If Earth Should Die Before I Wake

Rivers heard the report from the robot and acknowledged “Thank you. Now report to Ray to see how you can assist him.”

The problem Rivers knew they were facing was with their shields. She had every confidence in her crew to get the engines up and running but she knew the shields could have been damaged. The only way she could check was if they were examined from the outside with good old fashioned space walk. The drones and even the Crixus robot would not be suitable because it required a human to examine the exterior. And she knew such a venture was fraught with danger, a danger she would not ask any member of her crew to face.

She decided she would inform her crew that she would venture out but first she had to explain her decision to her senior colleagues. Again she spoke over the communicator “All senior officers to report to the command office in one earth hour. Rivers out.”
Sanne's face turned several shades of red when Ray admitted that he was delighted that it was her that was also thinking about the things needed to survive. Although that wasn't what made her blush. It was his gaze upon her that brought the blushing moment. She felt like a high school teen trying to hide her boy crush from her parents. She looked away for a moment to allow the shade of her face to become a dull pink.

She refocused upon his face when he began to explain about his spacewalk and the refresher course. A small smile formed while she bit her lower lip, a habit she did when she got extremely nervous. "Yes, I understand." she wondered if she should watch that data bit again herself. A slight shake of her head to whisk away that thought.

She looked inward when he told her what he would like for her to do, and instantly the equipment needed came to her as if she was linked to the main frame herself. "I can do this, we might have to have an android to just piggy back the repair equipment and tools." she added as a statement not a question. Several nods of her head followed as the list grew in her head.

The buzz of the intercom broke her inventory management as the Captain spoke. Her eyes falling to Ray as she smiled. "Looks like the update will have to wait, for I do believe it would take longer than an hour for all of that data transfer." she instantly changed the subject for she didn't want to hear him refer himself to a bot and tell her how long it would take so she tossed out, "I hope it's good news and not more bad news, I dont think my shoulders can handle anymore bad news at this very moment." her tone represented the look that came over her face. "Well lets get the scanners active and just see what they say" she spoke as she turned and headed to the main engineering section.
Ray nodded at her. His upgrade would have to wait. With the computer system overloaded as it was he figured it would take several hours for his upgrade. He could probably do it in batches but it would be better to do it all at once. Perhaps he could do it tonight as he slept.

He followed Sanne towards main engineering and helped her examine the scanners. Even to his rudimentary knowledge he knew there were things wrong. Several of the large scale components had shifted during there jump and were now out of alignment causing feedback issues as well as power disruptions.

"I can deal with the large stuff Sanne, you concentrate on the technical things. After all that's why we make such a great team," he grinned. "I do the heavy lifting and you do the finesse."
So saying Ray got to work moving the large units and using the small welding tool in his tool belt began to put them back in place.
Not very far away the Tamasca Council of Intergalactic Peacekeepers watched the nearly destroyed alien ship slowly set course for the planet long ago settled by refugees. The Tamasca had set up the world as a Conservatory for endangered alien species and studied them from afar, keeping the environment wild but giving necessary tools to the younger races when dire need was a cause to intervene. Humans rescued from a similar wormhole accident one hundred years before this new batch had been settled on the planet's Southern Continent. Wexxyls, another bipedal species but with scaled green skin, unusable wings, slit pupiled eyes, and no hair, lived on the nineteen tropical Southern Islands, and the extremely warm blooded Dorl race lived in the frozen tundra of the North Continent. Dorl look similar to humans except for their coloring, transparent skin which turns white in cold, ice blue eyes, and silvery white hair without pigment. Their first four teeth are sharp points from generations of using them to tear through ice forming on fresh kills, sucking meat and blood from animal bones as skillfully and quickly as earth pirrahna...

