Curiosity killed the cat... Or did it? (Closed for MidnightWalker)


BBW Queen Gypsy
Jul 20, 2012
The ad had been rather vague in the nature of the tests that were being conducted, but I still figured that whatever they had in store for me had to be better than what I was already dealing with. Even if anything went wrong, and I, heaven forbid, should die (worst case scenario being considered), it would be a bittersweet blessing.

A recent accident had left me without the use of my left leg for God only knew how long. My knee cap and both bones below had been practically shattered and even with the surgeries and therapy, there was no guarantee it would ever be the same again. As a young woman, only 21, and involved in a very active lifestyle, it was hard for me to accept the fact that I'd be assisted with a cane at such a young and able age. No matter how much I fought, though, I wasn't getting anywhere. The pain still kept me up at night, and I still wasn't putting weight on it period.

I hobbled up to the door of the address I'd been given over the phone in the brief, clipped conversation I'd had with a gentleman just the day before when I'd called to volunteer. I pressed a button on an intercom at the door.

"Hello? This is Lilah Howard? I spoke with someone yesterday about a volunteer opportunity?"
The door on the converted warehouse buzzed and the lock clicked open. It opened on a short hallway, lit by flickering fluorescents. There was a glass door at the end of the hallway, just bearing the numbers 471. It opened at Lilah's touch.

Beyond was a small office. Another door faced the one she walked through, with a standard metal desk off to once side, backed by several file cabinets. Two chairs faced the desk and a battered, metal-framed sofa sat against the back wall, flanked by tables covered in magazines. Several nondescript watercolor prints hung on the white painted walls. Behind the desk sat a middled-aged man, dark hair, blue eyes, wearing a lab coat over his shirt and tie. I stood as Lilah entered.

"Hello, Miss Howard." I came forward, offering his hand. "I'm Dr. Marks. We spoke yesterday." Briefly shaking her hand, my eyes dipped to her cane. "Here, let me help you." I pulled out a chair for her. As she sat, I walked around and sat behind the desk again. "'re interested in my experimental program...."
Lilah sat straight as her broken pride could muster. "Yes. You failed, however, to mention exactly what you were doing here. Not that it matters. I need something to do with this broken body and what better way to utilize it than to help mankind better itself? Heh."

Her bobbed red hair brushed her pale cheeks and her gray eyes snapped as she surveyed the office and then Dr. Marks himself. 'A handsome man,' she thought to herself as she nodded, encouraging him to elaborate.
"Yes, indeed." I smiled at her. "Well, what we're doing here.... Let me start by saying that if all goes as I expect it will, you won't need that for very much longer." I pointed to the cane she leaned against her chair. "If it goes as I think it will, you'll not be good as new, but you'll be better than new."

I leaned forward, eagerly. "I take it from our brief phone conversation that you are...were...athletic? How would like to run faster, and longer, than ever before? To jump higher? To excel at any sport you wished, even if it were none at all? To refresh yourself with only the briefest of rests? To have the energy and stamina of an Olympic athlete without the years and years of practice? To be more resistant to disease and illness? That is what I'm offering."

I leaned back again. "In the simplest form, we're doing DNA and genome splicing here. Very cutting edge. We are working at adding discrete, purely natural DNA elements to the human genome. The end result should be humans who are superior in every way. Physical strength, the five senses, the immune name it, we're improving it. It's the kind of therapy that can heal your injury more quickly and thoroughly than modern medicine can do, and make a similar injury much more difficult to occur."

Taking a deep breath, I paused. I knew what she was eyes sparkling with what might be interpreted as madness or fanaticism, but which merely mirrored an enormous enthusiasm and dedication to mankind's improvement. "I don't mean to frighten you off with my bold assertions, but every computer model we've run has shown that we're 100% on the right track. Our only problem, until now, has been the lack of human testing. And that's where I hope you come in." I smiled, encouragingly. I hoped.
I sat in shock for a moment, absorbing what he'd just laid out before me. He was a madman, yet something in what he said struck home for me. I longed to pick up swimming and running and biking again, and this man was offering just that. The problem was, how did he intend to achieve this goal? What was the initial procedure? I posed these questions.

"There is always a risk, even in tested and proven methods, which this certainly is not. What do you know about the potential of this trial to go awry?"

I couldn't help letting my mind wander as I waited foe his reply and even as he gave it. Oh what joy to feel the rush of adrenaline flush through my veins in a marathon race. Ah, to once again feel the delicious burning desire for oxygen as the weight of water blocked the sound of the world. I almost consented without my questions being answered.
"Those are excellent questions." I laid my hands on the desk, leaning forward. "The initial treatments involve preparing your DNA for the splicing with a series of initial varitartimae injections. Provided there are no side effects, we can move into protein and analese therapy..." Seeing her attention on me, I launched into a detailed description of what each step of the process would do to her genetic structure. I probably should have noticed sooner, but I became aware that her grey eyes were glazed over and she was staring blankly. I stopped suddenly. "Sorry...too technical."

