Best 50 Shades of Grey trailer ever?

That's hilarious! I love Ellen. No one does psycho eyes better.:)
The only problem with mocking it still gives it attention

50 shades should be the unruly child you ignore until it behaves itself

James is already become far to wealthy and received too much attention for her blatant rip off of another author's work that glorifies the abuse of women and portrayed BDSM as nothing but that abuse.
I need to read that. Sounds interesting. Just hope it's worth the hype. And movie tickets.
Fuck twilight. :) You like that shit?

Hello, by the way :cattail:

Why hello kitty!:D

And hell no, but at least twilight was written for teens.....

But see 50 shades was originally written as "master of the universe" by James it was twilight fan fic and even used Bella and Edwin's names which was no issue as it made no money

Then James rewrote it as 50 shades replacing a stalking abusive vampire with a stalking abusive billionaire....and made millions on just about borderline plagiarism.
Whaddya mean? Dude has a HELICOPTER. And a limo with driver. And a multi million dollar company, and he's knee-weakeningly hot... :rolleyes: