Sister’s Gone Wild: Stranded (Closed)


I realize what she said, "yes, they were in the small pocket in my bag, I didn't even realize they were there, what a nice surprise huh?" and I see a major eye roll and frown....

"That is the great news...swim shorts...well I guess you are more comfortable...but Jesus Tommy you made me think..." And I start to laugh, not a chuckle...but a huge, bend over, hard to catch your breath, laughing, fit!

"NO, not my shorts...what I, tons and tons of fish...if we can figure out how to catch them...we can eat like Hawaiian Kings!...there is a reef a couple of hundred yards off the shore...Tori...things are looking really good...I found a net earlier that can help, but let's go down and see what else we can scavenger to help us out...I would kill for swim goggle or a mask, but let's go..." There is also tons of grasses and seaweed down by the reef...and some big shells we can try to pull out and use for creating shovels.

I am very excited...and without thinking I reach out and put my arm around her...suddenly I remember her reaction from yesterday...but she is not stiffening...or at least not like yesterday...she is staying with me and....yes...I think I see a little smile on her face. I let go, "I'll race you down to the water" I say playfully..."let's go treasure hunting and see what else we can find to help us...." I am smiling like a fool and really excited...I have no fucking idea how we might catch the damned fish, but I have confidence in us, and I think we can figure it out.

"Grab the net before you race off!" calls out as he turns to jog off on me. I am not racing his long legged ass anywhere! I know better than that! Besides, when he is winded on shore, I will be stroking on out to this reef of his and scoping the lay of the land out while he is nursing himself out to find me. Solid plan, right? Grinning with this in mind, I follow him down at a more leisurely pace than he has set out at. Tortoise and the Hare comes to mind, we are a competitive family. Always have been, always would be. At everything! Probably not always a good thing but it keeps us driven, healthy, and even sharper.

At the white sands, skirting a cactus and some sharp look shells, I strip back down to my bikini. No need to soaking more of me or my clothes than necessary, right? Stepping ankle deep, I shiver and suck for air at the cold ripple. "It's still cold!" Rasps out, only to be washed over next wave with warmth. The currents and odd bands of warm water and alternating cold water, just is so odd.. Normal but odd. I left my shoes behind, which is probably smart if I want them to last but it means I am much slower at walking into the ocean. Watching where I am going until deep enough to swim, trying not to step on anything sharp or deadly with Thomas shouting for me to 'hurry it up!'

"Maybe you enjoy shrinkage but I don't!" shouting at him as I fight the urge to turn back to shore. Food sounds very good, and if there are fish big enough to eat out there? Yes, damn it! We have to go out there and hope that net he found proves useful. I know he doesn't want to shred the raft, thinking if all else fails.. But that raft won't carry us far, nor haul much more than us. Supplies? Food? That raft wasn't made for more than a last hail mary. Trying not to drink any of the salt water, I finally make it out there where the victory dancing brother of mine is standing, gloating and unwinding the net he carted out over his broad shoulder.

"I won." He says simply, a flash of grin at me and sparkle in those blue eyes.

"Yep.." Totally not biting at his hook, nor stroking his ego as I play it cool and disinterested entirely.

"First place.." He says again, grin growing wide and his tone insistent with me.

"Uh huh.." Finding footing on the reef is much harder than one would think it is. Not to step on sharp coral or spine finish. He offers me a hand up to the rounded rock he stands on, water washing over him at his calf muscles. Not a bad spot, once I am above water and the white water has gone away. "Oh wow.." Voice soft, awed clearly by the beauty of the reef. Coral of all colors, shapes and sizes, sponge, fish in all sorts of sizes, darting in and out of little caverns. I turn to look at Thomas but he is giving me a gloating look still, to which I just HAVE to burst his bubble now!

"Yes, you made it here first. you won!" sarcasm oozing thickly, but the grin returns his way, "Shame you didn't wager anything, huh?" BOOM! Gotcha! Gloats now as it sinks into his brain, he won nothing.. Well except being out here first and breathing harder than I am. Still, I grin at him as he gives me a growly little surly look. "Your prize is unwinding that wadded mess of net to see if there is any useable parts of it that might help us nab some food." Glancing about as he fucks with the net, I don't really see much but the swell of water and swimming fish. "Think it's low tide?" I ask, teetering to look into the water, trying to at least. I feel his hand snake out and grab at my waist, pulling me back just as water comes rushing over the reef.

"Watch it!" His voice once more humorous as he saved me from a dunking and possibly worse.

"Shit! Crap! Oh my god!" Eyes went wide, grabbing for him as I teeter and tip, glad he was watching even when I was giving him shit, but I grab for him and cling tightly until the water passes fully, my feet firmly on reef once more. "Thanks.." Relief clear in eyes, in tone and after a moment, I realize I am still clinging to my brother as if his name is LIFE RAFT. "Sorry.." Chuckles a little, unclutching my fingers from his arms. "A little slippery and still dangerous.." I sink down as he hands me one end of the net to hold. Pulling away from me as he untwists it further.

He cautions me, as usual. Dr. Tommy with the cautionary tales and reminder he doesn't have a suture kit.. speaking of! "we can use cactus needs to sew some stuff together.." A smile flashed his way, hands working together to get the net ready. "So how we gonna do this?" Asks, eyes moving from net to his crotch... Crotch!? Eyes shoot up higher, instantly ON his eyes! Face flaming, but god I hope he doesn't realize! I so did not mean to look there!
I am proud of my discovery, and can't wait to show her, and even I have to admit I become a bit of a brat. I have felt so useless since I woke up, depending more on Tori than she on me, and I am thrilled to finally make a real contribution. I don't even think about the fact that I am barely dressed. My swim shorts are lycra and fit me like a second skin, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. I swim for distance, a competitive triathlete and these are performance shorts, aerodynamically engineered.

My feel are also quite calloused due to the workouts so the little bumps and some sharper items both on shore and as we wade into the water, don't really bother me. I sprint ahead of Tori...partially competing, but more playing...somehow I want to find a way to have some fun. I turn around and watch her peel out of her t-shirt, shorts and shoes and can't help but stare. Damn, I shouldn't notice, but my sister has a killer body...much better than Katherine...but to be honest better than candy...Hawaiian Tropic would gladly take her to model bikinis. My mind goes back to last night, her grinding into wonder I got is soooo fucking wrong, but my cock again begins to tingle and grow and I make sure I wade in to waist deep. I need to masturbate soon, that that has to be has just been too long since I have cum and I need to regain balance...I am a young guy after all with normal needs...but these are not things I should be noticing and certainly not enjoying about my sister

We swim out to the is an easy swim for me...a mere fraction of the normal distances I train at, so I am easily there will before Tori...even with the rope over my shoulder. I find a mice smooth rock and take my footing solidly, starting to untangle the net as she finally gets there. I tease her about winning our non-existent race and she rightly puts me in my place but it is fun to just exchange the banter. I start to make headway with the net, there are a few more holes than I realized but none larger than three or so inches in diameter. The cactus needles may well make this close to perfect if we can figure out some sort of thread. However, for now, we only need a few fish to get us through today with a solid source of protein, and shore things up with a better plan for tomorrow.

