Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren listed race as 'American Indian' 86 BAR Card

Scratch Elizabeth Warren from 2020



Yep. She stepped in it. Claimed to be Native American then lied to try to cover it up. No way to get around that. But it brings up a question: What did she gain by doing so? There doesn't seem to be anything, at least anything that most would consider something gained.

from the article:

"...There’s no indication Warren had anything to gain by reporting herself as Native American on the Texas bar card. Above the lines for race, national origin and handicap status, the card says, “The following information is for statistical purposes only and will not be disclosed to any person or organization without the express written consent of the attorney...”

So why did she do it? For her ego? Because she wanted to belong? Because, as Ishy says, being part of a minority it insulates her from criticism? Not being privy to what's in her head, I can't address the first two reasons but I can the third. If it were true that it would insulate her against criticism, then the extreme vitriol lunched against politicians like Cory Booker and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wouldn't be now would it? So that argument is a nonstarter.

I can't answer why she did and I doubt anyone here can. But because she claimed it and lied about it, her opponents are going to go all out to discredit her, while at the same time totally ignoring what the Donald has done, is doing, to stroke his own ego and add to his wealth at the expense of the rest of us.

Why is that? How is it that someone can take a person to task for one stupid action and ignore the rest of the body of work that person has done while at the same time ignoring and defending a person who consistently lies, cheats and manipulates to get what they want? Who is only interested in whats good for them at the expense of everyone else? Why is that? If you can answer that, you're a bunch smarter then I am.

Yea, she did stumble, she did lie, a little white lie that so far hasn't proven to enrich her in any way one iota. She does need to own up to it and apologize. But if she does, others should be required to do so. So are we going to see the Donald following suit?
I doubrt it, but what is good for the goose is good for the goosee.

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Does anyone think that Elizabeth Warren gave express written consent for that card to be posted on this site?
Warren Not Only Committed Fraud On Bar Filing; She Lifted NY Times Recipe Word For Word

Elizabeth Warren plagiarized her ‘Cherokee’ recipes in the book Pow Wow Chow from the New York Times