Felva watched from her Tamasca station as Head Refugee Guide. She was not very large in comparison to the species she guided and protected but her telepathic and telekinetic powers were enough to keep her safe from the most brutal of the underdeveloped younger races and she had the fullest confidence these new humans would take to her and the Conservation Program as well as their cousins who'd been settled in the jungles and beaches of the Southern Continent several generations ago. Her protective orb of white light kept her safe from psychic attacks, airborne illnesses, and many of their more violent tendencies so her being about as long as the length of one of a human hand, she was still more in charge than any of them could ever fathom...

Felva looked to the eleven other Council members who all nodded assent. It was time to introduce the humans to their new chance at survival. How many batches of humans would they be able to save before Earth and it's people destroyed itself?
Reaching the hallway that led directly to the Security Wing, Natalia was confronted with three problems. The first was part of the internal hull collapsed and blocking her way. The second, the ships shield that stopped what atmosphere was leaking into space from sucking the rest of the ship out too. And finally, the third. Now away from the other survivors she was hit with the sudden backhand of guilt and frustration. Her men were dead, all of them, and her last orders before getting frozen would now be left up to her.

To protect the interests of Terra Beta, whilst fulfilling your duty to the Canadexican Alliance, and it's ideals.

Whilst obviously left rather a general statement, there was no doubt in her mind that her superiors had made it clear that her main job was to stop dissidence among the people and punish radical behaviors that would have Terra Beta not be the icon of the Alliance and the upper class' Utopia.

So reaching the weapon cache, and 'destroying' what files remained of her orders was paramount!

Closing the hatch behind her, she took a key from around her neck and inserted it into a control panel. The computer came to life as she opened the emergency life support locker. Inside several unisex one fits all life support suits hung in a well organized line. Pulling the first one off a hook, she stripped out of her unnecessary clothing and into the suit. It took around 10 minutes to put on, and as she clipped the helmet over her head, she spent another five minutes confirming it's viability.

"Computer, lock hatch 21-EA and activate warning lights in section 21-E. Bring this hallway to the same pressure as damaged section 21-F. Then remove shielding and vent any gasses. Have shielding on stand by, and fire suppression systems in case of emergency." Natalia spoke slowly, she didn't need someone opening that hatch only to be sucked past her and out the small hole. Whilst she was there, she would try to patch it, but if not then she would simply gather up her belongings (and a few cases of rifles) before heading back to the galley.

The room was silent as she began to float from the lack of gravity, and she activated her magnetic boots before walking forward. She breathed calmly, these sorts of tests were compulsory for all passengers, though some would deal better than others.

Opening another locker, she removed a toolkit and a roll of metal. Approaching the hole in the wall, she knelt down and unpacked a hammer and a small welding torch. Cutting off a section of patching, she placed it up against the wall before tapping at it with the welding torch. It began to fuse together the repair patch and the metal wall, and soon she inspected her work enough to see it would hold.

"Are there any more breaches to section 21-F through 21-M?" she asked, her voice husky through the life suits comm link.

"Affirmative. Section breaches in 21-G, 21-H and 21-I. Malfunction to hatch 21-HA. Caution advised." The computer was crystal clear. So the hatch that would section of 21-G and 21-H was busted...that would be a problem.

But first she had some wrecked metal to move, before even leaving the current section. It was going to take probably four hours to secure the way to the Security Department.
Rivers looked round the room pleased that the majority of senior officers had made the effort to attend. “Apart from those who are doing vital work either in the sick bay or engineering we are all here.”

Turning to her desk she continued “I’m not going to waste vital energy flashing this up on the screen” she gave a ghost of a smile as she continued “so I used the old method of paper and pen.” Showing the diagram she explained “Quite simply our shields could have been damaged and the only way to check is to use a human. Three of our experts in the field perished and of the remaining seven four are missing, one is trapped and two are in the sick bay. That means the only one of us with any experience is myself. So I’m going to get my suite on and venture out.”

There was a sound of disagreement and some stirring of disbelief but Rivers continued “It’s not a matter for debate because my mind is made up. I can be a bloody stubborn cow when I have to be.” She handed an envelope to Mary Grace “In the event of my death this envelope will give you the code needed to activate the final emergency procedure. It explains how to survive without shields for up to fifteen earth days in the hope of a rescue mission. It also gives the new line of command.”