"Think it's low tide?" I look down and see her leaning down, not watching, and then look up and see the large wave about to hit the reef. I don't think, I reach down and pull her up and out of harm's way. She would probably be fine, but this coral looks very sharp in spots and I have no way to take care of her easily, if we cut ourselves too badly. "Watch it!" I chuckle at my bold and beautiful sister, who too often has more guts then sense. She is clearly startled and holds on to me, staring down...I look down and see I am again, semi hard. Jesus how did that happen...all id did was reach down and grab her...I didn't mean to be holding my hard across her barely covered breast. She is breathing hard, her chest heaving in and out from the surprise..and I guess, I reacted.

Thank goodness, she looks up, and I hope it doesn't all register...We appear to be walking on a precipice...both of us...not sure of what all this means and trying like hell not to fall into some sort of abyss. I finish untangling the net though and I am ready to give it a try. "Okay, here is what I think we should do. You stand here and hold these two corners of the net. I can't see once I go below the surface and then swim down and out, but it will almost be impossible for at least a few fish to not get caught up in the netting.

You hold the edges and I slip into the water, going as deep as I can before spreading the net as wide as my arms can go, and quickly rising to the surface, roughly 10 feet away from where you stand, and then quickly close the distance. Most of the fish escape as the transition is awkward, but as I hoped a few cannot and there are 6 good sized fish and several tiny ones that remain. "We will eat today", I laugh as I bundle the fish tightly in the net. "Let's go to shore and figure out how we will keep them fresh and make breakfast." I know this is far from ideal and we have to find a better way to do this...hell, to do everything...but it is a we need to figure out how best to clean and cook them...but we are both famished and we are making progress...

Plucking out the small ones to throw back, I can only nod as he returns with net bundled in hand, under his arm. Scrambling down to help him with it, we manage to get closed up as best we can and start humping it back to shore. Swimming side by side, each with only one arm free, it takes a little longer than I had expected it to, but we eventually make it to shore and wade out. Drained, feeling like each limb weights a ton, I flop down into sad and pant for air. I am not in peak condition lately, probably all the stupidity of trying to forget shit..

"Think we can wrap them in leaves and roast them in the fire. We can spit the fish too, if we find sturdy but small enough branches.. I am not sure which kelp is which, and we're no where near Japan.. so, that is all you, Mr. Traveller man." We will have to wash them in the stream before cooking, rather not taste sea foam fish if it's all the same. I know, I know! Beggers can not be choosers, but I have a choice to wash, so they will be washed.. and my God! Is that me!? Leaning over to sniff at myself, I am not sure if the odd scent is coming from me, Tommy, the fish or this ratted old net? Some where else maybe? Glancing about I don't see anything that could cause such a smell.. Still I know my nose has scrunched up and my face is definitely making an 'ewww!' face by the way Thomas is looking at me, and smirking!

"It's not funny.." Growls out at him, standing up and letting him carry home the fish. Marching over to my shorts and t-shirt, I grab at them and pause to pick up a few shells while we're here. "Maybe if we get a heavy stone and hit these right we can make some sort of shiv?" Look at me! Prison speak! A night in jail is rubbing off! Rolling my eyes at my own inner thoughts, I realize I have watched way too much television since....

"We can try it, use this thin shell to gut the fish and clean it.. I will hunt us up some thick waxy leaves if you want to take the catch back?" Not sure it is exactly safe to split up, not exactly sure but we are within yelling distance of each other.. And I still haven't seen a single damned soul since we ended up here.. Just their stupid trash! Of course, "OH hey! Thomas? I thought of something while you were playing mermaid.." A grin flashed as I teased him a bit more, "We can clean the glass bottles and use them to boil water in.. it's not much but it would work, wouldn't it?" I watch him as he gathers up the net by himself and hugs it close, carting the fish safely in place, his body tense to keep his precious grasp on our dinner.. Noticing yet again he is sculpted damned well for a nerd. I really need to stop checking out my brother.

I DON'T check guys out anyway! So why am I suddenly eyeing Thomas so much? It makes no sense and makes me feel a little odd. Not sure why I am doing it, the cause of it, and not feeling sickened.. Maybe because he was grinding on my ass half the damned night? He's saying something to me but I am so lost in thought, I didn't catch what he said. Still, I nod and smile with an, "okay.." clueless to what the fuck he said, but whatever! Turning away, I march off through sand with shells, clothes and a task to do, to keep my mind occupied and busy! I need that, or I might go fucking nuts out here. As I walk I pouch my t-shirt in my fist, picking up shells and anything else that looks sharp on my way to a few large green leafy plants. Looking them over, I cut off three big leaves. We can soak the rest on a tether in the stream, roast a few in the fire. No sense butchering a tree, but I do stop at a large yucca and pull off some thick leaves there. Useful for many things but in this case, can shuck it for fiber and try to repair the net in a few days when the sheddings dry out.

Back at camp I set my things down near by and sit myself next to Thomas who has a fire going and caught fish on a large piece of bark, waiting. "We can hook them through gills to a flimsy branch and tether it in the stream to keep a few fresh.. Here, hand me three. I need to go wash in the water anyway.. Clean two or three out, I can only eat one I think. Maybe?" I look at the three fish, they aren't small but they aren't massive either. Still, I never over eat, never have. "Good for breakfast in the morning whatever we don't eat.." Passing him the large tear drop shaped leaves. We make small talk as I get my stuff, the largest T shirt I own and my bikini bottoms will have to do and slip on my shoes. Grabbing a small hotel soap bar from my over night bag, fish hooking on my fingers, and off I go. It's not dark and won't be any time soon, but still I walk slowly and listen for danger. Finding a shallow spot is easy enough and after a few minutes of searching the trees, I find a willowy limb to use to hook and tie up the three remaining fish to shore.

Moving further upstream from camp and fishy smell, I find a spot that looks to be the friendliest spot to bathe in and strip down. Unwrapping the soap, I wash my bikini and rinse it. Draping it over pine limbs in the sunniest spot I can find, I then slip out into the water until standing knee deep. It's cold! Even in the damn sunlight beating down over head, this water is fucking icy feeling! Not sure why, not caring why either, I just wash as quickly as I can. And hope like hell that the soap doesnt ruin our fresh catch? Why didn't I think of that before crawling in here with soap? "Fuck.." Grunts out, moving to wash pussy, arm pits and primary sweat locations. I don't smell anything now, except a hint of fish on my hands. Still a little irritable with the soap and fish thing, I doubt that the soap will do anything, using so little and quite a bit of fast flowing water, even if it is shallow in most places. Should be okay. I hope it's okay at least. Putting the small white bar back into the wrapper, I move out into the cold once more and sink down.

