Masturbation before sexually active Vs Regularly active


Literotica Guru
Jan 30, 2008
There are a bunch of masturbation threads here at Lit, but I have not seen one with this twist, rather than hi-jack someone else's thread...

For me when I started, it became a nightly routine, just before I went to sleep, pretty common I assume. Once I became sexually active but still not living with my sexual partner, I still ended my day with masturbation before sleep, regardless to whether we had sex that day or evening.

Once I started living with my girlfriend, who would become my first wife, we ended the day with sex before we went to sleep. This obviously did not last forever, what started as a nightly ritual waned to every other night, or every third night, again, pretty common I assume.

So now to the point...I sleep so much better if I have just had an orgasm, again pretty common I assume. The nights we don't have sex before going to sleep, I don't get a chance to masturbate if we go to bed together. I am sure there are tons of different situations to how we all solve this problem, so who wants to share how they take care of business.
I usually masturbate first thing in the morning (and the late morning, and the mid-afternoon, and the early evening...) because it gets my blood moving, and I am often most amenable to sex at that time as well. Since I was a teenager I've probably averaged at least one ejaculation a day, though the exact frequency varies depending on how busy my life is. If I'm not with my girlfriend I'll masturbate.
I never really got much response from this before, still curious if anybody decides to post this time around.