Across the universe (closed)


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000
Xetria was inbound for the upper atmosphere of earth when her nanites began sending up an alert of an imminent collision with an unidentified object. He thing struck the outer hull of Xetria's ship, not even the speed of thought was enough to prevent the blow. It send her into a spin and she struck her head on the control panels, going unconscious at a critical moment. Her course went into a steep dive and in seconds, she was careening toward a secluded cabin somewhere on the continent known as the United States of America.

The collective entity that Xetria's nanite package, which was designated 3v13, or Evie in the non-binary, was desperately trying to bring Xetria back to consciousness before they crashed while still maintaining the ships integrity and critical systems. It was just barely enough, Xetria awoke just in time to pull up, crashing into the cabin instead of straight into the ground.

Coughing and blinking, Xetria looked up, groaning in pain from the blow to her head. "Ow... what a disaster... any chance we went unnoticed by the Terran government?" She asked Evie before opening the cockpit hatch to go check the damage she'd caused. "Slim to none... Estimated: three point five hours before Terran representative arive on scene to disect you, lady Xetria..." Evie responded with her usual sarcasm.

"Well, we better hur..." Xetria cut herself off when she spotted a hand sticking out of the wreckage of the crash. "Evie!" She cried out as she rushed over and worked through the debris to uncover a badly injured young woman. "I see... commencing deep tissue immersion and running emergency medical routines..." pulling the woman free, while Evie healed her, Xetria looked for a place to lay the poor woman. "Massive trauma... multiple fractures to arms, legs, ribs..." Evie reported even as she fused the breaks and repaired the internal traumas. "Enough! Just... heal her!" Xetria spat sharply.

"As you command... I'm all done... you can set her on her feet... she's fine now." Evie replied, flowing from between the woman's lips in a stream of glowing specks of light, forming a small, hovering orb of white light. "No, her body may be repaired but she is clearly in shock, you tchotrak ball of buzzing light!" Evie made a sound approximating laughter and responded "temper, temer, Mistress Xetria..."
I groaned, momentarily reaching for my head before gasping, my body, while seeming whole, feeling like it had be put inside w black while. Not that I know what it feels like but... I knew what it looked like... What... what was that... those... that... light..? Having not yet opened my eyes, I physically had only seen what I had assumed to be the glow of a meteor but, in my mind, I felt there was another source of light.

I took a deep breath and tried to open my eyes, but they rent heavy, like I had just woken from a long sleep.

Another groan escaped me as I tried to move, ears barely registering two voices.
The young woman's groans elicited Xetria's sympathy and feelings of guilt over having caused her so much pain. Thank the stars she was alive! It would have Devestated her if she had caused a Terran to die. They were ages away from developing their minds to the level with which they could move their immortal persona to another host body, like Xetria's kind could.

Not only that but the woman's thoughts were as clear as if she had spoken them to Xetria. "The light came from my craft, oh wait, you mean Evie, the light that was within you... this will take some explanation... please, rest, I will take good care of you... do you have personal quarters to which I can take you so you can rest properly? I will do my best to explain all that has happened to you and answer any questions you might have." Again the young woman groaned and this time Xetria found herself touching her soft, warm cheek, feeling the need to comfort her.
I managed to open my eyes just a crack, though no more, just enough to see the outline of what I wrongly assumed to be another human.

Upon hearing the term, "living quarters", I mumbled something, surely inaudible to whoever it was. "First door right side..."

The hall was to the left of where I'd been facing before being hit.
Xetria lifted the woman in her arms and carried her to her living quarters. Laying her down on her bed, she gently ran her hands over the woman to make sure she was indeed whole. "There now, you are well and can rest easy while we discuss what has transpired..." Xetria announced as she knelt down by her bed side. "I am a noble woman of the Onzetti family from a planet called Verexia Prime. I... I lost control of my vessel while making a sweep around your planet, Terra, ultimately colliding with your domicile... and you... I am very sorry for the trouble I've caused you and if there is any way I can make it up to you, I will do so."

Xetria leaned closer to the woman, examining her facial features and the shape of her body. She was different from her kind only in the shade of her skin, as Xetria's kind could alter their pigment to reflect their mood. At the moment she was a light blue to reflect the guilt she felt for having harmed this woman. "I suppose we should start with names, yes? I am designated Xetria of the noble house, Onzetti and my nanite entity is designated 3V13, or Evie, if you prefer." Xetria turned and shouted. "Evie! Get in here! She's concious!"