It is peaceful out here, quiet aside from the occasional call of birds, sing song chirps and the rustle of breeze. A low hum of rushing water coming over the falls but it's all serene, as if purposely nature slowed down here for relaxation and peace? Maybe just silly thoughts, but I feel good. Surprisingly given this shit situation and crazy hectic chaos of life or death. And I am at peace, feeling safe.. Go figure that one out! Having waded in a bit deeper, the water is mid-thigh now and a bit warmer as it flows slowly here. Hands cup and lift water, rinsing off higher places first. Cupping pert breasts and cold nipples before scooping more water to pits, to throat.

Unbidden thoughts come to my mind, and at the most awkward times too. Here I am washing off my body, intimate places and my brother pops into my head. How is he? Is he alright by himself at the small camp? What is he thinking, does he hate me? Why would he buy and wear such tight shorts! Pulse does pick up a bit, though not too familiar with the sexual side of life, thanks to Brad.. I can tell that my body is warming up though, tingles spread and cause goose bumps, nipples to tighten. The why of it just isn't in my head, yet to him my mind has gone, even as my fingers are cupping and pressing water into my slit, trying to wash away the soap and sand. A spiral of heat unfurls, and with it a long breath is pushed out with a hefty force.. and I wonder.. Well two things really.. One being, how the fuck am I going to handle a period out here!? And Second, if anything weird goes on, I am going to have to have MY BROTHER! look into my health.. meaning..

Yep! You Guessed it! He would be face to … face with my..

This gives me pause, my hands stop moving, my mind goes in so many directions at once and I am fucking bright Red in the face due to that! Thank GOD he can not read my fucking mind! I would be so embarrassed right now if he could! And why does the thought of him hovering his handsome face over my pussy, make me want to...

"Jesus.." rushes out, feeling flushed, hot all over and confused that I am not disgusted with myself yet! That visuals in my head!! I dunk under, just let go and sink. Going under and staying under, floating to my back and hoping like hell this cold water will not only cool me, but my thoughts and wash away the sinful thoughts that just came to my mind!
She mentions a shiv and I think she is kidding, we are a couple of kids raised to wealthy parents. We should have as much need to know how to make a shiv as we should the knowledge of how to make homemade bombs. I laugh at first as I think she is kidding, my sister has been watching too many old crime movies. I shouldn't laugh we may well need to be inventive and perhaps sooner rather than later. She has forgotten, I have a pocket knife, so I should be able to handle the gutting of the fish when she gets back. I trot out and begin my hunt for vegetables.

The waters here are loaded with sargassum seaweed, which is luckily a very flexible plant, and is probably primarily responsible for the abundance of marine life in the reef we just left. However, it has a bit of a bitter taste so I keep looking...I like to cook and have recently gotten into cooking some rather exotic oriental dishes. I am thrilled to find rich plants of Nori, Kombu and Wakame seawood in addition to the plentiful sargassum, some of these must be dried but they can be used as seasonings, and in other cases boiled to provide a food similar in nutritional value and taste to spinach. If we find lemons we can cook in lemon juice, if not, the milk from these coconuts will do nicely.

I pile small groupings of each type of plant, and yell to Tori who smiles, but I am not sure that she heard me. I see her get up with some clothes in her hand as well as the fish and remember she is headed off to both clean herself and the fish. I turn and watch her walk away. This island has me looking at her in a whole different and not necessarily good way. As she walks away, I realize I am staring at her nice, firm ass. Hypnotized as I see it bounce along, and thinking about the awkwardness of last night and again out at the reef.

I finish my work, I find sticks for kindling, spears we can cook the fish with, and several coconuts and bananas. I am confident there must be some sort of citrus on the island, but so far I find nothing. I am hot and sweaty as I finish...and wade out into the water to cool off. I turn back towards the direction Tori went and am confident she will be a bit. I am guessing my sister will want to take a nice luxurious bath, and once again my mind goes where it shouldn't. I can't help but wonder how she must look naked with the water tumbling down on her under the small waterfall, if she has gone that far, or if not cupping it in her hands to pour down her body, over her curves, her body glistening.

I am hard, and I know it is just that I have gone too long without release. I shut my eyes and try not to think of Tori, but Candy, a woman who was once the object of my every fantasy. I slide my shorts off of my one pant leg, and come up towards the shore, until I am thigh deep in the water. With my eyes closed, I picture being back in her apartment, how she would play with my cock as we kissed, before going down and slippling me in her mouth, twirling her tongue, and teasing my throbbing tip.

I shut my eyes, and tug on my cock, occasionally spinning my hand as she used to do while taking me into her warm mouth. With my eyes closed, things get blurry, and the face and body seem to be Candy one second, Tori the next. I should be disturbed, I should stop, but FUCK I need release, so I let my mind alternate between the women, this is harmless, and I need to cum and quickly. I am almost there, I feel my cock jerk, and my balls seize up and I shoot my ropes out over the top of the water. Sweet Jesus, that feels good, I needed that. "Tommy?" I hear and I dip down in the water as the salt water burns the slightly open tip of my cock. Serves me right, my penance, as I slide my shorts up and turn around. Tori is just coming out of the trees. Thank god, that was too close, I need to find someplace more private, I was too confident that she would take longer.

That would have been so embarrassing, but luckily the combination of the burning and the cold ocean water quickly brings me down. I stroll out of the water, as if my sister hadn't almost caught me masturbating. Of course it is a normal thing, I am sure she will need to also, but still, EMBARRASSING! "I have collected some edible seaweed and if you have the fish clean from the water, I will use my pocket knife to gut them. Then if you don't mind, if you can light the fire and get it going, I will go bathe too, and then we can quick up some food. Sound good?" She was looking at me a bit funny...I was probably acting a whole lot more domestic than she ever imagined I could be...

There is no mistaking what it is my brother is doing in the water. I can see him, but not full exposure as I came to the tree line on quiet steps. I stopped to lean against a large palm, to soak in some warmth and clear my head when I caught him. Obvious he is.. Well... Jerking off, can't be doing anything else with his shoulder and arm moving the way he is, his posture seems familiar to me.. That guy stance, perhaps I saw in it a porn clip? Stunned to stumble upon him doing such an intimate act, I quickly step back around the tree and out of sight. I move quiet out of his line of sight, walking a bit further around to his profile where I can clearly see exactly what he is doing.. And yeah! He is.. I don't think about it, but I watch him. I'd never seen such, like live! No way I am not going to watch now, Thomas would freak out but he did it in public! So, not my fault...

I can rationalize anything, I told you so before. And I have a mean streak in me a mile wide, so when he starts to cum, I call out his name, "Thomas?" As if innocent, as if I had not just watched him jerking off that large cock of his and spew his mess all over the water... yet I interrupted him as he shoved himself quickly into water and squirmed about, trying to tug up his shorts as I came out of the tree line. "Everything come out alright?" quipped with a seemingly innocent smile, seemingly! Hell yeah pun was fully intended! Though, he didn't know that! I smile brighter, wider and saunter up to him, like invading his personal bubble close.

