So , What are you doing right now ? Part 2

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I just finished an audio for two threads and praying for a friend that needs it.
Clearing up misunderstandings. The written word can be a bitch sometimes. Sigh.
I'm actually getting the ball rolling & organizing Christmas as I plan on having 12 people for dinner 3900km/2400 miles away. There will be no going home after dinner this year

Just sitting around 😊 thought I'd check in on Lit for a bit
Messing around with a silly quiz on the BBC website. Apparently, according to my music listening habits, I'm predicted to be between 19 and 27 years old. :D
I'm thinking I need to research red lipstick that stays and black mascara that runs.
Trying to decide whether to walk and run three miles on the treadmill later this afternoon or go to the park and do it. So far its been a day enjoying the weather while sitting on the side porch being a bum.
Note taking for a story idea that came to me in the shower: a novel-in-stories/short story cycle/composite novel.

And for once, it involves no sex! :eek::eek:
Sitting by the fire, music on, wine in hand, kindle on my lap. A quiet day.
Ebony bow, glass arrows, sneak...:D

I just made a new character the other day so it'll be a bit.. I'm level 20 and up to elven right now so I'm doing decent. All elven armor, elven sword, healing (restoration) and an enchanted elven bow with iron arrows.. I have an unreal amount of them 😂

I'm about to try to get my smithing up to ebony, I'm at 50 right now.

But yeah, that's basically been my strategy lol
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