Well done Greenland


I brought my plunger!
Jan 5, 2014

yay! I flew over Greenland a few weeks back, didn't see any people though.

Here in Australia the debate seems to have shifted from "will SSM happen?" to who's going to get the credit. The Greens submitted a bill months ago, our libertarian independent had one of his own in the works, then after the Irish result the ALP jumped on the bandwagon with a third bill, and now the LNP Coalition want a fourth bill to avoid party politics...

Looks like LNP and ALP will both be allowing a conscience vote. Barring stupid infighting over whose bill gets up, they're currently about four votes short of getting a SSM bill through the House, but a couple of reps have shifted to "yes" recently and I'm hopeful there are more on the way. Time to write to my MP...

Even Alan Jones has spoken in support of it, which is an interesting development for those familiar with him.