Selkie (closed for heartofcourage)


Literotica Guru
Apr 3, 2012
"Look's like no one at the beach today"
Dane usually takes his walk at the beach, enjoying the spray of the ocean and the cool air. Living at a beach house sure helps that he doesn't need to go out much to have a good time. Although, he only wishes that he had someone to have a good time with.
Dane sighed, hoping that one day he could bump into someone worthwhile.
The sun was hot that day. It felt wonderful as it beat down on the rocky coast of the ocean and warmed her soft grey fur. She rested in the fresh air, listening to the splashing of her sisters as they frolicked in the surf. The two of them had shed their skins, taking on the form that they enjoyed as human.

She liked this beach. It was quiet and safe, barely any humans about. Her sisters had warned her about the humans. She was the only one out of the four that hadn’t been mated by one. She thought they were silly for abandoning everything at the first chance that they got.

She was startled when she heard their panicked cries. Opening her eyes, she watched as they ran to their skins, slipping into them and then into the ocean. She tracked their grey skin as they disappeared into the waves before she turned her attentions to the beach before her, wondering what had scared them.

She saw a man walking. A man. A human. One that would harm them. No, she thought, a mate. They were mates that would make them complete. She stayed where she saw in the surf, waiting for him to approach, her grey head lifted to watch him closer.
As Dane was taking his walk he could hear some splashing from a distance.
"Odd...I guess there are some people here after all"
Curious, he went to see who made the noises. He always notice visitors coming to the beach that were from out of town. It would be interesting to know who these new visitors are.
He came to where he thought the splashes were hear but there was no one there. There were some sand marks, suggesting that some people were here, at least 4, but no one.

"Ok..this is weird"...
She watched him closely, noting the way he looked at the markings left behind so intently. He was trying to figure out who had been there. She wriggled closer to him, her grey skin still soaking up the sun as she heard the strange words leave his lips.

She heard a barking reply in the distance, one of her sisters calling to her to come along. She ignored them. She was curious about this man.
Dane was still scratching his head on who could have been here and then disappeared.
He then noticed something in the surf, a grey colored seal. He has never seen a seal here on the beach before. It seemed to be watching him curiously.

"Weird seal" Dane thought "but it's not hurting anyone"
He was looking at her, speaking in those unfamiliar words again. He called her a ‘seal’. Is that what she was? She never really thought of herself as anything unusual, simply a creature of the glorious ocean. She watched him intently, incredibly curious about what he saw. She had a wonderful idea to show him her other form, but she stopped herself. Is this the man that would be her mate?

She barked at him, raising up so he could see her sleek grey fur. Would he come closer? Would he touch her? It was wonderful to think of the possibilities.
Dane was a bit surprised the seal was suddenly barking. It either was a bit antsy or it wanted for him to come closer. Dane felt something about this seal that was a bit odd, but what harm will petting a seal have.

Dane came close to the seal and looked at how glossy its skin was. It was really quite a specimen especially since he has never really seen or even touch a real life seal before.

"My, aren't you a cute thing, hehe...too bad I can't keep you as a pet"
He was touching her! She was thrilled as she felt his fingers run over her sleek fur, her warm skin hot beneath his touch. He was speaking more of those strange words as he pat her head and she cooed at the sensation. Now she was a ‘pet’? Such strange names this man had for her.

She was interrupted as one of her sisters came rushing onto the beach, barking and chasing the man off. She was disappointed, frightened as she was ushered back into he ocean by her angry sister. She wanted to get to know this man more, to feel his hands upon her skin one more time.

She would wait. He would have to return, perhaps soon? She would show him then what she really was.
Dane felt down on his back being scared off by another seal, as if it was being protective of its kin. The two soon quickly swam off, disappeared in the surf.

"Ow...well, I guess that's what I get for petting a wild animal. I'm bound to get hurt somehow..still..I kinda liked her...Hehe..great...being alone has made me needy for a seal."

Dane decided he had had enough walking for today, and headed back in the house, as he would be planning to catch some fish to sell soon.

As Dane was sleeping, the night fell, the beach empty and everywhere was quiet
As evening fell, she returned to the beach alone. Her sisters were gone to their home but she wasn’t ready just yet. She always enjoyed the beach at night. It was soothing to sit beneath the moon and listen as the surf rolled in. She wriggled out of the ocean and lay on the beach, slowly slipping from her skin. Leaving it near the surf, she stood and stretched her hands above her head.

Standing beneath the full moon naked, she turned and look at the ocean with a smile. It was the same blue green color as her eyes. Putting her feet into the surf, she laughed as the cool water tickled her pale ankles. Her features were sleek and nicely formed, her body covered in pale ivory skin. Her long red hair caressed her naked curves as a breeze picked up and blew the strands around her in a wild array. She felt free in that moment, another laugh leaving her lips as she dove beneath the ways, feeling the way the water moved across this new skin.
Dane woke up all of a sudden, thought that he heard a laugh.
"I know I'm not crazy..I did hear a laugh"
Then another laugh was heard, wondering if any other people decided to come to the beach late.