Rivers made it plain the meeting was terminated when she said “I have every intention of getting us out of this mess but if I do not survive I want to thank you for working with me in this emergency and for making my first command, although only brought about by circumstances no one anticipated, a very professional one. It’s been an honour to serve with you. Dismissed!”


Within an hour Rivers was suited and after passing through the airlocks attached her connector nicknamed the umbilical cord to the outside of the ship. The damage was extensive and she could see anyone in the starboard aft section would have been killed instantly. ‘At least they didn’t suffer’ she thought to herself. Moving across to the engine portals she was pleased to note the shields were holding as they were in the shuttle storage hull. Then she noticed something was leaking from the fuel section and she knew immediately it was the air purification feature. There was a backup but that was buried beneath the wreckage surrounding the damaged tank.

Manoeuvring herself into position she was able to disconnect the damaged tank and let if float away into space. Reconnecting the valves to the backup she restored the purity of the air but she knew it would only last thirty days.


Back in her cabin after re-admittance she sent an instant communication to senior officers explaining the situation and how they only had thirty days of purified air left. Addressing the Crew by the using the general communicator.

“Acting Commander Rivers to all crew. I am pleased to say the shields have held although I will have to order the severing of the starboard aft wing from the main body of the ship. Let’s work together to get ourselves out of this situation. Rivers out!” She didn’t mention the problem with the air purification not wanting to cause unnecessary alarm.
Felva observed the activities and measures taken to preserve what was left of the broken and battered vehicle they were travelling in. It made her feel pity for the humans, likely feeling desperate. They had no idea salvation waited for them so very nearby on the planet they headed toward at a crawl. She decided it was time to do a rare thing. Contact must be made in order to give her newest charges some hope and a goal to work toward.

She decided to holoimage herself and project her image into one of the areas of the human vessel rather than arrived e in person. To a race of beings in danger of killing themselves off she didn't feel much confidence in their ability to peacefully react the very first time encountering an alien being, at least not all of them would stay calm. Humans were an emotionally explosive bunch from her experience.

She knew the one acting as the new leader was called Rivers via overhearing the ship's communications. It was Rivers Felva decided to make contact with. Finding the woman's location, one of the few who's cabin had not been destroyed, the leader was alone and resting, it seemed.

Felva turned the projection of herself on and "landed" upon Alexandra River's arm. "Hello, Alex Rivers, human leader. I am Felva. I'm from the Tamasca Council of Intergalactic Peacekeepers and I intend to guide you and your people to safety on the Southern Continent of that world where you can live among others of your species. There is a colony there, humans settled there several generations ago, who would love to welcome newcomers. Do not give up hope. We will get you there safely. At the speed you travel now you should be pulled into the atmosphere within twenty-eight to thirty-one standard earth days. Is there anything you need?"
Rivers was interrogating the computer for information on air purification and just sent a demand to the Crixus Robot ordering it to assist her in her search. The robot was designed to patch its memory core into the computer and she hoped she would get the answers she needed swiftly. Feeling a little tired she decided relax on a sofa until the robot appeared.

Suddenly she was aware of a ‘presence’ in her cabin. This didn’t exactly frighten her because one of her tutors was into what used to be called Spiritualism and Rivers had attended some meetings with him. Nothing ever happened when she was there but she fancied the bloke and hoped something might come of their friendship. It never had a chance because Carlos was killed in a training exercise before her graduation. But since then Rivers had an open mind on the possibility of nonphysical communication. However this was different, she sensed a miniature woman on her arm. At first she thought her brain had been bruised during her spacewalk, a common occurrence in early space flight as crews learned how to engage extra vehicle activity. Then the image spoke.

