

Master Glomper
Jun 28, 2003
Nevermind the mess and clutter, thought I would compile various poems and poetic works-in-progress in one space to more easily see them and work on things before deciding on what I want to actually submit.

from 5 Senses


So many little things
come and go in the
day-to-day, I am not
really surprised by

their presence, just at
how mundane it can
be from time to time. The
staleness within the suit

being one--the way it always
smells of a badly cleaned
locker room and just adds to
the monotony of eating

wafers and tubed food, dulling
each sense bit-by-bit until
even the radio in my ear is
muffled and an urgent warning

becomes more of a casual
mention and then nothing but
a moot point--sharp, but moot,
and I settle into a new orbit.

At least the view is pretty.
from 5 Senses (6/22/12)

The Fourth

The sky sprouted flowers
of fire that burst forth silently,
the sound of their blooming
always just a bit out of sync,

I had adored fireworks since
childhood, but the feel of dew-laden
hillside and the wafting tinge
of sulfur from the gunpowder

took me back again. Even moreso
than the look of glee and awe
evident in eyes and smiles all
around me. The evening was close

to perfect and my youngest snuggled
in. The scent of her shampoo was
all cotton candy sweet and had me looking
for a vendor to buy some for us,

spun sugar being such a missing
part of my diet these days, and she
nuzzled my neck and ear to whisper,
"Happy birthday, daddy."
from 5 Senses (7/16/12)


tap, tap, tap

Granted, I can't hear them,
stilletos moving across
marbled, gilded stars, but I
have heard them enough that
imagination suffices while
I watch her on her rounds,

jingle, jingle, jingle

She manuevers herself along the
street, weaving through the
crests and troughs of cars,
music blaring from shops and
clubs or just locals trying to draw
in some cash from passersby.

I have no idea where she is in her
day, but our schedules are in sync
since I always manage to see her
when I am on my break. I savor
how my coffee seems to add an extra
...I don't know, something...to how

the street corner must smell,
exhaust mingled with sweat swirled
with perfume entwined in a blend of
thai take-out, burgers and pizzas,
and that unique aroma that seemingly
wafts from the corner bodega at all hours

Smells like yesterday, somehow,
when I walked a similar beat, the
gritty sensation of glitter on my skin,
of mango and papaya in my lip gloss.
from 5 Senses (7/20/12)


The scent rises above it all,
not sure how it manages it,
the beach is aflood in odors

from lotions and oils, the barest
hint of bargain-bin Newports--no
one seems to smoke, even in public,
as much any more--and the food

greasy goodness mingled with hot
and spicy while rolled together and
slathered in pizza sauce and melting
cheese, fried and baked and broiled
fish and squid and shrimp--anything
and everything that one might think of

but I pause in the parking lot, hand
upon the door, ignoring the profanity
being covered by incessant car horns,
savoring the taste of fresh mango shake
and the warm aroma of newly made fries.
from 5 Senses (8/29/12)

In Twilight

Summer ends, like most
things eventually do, but
we didn't care as we ran
all throughout the spaces,
empty even as they were
still full of things--broken down
tractor, molding hay bales,
the rundown barn where we
sat in the near dark and told
each other all the great lies
you tell your first loves

Childhood ends, so they say,
but as long as I can lounge
in the arms of my favorite
tree...the great big one that
was always easy to climb,
where the bark was rubbed
smooth in just the right spots...
and listen to the migrating geese
(on the move once more)
while studiously catching every drip
of Nanny's handcranked ice cream
in those next-best-thing-to-cardboard
cones they sold up at the market,
as long as I can do that, if nothing
else, then I can be a child forever.
from 5 Senses (11/18/12)

Cleaning Day

Cleaning day has come late
this year, later and later seems
to be the trend these days, I
just nod when told it really isn't
because of the holiday or the
fact that my mother is expected
over in less than a week; just nod
and go about the task of dusting
shelves and things on shelves,

stowing each into bins or trashing
them entirely. Not as easy as it
seems. Take this...thing...molded
work of clay made for me one year
for Father's Day...there's no visible
glaze, but it's smooth and feels
good in my hand, although I think it's
supposed to be an ashtray. Ironic,
as I stopped smoking shortly after
Rowan bacame pregnant and haven't
smoked within the children's lifetime.