"Need a hand?" Head tilts a bit to one side, innocent smile still firmly in place, listening to him ramble off tasks needing done. "Sure. No prob.. I can do that." Nodding as he speaks, my eyes roam his chest, his veins bulging out and the labor of his breathing he tries so hard to regain control of. "Where's the lighter?" My eyes lower as if they are seeking his pockets and his hands may go there.. Better hope it isn't in his pocket, otherwise the flint is soaked and it won't light. He seems to squirm a bit as I stare so at him, and when my eyes lift back to his face, his jaw has this little tick going on. Wonder what he's thinking right now?

Pointing to the net he had in his hands not so long ago, now resting on the beach with three dead fish inside it's netting, I motion to the net, "Uh, did you forget you have the fish and knife?" My expression changes with his odd behavior, but then again all his blood was just SOUTH of the border.. "Yeah those three were for you to gut for dinner, I stored the other's at the stream for tomorrow.. You alright, Tommy? Feeling well?" I move closer to him and tip toe up, my hand pressing to his forehead as the other rests on his chest. We bump up together, again I keep my expression neutral and confused though I know exactly what I am doing. Guys, so .. easy to manipulate and toy with! Though, I am not going to do that to my brother, a little tease and humor is one thing but I don't want him mad at me again. I like him this way..

"You don't feel hot but you are warm, sweaty or is it water?" I move away from him and turn to head back to the small camp. "Don't forget to clean them! I will go get a fire going.." Maybe find something to eat off of.. Some thin rocks or coconut shell bowls?

"Need a hand?" she asks, and I raise a brow, it is an odd turn of phrase, and I try to understand is there a double meaning there that would be more than awkward. I walk over to my real shorts and grab the lighter from the pocket. "You couldn't possibly think I had it in these". I reference the skin tight racing trunks that I have on. They are high end performance gear, not intended for being stranded but for racing and biking as a triathalete. I would give anything for my Tommy Bahama baggy shorts with pockets, etc, but beggars can't be choosers, but these do leave pretty much nothing to the imagination.

I give Tori, the lighter, and my pocket knife, just in case she needs it. I sit down for a second, and look at her. "You look nice all cleaned up....", I smile everything is so natural, and it probably isn't the best time, but I find myself opening up, "Tori, I am not really sure what happened and how we grew apart so suddenly...but in an odd way, I am glad this happened...I feel like I not only have my little sister back...but a best friend that I thought had gone away". I stood up and walked over to her and hugged her, I think I caught her off guard, but she did hug me back, even tucking her cheek into my chest so we cold squeeze tight. I broke it laughing, "I shouldn't have done that, you are nice and clean but I am the exact opposite...can I use your soap, that way we can keep each bar as fresh as possible?"

She gives me the soap, and I grab the fish to clean in the fresh water and get the excessive salt off. It will feel good to get clean, and I grab my shorts, a fresh t-shirt and my underwear. I also grab my dirty clothes and will do my best to hand wash...but I realize. I should probably try to find some local version of a loin cloth...I don't have many change of clothes, basically three including a long pair of pants...and they won't last forever...I may have to become a nudist. I laugh at my internal joke...I wonder how my little sister will react to that?

Grinning as he motions to his tight little shorts, I do make a show of it. Of looking him over and checking his shorts out. "Well, I suppose they could have been in there? I asked where it was, not why are you .. never mind!" A little huff comes out, but a strangled chuckle also follows. He is so flustered that English isn't making much sense to the guy. Can't blame him, I suppose, right? I mean, he was just cumming all over.. and I waded into the water! .. Ew.. Glancing down at my feet, I hope I am not standing in gooey Tommy spunk ocean water and gladly follow him to dry land!

"Don't use soap on the fish!" I called as he marched off with fish in hand and soap in the other. It's tempting to follow, interfere with his bathing a bit more for amusement's sake.. But that would be so cruel, wouldn't it? I love my brother and his company, I really do but that was borderline mean to even think of. Not that I wanted to see any more of THAT! going on... He goes one way, I go the other and begin washing off the leaves he wants to wrap the fish in, started a fire and got it burning pretty well without shooting flames to the canopy above.. That's when I felt the pocket knife in my pocket and sighed a bit. "How the hell can you clean fish without the damned knife, Thomas?" Muttering to myself I march off to the stream and then what I think of as 'north' which is most likely west or north west, but whatever! It's up hill!

"Thomas, you need the knife!" Called out rather sharply as I stepped through the clearing to where he stood butt naked in the water. His back was to me, so I wasn't really seeing anything I haven't saw before but the roar of the falls was cutting out my voice. "THOMAS!" I tried again, and again until I stood on the shore and finally he heard me, or saw me. Not sure which but I held the pocket knife up and out to him with an expectant look on my face, eyes firmly locked on his.

"YOU NEED THIS TO CLEAN THE FISH!" shouted to be heard over the water, though I think I stunned him with my arrival as he just kind of stood there, turning towards me and kind of Doe caught in the head lights look on his face. Surely he didn't expect ME to cut open and pull out innards... my stomach started to roll with such thought, free hand moving to mouth. "Oh god.. I'm gonna be sick!" Attention averted off of his naked ass, hand moves to fan my suddenly sweat slick face, breathing deep and slow to keep from vomiting every where.
I go to the stream and start with the fish. The water is still reasonably cool even in the shallow water near the shore. Where I am at is shaded, so the bright sun has had minimal effect. The water itself is beautifully clear, and I see some small fish that I did not see before when all I could think of was satisfying my thirst. To small to eat, but potentially bait if we can find some sort of hook or line to fish with. The fish are nice sized, a little over a pound each, but I am not sure exactly what they are? One appears to be some sort of snapper and the other, larger one, a grouper. I rub each fish down with my hands, trying to clean the salty brine which is beginning to crust.

I purposefully leave my knife behind, as I will gut and filet them just before cooking, not wanting to expose the raw meat too long to the warm fresh air. I safely spear the fish with a small branch and leave them just in the water to stay fresh. The smell of fish is strong on m hand, but it is by far not the worst smelling thing on my body, I feel bad for what I had exposed Tori to.

I take off my shorts and wade into the relatively shallow waters, no more than mid thigh deep at any point. Soap in hand, I navigate myself to the light falls. the stream/river bed is a silty sand, and my feet sink lightly with each step. It feels refreshing pouring over my head and shoulders and cascading down the muscles in my body. The water is brisk pouring down, but I am a shower guy so I let it douse me and then quickly step away. Soaping up, I wash the dirt, grime and sweat remaining from our days at sea. I have swum plenty, but it his hot here during the day, and a light glisten of sweat is a steady state of being.

All soaped up, I slip under again, and rinse, watching the soap was down and flow out in small bubbles into the water. I am just turning away from the small set of falls, beginning to walk back to the shore, when I hear something from the opposite direction, I think I hear my name but I don't see her, and can't imagine she would disturb me. The next time there is no doubt, "YOU NEED THIS TO CLEAN THE FISH!", I turn and buck naked is Tori, holding a knife and seeing me in all my glory. I am about to tell her to go, I am fine and will take care of it later when I see her falter a bit, then hear her "Oh god.. I'm gonna be sick!". She grabs her face and the next thing I know she has feinted. "Tori...Tori!!!" I splash to the shore, buck naked and not even thinking about it.