“Hello, Alex Rivers, human leader. I am Felva. I'm from the Tamasca Council of Intergalactic Peacekeepers and I intend to guide you and your people to safety on the Southern Continent of that world where you can live among others of your species. There is a colony there, humans settled there several generations ago, who would love to welcome newcomers. Do not give up hope. We will get you there safely. At the speed you travel now you should be pulled into the atmosphere within twenty-eight to thirty-one standard earth days. Is there anything you need?”

Feeling her mouth go suddenly dry Rivers knew one of three things were happening. Either she was hallucinating or they were about to boarded by a hostile alien race or this was genuine. Staring at the image she weighed up the possibilities. If she was hallucinating nothing would happen but if the communication was from a hostile source there was no need for them to send a message alerting their prey. That left the only possible sensible option. All of her training had been preparation for such a life and death situation and she knew this was critical. Above all she needed help.

Commander Felva,” she began “I hope I have got your rank right. You’ll have to forgive me because this encounter is something totally outside of my experience. As you obviously know, I am Acting Commander Rivers and we are in danger of destruction. Your offer is very welcome and under normal circumstances” she was trying to formulate her words as she made her decision “I would have to consult my fellow officers before I decide the course we should take. But these are not normal circumstances and for the welfare of my crew and passengers I accept your offer and thank you.”

Still a little nervous and wondered if she had even returned from her spacewalk. Was she still out there and was this nothing else but a vision brought on by the last gasps of her dying brain? She took a deep breath. “I need nothing for myself” she continued “but I have some very badly injured passengers and crew and little or no medical supplies. Is there any way you can help us in this?”

As she waited for the reply Rivers knew her next task was to tell her senior crew what had just happened. Would they believe her? Would she believe them if the sandal was on the other foot?
Felva considered this request for a moment before responding. "As a general guideline we don't make a habit of interfering with less advanced species more than necessary for their well being and our study. The situation is no longer truly life threatening despite your worry of change otherwise. However, we would be willing to train your medical person in the use of some of our technology and medicine if you can spare this person for thirty six of your hours. The most basic training will take thirty hours for the speed of a typical human. Six hours in between shall be allotted for rest. Thirty six hours. I can send a travel-safe unit at the beginning of your vessel's next waking cycle. Your medical person need simply bring herself. We will provide the rest of what she will need for her education. She will learn and we will study her learning. Is this exchange sufficient?"
The Crixus Ribot received the summons and made his way to the command quarters. Sending an external communication he entered slowly and heard the final sentence.

'Commander' he said carefully 'there are certain programmes in my memory banks which are only supposed to be revealed at the appropriate time, that is at the time the human race is ready to encounter external intelligence. ' he noticed Rivers looking at him confused. He continued 'However my prime directive is to preserve human life and therefore I am prepared to open those files to you.'

Looking at the hologram he said 'This is from a known source and I would recommend you accept the offer for help given today. If there is anything I can do to assist then instruct me. Now what did you summon me for?'
Rivers was a little disappointed at Felva’s reply but any help was better than no help. But before she could reply she was interrupted by Robot Crixus. She was not surprised when he told her there were ‘certain programs’ that were only stored in the computer vaults and robotic memory but she was frustrated that high command felt it necessary. What else did they know?

“Thank you Crixus 141” she replied “I’m sure I know who to suggest. As for the reason I summoned you, events have overtaken them now. However I’d like you to stay” Turning back to the projection she responded “Commander Felva I am very grateful for your offer which I accept subject to finding a suitable volunteer. In a situation like this I will not order any of my crew to undertake this. However, I think I have the right person in mind”.

Using her personal communicator Rivers pushed the appropriate code before speaking in the microphone “Acting Commander Rivers to Sister Mary Grace. … Mary … could you come to my quarters as soon as possible please. … I have a huge favour to ask you. … Alex out.”

Addressing Felva Rivers said “Commander, please tell me how I will get the answer to you.”
Ray finally finished up with the last of the big components. It had taken him several hours but his scanners now showed that all the components were now back in their correct positions and everything was hooked up right. Now it was up to Sanne to check all the micro circuits and small connections to make sure they were aligned properly.

