What is crossing your mind right now?

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He is on retainer. I figured I would need on since I have a child with a disability that can't be seen. The school also has his therapist's notes on file, which state that he is a very passive aggressive kid unless pushed too far. These 2 boys have been harassing my son since the CT shooting.

Personally, I would have the therapist or the lawyer write them a nice letter, that says, since they have now been made aware AGAIN of the issue, any more problems, will be taken to court.
Well, my son got home from school. He gave me a letter from the principal which said that the 2 boys now have to do 2 weeks worth of detention during their lunch and free time. During the detention, they will have to watch videos on what constitutes bullying and then have to write an essay about it. A call was made to their parents and they agreed that the punishment was justified.
Well, my son got home from school. He gave me a letter from the principal which said that the 2 boys now have to do 2 weeks worth of detention during their lunch and free time. During the detention, they will have to watch videos on what constitutes bullying and then have to write an essay about it. A call was made to their parents and they agreed that the punishment was justified.

Yea for justice!!! Just wish it hadn't gotten that far in the first place and that he had been treated with respect by the adults the first time, not just as a stop gap. Grrrrr!!!
Well, my son got home from school. He gave me a letter from the principal which said that the 2 boys now have to do 2 weeks worth of detention during their lunch and free time. During the detention, they will have to watch videos on what constitutes bullying and then have to write an essay about it. A call was made to their parents and they agreed that the punishment was justified.

Good to hear. That makes me smile. I am glad that is getting resolved.
Watching the news about smart tv's that can recognise your face and know what you want to watch:eek:, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO if it sees me before the SO

Ooops what is crossing my mind
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