fucked by my sister!



Open to one female willing to play my sister who is willing to Fuck me.

jack Morgan
Age: 18

5 feet 9 inches tall

Brown hair worn short and neat

Weight 176 pounds all of it pure muscle.

Badly injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver and now must use a wheelchair to get around.

jack Morgan is in his bedroom with his 20 year old sister Rose after taking a few deep breaths and gathering his thoughts the young man began to speak.

"Rose as you know I had a rather active sex life before my accident but now no woman will touch me or even look at me. which brings me to the favor I need to ask you."

"Rose will you Fuck me? your the only woman who is not disgusted or turned off by my appearance so will you do it? Will you fuck me please?"
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So it seem's there are no women here who are willing to portray my sister.