Luckily where she went down is just dry dirt, I go down, and I put my ear to her chest to check her breathing, I am straddling her arm as I kneel on my knees and ankles,not even realizing my flaccid cock lies across her arm. My head just placed on her chest, I hear her, "Thomas, what the..." and I look up startled. "You appear to be all right, how do you feel..." I stop as I see her eyes look down, I follow them...and there it cock...not hard...but still good sized, lying across her arm...and both of us looking down realizing what had happened...

Face goes bright pink, day glow! Neon even! "THOMAS!" gasps out, yanking arm from under him and rolling away. "I am fine!" Wasn't I fine? I don't recall fainting but I AM on the ground! Getting dirty again! "Damn it, I just showered too.." Mutters as my ass finds solid ground and I give Tommy my back. Decent like, right?

Yet, I am panting, shaking and feeling a bit light headed. Embarrassed as hell too! I passed out!? Like some stupid old movie, passed out! Not from drinking or drugs or fright but thoughts of fish guts! How fucking lame is that? Slumping a bit with my thoughts, I can feel his hands reach out to touch my shoulder. "Don't.." Brushing him off, I get up and let the knife drop as I go. "Just stupid..." How immature can a woman of my age be? I've seen worse, smelled the .. Another sigh comes out before turning back to Tommy, forgetting he is naked!

"It was just..." Eyes bug out, some how they ended up on his cock as he is trying to get his wet body into his shorts or jeans or whatever he is holding in his hands! "Guts.."

"What?!" He has snapped at me, maybe a little irritated with me? Embarrassed too?

"It was just the.. the fish guts made me feel.." Audibly I swallow, face paling again.


Frantic to get away from the hurling thoughts, my mouth opened up and.. INSERT FOOT NOW! "Good god you're huge..." just tumbled right out there! Both hands shoot to cover my face, my eyes slamming shut and my face goes from pale to most likely burgundy! I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!?

"I … I mean.. I was... FUCK! Just.. FUCK! Fucking fuck!" A loud growl comes out, "I am going to the shack!" I didn't let him speak further, I didn't stop to listen at all! Stomping off in an embarrassed huff towards camp, I just commented on my brother's junk! WHAT THE FUCK VICTORIA!?

I need a nap.. or medication! Who the fuck knows.. My god! Flopping face down on the leaf bed was a bad choice as it bounced my head off a ungiving ground and shot off lights behind the eye lids. "OW! GODDAMNIT!" forehead bruised, I roll to my back and check to make sure my nose isn't broken or bleeding to find it was just my forehead.. Can I cry now? I mean... fucking hell!

At first I thought I understood, I really did, she was embarrassed, hell I was too. I was scared, God only knows what we might eat or be bit by or step in, and suddenly the twosome might go solo. I shuddered at the thought. Despite this little mishap, I thought we were finding ourselves again, I had my little sister back.

My cock had been laying on her, I hadn't known, hadn't realized, I had been so focused on seeing if she was okay, I could not imagine being here without her. I am not sure why I snapped at her, probably embarrassment too. He was just turning to apologize, laughing at the admission of street smart Tori impacted by simple fish guts had knocked her out. I was going to tell her it was okay, don't worry about it, when the whole situation changed, "Good god you're huge...". 'What?...What had I just heard?'

At first I...smiled...what man doesn't want t hear that? He didn't hear a word she said after that...he watched her stomp off...again an interesting combination of embarrassment and anger. 'Huge???' I was nicely proportioned, certainly not ashamed. The Doctor in me had seen innumerable penises, and I was above average, but most definitely not huge. Maybe 7 inches if hard, Tori's reaction, seemed odd. Listening to her, and her reputation suggested she had seen more than her fair share of cocks as well, and in a far more aroused state than Thomas.

I found the knife, and hurried after her. Something was not lining up, but I wasn't sure what? By the time I walked into the shack she was face down and rubbing her nose. "Are you okay Tori?" I asked as I leaned down and rubbed my hand up and down her toned back. This was going to be awkward, but I forged ahead, "I am sorry about back there, I was scared for you and all I thought about was if you were okay...I didn't mean....well you know...I didn't even realize my cock was...I wasn't even hard...." I tried to cut the tension with a joke, "but you know...when you have seen as many penis's as we have, although I am sure we have witnessed them in very different states...." I stopped short, I had expected to see that lopsided grin and was waiting for some Fuck You comeback, but that didn't happen...her eyes looked down...and there was silence. I didn't know what I had done wrong, it was just a joke. "Anyway, I would have never done that intentionally, I hope you know that...I am really sorry".

I started to get up and touched her soft shoulder one more time, there was something here I didn't understand, but we had time, hell nothing but time. "I am sorry, I was only worried about you". I got up and grabbed the fish and the knife and finished gutting and cleaning the fish. I speared on branches, and went over and made sure the fire was well stoked and the two sticks were set that I could put the fish on to safely cook our own little rotisserie. I kept watching the shack waiting for her to come out...Why did it make me smile though, that she said I was huge

He's sorry? For what!? How the hell is any of this his fault? Never understood him and his incessant need to apologize for everything, shoulder the blame or some how it end up his fault. For god's sake! It was me who passed out from thoughts of fish.. okay, best not to go there again! Think I would learn my lesson the first time, OR the second..

No idea how I am going to face him right now, or any time soon. His presumption... Well it isn't his fault he presumed I've seen a lot of dicks in my life time. I let everyone believe that I have and worse. But god! How the hell am I going to live this one down? Maybe I am just weirded out for no good reason? It's not like Tommy is thinking weird thoughts about me.

Laying there, forearm over eyes, throbbing head, can't help where my mind goes. No matter how hard to try not to think about Thomas, I think about Thomas! Sighing heavily, I don't know how to tell him that he is bigger than I have seen. BUT WHY!? why would I even bring that up? WHY did I bring it up? WHY the fuck am I thinking about it? I am no shrink, and self analytics is never a wise thing. It's super odd feeling bad for making him feel bad about a total accident.

After a good half hour of sulking in silence, I get off my pouting ass and go out side. At the small camp fire, he's there, tending fish and looking guilty or is that his bored face? Moving up, I sit down right beside him and put my head to his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Tommy. I'm just out of sorts since pro... Spring break!" covering quickly, I hope to god he didn't catch that! I must be seeking some sort of fucking stupid attention or some shit I don't get right now! Why else the weirdness? Good lord!

"I'm sorry I've been … weird.." Huffed out, head resting on folded arms, resting on bent knees. The fish smells good but my fucking face is flame red right now. Maybe I should just fucking spill it? I look at him, looking at me and trying to soothe with his old normal, 'it's ok, Vic' style replies. It's not okay! Damn it.. It's not been ok in a long damned time.

