Looking for LW story


Jan 1, 2009
A large family is getting together at a lodge/cabin. Husband suspects something is going on with his wife. He finds out she has slipped into the room and bed of her sister's husband. First husband grabs a shotgun and is considering using it on the two cheaters. Instead he leaves it propped up against the wall outside the room. (I think he throws up in the hallway as well). Rather than kill them, he leaves the cabin, and drives away. He stops at a gas station. His pregnant sister-in-law pulls into the station to get gas. Her daughter also gets out of the van. Another van pulls in, the door is flung open, and a guy grabs the little girl. Pregnant SIL tries to stop them, but is injured. First husband follows the kidnappers to a barn. He knows the police will be too late to save the girl, so he calls in a barn fire, knowing the FD will respond in minutes. Meanwhile, mother-in-law has found the evidence in the hall, and knows about the betrayal. Pregnant wife goes into labor. Cheating wife and BIL know what the depth of their betrayal. SIL names baby after hero/cuckolded husband instead of her cheating husband.

I can remember the story fairly well, but I can't remember the author or title.