-prove that, or the real marks appear very shortly after, the attempt witwill be registered as failure, and you will be deprived from the cure you need for real, on grounds that you are not allowed to kill yourself with it.
- Suppose, marks are there, but they claims you're well. Trusting, you calm down. Some time after someone else checking you, and see the marks. You may be given the medication and die, they performed a perfect murder. Or maybe even worse, now they come and say: "oh stop that, that would kill her, she's like that for over a week, I already registered her as my 'infected person under care' (a modern euphemism for 'slave'). Worst, there nearly no way for you to prove there anything illegal happened, nobody would trust an infected person, especially in questions regarding their infection. Think nobody would try stunts like that? Think again.

Eventually, after a period of excessive prudiness caused by desire to differentiate from the 'dirty' as much as possible, the healthy population shun clothing too, just to constantly confirm their status as healthy. Fully transparent clothing and clothing with cut-outs for genitals become top fashion too.

It is the transaction from prudiness to nudism in the healthypopulation that may create the most interesting stories.
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It is the transaction from intermediate prudiness to nudism in the healthypopulation that may create the most interesting stories.

I think the story would be sexier if the disease made people want to be nude rather than created a situation where nude inspections were required. In the latter situation being nude would cease to be sexy after a short while.

You are right, simple nudity will case to be unconditionally sexy long before that, but me being a life-long closet nudist I never seen it that way anyway. But I'm also a voyeur, and never stopped to see nudity as sexy even on the few people I have (almost) never seen clothed. It is far more complicated than that, and even when for characters in the story nudity means nothing more than their default 'attire,' it may be different from the reader's end if author allows that, I believe.
That's working great. So...

It starts as mad scientists experiment that promises rejuvenation, universal cure of cancer and most other disease, clothing and clothing with cut-outs for genitals become top fashion too.

It is the transaction from prudiness to nudism in the healthypopulation that may create the most interesting stories.

*cut for convenience*

I was thinking that maybe they would mildly be able to use photosynthesis and as far as telling who was severely infected, or infected for a long time was their veins became veracous.