Mint and Honey

"Still, that isn't something that you should ever have to experience." Yasmine said softly as he swore that it was for the best.
"It's over now," Salvus shook his head. He didn't want to think about it. "I'll see you off with plenty of supplies and well-armed when you're recovered. I may join you."
"I've written a letter to my grandfather. We can wait for a response. He'll send guard and additional supplies." Yasmine said. "There's no need to rush."
Salvus nodded, quietly glad that they would have time to rest. "Then hopefully we can lay low here a while. No one will be looking for Thorne for at least a week."
"Hopefully anyone else he kept will be freed in the meantime." Yasmine commented as a younger wolf brought her some food and seemed to disappear into the background again.
"If not, I may be able to forge letters from Thorne to get them moved or released to someone we can trust," Salvus murmured, ruffling the fur of the young Wolf as he passed.
"My grandfather would provide them protection until they decide where they wish to live. My former nanny might even have work for them. She runs a large tavern and inn from what I understand."
Salvus nodded, "That would be a good start for them."

Darius brought out breakfast for them both. "Sit down, son," he murmured. "Milady. It isn't much, but please eat all you like."
"I've been a soldier most of my life, sir. You don't have to feed me fancy foods just because of who my grandfather is." Yasmine said softly, giving him a kind smile.
"You fought back against Thorne and gave my son the chance to break free. You could be a beggar or an Empress, I wouldn't care. You've helped my boy and that's all that matters." Darius placed a plate before her and then one before Salvus.
"Your son paid me back ten fold." Yasmine said, leaving it at that as she started to eat the food that had been placed before her without complaint.
It would take a couple days for Yasmine's letter to reach Palmyra, and the day a response was due, Yasmine's answer came in the form of being blindsided by a golden one-eyed drake that knocked her over and immediately began nuzzling against her and whining.

Close behind him came six other riders on drakes, including Alex on a nervous but calm Fatin, and Aida on her own drake, Milan, a beautiful amethyst female drake.
Yasmine had been enjoying the sunshine that day when Bahir nearly barreled her over. She hugged him with all of her might, nuzzling against him as he whined like a baby. She murmured to him in Arabic before she turned her attention towards Alex. Her face was a mottled mess of healing bruises and the cuts she had on her body were angry red, but she could see the relief in his gaze. It was mirrored in her own.
"Yasmine," Alex said breathlessly, slipping down from Fatin's saddle to hurry to her. His usual timidity forgotten for a moment, he kissed her and drew back to look her over quickly. He was relieved to find no permanent damage, and he hugged her close.
Yasmine was surprised by Alex's bold kiss, but she returned it happily. When he drew back, she saw the way that he looked over her wounds before he hugged her tightly. She relaxed in his arms, her head tucked beneath his chin as she finally let herself be weak for a moment.
Aida gave them a long moment before she too stepped forward. "Qamar," she murmured, Alex stepping back so Aida could embrace her sister. "Jiddo and Ammo are worried sick..."
"It wasn't something I willingly did." Yasmine commented as her sister held her tightly. "Haniyya is much more of a viper than we realized."
"I know... That bitch took your disappearance as a chance to get at Alex," Aida looked toward the younger man. "Luckily our favorite Scotsman seems to have a few tricks up his sleeve."

"Just fencing lessons," Alex shrugged slightly. Aida rolled her eyes and stepped over to him, pulling down his collar to reveal a bandaged wound to the base of his neck.

"It took more than fencing lessons to avoid being beheaded, Alex."
"Please tell me that she's taken care of now." Yasmine said softly, looking between the two of them. "I will not have her around jiddo."
"Not yet," Alex shook his head. "But the city guard is looking for her and Ibrahim and those he trusts are aware of what she's trying to do. She'll never get back into anyone's good graces in Palmyra. No doubt she'll continue to try her luck with Vienna instead." When Aida let her go, Alex almost instinctively wrapped an arm around Yasmine again.

The others with them included Ibrahim's loyal man and Alex's translator Osman. He stepped forward and bowed his head to Yasmine. "Milady. The Caliphate asked that we return fairly quickly, but I wouldn't want to overtax the drakes after such a hard run. I believe we'll be headed out before dawn when it's still cool, if that's alright with you."
"I think that should be alright. Make sure to pay the inn keeper generously for his kindness. And his son will be returning with us. He is to be treated as a free man." Yasmine commented as Alex wrapped his arm around her and held her tightly.
"Of course," Osman nodded, calling some orders to the other guards before heading into the inn. Aida gave Yasmine a smile as she stepped past as well.

"You should know your man led the charge all the way here. He was looking for you all over the city until that letter arrived. He's a keeper." She gave Alex a wink and went on her way.
"I already knew that." She said softly as she rested her head against his shoulder with a sigh, not willing to let him go just yet.
Alex wrapped both his arms around Yasmine once more when they were alone, pressing another kiss to her lips to quietly let her know how worried he'd been for her.
"My head still aches." Yasmine confessed to him as he held her tightly and kissed her again. "I've done all I can for it but I'm afraid it will need more time to heal."