He decided to tell the people to at least keep it quiet. Putting on his slippers, he went outside to see who the person was.
She rose from the water with a smile upon her face. Her long hair was matted against her face and shoulders as she tread the water effortlessly. Her naked breasts were glowing in the moonlight, water cascading around her as she walked back upon onto the beach and sat down on the rocky outcropping. Laying back, she stretched away and closed her eyes, taking in the sights and sounds of the night around her. It was truly peaceful, not a soul to be heard out that night.
Dane saw no one in the shore. But then he scanned his eyes at the rock and he could make out a figure sitting there. It was hard to see who it was so he walked down the stairs and trekked to the rocks, planning to give the person a piece of his mind.

As he went close, he could make out more of the person. Breasts? hair?...A girl?..a naked girl?

Dane blushed at the revelation that this mysterious intruder was a very endowed female.
She stared up at the night sky, looking at the stars on the clear night as the water dried from her skin. She sighed in contentment, her arms stretching above her head for a moment when she head someone walking towards her. She flipped over onto her belly quickly, staring at the man she had seen earlier. She smiled at him, her stomach doing a flip as he stared at her. He came back!

He wouldn’t know her in this form, of course, but she was very interested to see his reaction. According to her sisters these men were aggressive and would do horrible things to her before releasing her. She didn’t think they man was capable of doing horrible things to her. Still, it was in her mind…

She looked across the shore and noticed that he was standing very near her skin. She took in a sharp intake of breath, her only means of escape blocked by this man. Could he be the mysterious mate that her sisters spoke of and wanted to escape from so intently?
Dane looked at the marvelous woman in front of her, wondering where she had come from. Her red hair framing her gorgeous face. Her fair ivory skin was uncovered for the whole world to see.

He could go on but he had to remember why he was hear.

"Um..mamn, I don't mind you being here..or..naked..but I would have to ask you to be quiet...Umm..Are you OK?"

Dane could notice that this woman was nervous all of a sudden, looking down on the sand. He then sees she was eyeing on some sort of fur coat.

He walked to pick it up, folded it, and handed the coat to the woman.
"I assume this is yours? You shouldn't leave such things around. People could steal it."
She cocked her head to the side as he spoke those strange words again. She didn’t understand any of them, but she did like the way that he looked at her. Her eyes went wide as he stooped to pick up her skin and he went to hand it to her. She shook her head back and forth, shrinking away from him as he offered it to her.

No, he’d taken it. That meant that he was her mate! Her heart leapt at that wonderful thought. If he returned it to her then she would have to return to the ocean like her sisters. No, she so desperately didn’t want to be like them. She wanted a mate, children, a lifetime together.
Dane was now confused. Now this woman, who seemed to have not said a word at all so far, shock her head wanting him to keep the coat.

" want me to have it?"

Dane held on to the coat, wondering why she was so scared.
"Who are you?"
She grinned at him happily as he held onto the coat, his strange words again ringing in her head as he spoke. Who? She knew that word. She thought over what she could tell him. Sitting up on the rock, her red hair fell over her breasts as she stared at him for a long moment.

“Pet.” She formed the word that he had used earlier, her voice strange and foreign with an unfamiliar accent.

She saw the startled look on his face as she said the word he had used and she cocked her head to one side to consider him for a moment.

“Seal?” She tried again, the other word leaving her lips with a husky tone that was again laced with an accent.
"Pet...Seal?...Those don't sound like...Wait a minute...Pet..seal...I said those words way.."

It all add up. The strange naked woman with the perfect sweet body. Can hardy speak. The fur coat. In fact, Dane petted the coat. It felt exactly like the seal he petted earlier. It couldn't be but she is a...Selkie.

"You're a Selkie..aren't you?"
She frowned at the strange work that he called her. “Selkie?” She asked, unsure of what that really meant.

She watched the way that he ran his hands across her pelt, the realization dawning that she was the same creature from earlier. She shrugged her shoulders at him, not really knowing what she was. Right now she was human and she couldn’t help but grin at her mate.
Dane looked at the now apparent Selkie grinning at him. He wonders if she is thinking what he thinks she is thinking.

He could even feel his member aroused, unable to hide his erection.
Dane blushed, seeing the Selkie grinning more.

Maybe it was because of the solitude from a woman's body, but Dane couldn't take it anymore and went to kiss her sweet lips for a full minute.
He pressed his lips against hers and her eyes widened at the strange sensation. She was pliant under his warm lips, sitting patiently as he took what he wanted. When he pulled away, she touched her lips with her fingers and then touched his, tracing them with a curious look. She then felt along his jaw and the scratchy hair that was there. She frowned at that sensation, moving her cheek to rub against his. She laughed at the different feeling as whiskers brushed against her smooth skin.

She then pulled away again, looking at her mate with a questioning glance. “Who?” She asked, pointing towards him as he’d asked of her.
Dane was afraid he was too froward with her, but she seemed to be more curious of his light beard than the kiss. Dane then wondered what she meant by "Who", then he realized he meant his name.

Dane pointed at himself, saying "Dane"

Dane realized she seems to understand small simple words or phrases.
“Dane.” She said the name with a wide grin. “Dane.” She kept repeating it over and over again in her strange voice.

She stopped suddenly and frowned as she looked at him intently. She then pointed to herself and asked the simple question again. “Who?”
Dane looked at her pointing to herself, realizing that she doesn't have a name. After thinking for a while, he came up with a name.

Dane pointed at his new companion.
