Sionnach (closed)

“Why me? Outside of my connections, why not try and kill me? Why alive?” Fiona asked, knowing Sam knew dad more about the situation than he was telling her.
"You're a Caller," Sam told her simply. "Gaiann explained exactly what a Caller really is t'me... Dragons an' their cousins are naturally drawn t'you. Most of 'em will come willingly t'your side if they haven' already been attached to another Caller. You 'ave an influence over them whether they realize it or not. Somethin' about you makes them more likely t'do as you want. Barbarossa wants tha' for himself, an' he'll exterminate any dragon immune t'tha' influence afterward."
“Is my Da safe?” Fiona asked, turning to look at Sam as she needed those answers. “Barbarossa surely knows about him as well. I need to know that he’s protected if I’m going to focus on what we need to do.”
"Safe as I can make 'im. Kell put people in place t'look after th'ones you care about too, no' jus' my family. But Gaiann says 'e 'as reason t'believe Barbarossa isn't interested in Owen. He apparently doesn' have th'draw for dragons tha' you do. He's better a' goin' out an' findin' them than attracting them."
“Maybe I should turn them all against him. Burn him from the inside out.” Fiona muttered, coming to sit next tim her husband. “We lost Amistad today. That will be a large blow but they seem to still be confident in my abilities to lead them. I don’t know if I’m that confident.”
Sam lowered his head at her mention of Amistad. He and Dani had been his primary trainers in overcoming his fear of heights and flight. Amistad had been a dragon of few words, but always willing to do whatever it took to improve Sam and Gaiann's abilities, even if he was exhausted or Sam was struggling badly. "Danica must be inconsolable," he murmured softly. "She'll never be the same."
“None Of is will never be the same, Sam. You just lost three people who were your family. Rho just lost the love of his life and the mother of his son. We’ll lose more. It’s just part of this life.” She took his hand in hers and simply held it in her lap.
Sam glanced over at her hand holding his, and drew it back only to lift her into his lap to hold her tightly. He didn't have to speak of their own mortality for it to be apparent that that was all he could think of. People incredibly close to them had died, along with hundreds they didn't know, but had loyally followed their orders into the mouth of hell on earth. There was no rhyme or reason to who died, it seemed. Even those with powerful families and titles and riches had died alongside the poor unknown. There was no saying it couldn't be the King or Queen of Inverness next what with their personal involvement in the battles.

"I love you," Sam murmured softly against her ear as he held her, stealing a long kiss before adding, "I'm so sorry I don' say it enough..."
“Don’t let tragedy change who you are, love.” Fiona murmured softly, kissing her husband deeply once more, holding him tightly. “You are a strong and confident ruler.”
"You can' honestly think tha', Fiona... I don' know what I'm doing hardly ever..." He met her gaze, his own brows furrowed with worry and stress, and he came to some decision in his head then, to make the most of the quiet moment as the battle outside wound down with the oncoming night. He turned to press Fiona to their cot, trapping her wrists on either side of her head as he stole one more long, heated kiss and tried to forget, just for a moment, where they were.
“I will always believe that.” Fiona said as suddenly she was tumbled to their cot, Sam pinning her to the surface before he stole her breath away with a long and deep kiss.

She knew that sometimes her husband simply needed to act upon his thoughts. He needed to be frustrated, angry, doubtful, and he let it all out when they were in bed. It shook Fiona to the core, but she never once complained.

“Samuel.” Fiona whispered as their kiss broke, her blue eyes staring into his dark green, her hands curling at either side of her face. “I love you, eldere.”
Sam's hands fell from her own to begin pulling away the remnants of their riding gear, not quite tossing it all aside, but not putting it neatly away either. He simply let everything drop to the side of the cot in a pile where they could quickly reach it all if needed. "I love you," he repeated softly as their clothes began to join the pile, eager to lose himself in loving the woman who was, so far from home, his current and only steady constant.
Fiona had never been naked on a battlefield, but Sam didn't stop until she was completely bare beneath him. It still took her breath away how passionate Sam could be. He was a man with something to prove to her. If he wouldn't say that he loved her as often as she wanted, he would certainly show her.

