The Long Road Home (closed)

"There's no way to know if you don't try. And be honest with the man, he's much more understanding than you give him credit for. He's stayed loyal to you through much, much worse." Shia sighed and touched her cheek. "Ian never wanted you just so he could have children. He could have that with any woman."
"I still think he deserves another woman." Sarah murmured miserably. "One that isn't so haunted and broken."
"Do you love him, Sarah?" Shia suddenly asked, making her look at him. "And would you survive if he listened to this sort of discouragement, if he did choose someone else just because it'd be easier?" He'd never been so direct about it before.
"I do love him." She said softly as Shia forced her to look at him. "He means everything to me. I want him to be happy and I know that perhaps I'm not the woman that can make him happy. It's not what matters the most for me."
Shia sighed deeply, letting her go. "Sarah..." Shaking his head, he looked to her once more. "He doesn't want anyone else. He never did. But if you push him away because you think he's better off that way, you're both going to end up alone and miserable. If you want him, take him. Don't wait and don't discourage him. Or else you'll end up like me, never finding love a gain til you're old and grey. Or worse, never again at all."
"Loving him makes me weak." Sarah whispered in a small voice. "And I don't know if my heart can handle it. I'm so scared, Shia. The only other man I loved destroyed my heart and Ian has been trying to put it back together. What if he breaks it again?"
"You'll break it yourself long before he does." Shia shook his head, and then murmured, "I think you need to take stock of what's most important to you, and what you won't be able to live without when this battle is over and you're faced with the possibility of being all alone when the people don't need your protection." He kissed her forehead. "You'll hurt yourself and never give him a chance to make you happy, and this time you won't be able to blame it on your sister or a man. You'll only have yourself. Think about that, and tell me if you could bear it." With one more gentle embrace, he left her side.
Sarah was quiet as Shia told her to think hard about what she really wanted before he left. She let out a sigh as she lay back down, hugging Ian's pillow against her chest. She was frightened of losing him and even more terrified of loving him. She didn't want him to leave her life but she didn't know if she could take another heartbreak without crumbling completely.

A long sigh issued from her lips as she brought the pillow to her nose. It smelled faintly of earth and tobacco. Would be be happy with her or would he come to regret his decision to marry her? What if there were no children? Would they still be just as happy? There were so many unanswered questions that might never have answers.

With a soft groan, Sarah placed the pillow under her own head and closed her eyes to drift into the sleep that she so sorely needed.
Hours later, a frightened cry rang through the keep along with the sudden gallop of centaur hooves on the stone floors. That cry became a bloody gurgle and all fell silent until a serving man came rushing to find Sarah.
Sarah jerked her head off the pillow at the sound of the cry, her brow furrowing as she struggled to figure out what had happened. She was up and to the door before the servant came to fetch her.

"What happened?" She asked him as she pushed her way into the hall. "Where did the cry come from?"
"The main hall, Madame," the serving man told her, but he didn't get s chance to say much else before Sarah heard a yelp and a lot of snarling, clearly werefolk fighting. When she reached the main hall, the still a recovering Kell stood over two dark werecats- one dead and the other bleeding out- and behind him lay Sarin with her throat slashed by one of the werecats' knives. She was shivering violently, unable to call out for Shia, the one person she needed.
Sarah took on the violent scene and saw Sarin struggling on the floor behind Kell. It was light a nightmare, she thought to herself.

"Shia!" She cried out, calling for her guardian as she made he way towards the fallen wolf. "Let them die, Kell. She needs our help more. I'll be damned if I let her fade away without a fight."
Kell turned quickly to Sarin and pulled off his vest to press over the terrible gushing wound while the serving man who'd gone for Sarah now went to find Shia. If he couldn't hear them then he was likely in the garden. Before long Shia came hurrying in. When the serving man guided him near and Shia smelled the blood and heard the ragged breathing and whimpering, and felt Kell pressing the cloth to Sarin's throat, his heart felt as if it were dying with her.

"Sarin..." Shia whispered, leaning down close and pressing his cheek to her own while his hands replaced Kell's and Kell ran to get the healers with the serving man. "Eneke bha, eldere," he murmured to her and she clutched his hands weakly., unable to answer."
Sarah watched the scene in front of her and she felt too numb to move. There was a hardness settling in her chest, squeezing her heart until homage felt the need to hurt someone. She wanted to kill Cavan with her own bare hands and delight in the fact that she had done all of Ireland a service. M

When Kell came to stand at her side as he returned with the healers, she slowly turned to look at him. "If she dies, no one will be safe from what I'm going to do. I will burn his lands to the ground."
"It wasn't Cavan," Kell murmured. "He wouldn't send werefolk, nor would he waste trained assassins on a werewolf either. This is all Oliver. You shouldn't target anyone but Oliver himself." Kell laid a steadying hand on her shoulder. "Don't let anger overtake you or you're sure to lose. Go on with your plans. I will take up the defenses in Shia's place."

Sarin was carefully moved to a nearby room and Shia with her. Ian soon arrived having gotten wind of the commotion and he was heartbroken to hear Sarin had gotten mixed up in it all. It was clear that Oliver didn't give a damn about Sarin. He was trying to get at Shia and make him useless, thus rendering Sarah deeply wounded in an irreparable way.
Sarah struggled to remain calm as Kell explained that this was a strike from Oliver himself. She was shaking with rage as she gave him a slight nod, agreeing to what he was saying. Then Ian appeared, the look on his face one that had her pausing. He looked devastated at the news that Sarin had been hurt.

"You need to send Ian away before he is hurt too." Sarah said softly to Kell. "He would be safe in Dublin."
"I can't do that. You need him and your men have come to trust his leadership. And he'll come back on his own anyway," Kell murmured without moving from her side.
"What makes you think that he's not next?" Sarah asked Kell as she glanced towards him. "It could have very well been him with his throat slashed. I don't want Oliver to have that chance."
"I don't know if he's next, milady. I don't know who could be next. But Ian must stay. He's far too involved with this fight to suddenly be taken out of it. Oliver won't get the chance if we act quickly on Durban's plans." How he knew about them was a complete mystery.
Sarah simply stared at Kell for a long moment as he mentioned Durban's plans. He knew about their idea of trapping Oliver. It didn't surprise her that Kell knew the intimate details of her planning, but it did unnerve her a slight bit.

"We start tonight then." She murmured softly.
Kell nodded and turned to go begin his own part, whatever it might be. He usually had his own plans in tandem with others. Ian came to Sarah after he was filled in on the details of what happened. He couldn't help but remember the night she'd been attacked, and he wrapped her up in his arms in silence.
Sarah hugged him back tightly as his strong arms wrapped around her body. She let out a long sigh, feeling comfortable in his embrace, but knowing that they were in very uncertain times.

"She'll live." Sarah said softly. "For all of our sake, she has to live."
"If only for Shia's sake... Gods, I hope so," Ian murmured and kissed her cheek. Even if he felt terrible for it, he was glad it wasn't Sarah again.

It wasn't long before Sarah's leaders had gathered, this time including Linus who had joined Taulin now that the full force of the tribe's able fighters had joined. Durban and a couple of his most trusted men were there, and Sarah's, made up of her leading guardsman, Captain Ferale, his right hand man, and Kell and Ian. They knew they needed to take action now or never.
"Durban." Sarah said as she looked over at the man who had come up with this new plan. "I believe it's time that we start what we planned. We cannot wait any longer or else someone else will pay a very steep price."
"Then be ready t'morrow t'go riding. I'll set everythin' up t'day," Durban nodded and sent his man out after quickly relaying orders. Something about a letter and a fake ambush.