"I was raped..." Finally! my stomach is in knots and dropped out completely with saying those words aloud, but there it is. Right before dinner! Fuck! I just ruined dinner with that blurted confession. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that.." Maybe if I run around the island?

"I was raped..." And my world stopped...not sure how to start it again. My baby sister trying to wrap herself in a little ball, but also on the verge of taking off and needing to escape. I am shocked beyond comprehension, but I see the complete terror in her eyes and I know she is telling me pure truth. A million questions are in my mind, but this is not the time. Fuck, dinner. That has to wait, and I clumsily take cooking fish of the fire and lean against tree. Dinner may have to wait or be completely forgone, she needs me, and by god I will be here for her.

I slide down next to her, and pull her into my arms, "Oh my God Tori, I am so, so sorry". By the way she said it, I assume this just happened on Spring Break, had it happened while she was drugged, did she not realize it until she came to and was then too embarrassed or shocked to tell me.

Questions would not be asked right now, we had plenty of time, instead I pull her in with all my strength, and hold her so tight. It is as if I am protecting her from being touched again, but I am so woefully late. Where the fuck was I when she needed me. I don't know if it is my hug, or saying the words out loud, but it starts as a tremble, then tears, and then sobs, sobs, and as she cries into my shoulder and chest, saturating me with grief. Trembling, her hands pound into my back, "raped, me...Tommy I don't know how I was so stupid...I...I..." And I squeeze her even tighter, "Did absolutely nothing wrong.." I move my hands and hold her cheeks in my hands forcing blood shot red eyes to focus on mine..."Oh were a victim of a violent crime...whether it was some stranger...or worse yet someone you trusted...they did this to you...and absolutely nothing you did warrants the crime he committed against you....Oh sister, what can I help you understand and did nothing wrong....I love you so much..."

It was not a time for discussion or even was a time for love and support...all I wanted to do was hug her, hold her, and protect her...way too little, way too late...but it was all I had...and I loved her...more than she would ever know

"Everyone warned me, said Brad had plans for prom. That if I wanted to keep my virginity, not to be alone with him.." Eyes do narrow on those memories. So cocky and self assured Brad would never harm me, not Victoria Sanders. Hands swipe at tears as I peel away from Thomas. I feel worse than when I woke up, but crying always gives me a headache. I try not to, crying solved nothing and only proved you're weak. "Boy was I so fucking stupid.." It was years ago though! I should fucking be over this by now, moved on and stop acting so damned frightened all the damned time.

"It's too bad I'm not gay, or at least bisexual.." I try to laugh at that, to make a joke but when I find Tommy's eyes on me, they aren't laughing, not even amused. "please don't, Tommy. Don't look at me like that!" Shoving off from the ground, I move to pace away, can not handle that look of pity in his eyes and on his face. "It's why I never told anyone! I don't need pitied.." More pacing, more internal thinking and thought I never really like to delve in to, ever!

"Some day I will be okay. I keep working on that goal. TO be normal again, to be okay to be touched." Eyes lift to his, full of misery and loneliness, "I really miss being touched, but every time someone touches me.." I do pause then, because it is suddenly a little clearer to me. "Well, except by you. You don't scare me, Tommy." I stop pacing the small camp area, rubbing hand on thigh while the other hugs about my middle, I do it often when feeling vulnerable without realizing I am doing so.

"I want to be a mom some day, but that won't ever happen if I can't stand being touched, having sex." A shudder runs over me, thinking of such makes my stomach churn. "Maybe invitro?" That would work to avoid intimacy, "Of course, have to get off this island, alive.." Another poor attempt at humor, I glance up to find him looming over me, watching me. "I know.. I'm sorry, Tommy. I couldn't tell any one.. not even you."

'BRAD, that god damned son of a bitch!' I want to scream it from the highest trees so that mother fucker knows that I know...and knows that I want to kill him, and just might if I have half a chance. My reaction is 100% vigilante and neandrathal, but how could he, how could anybody, be so sick as to do this to my Victoria. Rage courses through my body and I want to hit him, hurt him, EXCEPT, that is not what she needs right now...and he is not who I am most angry and disappointed in...I need to be here for her, to try to understand her needs and help her however I can. Then I do the math, three years, she had dealt with this for three years, interesting term.

Tori tries to go all Sanders on me, the family that personifies 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going'. And no one is expected to be tougher than the women, this is straight from the matriarch herself, our mother, the real balls of the Sanders family. And I hear my mother's instruction chapter and verse, " don't accomplishes nothing...Sanders are not pitied...pity is for the weak...Sanders are strong, we make our own luck...and in the end we matter what...we win...don't ever let them know if they get to you...that is not what a winner does".

An entire diatribe of bullshit...but the weight it carried on my young sister was evident...even now, she hated that I pained for her, pitied dare I...when she had not really pained, accepted and grieved herself...look at her, a ball of conflicts, unresolved issue, not closure, just spinning and putting on an ACT...she had tried to over come, carry a Sanders in her own way. And suddenly it all clicked...a million random thoughts all suddenly became crystal care, in an instant, an ACT. All the things that had made no sense...suddenly made sense. She hadn't changed, she had coped...miserably, horribly...the Sanders way, Mother's way. Tori wasn't a whore...she was an actress...a hell of an actress. Being a whore, kept the nice guys away, the ones she might have been interested in and not been able to let touch her, and brought the bad guys, that she could turn down. Or so she thought, even now, he had picked her up...when some bad guy tried to call her bluff, the girl I picked up had been drugged...but luckily been arrested before someone else hurt her again.

So many thoughts...but as mad as I was at Brad, I was angrier at myself...why hadn't I seen, why hadn't I tried...why had I accepted and yes to some degree wrote her off because it was too painful to watch her self destruct with such had I let her live through three years of hell without ever confronting her...breaking through that Sanders toughness...and pulling my sister from the emotional abyss where she had dwelled.

i watch her stomp around...repulsed by herself because of how she thinks I think of her, and then she starts to open up, the slightest crease in the emotional door, "Some day I will be okay. I keep working on that goal. TO be normal again, to be okay to be touched...I really miss being touched, but every time someone touches me...Well, except by you. You don't scare me, Tommy."

And I smile at her, stand up, and start to walk over, as she mumbles about wanting to be a mom, invitro...just releasing emotional energy...but she closes with a killer, "I know.. I'm sorry, Tommy. I couldn't tell any one.. not even you." And tears stream down my face...heartbroken...that I hadn't been there before...but I am now...and I will never not be there again...I swear to all that I am...and all I will be.

She looks sad and lonely, but the big guy here is crying, arms out, she is facing away as she makes her last statement, too embarrassed to look at me. I come up behind her, and take her in an all consuming bear hug, "You have nothing to be sorry for, not now and not for anything that happened. If I only accomplish one thing for the rest of my life, I hope it is to remove any sense of guilt or shame for what happened to asshole hurt you, committed a violent crime...and you were a victim. Stop being a Sanders...and let yourself be a human being. All that stuff that Mom burned into our brains...all the guilt you are so, so wrong. She is an unfeeling bitch...I figured that out long ago...and god damn me for not letting you in on it. And god damn me for not, reaching out to you...the one man you knew you could trust...maybe let you down the most."