Taking a deep breath, I folded my hands on the desk and started over. Giving the young redhead my most reassuring smile, I said," Ok, it's pretty simple. It all starts with a series of injections. Depending on your medical background, it'll be between 4 & 9 shots. You did bring your medical history with you, didn't you?" I gazed at her a moment, before continuing. "After that it's involves series of amino acid're not claustrophobic, are you? From there, if all goes well, the treatments should be over within a week."

I considered her question about things going wrong. Shaking my head slightly, "There is, of course, a chance of something going wrong. The simulations all say it shouldn't, but there have been some discrepancies in the results. At worst...there could be malformations...or...once and only once...a simulation ended in death. But I emphasize that those results were incredibly rare. The final decision is yours, of course, but I really really hope that you see the promise in this therapy." I couldn't tell her how much I needed her help. She was literally the only one to respond to that ad, and it had been over a month. This project was on the edge of failure. I'd have tested it on myself if I could have controlled the tests while being tested on.
I took a moment to collect my thoughts. This wasn't a decision hastily made, but I knew if I wasn't definitive today, the opportunity wouldn't be there tomorrow. I sighed heavily and shook my head at my rash action.

"Count me in, I guess." I was surprised at the conviction I hear in my voice as I reached out to shake his hand.

I knew this was probably the dumbest thing I'd ever done, but hey, at least there was a good looking doctor involved this time. What was the worst that could happen? Again, the thought of death loomed over me, but I convinced myself that maybe it could be a reprieve if his "therapy" didn't work. I began to stand.

"When do we begin?"
I looked at her as she struggled to stand. There was real need in her voice. She wanted to do this, despite the phrasing of her acceptance. I had to reign in my own eagerness. Raising a hand, I waved her back into the chair. "Ok, that's very good. But, I really need to review your medical records, to ensure that there's nothing in your background or history that might create health risks for you." I saw what might have been disappointment in her eyes.

"If you're really determined, what we can do is get you started on the series of varitartimae injections. If your background makes you unsuitable, these shots won't have any impact on you. They only really activate when the rest of the treatment is applied. It stays dormant until then, and will decay into nothing after a month or so, ok?"

I stood, coming around the desk and offering my hand. "If you're willing, we can get you those injections, and then I can review your medical history. Right?"
Nodding, I let him lift me from my seat. I was a little disappointed, but he was the professional here. I could do nothing until he was sure I was ready. It was killer to wait but I guess these injections were something. It was better than just sitting around waiting. At least when I was cleared, which I had no doubt would happen, I would be ready to dive head first without a second thought.

I scared myself with how eager I was to do this. I realized how desperate I seemed; like a cornered animal that had been injured. I felt like all I was doing was growling and lashing out at insta-fixes that had potential to leave me more broken than I already was. I hid this all, though, for fear that he'd turn me away as a nutcase, and braced myself for the future.
Moving to the inner door, I opened it, guiding Lilah through. Beyond was a very large room, smelling of antiseptics and a bitter-orange underlay. Sterile white walls and floors contrasted starkly with the outside of the building, underscoring the seriousness of my message. Walls were covered with hardware and supply cabinets, racks of fluids and medical instruments, computers and diagnostic equipment. The center of the room was dominated by something that looked suspiciously like a clear-plastic coffin, hooked to dozens of large capacity canisters by tubing and valves.

I led Lilah to a nearby chair that resembled nothing so much as a well padded dentist exam chair. Patting the seat, I said, "Please, have a seat, Miss Howard, and if you can bare your arms, that would be very good." I moved to a cabinet and took out rack of preloaded hypodermic needles.
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I removed the sweatshirt I'd been wearing, peeling it from my pale arms. Standing under the light, I realized I hadn't had a chance to get a decent tan in God only knew how long. I tied the jacket around my waist, and climbed up into the chair. All I had on underneath was a tank top so my arms and collar bone looked even more stark against the deep maroon material and I suddenly felt self conscious about how the thin material hugged my torso.

I laid my arms out, palms up, and awaited the coming endeavor.
Carrying the rack of needles over to Lilah, I set them on the table next to her. Smiling reassuringly, I said, "I hope you're not afraid of needles. Otherwise, this is going to be really unpleasant." I indicated the half dozen hypodermics. "If these get to be too much for your arms, let me know. They can be administered elsewhere. But if you don't say otherwise, I'll do three in each arm."

I picked up the first, removing its safety cap and making sure it was prepared. Taking a sanitary cloth, I wiped down Lilah's entire right arm, from shoulder to wrist. Seeing her look, "Just a precaution, and if we don't contaminate it, then I don't have to swab you before each one."

