Sleeper Agent (closed, pm if interested)


Sweet Zydrate
Mar 10, 2010
2 years ago

The monitors next to her hospital bed were on silent but the readings had been consistent for the past 3 days. The hired doctors, as crude as they were to be called doctors, had stated she was in a coma. Her injuries ranged from broken ribs, concussion, 2nd to 3rd degree burns, broken jaw, ribs, left leg and shattered right arm.

She would have been dead if 'they' hadn't rescued her. Brought her back to life after she flat lined on the table more than once.

Now, in the dungeon slash hospital room, she was alone. Her bed in the middle of the room and even in her unconscious state, she felt the need to fight. There was something to fight for but what..she wasn't clear on. Her body could have easily given up but her mind said not to.

Two men, both in dark suits, stood over her, conversing with each other in a low, monotone voice.

"So the deed is done."

"Perhaps, but I would have much preferred her dead. She has been nothing but trouble for us since the beginning."


"Although, it was brought to my attention that we could turn her. Perhaps, use her skills against those that trained her and sent her to destroy us."


"That idea does have some merit to it."

"Her government knows about her 'death', so to speak. And we're pretty sure her husband does too."

"Her husband believes her death was his fault. Why change things?"

"We will have a lot of work upon us. Will it...or rather, will she be worth it?"

A small shrug, "There's only one way to find out."

***Present Day***

All it would take was one word. One key word and she would be able to finish the job. If only one knew how much time and money 'they' had spent on training her...fixing her...basically programming her. Not that she would remember her past life. That much they had made sure of. No, her knew life had been planted securely with in her. She was a sleeper agent after all. They would use her when the time was right.

So now, Jason watched as his prodigy take an empty box into her new apartment... her cover would be working at a coffee shop... the same one the target stopped by at for coffee every morning before heading to work. Yes, many worked for the government here in Washington DC, so he would be just another one of the many, getting his daily drink.

It seemed he was given desk duty since that 'day' he lost his wife. Had there been another? Who cared? He was bound to fall for the charm of the new girl at the coffee shop.

He had to.

Alison struggled to pick up the box...the last of the boxes and walked over to the entrance of her new apartment building. She pushed the door open with her hip and walked over to the elevator. Second floor, apartment 10A...the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Stepping in, Alison pressed the button for the second floor and as the doors closed, she saw her reflection on the doors. Even though she had seen herself in the mirror many times, something deep within still didn't feel right about it.

Wasn't that weird? It wasn't like she hated the way she looked. If anything, she felt like she looked average with long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that she sometimes changed to green, thanks to contact lenses she'd be blind without.

Shaking off the feeling, she stepped out of the elevator as it arrived on her floor. Although she could have taken the stairs, she was already plenty exhausted from moving. The drive and the directing of the moving men to get the bigger stuff while she took care of the small things, wore her out. Right now, all she wanted was to take a long hot bath before crashing tonight. Because tomorrow, she would be starting her new job at the 'Coffee Shoppe'. Not the most genius name for it, but it was still a job. One she was lucky to have...