Mortal Enemies Eternal Lovers (open)


Literotica Guru
May 21, 2014
The night was still, the air hot and muggy due partly to the mid summer California heat as well as the torches burning in strategic perimeter around the large mansion. The area around the mansion was cleared of any thing that could possibly be used for cover or to stage an attack. Guards moved around the mansion/ villa as well sweltering under the heat but doing their best to remain vigilant in case their employer was watching them.

Don Alfonzo Montoya Riveria was not a man to disappoint

The Don was currently the equal parts the most hated and the most loved man in California. The politicians and wealthy men making up the great state loved him, due to his influence and illicit activities the cash flow they were receiving was staggering, certainly much more than they had ever achieved before him or could ever hope to achieve with out him. The Don knew this and was quick to remind them at every turn and step of the way thus making sure all his politicians were happy.

The common man however was another story; most of the surrounding villages were currently in uproar over the Dom’s use of their land. His people had claimed many of their lands, many historical landmarks, all in the interest of making the rich richer and with no regard to the honest hard working Mexican men and woman populating the land. The men worked the soil, the woman handled the drugs and the other contraband, and the children were used as innocent mules to move the drugs. The system took advantage of every one in the lower class to the fullest and most if not all of the citizens were tired of it. The neighboring village, which served as the Don’s biggest income revenue was close to rioting due to the injustice, it was only due to the Don’s enforcers and guards taking all the guns from them that they hadn’t.

Luckily some one was still equipped to handle the situation

The guards completed another pass sighing and wiping the sweat form their brows hurrying over to get some much needed water from the well built to accommodate them. With their backs turned no one noticed the darkness seemingly parting to revealing a figure in black atop a large muscular black mustang. The shadow man waited a few more moments before gently nudging the horse forward lightly tapping it with his boots. The horse shot off like a canon moving quickly and silently picking up speed until it became a black blur in the night. It reached the wall in seconds appearing briefly in the flames as it aligned it self perfectly to the wall.

The man reached down giving the horse a gently scratch before standing up on it’s back. He jumped quickly launching himself up with all his might and easily finding a handle hold on the smooth clay wall.

“Get out of here!” A Spanish accented voice whispered to the horse. The horse gave a soft snort and turned running back the way it came and disappearing into the night. The man gave a soft sigh of thanks and pulled himself up quickly moving to straddle the wall and come down on the other side landing lightly on the soles of his boots.

The man stepped out of the shadows and into the light of the courtyard appearing out of the security and embrace of the darkness, a grin that could have been the devils plastered on his face as he patted the dust off of his black tunic undone a little to show off his tan smooth skin. He was entirely dressed in black with matching black trousers boots and a long black sash around his waist in which a sword hung sheathed but at the ready to be pulled out, two crisscrossing bandoliers formed an X over his broad chest on which hung a variety of throwing knives and pistole’s, a matching black bandana covered the top half of his face with two narrow slits cut out two show off a pair of bright emerald eyes, the bottom of half of his face was covered in rough black stubble, a wide brim hat completed his look as well as a long black cape.

His eyes swept across the courtyard taking in the expensive marble bust, the opulent flowerbeds, and the sparkling fountain and narrowing in disgust. He shook his head carefully making his way across the courtyard and past the fountain. He made his way to the house keeping to the shadows as best he could and ignoring the few guards inside of the perimeter. He moved quickly and silently utilizing all of his training to fulfill his purpose and mission tonight.

To kill the Don

Alexander De Le Montonia Rodriga other wise known as the angel of death slid to a stop underneath a balcony swearing as a group of guards passed by. He put a hand on his sword remaining as still as possible as he waited for their noise to pass all the time unaware he was directly below the balcony of the Don’s beautiful daughter.