Tears are flooding down my face as I kiss the top of her head and hold her so tight, I must be strangling her, but she doesn't resist, she doesn't even move, except to start to melt into me.

"I am so sorry, you do not owe me an apology, but I most certainly owe you, but this is a new day, you are going to forgive yourself, you are going to learn to are going to be touched...and you are going to be held tight, so very tight by me...because...I love you in a way no one else ever has or ever will. Your big brother should have known, or at least fought until you had to tell me...I am so sorry you were so alone...dealt with it alone...but that day is are not alone...and I promise you never will be again". I spin her around and hug my sister, hug her like I never had before in my I never wanted to let go...because I didn't...not again...not ever.

Tommy.. The hero, savior of old, slayer of closet monsters and mother monsters. Could not help but smile, through the heart ache and tears and optimistic ramble he went on and on about. Fairy tales but such sweet ones, I would not burst his bubble by saying anything negative. We wouldn't get off this island alive, so I had no worries about any one touching me now. One plane crash and life was much simpler, although more depressing and final feeling. Still, I let him hold me, no complaints of freaking out or joking it off with some snide remark. Truly to be held by someone who genuinely loves me, it feels good.

"I will be alright.." After awhile of standing there, being held and saying nothing. Tears dried up and awkwardness sort of set in. Though I am not sure why it began to feel weird, but it did. Maybe I am not totally honest with myself and touching anyone bothers me? I don't want to dwell on it, I don't feel threatened at all by Tommy. That isn't the case at all. I can feel how strong he has become, hard under his clothes even if I could see his chest without a shirt on. He had grown quite a bit since the last time we were together, and only now do I see the changes from boyishly cute to ruggedly handsome. A man. My brother had become a grown man at some point in our lives, I guess I just missed it in my internal musings.

Like now.

"Sorry.." Murmurs as I extract myself from his bear hug, hand moving up to wipe the residue away from my cheeks and chin. No need to let him see me puffy faced, red eyed and snot nosed, right? Undignified! Again, my mother is speaking through my mind.. Am I crazy to talk to myself so much? Perhaps. "Didn't mean to just blurt that out.. It's past, history. I'll be alright. I mean, it's just us here, right? No worries at all now.." A flash of teeth come in my wide grin, as if being stranded is suddenly the BEST thing ever! "The fish done yet?" Asking with hope in tone, as I am starving! Wore out, tired, my head is hurting and now my face is splotchy! Glad it's only my brother here, I look like hell! I can't even find my cosmetic bag. "Shit! I just realized I lost my cosmetic bag.. Means I've also lost my birth control pills and.. .Stuff!" Okay sometimes being female, SUCKS! Moving to the fire I flop down on my ass, in the sand, which is kind of hard and hurts like hell but that's another bad habit I have, doing stupid without thinking. So there I sit, contemplating a period without all the modern amenities rubbing my sore ass cheek and flushed with irritation while my stomach is making all sorts of growly sounds. This day is just SO GOOD! hash tag sarcasm.

So many things went through my mind, I hugged her so tightly, so protectively, that I worried for a second I might be actually hurting her. However, I knew that was not the case. Tori's statement had been a release, and the end of that release was the sobs that poured into my chest, as I held my young, beautiful and broken sister. In medical school, I had done my rounds in psych, and had actually considered specializing there, but I was too impatient. I had been in an accelerated program and had been able to become a doctor of internal medicine in only 6 years where a psychiatrist would have been 8. Also, there were aspects of psychiatry that my logical mind found little more than voodoo.

However, one thing I did understand was the need for a victim to be able to face their attack, own it, and move on. The personal guilt was incredible, the self questioning, unique to rape, that was so different than any other violent crime. So I held her, tight, let her begin to grieve, and share what happened so that she, and we could put it behind us and she could find the ability to move forward, positively. In the moment, as she cried, she seemed so like a little girl, but felt so much like a woman.

And that saddened me more than anything, that a woman as beautiful as my sister, who should have been going through her sexual awakening, enjoying this period of her life, had to forego that, instead trying to protect herself with what seemed like horribly irresponsible behavior. In so doing, she wouldn't have to deal with love, sex, or life! All these things ran through my mind as I held her, until I felt her settle and finally stop. I didn't really want to let go, I loved her too much, and felt too horribly, but I let her go. I knew how self conscious she was, but shouldn't be. Puffy eyed, nose running, scared or angry, she was my Tori, and I loved her unconditionally.

Typical Tori, she wants to change the subject, and becomes a bit of a whirling dervish. She is the messy one, the free spirit, and I am discipline and control. I laugh softly at her sudden rambling, "No the fish is not done...I took it off the flame when you started to tell me...what was going on..." I couldn't think of a good way to describe the atom bomb of personal information she had just dropped. "...and if I hadn't, our fish would have looked like the charred ashes in the fire. Give me five minutes or so and we will be able to eat. I did find some lemons and that should be a nice compliment. Between that and the bananas, we will finally have a decent meal...oh, and your is over didn't think I would leave anything behind did you?"

To this, I laughed, she had always been so frustrated by my need to organize, be neat and keep track of everything, "I guess my anal attention to detail just became pretty god damn useful, huh?" We both laughed, and god that felt good. "Sit down, this dinner is all me, you can take the lead on breakfast tomorrow". So I did my work and finished preparing the meal. We had found some metal disks that I had cleaned that would serve as plates, and I finally presented our dinner of sea bass with lemon, and grilled bananas. Pretty dam good, if I did say so myself. Eventually we would grow so tired of fish, bananas, papaya, etc we would have killed for something else, but this first night, after eating so little for so long, it was a feast meant for a king and queen, even if said king and queen had to eat with their fingers.

Complete with our cut off bottles filled with water we sat down and began to eat. She had settled down, and the emotion was somewhat gone, so I took a chance, I needed to understand so we could try to get her over it, "So...Tori, and know I am on your side, he did this to you, nothing you could have done would have stopped, means no, and I believe that to the core of my soul...but help me understand what happened, without getting into details of the act itself, what happened that night?"

What kind of question was that?! Eyes shoot wide, face pales as I study him to see if he is seriously asking me that question? Was I suddenly on trial? Did he not believe me? The panic kicked in and the shroud quickly began to fall over me. I could feel it swamp me, flooring me to a near nauseas feeling. He didn't believe me...

Hands began to tremble, guilt swamped over my body and mind and I know it is unreasonable to respond so! But this is exactly WHY I never told anyone! The world felt wrong, tipping precariously so, and I had to swallow all of my water to keep from vomiting with the tensions that quickly hit me all at once. A monotone voice came out, retelling the story as if by narrator, devoid of feelings because if I let any through, it would kill me, it would enrage me, it would reduce me to berating and demeaning words I did not wish to say. Accusations I have no grounds to hurl at anyone! It is irrational response, I know this deep down! He asked, he did not accuse and yet I felt accusations..