Coming out from behind the large computer terminal he had been working on, Ray saw Sanne buried inside the main console. Obviously it was still giving her problems. He had to admit that he was impressed by her stubbornness and determination. Sure he could lift a lot of heavy things and probably go for days, but when it came to the small finicky stuff, he wasn't all that great. He never really had been actually. Oh he could make some great looking furniture and things but the really fine stuff was beyond him. He was fascinated by art,scroll work even the engineering side of his job. That was probably why he liked Sanne so much. Not only was she beautiful and kind, but she could make all of those small components sit up and dance for her.

Ray didn't want to disturb her but he was pretty sure she would be thirsty and hungry by the time she finished. Heading out quickly he started to make his way back to the canteen to grab her some water and food. Then he would go outside and see about the scanners antennae arrays. Of course he would have to inform the captain first. Grabbing some food and water he made his way back to engineering. Perhaps Sanne would be ready to take a break before he went outside.
Sister Mary Grace had been administering some medication to Vygotsky who was still having trouble sleeping due to pain in his healing eye-socket where the damaged eyeball had been removed from. Her left hand glowed red just beneath the skin layer, her communication device had activated and a message was being issued from Command. Finishing up the pain relief with a sleep aid for Evan, she then rose up from her kneeling position beside her patient's bedroll and moved toward the poorly lit corridor to listen to the message. It was a summons to the newly liberated quarters of Alex Rivers, their acting Captain. What favor could she be needing at this late hour?

Just in case it was a medical issue Mary packed her medical bag to take along. For the sake of a kind touch, she also threw in a bottle of water and a pack of fruit salad, in case Rivers felt peckish. She left Rose instructions to contact her if Evan felt worse or if there were any emergencies, then she went to meet her summons.

The door opened seconds after she'd pressed the doorbell. "Captain, you need a favor?" She asked.
Rivers was interrogating the computer with the aid of the codes entered by Crixus 141 when the doorbell sounded and Sister Mary Grace entered. Rivers signed for the robot to pause operations and she stood to greet the young nun who immediately responded “Captain, you need a favour?’

Noticing the medical bag, fruit salad and water Rivers smiled “Mary, you’ve always been so thoughtful and I can see why you have a reputation for kindness and consideration for others. I’m very grateful but I won’t eat while some of my crew are in danger of dying”.

Motioning towards a chair Rivers invited the good sister to sit down. “I’ve called you here Mary because … well frankly we need your help. But first I’m going to ask Crixus to prime the computer to replay a deep space message I received.”

The robot adjusted his own front dials before sending a low level signal to the computer. The screen flashed red and blue before the whole conversation between Rivers and Felva was replayed. Turning to her companion Rivers said “You know I could order you to go but I don’t work like that. I’m asking you, as a favour to me and for the benefit of our crew and passengers to consider accepting Felva’s offer. Crixus has stunned me by telling me there is a secret list of ‘safe alien species’ and the Tamascans are on it. I realise I’ve given you little notice and I emphasise you don’t have to go and if you don’t I will not think anything less of you.”

Rivers held out her left hand and grabbed Mary Grace’s right “So, what’s it to be?”
Her jaw dropped. "We've been contacted by...There's truly intelligent life in outer space!?!"

Then she listened once more to what was said by the tiny, faerie like being in the recording. If this was a representative Tamasca Mary was impressed with the apparent similarities to human...yes, humanoid was what she'd call it. Felva looked like a perfect miniature of the most beautiful human she'd ever seen only her image seemed to glow as if suffused with inner light.

Her green eyes widened to take it all in. Silent, she played the recording three times in full before nodding, a bit misty eyed with the awesomeness of this honor. She'd be the first human officially known to have first contact with an intelligent race of alien beings. Wow!
"Captain, w-what do they want to teach me? They didn't explain what it would entail...Do you think I'll get an opportunity to ask questions? There's so much we might want to know!....Is there anything you'd like me specifically to try to find out about or take note of for you while I'm there with them?"