Taking up the hypodermic again, I moved it toward her arm. The fluid inside was a dark amber color. In fact, the solutions in each of the needles all varied on the theme of yellow, though this first one was the darkest of the batch. I smiled at her as I moved the tip into position on her bicep. "I find that people who don't like needles tend to take it better if you talk to them through it. It rather takes their" slipping the tip into her arm and slowly injecting the solution "attention off the needle. See, that wasn't so bad," as I removed the now empty needle, setting it aside. I placed a small bandaid over the tiny welling of blood it left behind.

"One sixth of the way done," I smiled, picking up the second needle, a rather bright yellow fluid inside it, and moving for a point about three inches lower on her bicep.
I flinched a little as the needle went in. I wasn't squeamish by nature, but the idea of six needles made me squirm just a little. I focused on his voice as he prepared the second one and tried to ignore the pinch as it was inserted.

"I actually went through a lot of this during my recovery after the accident, so it's no big deal." I offered a rather weak but affirming smile. "It gets a little unnerving how assimilated to medical situations I've become. Almost considered making a career of it."
I grunted, what a enlightened attitude. "That's an enlightened attitude." I carefully inserted the needed and injected the fluid. Discarding the second hypodermic, I took up the third one. Selecting a spot just above Lilah's right elbow, I injected the the solution. Cleaning up the injection points, I nodded. "You do handle this well. You could have a career as a lab test subject, I suppose."

Taking a breath, I gathered my materials and moved around to Lilah's left side. Cleaning her bicep, I prepared the fourth hypodermic. I launched into a detailed description of the varitartimae injections. It was detailed and technical, but I figured it would take her mind off of the shots, at the very least. One by one, I injected her with the yellowish, pre-treatment solutions.

As I laid the 6th hypodermic aside, I smiled at Lillah. "All right, Miss Howard, that is all of the shots. Now we wait for a bit. Come back in two days for the next treatment. I don't believe that you should feel any side effects, but if you do, call me instantly." I offered her a business card with my name and phone number. "Anything out of the ordinary and you call. Like I say, I don't expect any, but it's important to deal with anything out of the ordinary as quickly as possible. Is that all right? Do you have any questions for me? Oh, when you come back, dress as lightly as you can. It'll help for the treatments."
I listened to his monologue about how the treatment worked. Once it was done, I quickly pulled my sweatshirt back on to hide my ever-thinning arms an crossed them.

"So, just come back in two days? That's it? Seems almost... Too simple." I was starting to get a little more nervous and even felt a little dizzy. "I guess I'll see you in a few days then."

I began slowly making my way to the exit, waiting to hear if there were anymore instructions, hoping not. My head was already swimming.
"Well, I didn't plan it to be simple, that's just how it worked out. But yes, it's pretty simple. Don't worry, we'll get you squared away when you come back. It won't be long that you'll have to use that cane." As if saying it reminded me, I dashed forward to open the door for Lilah. I held it, then moved to open the outer door for her as well.

I watched her labored movement. Yes, she would be a perfect subject. When the treatment made her better than whole, the whole world would know I'd done it and would recognize that the human race could be better than it currently was...stronger, faster, healthier...better.

"I will see you in two days, Miss Howard."
The two day wait was agony. I returned home and paced my apartment, despite the irritation to my injury. I tried to work, having picked up some freelance journalism work since leaving any athletics. My mind kept wandering though, and several times, I caught myself staring desperately at my phone, begging it to ring. My dreams were filled with thoughts of what I would do once I had my strength again. I felt cool breezes across my face an my heart pumping loudly in my ears as I ran down my street. I smelled the clean air of being back out at my sister's farm with the horses, helping with training exercises. I heard the shouts and splashes as I swam laps in the pool at the fitness center.

It made being awake that much harder to bear. I hated myself for being so eager, but at the same time, tried to justify it.
It would sound strange to day, but I was almost as giddy as a schoolboy to know that I had someone to help with my research. I knew it would work, I knew it would be the salvation of mankind, but without government or academic funding, I would never have gotten clearance to do human trials. That made the newspaper ad a shot in the dark. And a last ditch shot at that. Miss Lilah Howard could just well be my salvation. As I would be hers. It was so easy to see how desperate she was to be able to walk unencumbered again. I shouldn't be gleeful of her injuries, and to be fair, I wasn't, but I was grateful.

I spent the majority of the next 48 hours manufacturing the chemicals I would need to take the next step in the testing. I needed large quantities of the solutions and I had to work nearly round the clock to make them. If nothing else, it kept my mind of the precariousness of my situation, for which I was grateful.
On the day of action, I was out of bed and dressed by five in the morning. I waited restlessly until about eight when it seemed a decent time to head to the office. I grabbed my cane on the way out the door, scowling as usual as the familiar smoothness curved into my palm as if taunting me with my need for its support.

