
As I have written I like stories about women and also feel that stories in movies are mostly about men. An exception to this is the “Disney Princesses” animated movies. I like these movies and have seen every one. Elsa is a Princess who becomes a Queen in the movie “Frozen” and while she is not an official Disney Princess she is a Princess at the beginning of a Disney movie. There are people who consider the character Elsa to be a Lesbian. I’m not sure if this started with people “warning” parents about this or if it started with the LGBT community and with people who see this as something positive. In any case there are now people encouraging Disney to give Elsa a girlfriend in a planed upcoming “Frozen 2.” There is a petition and a campaign – #GiveElsaAGirlfriend. See here: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/frozen-director-elsa-girlfriend_us_5a9388c5e4b01e9e56bd1ead and here https://www.pinterest.com/pin/846817536155372059/?lp=true, for pictures.

And here is a clip (4 minutes long) from the film with Idina Menzel singing “Let It Go”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEKLFS-aKcw.

Moonlight and Roses,

I am an old man and I don't think I am very good at writing about women. My name is Cirnhoj. I'd be pleased to hear from a woman who could comment on my work. Thank you all.
In some parishes, a woman who was menstruating was not allowed into the main body of the church. She could attend in a side chapel and observe the elevation of the Host by a 'squint' - a hole in the dividing wall that allowed the altar to be seen.

I thought about this for some time. It seemed like women were being treated as second class citizens. First I wondered who, other than the woman herself, would know she was menstruating. Then I wondered why a woman would volunteer to be treated as a second-class citizen.

This sounded reasonable to me. A woman dressed in her Sunday finest probably didn't want to sit down while she was flowing. The alternative to standing up in the middle of the chapel was to observe from somewhere else. Providing somewhere else would have been a service to the women, not an imposition.