Erotic Transformation story ideas


Dec 6, 2010
Here's a few ideas that I have been thinking about lately if anyone has ever explored the concept of erotic transformation stories which the most notably is the "Legend of Beliali" although I like it's premise but there is some parts I dislike though (like the permanent transformations and futari) .


1. Let's say there's a "art show" which volunteers which are mostly women disrobe naked and present their beautiful attractive bodies to themselves and the audience before stepping to a 'machine' of some sorts which Transforms them into the most bizarre and totally disgusting things anyone could imagine total contrasts what they formally were but they return back to their former selves afterwords however. Of course the actual sensations of the transformation itself is actually pleasurable which is why they desire to be transformed...

2. A Funhouse or Haunt attraction where attendees are required to strip nude to go through the entire thing especially there's a challenge to see if they can go through the entire thing unchanged (like there's bizzare clown creatures and if they get eaten, their 'stomach' like a ball pit sea pit with a circus tent above which they sink down slowly and pleasurably until fully submerged and the clown creature opens themselves out like a Russian doll which the ball pit is much smaller than it appeared in the inside and out comes a another clown creature like them) ....but thing is it's rather impossible however they actually enjoy it though...

3. Inanimate transformation: A Toy Maker transforms willing women into puppets/toys/stuffed animals like teddy bears/etc with his machine which women strip nude and steps into the machine to be transformed which they're kept as "Time Capsules" which they can be transformed back to their normal selves after a certain amount of time. Or maybe another idea being another attraction similar to the Cork from "Toy Hunter" from Illbleed, female attendees (who are nude like the Funhouse from num. 2) actually transform themselves into toys (which is part of the attraction) which they must find a way to transform back to their original human selves.

Well in short here's a more clear outline:

Here's some ideas I have in mind though:

1. a Freak Show where volunteers (all women) actually become the freaks.

2. Similar to idea one but more of a art show where women volunteer to transform themselves into the most disgusting things imaginable to shock and arouse the audience....

3. a "Puppet Show" where women volunteer to actually become the puppets themselves.

4. a "Toy Factory" where women volunteer to transform themselves as toys to keep as "Time Capsules".

5. Or basically any inanimate object transformations that serve as "Time Capsules" which they can transformed back to their original selves in a given date and when they do, they are the same age when they were transformed even if it's years or centuries.

6. Women willingly transform themselves into props or "costumes" for films, amusement parks, pumpkin patches, etc and they transform back to their original selves after their job is done.

Any thoughts?
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