She was feeling a tingling in her senses, and slight stage fright as her nerves were catching up with her bravery. Here she was volunteering for the unknown. She had NO idea what she might be getting herself into. But...how could she say no? It could help her people. And, it would very much be an interesting adventure.
Crixus listened to the conversations with interest. His memory banks had been installed by the genius behind the whole Capua Project Dr Alfio. The creator had installed a chip which enabled the humanoids to communicate with other computers and to store, in secure cells, information the human race was not ready to receive. Even the good Doctor was unaware of the existence of alien intelligence although he suspected it to be true.

Sensing the fear and excitement in Sister Mary Grace’s mind Crixus asked Rivers ‘May I say something Commander?’ When Rivers nodded Crixus turned to the nun ‘Sister, my memory banks and those of the main computer are aware of the existence of the Tamascan System and I can assure you they fear contact with your race more than you fear them. Many hundreds of thousands of years ago they fought wars that nearly destroyed their whole civilisation. Since then they have rejected all forms of violence and have evolved into a near perfect society. They view the human race as being at the level they were at when they were undergoing their violent phase. They would hate to think contact with Earthlings could drag them backwards. You have nothing to fear’.

Turning to Rivers he said “Commander, if Sister Mary Grace decides to take up the Tamascan offer do you want me to communicate direct with their computer data base?’
Rivers felt for her colleague, so enthusiastic, so caring, so excited and so willing. She wanted to put her arm round her but that wasn’t protocol. This young girl had turned to her deity and had given herself totally to the service of others. She was attractive, young and had a very outgoing personality. No doubt she left a long line of broken hearted men in her wake by embracing celibacy.

Brought back to the present by the Crixus humanoid’s voice “Commander, if Sister Mary Grace decides to take up the Tamascan offer do you want me to communicate direct with their computer data base?”

Rivers looked at both of them. “Yes, thank you Crixus 141, if Sister agrees to accept this mission I’d be grateful if you would make contact with the Tamascan Empire.”

Looking at the young brave woman standing in front of her Rivers said “So Mary, have you decided or do you need a little time to consider, maybe pray to your deity?”
Ray saw that Sanne was still very busy deep in the guts of one of the terminals. he knew that now would not be a good time to disturb her so he placed the food and water on a disused table and walked back out. Well he still needed to check the antennas and there were the shields to check as well. He could do that at the same time. Moving towards the nearest maintenance airlock he keyed in his new computer link.
"Computer I need to inform the Captain of some things and I need to request two robots to meet me at Maintenance airlock K17 please."
"Robots have been dispatched, ETA 5 minutes. The Captain is busy right now but your request has been put through to her and she will answer at her earliest convenience. If the matter is urgent you may mark the message a priority."
"No need computer, thank you."

Ray made his way to the airlock and began to pull out an EVAC suit and a set of tools for himself and some heavy equipment for the robots. He doubted he would need it but better to have the stuff and not need it than not have and do. He was suited up and ready by the time the robots arrived and he had them strapped into their gear in another few minutes. Now he just needed to inform the Captain of his plans. Sitting down he thought again about the refresher course on space walks.
"Computer how long to download a refresher course on Space walks into my brain?"
"Scanning... 3 minutes 24 seconds."
"Do it please."
He sat down and waited. At least he would know exactly what he was supposed to be doing when he got out there, and it was a good way to wait for the Captain. He leaned back as the bright lights exploded behind his eyeballs.
Rivers was informed by the computer that Ray Green wanted to contact her about maintenance of the air locks and that he had requested robotic assistance. While waiting on Sister Mary Grace’s reply she picked the communicator.

“Acting Commander Rivers to Engineer Green. Ray” Rivers knew the odds were still against them surviving the accident so now was not the time for formality. “Ray” she continued “You should have your robots with you shortly. Is there anything I should be aware of? Anything I can assist you with?”