A buzzer from the kitchen lets me
know I can take a break, so I get
a glass of warm cider--that time of
year, and all, besides, I never drink
coffee except at work. While mixing
the cup, the wafting scent of wood
comes in from the garage. We call it
that although there's never been a car
in it and it doesn't even have a door
for vehicles anymore; just a place to
stash things and do some puttering,

which is why it smells of sawdust and
paint and oil soap--aromas that put
just the right extra tang to the apple
and cinnamon in my drink. Well,
back to work. Dust settles so quickly
in a house with both kids and cats.
from 5 Senses (11/26/12)

Cooking Lessons

fresh air stopped
just inside the front door,
no smoke,
just the lingering shards
of what might have been
grilled cheese, maybe

before I could make it
to the kitchen, the
prattling could already
be heard, myriad ways
of saying "I told you so"
within the space of a
single breath,

taking a peek around
the corner, I smile as
one bright violet eye
meets and then her
darling face turns to
roll both of them in
my direction,

I touch the wall before
entering, but she shoos
me with a shake of her
head and I step away,
going to wash my hand
of whatever I picked up.

Yeah, pizza, definitely.
from Dec form challnge 2012

snow bursts,
waiting fox lunges;
.....red on white
from Dec form challenge 2012


Pristine forest tract,
snow-tinged dark jade totem;
.....now for a star
from 5 Senses (12/18/12)

Carly always hated when she
had to visit her in-laws by herself,
the house was even older than
Betsy and smelled of all her
worse candles---especially
sandlewood, and it never
failed that her firggin' bird
would manage to drop
feathers (or worse) on her
shoulder when it decided
she would do for a makeshift

Betsy always hated when her
stupidest son managed to be
out of town when it came time
for a visit and she had to spend
so much of her day being cordial
to her even more stupid, if possible,
daughter-in-law. The sound of her
front door tinkling made her look
down the hall and through the foyer
and, sure enough, there she was.
A clouded image through the glass,
merely long hair, rounded hips,
and an ever-present, extra long,
menthol bobbing in the hair between
her fingers.
from One Poem a Week


I find them all about
the edges of my life,
lost scraps of a chat
or pieces of a post
from some long since
closed down forum,

those are the obvious
ones, that I know will
always bring you to
mind since there's no
seperation between them
and us--when there was
an us, that is.

It's the ones that catch me
unaware...a song comes on
the radio or across some tv
show, or someone happens
to say one of the phrases
you always dropped that
clued me into your current mood.

Those ones spark within me
most vividly and I see you
just the way you are always
in my mind--either sitting on that
bench wanting to know how I
felt about you, or kneeling across
me so I could caress and tease
you with one hand and still
watch what you were upto with
your own hand and mouth,

or, sometimes the most striking,
flashing me a steely glance and
walking away as if you'd not seen
me or, more likely, as if you had
but wanted no reminders, no pieces
of me to be left lingering in your
mind, the way the thought of you
still leaves me smelling Le Fleur.
from One Poem a Week


Clicking through the
uploaded images of
a life I never lived, I
am reminded of how
much I am still drawn
in by her, and of what
is still the biggest pull--
her smile.
from What Color is your Challenge

Date Night

A night of potential,
after working out the
wan strain of canary I
had found settled down
my back, had begun just
swimmingly--all velvety
black dotted with the
extra bright silver she
wore about her neck and
wrist--but left me holding
cold compresses in the
bathroom mirror hoping
the scarlet would settle
into a deep violet-and-mottled
lime that would be a much
better match for the jade
that looked back at me.
from What Color is your Challenge

Giving In

Did my best to keep
Grey, but fell into Black
and let Green fuel me
into pursuing something
all White and Yellow, only
to turn it into a bright,
painful, Red and walk away.
Now I am Blue, calm
and quiet, but Blue.
from One Poem a Week

Fourth Date

As meals went, it seemed
ideal in terms of being just
what he envisioned for the
first time he'd cooked for her,

Italian...spaghetti with meat
sauce and freshly baked bread
with garlic and butter enough
that he could have seasoned

the pasta by wiping the bread
on it, but Murphy came over
for the night and the pasta was
a jumble of non dente that

had a sauce with too much onion
and sausage that was over fenneled,
while the bread had such a crust
to it he'd have sworn he grabbed it

from the day-old baguette rack as
opposed to the fresh, Italian-style
loaves that they baked daily at the
grocery he usually frequented, But

the wine had been a good choice,
and she'd smiled at his dessert,
which had lead to her dessert, and
that was really the whole point.
from 5 Senses (4/29/13)

