To Capture a Captain's Heart (closed)

Inverness looked so empty by the time the wagons had all left by the next morning. It broke Kayla’s heart, but she had to remain strong for her brother. The strain of having his wife and children leave hurt him, she knew, and just as she promised she stayed by his side every moment of the day.

“Do you think Brogan will win?” Kayla asked softly as they ate their evening meal together the next day, knowing that her brother’s thoughts were on the war that was raging.
"If I'm honest, Kay..." Durban sighed quietly, "I don' think so... if we do win this, it'll be Divine Intervention." He looked down at his hands, having not touched his dinner. For all they knew, Julia was captured and Brogan was dead.
Kayla reached over and took her brother’s hand, holding it tightly as he looked down towards his untouched dinner. She knew that his heart was heavy and his thoughts dark, but she had to keep him upbeat.

“You thought that when he fought Da too.” She said softly. “He won’t give up. He’ll never let Inverness fall into someone else’s hands.”
"But this ain' Da... this is Sarah Monaghan. Don' take this th'wrong way, love, but women're ten times th'force t'be reckoned with as men... I'd sooner fight a thousand men than one woman li' Sarah..."

With a sigh, Durban rose, "This war's taken th'fight outta me, love... Brogan and Boar too. Now it's Julia an' yerself what're keepin' us afloat, but I'm worried fer Julia... if she's sent letters, they ain' comin' through.
“Durban, you’ll worry yourself into an early grave.” Kayla said softly, watching as her brother fretted about the lost Julia and his brothers. “And you know that Ashien wouldn’t let Brogan quit so easily. You just have to have hope.”

Kayla let out a little sigh, unsure of whether she should show her brother the letter that had gotten to her from Christopher. It was private, but he needed a little bit of hope too. She slowly stood and went to retrieve the folded piece of paper, pressing it into her brother’s palm.
Durban looked down at the paper, "Wha's this...?" He unfolded it, but as soon as he saw how it was addressed to Kayla from Christopher, he returned the letter, "No, love, tha's yer own t'see, not fer me." But he did smile softly, "I can see 'ow 'e cares fer you, jus' in 'is words an' th'care 'e put into writin'." Indeed, Christopher made sure the letter was perfectly written, and addressed her as 'my dearest Lady Kayla'.
“He has hope that things will turn out for the best.” She said softly, watching as he returned the letter. “And I need you to have hope too or else I’ll just send you to Aberdeen.”

She knew that she had no power to do such, but she needed her brother to believe, even if only for her own sake.
"Y'couldn't send me there fer anythin', darlin', not when Inverness needs us." He drew her in close and kissed her cheek before hugging her in a way that only her brothers could embrace her. A great, warm embrace that brought safety and comfort, she'd known it as long as she could remember.

But a week later, hope fell for Kayla when another bout of wounded came with a list of the dead in hand. Durban read through them before Kayla saw it, and she saw his expression fall as he came across one name. Christopher Callaghan, KIA. "Kay..." Durban said softly as he stared at the name.
Kayla was tending to the wounded when she heard her brother’s voice and saw the way that his features fell upon reading the list. She was expecting her brother’s name to be on there or even her step-father, but when she got a look at the list, she felt her heart seize painfully in her chest.

“No.” She said softly, turning her eyes towards Durban as she shook her head. “He’s not dead. I don’t care what the list says. I know that Christopher isn’t dead.”

It felt so hard to breathe at that moment as she stared up at her brother, panic starting to set in. She wanted to ride for that battlefield, to see for herself and before she knew what she was doing, she was fleeing her brother’s side.
"Kayla!" Durban tried to catch her, but she was smaller and quicker, and there was no way he'd catch up. Men parted from her way, a few of them were aware of just why she was upset and running. Those men were Irish, and had seen their captain fall to Olaf's blade.
Kayla was blinded by hot tears as she raced towards the stables. She could get her horse saddled and free of the keep before Durban could stop her. He knew she was a quick rider, one that was as fearless as the rest of the Ghis children. But still, her hands shook as she struggled to get the cinches in place, to get them tight enough to ride.

She was about to pull herself into the saddle when she felt a strong arm wrap around her belly, jerking her away from her steed. She let out a cry, turning to look up at her brother as he held her tightly in his embrace.

“Let me go, Durban! Let me go!” She screamed at him, clawing with her nails before she finally just went limp and sobbed against his chest for what seemed like an eternity.

“He can’t be dead…” Her wails were heartbreaking and she felt like such a child crying in her brother’s arms. “He was going to court me. He wanted to marry me. He can‘t be dead, Durban…”
Durban settled against the wall on the clean hay with his young sister cradled in his broad arms, and he kissed her forehead softly as he knew her heart was shattering. "I'm so sorry, love..." he whispered, knowing there was little else to say. He couldn't imagine losing his own dearest love, and Kayla had only just gotten hers and a glimpse of the future with him before it was all dashed away.
Kayla cried until there was nothing left but hiccups. She rested her cheek against her brother’s shoulder, sniffling as he held her tightly. This was one ache that none of her brothers could take away from her. It was so powerful that she felt her chest might cave in upon itself. Her sweet Christopher. Her handsome Captain…

“What do I do now?” She asked her brother, another wave of fresh tears pricking her eyes.

