Something is wrong...


Aug 12, 2014
The fact that the human can never be satisfied with what he has is not news. I could expand on this, but I am not really here to talk about humanity. Maybe a little...

There is a difference between feeling unsatisfied and being shown that we could have so much more, that the status quo is wrong.

So... I recently turned 29 and I met this woman, she showed me that there is hope out there, that I am not so alone in my... Way!

I am just a guy that enjoys reading, drawing and hanging out with friends, but I also like to stay quiet and live inside my mind on ocasion. Don't linger on silence as my peqculiar whay I like to talk fantasy and philosophy.

I am like most also driven by erotic desires, but I like to speculate and let my mind fill the blanks, a naked woman by herself could cause an erection, but would not satisfy my erotic mind.

Where am I going with all this? I need thril, emotion, to feel chalanged in any way possibel. A woman that can do this, any age will do but I would prefer older woman.

I doubt this will ring any curiosity, I just can't expose my mind so openly, so if anyone is ever curious about the greater part that I left out, do what you do.

If possible, be polite about it.

Also, sorry about possible typos... Not willing to review all this on the phone, I already know I will regret this as soon as I hit send.