She let out a gasp as his roughened hand slid down her body, cupping her soft curves and memorizing everything. They weren't the only couple in camp that evening doing the same, that much she knew. However, none of them would have the same connection that she and Sam shared.
All Sam seemed to want was her attention and touch, welcoming her to do as she pleased just as he did. He soon had her legs wrapped around his waist, pressing into her body with an impatience she was familiar with when she took him on a chase or he was stressed. But he was slowly calming in her arms, focusing in on her rather than what was happening outside.
Fiona could feel the moment that Sam calmed, focusing on her instead of his problems. She welcomed him in, holding him tightly as he pumped into her body over and over again. Her hands smoothed over his shoulders and arms, tracing over thick muscle all the while staring into his intense green gaze. She could get lost for hours like this, loving him in a way that no body else did.
And get lost they did. Thanks to their early night, Sam had all the time he wanted and needed to make love to his wife, sating every side of them from the wild and aggressive, to the docile and relaxed, napping in between only for them to wake and do it all over again. It was after the third round that they properly fell asleep, but in the early hours of the morning, they woke for one last goodbye before heading out to the unsure sea and field of battle. Sam lay beneath Fiona as the sun began to rise, casting light and warmth on the canvas as Fiona rode him and Sam's fingers explored her hips and thighs and tender, moist flesh. One hand skimmed up her belly and chest to caress her slender neck, before his fingers hooked behind her neck to draw her down slowly into a new kiss. It was as if Sam was using her love to ignore the sunrise and deny the existence of a new day of unknowns.
Fiona kissed him passionately, riding Sam as everything around them was illuminated in a soft glow. She stared down into his eyes as the kiss broke and her hips ground down against his own as she whimpered and sighed.

"You will move mountains, my love." She whispered in the midst of their passion. "And I will be there every step of the way."

He needed reassurance and most of the time he wouldn't listen. It was in moments like this, shared between the two of them in the early morning hours, that she repeated her affirmations to him. His rough hands skimmed over her flesh, taking care of both of their needs while she distracted his mind from what was at task.

A few moments later, Fiona let out a groan and came for her husband, shivering over his body as she saw stars and rested over the top of him.
As they lay together in the dim quiet of their tent, Sam's arms lazily draped over Fiona and he closed his eyes for a long while to let the peace last. He eventually reached up to smooth her hair back, his green eyes focusing on her as they half-opened. He knew their time was ending soon, but he was ignoring it for the moment.
"When this is over and we take that proper honeymoon you keep promising...I think I want to try and start a family." Fiona whispered softly as Sam stroked her silvery hair, both of them sated and nearly motionless in the aftermath. "I was afraid of that for the longest time, but I'm not anymore."
"It's hard t'be scared o' anything else once ye've come t'terms with fightin' in a war," Sam murmured, lifting his head to kiss her. "We'll talk about it, love... but I don' want t'get our hopes up when th'fighting's nowhere near finished."
Fiona leaned her forehead down and rested against his shoulder, turning her head to press a kiss to his shoulder. "You better return to me, Samuel Durban Ghis." She said softly, her voice thick with emotion.
"I expect th'same o' you," he whispered, his embrace tightening slightly. He let them linger a bit longer before sitting them up, looking up at her as she was still in his lap as if studying her face like it was his last chance. "I love you," he murmured to her, having made sure to tell her all evening to make up for his silence in the past.
Fiona reached up and touched his bearded face as he looked over her face in fine detail. "Write your letters to Inverness before you get ready for the day. I'll get us breakfast. Invah and I are going to fly over their camps today, seeing if there are any other riders that we might be able to see or turn in our direction."

"No matter what you think, Sam, you are a damn good king. Never forget that." Fiona murmured again, knowing that he would argue with her until he was blue in the face.
Sam's answer to her words about his competence was to lay his head against her chest for a long moment, taking a deep breath and sighing before finally rising with her to get cleaned up and dressed.
Fiona dressed as she always did the past few weeks in her riding armor before she went to retrieve breakfast. The camp was quiet as the sun continued to arc through the morning sky, but she knew soon everything would be loud with shouted directions and movement. Returning a short time later with plates of ham and eggs, Fiona sat next to Sam and helped him to draft the letters that he would send back home.

"Reassure Rho that we are there for him." Fiona said softly. "That we'll help with Loren whenever he needs us."