Your quirks showing up in your stories...


The Hentenno
Aug 12, 2015
Personal habits, views, or convictions, I mean.

I've had it pointed out to me by followers and reviewers that I (via my characters), often go off on Tarantino-esque rants about justice and equality, or injustice and inequality. One person deduced I was a big-city Canadian liberal without actually knowing that fact for certain.

I went back in my stories to look, and sure enough, I've gone off about injustice to indigenous peoples, oppression of intellectuals in places like China, and taken endless shots at the MAGA crowd south off the 49th.

I also seem to have a noticeable fetish for nerve-shattering blondes with pneumatic figures, despite being divorced by one and almost marrying another. :/

I tend to think and mutter to myself in other languages (including Klingon, Quenya and Dothraki), and I often do the same in my stories without bothering to translate for my readers. A few enjoy using Google Translate, but apparently most don't, if the sour and salty PMs I receive on the subject are to be believed.

Apparently I pun a lot. Dad puns, just to make it worse.

So let me put this out there- if you're the type of reader who hates diatribes about social issues, spoken in many languages by blondes with big tits, laced with puns that generally lead to divorce, then stay the heck out of my stories, yo!


How about you folks? Do you consistently inject elements into a story compulsively? The kind readers comment about?

- tIr ngogh mupwI' (Biscuit Hammer)
I used to put sheep in my stories. I've stopped.

But I have one part-written Halloween story in which sheep are a major plot feature:

On the day that Annie was to be removed from her cottage she got out of her bed for the first time in several weeks, dressed herself, and sat on a bench outside the front door. As the landlord approached with his bailiffs she stood up and shook her fist.

“Sheep is all you want,” She yelled, “Sheep you shall have. Sheep will bring you pelf. You and your heirs will answer for what you have done to the people of this land. The sheep of doom will come. That fate you cannot evade.”

Annie swayed on her feet.

“The sheep of doom will come…” She said before falling dead across the threshold of her cottage.
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Would, uh, Texas be a quirk? Pickup trucks, gun racks, road trips, National forests?

Yeah, could be.
My utter disdain for organized religion and god in general come through in several rants by a couple of my characters.

Considering the genres and books themselves people may figure I'm just saying what would 'fit' they have no idea those rants are tame compared to the ones I've gone on in real life on the subject
I recently had this thought bouncing between me and one of my fabulous beta readers. Turns out the questions of "free will vs. fate/outside pressure" come up pretty often in my stories. I'm not a mind-control guy, at least not as a fetish to get off on, but the existential question of "Do we actually have free will" is a fascinating idea to toy around with.

Also, as a visually impaired person, writing about handicaps of some sorts sneaks easily into my stories. Not just outright disabilities, but other handicaps too. In my (work in progress, still) Geek Pride Day story, one of the main character is an aquatic lifeform in a mostly "dry" setting. Lots of storytelling opportunities.
Same with my blind assassin, Gheeran. "Write what you know" and all that.
How about you folks? Do you consistently inject elements into a story compulsively? The kind readers comment about.

Slow, meandering story lines that give folk time, on occasion, to get to the end in a satisfactory way. Or, as Clearwater will tell you, lots of buttons...

...updated, in my Geek Anthology story, to seams that come undone just by running a finger down their centre line. A time saver, but somehow not quite as erotic as a row of tiny pearl buttons being undone. Nevertheless, a cleavage does get revealed...

Which reminds me, that's one of my tropes, women with small breasts. I have lots of them in my stories, many of them in my life. I prefer a champagne glass** to a jug.

** the wide, shallow ones, not a long flute ;).
BiscuitHammer, if in the middle of one of your stories a Hitchcockian ice queen started sounding off the Marx Engles Reader in Sindarin, my testicles would implode from rapid high volume release.
I've had it pointed out to me by followers and reviewers that I (via my characters), often go off on Tarantino-esque rants about justice and equality, or injustice and inequality. One person deduced I was a big-city Canadian liberal without actually knowing that fact for certain.

I'm not fond of political essays disguised as fiction (okay, maybe Gulliver's Travels) but inevitably my world-view shapes my writing. Most of my stories focus on sympathetic queer women who deserve a happy ending (even if they don't always get one) and I have a couple of mixed-race/cross-culture stories in there too. It wouldn't be terribly hard to get a feel for my politics from that.

A couple of the quirks that I'm conscious of:

- fun science/math facts. It's a rare story of mine that doesn't have at least one.
- most of my stories involve people actively discussing/negotiating consent, because it's something I find interesting.

Ah, that's a fun film. Maybe not Best Picture material, but fun.
The heroine of every one of my stories resembles me physically. I don’t do it on purpose, it’s just what comes out naturally when I’m writing. Not sure what that says about me!
Sympathetic characters in my stories tend to share my social, political, spiritual, and artistic-musical views, and my tastes in edibles, intoxicants, and decent behaviours.
I used to put sheep in my stories. I've stopped.

I search everywhere for ways to disturb readers. At the moment I collect French memoirs of the early 1800s. The best writers were masters of showing.
BiscuitHammer, if in the middle of one of your stories a Hitchcockian ice queen started sounding off the Marx Engles Reader in Sindarin, my testicles would implode from rapid high volume release.

Y'know, I have a woman in a story (Karen) who could probably do that...
I use musical tastes to signal my opinion of my characters. The ones I’m rooting for like 80s music, the Libertines, Belle and Sebastian, Arctic Monkeys, etc; my assholes all prefer pop.
I tend not to in my erotica stories.In a novel that I have part finished the star is a 1936 Mercedes 540K cabriolet. In the same book a Bronx raised Jewish dominatrix drives a 1930's Alfa Romeo on the Cote D'azur.
One quirk I have that is more prevalent than sheep:

My ghosts can become solid to have sex. Some anons find that difficult to accept. :rolleyes:
I don't know that I've done it with my stories here too much but I do tend to inject humor and snark into my real life. In one of my novels, the character is supposed to be a person who isn't very highly educated and yet I made her use rather long and sometimes obscure words in a snarky fashion. I suppose too much of *my* personality came through there.
My stories, even when they are deadly serious, are loaded with obscure in jokes and personal references that only I would understand.

All well and good, but then sometimes I get frustrated that nobody else gets them.