She had no idea where to go from there. What did she do in the following minutes, hours, months, years?
"Fer now, Kayla... we 'ave t'keep Inverness goin' an' make sure Christopher an' all those other men didn' die in vain. Then after... well, we'll get t'that milestone when we get there." He lifted her head and met her eyes. "Jus' remember: 'e loved you. I know 'e did, I know y'two fancied each other a long time. An' 'e came t'fight t'protect you, not 'is own lord 'r Inverness. Don' let tha' go t'waste."
Kayla could see the pain in her own brother’s gaze and she knew that he felt sorry for her. She nodded as he told her that they would have to keep Inverness going to show that he didn’t die in vain. It would be hard, the hardest thing that she had ever done in her life, but she had to do it.
Another week passed before a shadow appeared on the horizon, and Durban climbed up to the top of the Keep via one of its three-story towers, Kayla beside him. Durban hoped it was just more wounded or, a small hope, that it was Brogan coming home victorious. But no... the banners were all too clear.

It was Olaf.

"Kayla, spread th' alarm. Get yer horse an' anyone who can flee, an' run fer your life," Durban told her quietly, facing their impending doom fearlessly.
Kayla nodded and did as her brother asked, raising the alarm and helping the remaining citizens of Inverness to saddle up and ride hard for Aberdeen. Her own horse was saddled and ready, made so by an order from Durban to the master of the horses. She dallied with her steed, making sure that the wounded men were out safely first.

That left them with a very small contention of men to guard the keep and just as Kayla was about to mount her own horse, she caught sight of a wounded Irishman leaning against the stable walls with a frightened look in his eyes. He had seen battle at such a young age, even younger than herself it seemed and it seemed as if he were not prepared to die that day.

“You. Irishman.” Kayla called to him before she threw him the leads to her horse. “Take him and ride hard. You might not get a second chance.”

The young man looked at her with astonishment and nodded, mounting the beast and taking off after the others in a flash. If only someone had given Christopher a second chance, she thought to herself as she left the emptied stable and made the long trek back to her brother’s side.
Durban stood before the keep in his armor now, with his twenty remaining men, his claymore drawn and laid against his shoulder. When Kayla returned, he didn't even look at her. It seemed he knew she wouldn't leave.

"Y'never bloody listen. Blasted lovely girl," he muttered, and she could hear in his tone that he was glad she was there for his own sake. But he knew they were either about to die or be imprisoned for who knew how long, if not the rest of their lives. He preferred death, but he didn't prefer it for Kayla.

Olaf drew nearer and nearer and Durban's men drew their weapons. An arrow shot out and landed at Durban's feet, but the former Invernessian Prince didn't flinch.
“Without Christopher, not much matters any longer.” Kayla said as her brother muttered at he and she stood at his side, her arm wrapped around his waist as her heart raced in absolute terror.

She very well might die. That was alright, she thought to herself. She could be with her love then… She drew her strength from her brother, the sharp dagger that he had given her for a birthday present earlier that year in her hand as an arrow shot out and landed in the dust.

“I love you, Brother.” She murmured softly, needing him to hear those final words.
"I love you too, Kay," he answered softly before Olaf himself halted only ten paces away.

"Are these the only brave and hale people left in mighty Inverness?" Olaf scoffed. "You'd think more men would be willing to stand after their King and his family fought so hard for him and most died. Hell, even I can respect that. But clearly Scots can't."
Kayla remained at her brother’s side as Olaf rode towards them, pausing to insult them both. She had never seen the man up close, though she had heard tales of him from Brogan, usually in terms that were less than glowing.

“This is more than would stay and fight for you.” Kayla hissed, unsure where the bitter and ugly words came from.
"Ah, a fiery lass. Ghis no doubt," Olaf smirked at her, and his eyes sparkled if something was going on in his mind, something dangerous. And soon, Sarah arrived at his side. Sarah already had a wounded and very weak Brogan in her possession, her healers working to keep him alive while she decided what to do with him. But she and Olaf let everyone think the King was dead.
Sarah swept into Inverness like a queen, regal in her bearing. She looked over those that were left, cursing her luck to see the Ghis gone save for the youngest, Kayla, and her brother. Still, it could have been much worse.

“Well, my dear, I did tell you that you would have your first pick when you arrived.” She said, standing at Olaf’s side as they looked over the brother and sister.
"Only one to pick, but I think I might've picked her out of a crowd anyway," Olaf smirked, and when he took a step forward, all of the men stepped in front of Kayla to defend her. All, including Durban, were felled by arrows instantly, but Durban was left alive in immense pain. He collapsed at Kayla's feet, gripping his claymore and throwing it as hard as he could. It took the man next to Olaf through the chest before Durban turned his eyes up to Kayla.

"Run, Kay..." he whispered as Olaf came to seize her.
Kayla let out a scream as the arrows suddenly felled the men around her, wounding Durban. She glanced up at Olaf as he stepped forward, the gleam in his eyes telling her that she was in for a world of trouble. Durban didn’t have to tell her twice to run. She spun around and took off for the keep, knowing her childhood home inside and out. She could hide without the other man finding her for days.