"They convinced us to go to an after party at their buddy's house. His parents were out of town for the month. Jen and I went with Brad and Derek back to this guys house and everything was normal, like we were still at prom, only no adults watching over us. Everyone was drinking, some were taking X, a lot of loud music and even louder conversation." It played in my head so many times, like a poorly made B horror movie. No matter how many times I tried to warn her, shout DONT GO UP THERE! She just.. I just never listened. Not to my gut then, not to myself now as nightmares tear at me so many nights.

"I had a headache but Brad had been drinking so he couldn't drive me home. I didn't have anything as my bag got misplaced and mom and dad weren't at home. No one was home. So They said I could lay down upstairs awhile in a back room. Brad followed me, said he was just going to make sure I stayed safe. We both laid down, and I guess I fell asleep." A hand reaches to rub between brows, pressure building into my head, hurting already and still I hear that bass thumping, pounding so hard and loud..

"I woke up from the.. his body.. He was on top of me, just.. just there, and weighting me down. I told him to get off but he didn't seem to hear me. His hands were every where and when I hit him and tried to push him off of me, he was ripping my god damned De La Renta.." A flush came, swallowing a lump and trying not to feel ill, anger began to course through my veins. "Anyway.. No one could hear me screaming over the music, he pinned me down, and well.." She shrugged her shoulders at that. No need to say more, at least I don't think there is a need to say more than that.

I couldn't look at him, didn't want to see his expression or hear any more sorries from my brother. HE didn't do this .. that! to me. So why the fuck is he sorry? If anyone should be sorry, it's Brad if I ever get my hands on him! "He passed out after, I borrowed some guy's mom's clothes and some money from Jen when I found her, got an Uber home.." Picking at the fish, I stuff some into my mouth. Something to chew on, to still my tongue and get out of those memories. "Didn't last very long, was only a few horrible painful minutes.. " A tear slipped a bit, "I was a virgin.. A fucking virgin! That asshole!" Angry palm swiped at the tear, it's offensive slide down my cheek was unwanted. "He best hope I never get off this island and find him.." Growled out, already envisioning castrating the fucker.
I saw the visceral reaction to my question, and as much as I hated it, I knew it was necessary. I saw the wide eyes, the panic, and the disappointment. She had jumped to the absolute worst assumption about my question, the one furthest from the truth. She thought she had just put on trial, that I did not believe her, and that she was even more alone than she had previously thought. And, of course, she couldn't have been more wrong. If I was damning anyone it was me, if I was sorry for anything it was for not having recognized and reached proactively out sooner, it was not in thinking I could have stopped it, any more than I thought she could have.

What felt like condemnation and scrutiny, was intended as a lifelline. Knowing my sister, knowing our familly, I wasn't sure she had ever told anyone, not the complete story, and until she got that out, heard it herself, I didn't know how to help her move forward. So I sat there, and took those looks of pain, absorbing the hurt I had momentarily caused her. You don't get rid of the tumor without cuttiing, or the infection without purifying the area, and so I stayed quiet, looked at her with nothing but compassion and love and just listened.

I heard the voice go monotone, soulless, as she didn't want her soul to relive the horror and betrayal. I wasn't sure what hurt her worse. had known Brad, I would have never, and can understand completely why she would have never, dreamed he was one of those guys, but one never knew, and now we unfortunately did know, and I would castrate him if I had half a chance.

I listened to every word, every nuance, of what she said. It killed me, to the extent that was possible, I lived her pain, her betrayal, her horror. To her credit, and I hoped her love and trust of me, she told her story. So many times, I wanted to come over, hug her, and end this recount, I know more wanted to hear than she wanted to say it. But I was confident she needed to say it, say all of it, once. Get it out, and then I never wanted to revisit that night again.

"I woke up from the.. his body.. He was on top of me, just.. just there, and weighting me down. I told him to get off but he didn't seem to hear me. His hands were every where and when I hit him and tried to push him off of me, he was ripping my god damned De La Renta...Anyway.. No one could hear me screaming over the music, he pinned me down, and well.."

She didn't go on, there was no need to. She also didn't look up. If she had, she would have seen the tear roll down my cheek. I had just spent that night with her, been a fly on the wall, and wanted someone to put me out of my pain with a giant fly swatter. I loved her, like I would probably love another woman, and unless I had a daughter some day, would never feel as protective of. She took a bite, I had eaten about half my fish, but as she got to this point, I was done. I was ill, wanting to vomit. I did take a sip of water and wiped away the tear. I let her rest, recompose, and listen. But one thing pleased me very much, I saw the anger build, and it should, she was right to be angry. Someone had done a terrible thing to her, something entirely beyond her control, and she should be made as hell, want vengeance on the perpetrator of such a horrendous act, and know she was a victim, free of guilt or responsibility.

She talked a minute about the asshole, and my blood curdled hot, fist clenched, wanting to mame. Then the little tear, and fists released, and heart opened, now I just wanted her to finish so I could hold and reaffirm my love and support.

"I was a virgin.. A fucking virgin! That asshole!" She spewed spite a bit more, and good for her, she deserved to, but those words rang in my mind, and wouldn't leave. Now I got up, and moved around so I could kneel in front of her, still towering down as she sat cross legged. I took her soft, tear stained cheek into my hand. I forced her to look into my kind and loving eyes. "You still are...", I saw the look of confusion, " still are a virgin. Your vagina was attacked, and hurt, and your hymen was broken, but that is not virginity. Losing your virginity is a decision a moment to be cherished as your first experience of love and trust, a one time event to want, need and desire that level of intimacy with another. And you will still get to experience that, with the man who is lucky or good enough for you to have those feelings for. My sweet Tori, you are an amazing woman, and you still have an amazing gift to give, your body and mind just needs to heal enough to want to give it. And I have to help you get off this island or the only option may end up being your dorky brother here." I had meant it as a joke, something to take away the seriousness for a moment but I meant it, she had never had a chance to have a first time of making love, and she still would get that moment. Honestly, with one small benefit. Losing your virginity hurts, she had already had that pain without the resulting pay off. Now when she first made love, it could be all upside. He knew it was a perverse way to think of it, but it was also true. It was also true, that when that moment came, that man would be one of the luckiest men in the world, as his sister was beyond special.

He swung up and around her, straddled her in his legs as she finished her dinner. Finally he wrapped his arms around her, and had her rest her tired head back against his strong chest. "Thank you for telling me. I needed to know, and I hate him for what he did. But we need to look forward, and I am here for you. You have no idea how much I really love you Vic..." he used the other form of her name, one he had used at their more sensitive moments. "You will always be the love of my life, no matter who else I have met...and I am glad it is me who you shared this with. I won't ask you another question, but you can talk about it or anything anytime you want or need to. Just remember I love you, and big brother wants to be here for you whenever you want or need me..." He didn't say another word, he just sat there and rocked her by the fire as they watched the sun go down...a perfect metaphor hopefully demarcating their past from their future.