I slowed my pace as I came up to the office building. I looked up at the mostly dark windows, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. This was it. I was about to change everything. Hopefully for the better. I steadied myself a bit and walked through the front door.

"Good morning? Anyone here?"
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The buzzer sounded as the outer door opened and I started. I'd focused so much attention on getting things ready that the noise took my by surprise. I started for the inner door, to allow Lilah into the laboratory. Halfway to the door I remembered her leg and increased my pace. Throwing open the door to the office, I startled her. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." I put my best reassuring smile on my face. "I'm glad to see you. I can only assume that since I didn't hear from you, that you suffered no side effects?"

Holding the door for Lilah, I started to offer my arm, but then pulled back. From what I'd seen of the young woman, she was very independent and wouldn't take kindly to being babied. And she didn't need it. Additionally, if everything went well, she'd have no need at all of anyone's assistance.

Once into the lab, I guided her to the center of the room. There the large coffin-like object sat half full of an orangish-colored fluid, viscous and full of suspended bubbles. "I hope you're ready. I'm very excited to get the experiment underway. I'm convinced it will be very helpful to you...almost miraculous, you might say." I pointed to the tank. "I will need to suspend you in that fluid for three hours. Don't worry, you'll have an oxygen mask, and I can provide headphones if you like." I turned to her, grinning. "After this first treatment, I fully expect that you'll be able to detect real results."

I indicated a metal bench next to the tank. "If you can just disrobe, we can get the treatment underway...."
I begin peeling off my jacket, but hesitate.

"How much do you need off?" I ask, suddenly noting how cold the room is. Goose flesh ripples over my skin and I shiver just a little.
I looked up as she hesitated. I may have blushed. I really hope not. "Well, to be honest, for the treatment to work, it has to be everything. I mean, you will need to be nude."

To cover the discomfort in the room, I moved to the head of the tank and picked up the oxygen mask, checking the connections and straps that would hold it tightly against her face.

"I mean, that's not a problem, is it? I can leave the room, if you like. Though I will have be back in here to make sure everything goes the way it should, so there are no problems." I looked up at her again, waiting for her decision.
I tried to hide my discomfort. I'd been the youngest of six children, all my elder siblings being brothers. I was not unaccustomed to being caught in just my under things, but I'd never been fully nude in front of someone.

Hesitantly I nodded my head and sat down on the nearest chair, letting my cane fall to the floor. I whipped my tee over my head without a thought. Next, I unbuttoned my jeans, sliding them over my hips and reached down to pick them up, hanging both articles of clothing over the back of the chair. Sitting there in just my black bra and matching panties, I suddenly felt self conscious. I did blush then, biting my lip as I reached back to uncool my bra. The last guard between me and the world fell away and I realized my petty discomfort meant nothing. If I wanted this, nothing would stand in my way. I stood, rather sneakily without my cane, and let my full breasts be exposed to the air. The chill of the clinic style room caused my rosy nipples to perk up immediately.

All reservations gone, I summoned out of my panties and proceeded to lay those and my bra over my other clothes.
As she started to disrobe, I turned back to the electro-immersive equipment, making sure all the gauges and readouts showed correct numbers. It would never do to have this experiment go awry just as I got a volunteer that I could help.

I turned my eyes to Lilah just as she completed sliding her panties off. She really was a fine looking woman, in good shape, with a very good muscle tone and her skin, while pale, was remarkably clear of any blemishes or discolorations, particularly those endemic to redheads. Her breasts were ample and taut, and there was nothing wrong wrong with the way her nipples reacted to the chill in the air. I smiled, observing, "The tank is heated, so you shouldn't be uncomfortable." My eyes flicked down her form, noting idly that her pubic hair matched the color on top of her head, so at least she wasn't dousing herself in chemicals. Lilah's legs were finely formed, until one reached the ugly scar tissue around her left knee, and below. The creamy white skin there was seamed and blotched with angry red lines. I could see why she would look to try a treatment to restore her mobility. With a body in that good shape, it must be killing her to be without that leg.

As she finished stripping, I beckoned her over to me, turning the oxygen mask over and over in my hands. "If you would, Ms. Howard, we can get you set for the treatment. Would you like headphones as well? Some people find immersion in tanks such as these to be very...claustrophobic without some outside stimuli."
The comment brought on a brief flashback. Silence... Deafening silence as I lay there, feeling the hot, sticky river of blood trickling down my crushed leg. Minutes ticked by in that silence. I wasn't sure how long I was there, or if I was even conscious for all of it. My best friend had made it out with only a few bruises and scrapes. The drunk that hit us had t-boned us on my side, trying to go through a stop sign when we had the right of way.

I looked at the tank as all this ran through my mind, my leg throbbing. I tried not to cry out in pain as tears sprung to the corners of my eyes. "I'd appreciate that," was all I could manage.