She waited the reply.
Ray had been waiting a little bit for the captains reply going over the new information in his mind. It was fascinating stuff. Suddenly his communicator beeped and he heard the captains voice.
"It's actually fine Captain. The robots have arrived and I have all the equipment I need. I just thought it would be proper procedure to inform you that I am going outside to check on a few things. Sanne and I have been working on the scanners so I will be checking on the outside antennas for both the scanners, communications and the defensive grid if we do make it safely to the planet. I also thought I could check the shielding while I was out there and do any repairs that needed to be done. "

"I have had the computer upgrade my space walking skills and I have the robots, so I should be safe. Just in case each robot has been given an emergency tank of oxygen and a few other emergency supplies as well as anchor chains. I would like your permission to start Captain."
Rivers smiled to herself before replying "Ray, please PLEASE go careful. You have my permission but don't take any chances. That's an order!"
Ray found himself almost saluting to the empty air in front of him. "Aye Aye captain. Do not worry, I do not plan on floating away just yet."

Ray closed the inner airlock door activated his magnetic boots, made sure his helmet was on tight and his airflow was working correctly, then turned to the robots. "Crixus 10 and 17 we are going outside to do repairs. You are to assist me in all ways I ask and to follow safety protocols at all times is that understood."
"Understood," both units replied in unison as their feet became magnetized.
Ray nodded to himself and cycled the airlock and opened the outer door. tethering himself to the nearest Crixus unit who then tethered itself to the one behind it He stepped out and taking a hand hold flipped himself 180 degrees until he was standing on the hull. Walking forward a little he waited for the first unit to appear. It performed the same skill with ease and the second unit soon followed.

He looked around and soon spotted the antennas and began making his way over to them carefully. It took him a good ten minutes but he made it and soon had a tether line attached as did each of the robots. Now feeling secure he began to examine the array. There was not much wrong with it but he would have to weld several things back into place and almost reattach one of the dishes. Well time to get to work. Calling over the Crixus with the heavy welder he activated his helmets polarized shielding and began ti fix things up.
Rivers checked the situation around the ship calling each senior officer and asking their status. Turning to the computer she entered her password and made her log entry. She wondered if anything happened to the ship whether it would ever be heard.
Mary Grace waited where she'd been directed to. Captain Rivers should be on her way soon to see her off...

...The docking port area was a bare area of the ship. It felt cold and barren. Mary Grace watched out of a window as a white bubble seemed to form from nowhere in the space just a few meters from The Hawking Hull. The bubble glowed and grew until it appeared a huge, transparent ball of glowing light perhaps seven or eight feet across. It floated the remaining distance toward the port and airlock, attatching to the human vessel...a soap bubble against a bucket. Mary chewed her lip, staring intensely at the fragile looking alien thing, likely to be her transportation to two days and one night of unknown. They'd promised, just 48 hours.

When Rivers appeared to see her off Mary Grace let out a nervous sigh. "It's...a...bubble." she said softly. "Do I wait for something? Am I to just go through the airlock and step in, taking it on faith that the thong contains enough oxygen?...Did Felva contact you with directions for me?" she asked anxiously.
It's...a...bubble." Mary Grace s said softly. "Do I wait for something? Am I to just go through the airlock and step in, taking it on faith that the thong contains enough oxygen?...Did Felva contact you with directions for me

Rivers was as perturbed as much as the young nun “Tamascan technology is vastly more advanced than ours” she said calmly “they could wipe us out, destroy us in an instant. There would be nothing for them to gain by destroying you. They know our anatomy and our need of oxygen and I’m certain they won’t take any chances with your safety”.

Taking a deep breath Rivers admitted “Felva hasn’t contacted me.
But remember what I said, you don’t have to go. No one is going to force you to do this, least of all me.” Looking into Mary Grace’s eyes Rivers said “Whatever your decision it has been logged that you are an extremely brave, hardworking, thoughtful young lady and any captain would be very lucky to have part of the team.”

With those words she waited the response.