At Camp

Summer camp was never
just a home away from home
Mom had wanted us to do and be
involved in more than what
home could provide. So it was

a funny mix of specialty places,
a week here, two weeks there,
almost never the same from one
summer to the next, but the only
one I ever find myself back in

was that last one...when I was
getting ready for senior year,
already eighteen and so full of myself,
I would lounge on the porch swing,
smooth wood beneath my hands,
sharing a bit of wasabi touched

take-out from in-town while a
cool breeze wafted off the lake
and even cooler sax wafted from
the P.A. system as the head mistress
tried to lull the camp to bed with
her collection of Bird albums

but we would stay up until dawn
would be threatening to arrive, and
the smell of baking would begin its
own wafting across from the Mess,
mingling its scent into the baby shampoo
Helen used on her hair that would

fill my nose while I cuddled her close
and did my best to see flesh through
the gaps in her button-down shirt,
and under the edges of her frilly bras,
A time I still kick myself about, even now.
from 5 Senses (5/6/13)


Something is off,
spring cleaning passed
by a while ago, but the
bouquet of bleach fills
the room right from the
foyer, and that rumbling
white noise from the
nearly ancient Hoover
echoes and reverberates
throughout the place;

I shake my head, maybe
this is just cleaning, and
not some half-hearted
tab at turning a new leaf,
but when I walk into the
so-called family room, my
eyes take notice of nothing
but her bent form, tight
yoga pants accenting both
hefty cheeks and hips as
broad as my shoulders;

I can't help but swallow
my words and drink her Kool-Aid.
run down


So many little things
come and go in the
day-to-day, I am not
really surprised by

their presence, just at
how mundane it can
be from time to time. The
staleness within the suit

being one--the way it always
smells of a badly cleaned
locker room and just adds to
the monotony of eating

wafers and tubed food, dulling
each sense bit-by-bit until
even the radio in my ear is
muffled and an urgent warning

becomes more of a casual
mention and then nothing but
a moot point--sharp, but moot,
and I settle into a new orbit.

At least the view is pretty.

I like the run down--

urgent warning to
casual mention to

I would delete the last line, as
an after thought (which it is).

I don't know forensic alternate views
help a poem.

The 'at least ...' counters what went

from Five Senses

Found Dessert

The smooth, shiny surface
of Reynolds Wrap always
feels so unique once it's
been used to wrap something,

the small block could have been
almost anything, but my hope
for last week's lost meatloaf is
dashed by the sight of yet
another fruitcake. Or is it?

I peel things back and ask for
a knife, sighing at the sound
of metal on metal as a simple
request becomes a duel for
the right of cake conquest,

A slow, steady slice reveals the
expected mix of green and red
candied fruit, a few things that
might be raisins--maybe currants or
cranberries--and I mentally cross
my fingers for Porter cake as I
bring a chunk to my lips.

Nope, just fruitcake.
Nevermind the mess and clutter, thought I would compile various poems and poetic works-in-progress in one space to more easily see them and work on things before deciding on what I want to actually submit.


Remec, can you explain the title of your thread? I keep reading it as "Tesserection" ,......just a tad disturbing. :D
Remec, can you explain the title of your thread? I keep reading it as "Tesserection" ,......just a tad disturbing. :D

hehehe *giggle* It's a neologism I made based on the word tesseract, which is a cube where each of the six sides is formed from a cube. In several science fiction stories (and at least one gaming article), it was also used as a basis for dimiensional space jumping.

I've used it to name my page on My Space, and, possibly, my Facebook page also, but maybe not (I've forgotten).
hehehe *giggle* It's a neologism I made based on the word tesseract, which is a cube where each of the six sides is formed from a cube. In several science fiction stories (and at least one gaming article), it was also used as a basis for dimiensional space jumping.

I've used it to name my page on My Space, and, possibly, my Facebook page also, but maybe not (I've forgotten).

I love your thread (and your poems), but I thought it was about Tess the first time I saw it. :D
From 6th (I think) try at 30 in 30

Only made it through to the 23rd day, then I had a brain fart or something and missed a day...but here's what came of it:


Gonna break this up, since I'm not sure if there's a limit on URL links in posts...there's week 1.