"Busy!" Evie replied. "Cleaning up your mess... again! Only be a minute!" Xetria let out a deep sigh and turned her attention back upon the woman laying before her. She felt herself slowly beginning to change shade to a light pink, comparable to the shade of the woman's skin. "Control yourself Xetria..." She thought quietly, not wanting to become any more obvious than she already was. Sometimes wearing your feelings on your skin could be very embarrassing.
I groaned again, just slightly, flinching a bit at the lines of the voice. About a minute later, eyes still opening slowly, I spoke. "T... Tara... Kingston..." I took a deep breath. "You're... an... alien..?"
"T'tara from Terra, hehe, that's cute, I like that, it's good to meet you... T'tara" She repeated, as if tasting her name on her tongue. "Kingston? Are you noble as well?" The thought oddly delighted her for some inexplicable reason. "Oh, yes, mlady, I am, not that you could tell, you would be surprised how similar the humanoid species is across the universe. But... you know... you're alien to me as well, so, I suppose you could call this first contact?"
"N... no... it's Tara... and no... I don't believe so..." Even awake as I was, I couldn't move very much lest I cry out in pain. "And... sure... I guess you can call it that..." I took a slow, deep breath and, had I not been in such pain, I likely would've reached out a hand for her to shake as a means of greeting. Then again... maybe that's not how they greeted each other at her home.
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"Just Tara, I apologize, I know how important it is to get ones designation right. Still cute though. Oh, well, no matter, you are still the first Terran I have ever been this close to... are you okay? You seem to be in discomfort, would you like me to sooth you? I may not be as directly effective as a nanite entity but if I touch minds with you, I am sure I could stimulate your body's endorphins and direct them where to go."
"it sounds like a mental massage..." I laughed slightly at the thought only to wince as pain shot through my torso. "Go... go ahead... if it'll help..."
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Xetria smiled at Tara's observation, she would have laughed with her, but Tara's wince of pain made her wince as well. "Yes, that is an apt description, here, let me touch your mind and see what I can do to sooth you." She placed her fingertips upon Tara's brow and gently pressed her consciousness against Tara's own. As their minds merged, giving Xetria access to Tara's mind, she ran her fingers through Tara's hair, almost lovingly. She stimulated Tara's mind to release endorphins and guided them through her body with light sweeps of her hands, focusing on her ribs, which still appeared to have some bruising. "Okay, you should be feeling better, is there any spot in particular you would like me to focus on?" The mental connection between them was intimate, Xetria could not hide her feelings of growing desire from Tara in this state. "I apologize, I should not desire you so... would you like me to stop?"
I could feel my cheeks heating up as Xetria's feelings were felt by me. "I'm... not sure." My thoughts seemed to conflict with each other somewhat, part of me liking the alien's personality, the other weirded out a bit by her skin and her mental prowess.

Then, there were her thoughts, intertwining with mine.

All in all, it was a convoluted mess of thoughts, a knot I wasn't willing to spend energy untangling.

Xetria sensed the flush of heat in Tara's cheeks as if it were her own and it was enough to confirm that even though she was uncertain, the idea of going further was not unwelcome. "I like you as well Tara." Xetria sighed, luxuriating in the soothing pleasure flooding Tara's body. "My skin? Oh, how it changes color?" She looked down and smirked as she began to turn a deeper pink until she was red. Arching a eyebrow, she looked into Tara's eyes. "It is merely a manifestation of my feelings. As for my psychic ability, please don't fear, I would never dream of harming you."

Without thinking, Xetria caressed Tara's breasts and inadvertently flooded them with hormones, making them swell and fill with milk. The sensation of fullness struck her just as it did Tara, still sharing their mental link. It made her gasp in pleasure and surprise. "Oh! I... I didn't mean to..."
I gasped as my chest swelled, a bit of a tingling feeling running down my body at the feeling, stopping its movement just between my legs, my blush spreading, the feeling and the redness of my skin intensifying as Xetria continued to touch my chest. "It's..." I took a deep breath as another wave of pleasure rolled through me. "It's... okay..."

As something that seemed to be made of light where a few moments later, I swear my blush deepened.
Xetria smiled softly, coming to the realization that what she had done to Tara's breasts was born of their intimate mental connection. Partially her own desire, but also, some part of Tara's subconscious must have wanted this experience, else it wouldn't have come so easily, at least, not without Evie's assistance.

A tingle of pleasure washed over Xetria as well, causing her to moan softly. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, bowing her head for a moment, just enjoying the sensation. Then, when her bright blue eyes fluttered open again, her lips curled up into a mischievous grin and she slid her hands down to the hem of Tara's shirt and lifted, uncovering her breasts. Her eyes lit with even greater desire and her skin darkened until she was crimson red as she gazed lustfully at Tara's full and milk-heavy breasts.

Her lips parted in a sigh of passion and she wet them with a hungry draw of her tongue. Slowly, she leaned in, making eye contact with Tara as she did, making it clear she was about to kiss her breasts.
Another gasp escaped me as Xetria leaned in close and kissed my burgeoning chest. Almost unconsciously, I moved over of my legs and bent it to where the heel rubbed against the alien's inner thigh, blush continuing to spread.

(I think Evie's entered...)
A silky growl of desire escaped Xetria's throat as she kissed first one, then the other warming them with her lips until Tara's nipple became firm. Then she settled upon the one with the most aching need to be drained and covered her rosy nipple with her mouth and gently, lovingly drew upon her, urging her body to loose the sweet, warm milk it had produced.

