One Sentence for Girls Who Like Girls

Running my tongue softly against your sweet lips as you open them to enjoy each other
Running my tongue softly against your sweet lips as you open them to enjoy each other

Feeling that lovely touch, so inviting and natural to part my lips and feel the incredible beginning of intimacy
Pulling you closer to me so we can enjoy fully our bodies being next to each other.
As I feel the heat spread throughout my body, I know that our meeting was meant to be.
A little timid, a bit unsure, but anxiously awaiting to be taken to a level yet experienced.

Legs entwine, bodies pressed close, gentle kisses on the neck, hand feeling the sweet upswell, fingers gently slight to the edge of the flimsy garment
Legs entwine, bodies pressed close, gentle kisses on the neck, hand feeling the sweet upswell, fingers gently slight to the edge of the flimsy garment

Kisses on the neck feeling so sweet and gentle, as I feel your fingers slightly touching my body, slowly lifting my gown.
Kisses on the neck feeling so sweet and gentle, as I feel your fingers slightly touching my body, slowly lifting my gown.

Lips exploring gently, erotically, soft hands exploring slowly hoping passions are building.
Lips exploring gently, erotically, soft hands exploring slowly hoping passions are building.

Fingertips trailing sensually upwards, slowly, feeling the passion building, enjoying the softness of lips against mine
Fingertips trailing sensually upwards, slowly, feeling the passion building, enjoying the softness of lips against mine

soft kisses maintaining, fingertips wander across soft skin, finding a small nub, then a moan.
The little bud coming out of its home, sending shocks all over my body at your touch.
The little bud coming out of its home, sending shocks all over my body at your touch.

Fingers smoothing over that love bud, pausing now and then to pay special attention, carefully watching the effect it has.
I bite my lip and coo as your fingers have their wicked way with my womanhood.
My wetness lets your fingers glide over my skin as I part my legs for you.
Legs parting, such a wonderful invitation, as a soft hand slides to inner thigh and slowly upwards, cupping you, feeling the moistness of arousal