LDoK: World's Finest (OOC)

"Goodbye, my daughter. Our hopes and dreams travel with you."

"She'll be an outcast. They'll kill her."

"How? She'll be a god to them."

~ ~ ~

"What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society had intended? What if they aspired to something greater?"

"You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you. They will stumble. They will fall. But in time they will join you in the sun. In time you will help them accomplish wonders."
"There is no light without darkness."
-J'onn J'onzz
"Automobiles have been the best melee weapons to use against giant monsters since The '50s. It's science fact."
-Atomic Robo.
I got all the Atomic Robo collections!!!!
(sale on Comixology)

now if Chew will just go on sale.....

My roomie's girlfriend got me a comic-shop gift certificate for my birthday and I got Volume 1. Amazing stuff.

Y'all have no idea how bad I want Hellboy and Robo to do a team-up.
Comixology is gonna be the death of my spending money

haven't gotten any Hellboy yet, but I have a crap ton of other stuff
Well, I don't have any of those.

I haven't bought comics in ages, save for a few graphic novels here and there.

I do still have a few nice originals, though.

A few of which are:

Detective Comics #598, 599, and 600 (an original story written by Sam Ham, who wrote the screenplay for the Tim Burton Batman)...

The first ten issues of Legends of the Dark Knight, and the original issues of Miller's Year One and the Dark Knight Returns (yeah, I got that shit). Also have Batman: Year Two (love MacFarlane's Batman)...

All issues of the Emerald Dawn mini-series...

...tons of old Thor, Superman, Action Comics, a Tomb of Dracula where Blade makes his first appearance, an Iron Man poster (signed by Moebius)...

those are the ones that just come to mind right now. Been a while since I've cataloged everything again. Need to do that soon, as I'm sure there have been some price increases in the last few years.

In other news, are we writing again?
Again, if we're moving again, I'd need a drastically reduced cast list, and I don't know if I could do this and "Legion" if "Legion" is happening. X(

Meanwhile, brb geeking out.

Emerald Dawn? Moebius?

We can shelve WF until things get rolling and people feel comfortable with what's on their plate. I think it'll be fun to see Legion to its conclusion... and I've been itching to have Kara wake up inside the Fortress and help out a bit.
We can shelve WF until things get rolling and people feel comfortable with what's on their plate. I think it'll be fun to see Legion to its conclusion... and I've been itching to have Kara wake up inside the Fortress and help out a bit.

It'll be good to see her again.

I've missed her very much.
I got a rough plan in my head.

Gonna shorten the Sanctuary scene. Leave the planet in ruins but gloss over it.

I have a scene in my head of Zod vs. Lucifer. That should be interesting.

Not sure of what else to do. There were about six other plot lines going, with the awakening of Kara in the forefront.
Quite possibly.

So, what you think of Ex-Communication?

Still reading right now, but it reads as easily as Clines' other novels. I love the way he throws in references to movies and stuff.

Damn good book, methinks.

And, yes, I too would much like to see Legion finish out. We left several things unfinished.
Not quoting anything, honestly. I just pictured her parents' spirits hovering over her "place of resting".