all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I just wanna scream "fuck you"
so loud and angry
everyone knows what a schmuck
you are

but I'll feel better tomorrow
like I always do
and when I'm calm
I just wanna whisper "fuck you"

because you'll hear me
even if you're watching tv
cause it's the words you hate
probably because "fuck you"
is the truth

that slides down your thick throat
and settles in your stomach
giving you big "fuck you" ulcers
that make you bleed

like my pumping heart muscle
every time you act out
"fuck you"
with your actions
the core gets tossed
mystical myriad birds
dogde cars
to swallow dry seeds
they fly off just in time
as kingfishers cackle
on the power lines.

even the queen sheets
float in the direction
of the wind

heavy yet
you move me
strong yet
I am pulled
at will
my emotions
flap and twist
in the currents

I am sorry I deleted that last line
I forgot for a moment
this was meant to stay
every last word

even the ones i have forgotten
even the capitol I
gets knocked down

and you wonder
is this a good thing
or a bad thing

to be so poseable
so vunerable
blown away

and today
answer is no
who knows

depends on the direction of the winds
want to be angry
at something besides myself
for a change
sucks being the donator
and the recipeint of such passionate

to slurp up my own vomit
with a smile
as if it were what
something good
who can help me out here

I cannot even think of something good
to slurp

and Fuck me
just does not have the same ring
as Fuck You

but in the end
it what we are usually saying anyway
isn't it?

at least this way
only one person has to hear it

unless you post it on a passion thread
and then, well maybe then
two people may have to read through it

anyone make it to the bottom?

that is not what matters what matters
is the process
the click and glow and hum
and the release
and even if no one is watching
twirling naked in the window
is still kind of cool

and I say to myself
if there is an ounce of talent in these fingers

so when the echo rings
and resonance sings
of a quiet whisper
tearing wavelengths
into messy confetti

like fingers in a blender
and one careless
just can't resist
flip of that fatal switch

so when you part your lips
and shoot your clusterbomb
of careful whisper

when it shreds
so gently
my frontal lobes
and bursts my aorta
by merely passing by

will you please
just please
stay a little longer
to clean up the ugly mess
that you know
I won't be able to
while I bleed

Anna, I made it to the bottom and you got me thinking about laundry. Okay here it goes. NO editing? this should be interesting.

thereare no thongs upon my line
nor g-strings
or anything with tassels
no leather in my dry cleaning
I do not even think you dry clean leather
who knows?

so why would you
why would you tell me
to bend over
pull that thong to the side
while you whip tickle my ass
with some leather tassel or other

if you were my neighbor
you would know
baby blue breasts
flirt with each nipple
directly pointed
at you
though dampened by drink
flows and goes
and goes and goes and goes
and flows
to keep sleep
from viable options
if only these tears were words
falling on a page
splattering grief syllables
in the shape of your life
if only my cries were notes
of a song
and ode to a hero
my hero
if only I could catch my breath
and give it to you
so you could speak
to me
one more time
if only...
if only

we are reduced to
pronouns in poems

I want
you ease

because of pronouns
he, she

she is nameless
I am in the dark
anonymous pronoun
he is watching
over shoulders

we do what we do

two pronouns
in a run on sentence
over the board

in the desolate craggy
parched sandstone mountain,
the treeline far below seeming like
memory forests dark and fearsome-

a tincup, surprised, finds the purest
smallest spring.

oh, look, from under the
red rock unfolds a lavender flower,
new this moment,
hopeful and stretching for the golden sun.

Here, let me show you.
Today and every day.

We just need to look
and this thirst will relinquish along
with the past.


mountains of love Ange...
I am unreading this
no mention of self
the backspace behind me
a negative spot that is where I just was
chasing something
you, reader know what it is
that spot
the place you give in life to see what someone says and then close the door
or close the door and open the window
-creepy into your room-
leave puddle onthe floor
lay on our sides all curly
two yins, no yangs
a flavor, an invitaion that makes
jets fly
single men cry
Mardi Gras

beads of shell and glass and tin,
Polished and sparkling trinkets
Clattering as I show off my

Mardi Gras, fat day of indulgence.

can you see my skin through
The flotsam twirl of glitter
Falling from the crue

Mardi Gras, Tuesday never looked better.
Let's see if you can read this :)

I'm Eric, and dreams:
Equal writhes, be conned of truth
and just this for all
Free dumb and conned tree
My cunt rewrite or wrong

lies at the end of the tumble
tumour of wills, a view

shades of affection
between feather pale
and opacity exploding
reflecing a clear leap

of lightning ever strung
from your eyes to here
inside my flesh and bone
tower built on shifty sand

shelter me hold me close
in your protective palms
I still venture forward
egged on by curiosity

calamitous enough to scare
but far from the terror
we both once assumed
hid inside of each other

no more shallow charades
will barricade between us
your lightning curiosity
and my shivering thrill
For each action
there is an equal and opposite reaction
ant' I don't
under(where you)stand
these brittle weak scales
that leave me off balanced
you see me hear this

It's not your fault.

It's simp ly
that the happiness of others
often makes me blue

and that's why I play that way

a nap was all that was initially intended
but several hours deep-sleep, dreaming of you

and some short little guy in a green velvet suit
standing on a wooden bridge

invited me to tea, but not you, so you sat in the car
and watched as he danced

a strange little jig in his lace underpants-
he spilled chamomile tea, on his shirt then on me

and I woke around six, with a fog in my brain-
you were now gone, little person stayed

and believe it or not
things are much better this way
death becomes me
and thoughts slip
clip the yellowed remnants
of love, and life,
a fallen wife.

the phone call
rattles the wall
hang her yellowed picture
the smile, the eyes,
our last goodbyes.
come and stand on the edge
of the blowing rock with me

hands outstretched, two lovers wait
expecting they both will fall

how then will the wind explain
the dizzy, spin and chase?

a pound of feathers, a pound of lead
both fall at the same rate

and that is the only downside
to your handsome precipice, your kissable face


(for a friend)
In Portugal they rerun
the first seven episodes

here in the states I must regress to renting them
in order to see that strange little man dance
in backward nuance

Not that such images are erased from my head
images such as dreams are made of
dreams born of damn good coffee
and cherry pie

She appears from the fog
A mirage floating before you
The wind shifts
And she's gone

(forgive me. drunk tonight. I'll go back to lurking now.)
I don't want to go to your wake
or talk to people who mean well
but really don't mean anything to me
or break down in whimpered syllables
when I kneel by your coffin
wishing I could sneak love letters inside
I don't want to drive for hours to grieve
it's too silent, and all I can hear is you
and I wonder
not if you knew that I loved you
but if you knew how thankful I am
that I could live in your presence
for just one moment
nevermind my entire life
I don't want to go
I didn't want you to go
from ghost
thin lipped
long wait

long thoughts on Tuesday night
let rest, all this life

there are many reasons
for continue
going on

sitting down
no, half is better because
of the far left main brain

damn white skinny legs
of thee I avoid
pastey white skinny ass too
sweet lamb of misery
pimples needing no adornment

oh, the temptation to run it through a speller, no no no
max headroom to your rescue
a rope and a cyber accent
stutter of the result we are living in
now this moment and for a forsee
o2 is good with velvet, try it try it
2rivers said:
max headroom to your rescue
a rope and a cyber accent
stutter of the result we are living in
now this moment and for a forsee
o2 is good with velvet, try it try it

headroom :D
mush rhume
any tunes a good tune
long as it doesnt repeat
in my head
in my head
in my head
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