"Um-hmm!" Xetria mumbled in delight against Tara's breast as she felt her heel against her inner thigh. She pressed herself against Tara, sharing the growing heat of her body with her, nestling her covered sex again the top of her foot. "Evie?" This was all too perfect, not even the greatest telepathy could such a deep physical link so quickly, it took years of coupling to get this in sync with another, so Xetria suspected Evie had entered them without warning. "Yes, mistress?" Evie answered within her mind.

"You know you are not supposed to act without permission.... besides, aren't you supposed to be cleaning up... my mess?" She sent, Tara hearing as well, because of their connection. "Yes, yes, shame on me... you clearly didn't need my assistance at all... you're welcome by the way... made up of billions of microscopic nanites... and she thinks I can't multitask... honestly, I aught to be offended."

"Point taken..." Xetria sent, turning her focus back upon Tara. "Mind giving us the illusion of privacy and shutting up at the very least? Oh, and disrobe us if you would, please."

"Hey, you called upon me... ah... very well... enjoy yourselves... ...Mistress." Evie started, pausing only briefly to ensure she had the last word.

Xetria sat up and lossed her flowing red hair, shaking it out with a toss of her head. "Watch this, I think you're going to like it." Raising her arms, her clothing began to seamingly disintegrate, leaving her topless. She had a slender, athletic body and although her breasts were no where as full as Tara's were, they were still remarkably perky and all of her was very, very red at the moment.

The disintegration of her clothing didn't stop at her top half however, as she was quickly rendered naked from head to toe. Now the wet warmth of her sex rested firmly again Tara's thigh as Xetria scooted up laid beside her on the bed, encircling her legs around Tara's, holding it captive.

Evie silently removed Tara's clothes in the same way she had Xetria's.

Xetria propped her head up on her hand and casually perused Tara's naked body, running the back of her hand lightly up and down her skin. "You are captivating..." She whispered, grinning wickedly as she lifted her eyes to meet Tara's.

(That stinker! Lol!)
I smiled a bit at that. "Thanks..." Then started to bend my leg again, stopping when Xetria's pussy was resting on the soft point of my knee.

I felt love for this alien. I could tell she felt love for me. But... I sighed before biting my lip, straightening my leg. I... should stop...
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Xetria purred with delight as Tara brought her knee up and rubbed against her naked sex. Her hand moved down, down, down, to caress Tara's bare pussy as well. Her slender fingers gliding along either side of her clit until her finger tips brushed lightly against her entrance. She swam her fingers through the moist furrow of Tara's sex, coating her finger tips with her juices. Then she brought them up to her lips and tasted them while looking lustfully into Tara's eyes. "Dont... I want this..." Xetria whispered, returning her mouth to Tara's breast and her fingers to her clit.
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"But... I should..." Slowly, with a small wince on my face, I pulled my legs a little closer to me. "Back up... please... I don't want to accidentally hit you..."
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Xetria lingered longingly at Tara's breast a moment longer, but pulled away and sat up with a soft pout on her lips. "Did I do something to offend you? It felt right..." She couldn't meet Tara's eyes so she looked down at her fingers which were still coated in Tara's juices. She couldn't resist tasting them again and licked them clean before daring to look up into Tara's eyes again.
I slowly shook my head. "Not you... me..." I sighed again. "I know what you are... sorta... but you don't really know what I am... you think I'm human, correct..?" I looked into her eyes as I returned to biting my lip, speaking about a minute later. "I'm wanting to show you but... it's why I'm out here in the first place..."
Xetria's heart sank at those words... "it's not you, it's me" it appeared that rejection was a universal constant... but then Tara continued explaining. "Terran, yes, not that we know what that mean yet... but, whatever it is, I am eager to learn." Tara's nervousness over showing her what she was struck Xetria as endearing. "Oh, I've met all kinds of beings! A man with two hearts, living trees, lizard women, beings of pure energy... so whatever it is you want to show me, I want you to, I would be honored to see it! Go on, impress me!" Xetria teased, giving Tara's naked thigh a nudge.
I took a deep breath before letting it out as a sigh. "Okay..." I slowly slid into the floor, knowing I would likely fall off the bed if I shifted on it. About a minute later, with barely any concentration at all, my legs began to change into the tail of a snake, fading from pure white on top to an truly dark black on the underside, sides gray.

I slowly looked up at the woman, slight fear in my ebony eyes, my now-forked tongue unconsciously flicking out of my mouth every so often. I was waiting for a reaction.
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Xetria clapped her hands in girlish delight at the wondrous transformation Tara just went through. "Oh! You are magnificent! Truly! But others of your kind can't transform like you? So, you live out here, alone?" Xetria frowned and slipped off the bed, coming around to stand before Tara. She reached out to caress Tara's cheek and met her eyes with a look of understanding and empathy. "You are beautiful, it's just a shame you live on a world where you have to hide." Xetria looked down at Tara's breasts, that old wicked grin forming on her lips again. "Just one question... how do I make love to you in this form?"