A mortal in the Band (Closed)

The song played on and into another ancient song brought to modern times. Eden sang the words a moment in their lives the innocence of their beginnings the cliffs and the deep crimson and purple flowers that rugged terrain home.
And as she sang, he joined in, there wasn't any prompting, but when the song had been written and sung, it was for the both of them, to remember their home.
She smiled to him even with the blood tears in her eyes. As the song ended she just sat there for a long moment
For a few moments after the song had ended, he looked from Eden to Omen, taking a deep breath.

"I will need my true nature returned to me. This mortal form is too weak."
Eden looked to him biting her lip.

Lucien? You know it can not be done untill you both are one. What if he rejects it or freaks out or hates us for changing him and takes you far from us again?
He nodded his understanding

"We know what is to come, we know what has to be done. He understands the change and how much it takes away, but also how much it gives. If we are to be one, we need to go through the transformation again. Already Alex knows about it, since he shares my memories and though he feels slightly uneasy, he also knows that to keep us all safe, it is something we need to do."
Luna studied him for a moment then with a nod.

I will summon mother here...

I am already here child...

The old woman stepped I to the rehearsal hall with some of the family who were chosen to be fed from.

Let us begin.
He took a breath and slung the guitar from his shoulder.

"Time to be a fledgling again. Not something that one would be looking forward to."

He placed the guitar, took a deep drink from the water bottle and placed the empty bottle aside.

"Your people is ready Luna? We won't be able to stand up if we are not united."
We have been ready for quite some time but time has scattered our numbers keeping an eye out for his people.

Luna nodded. Eden was happy but also concerned that Alex would spook and run from them.
He nodded at Luna, "Soon the wait will end."

He walked over to Eden, unlaced the leather band around his wrist and took her hand, slipping it over her hand and securing it to her wrist. He took her hand in both of his and kissed her fingers.

"I know you long enough to recognize that look. Don't be afraid."

He touched her cheek and smiled at her, before turning away. He moved closer and bowed his head respectfully.

The kindly attitude and demeanor shifted.

Is the boy in agreement?

Her tone clear that she would accept no deception.

Eden just smiled at him reaching a hand to his cheek before he walked away.
He nodded and spread his arms in supplication.

"We are both as one, we are both agreed. He understands the transition and he is feeling trepidation about being a fledgeling and the Thirst. As am I. But our need to serve the families are greater than fear."
There was no pause she was simply there taking that mortal life from him. Fangs deep in the neck as Omen ran over just in case she required help. He watched the life drain from the eyes till death was clearly near before the dropped him to Omen's catching him and made a slice upon her own arm for him to feed. Allowing a few drops to land on his lips to encourage him to feed.

Eden bit her lip watching them but did not move closer yet.
The pain wasn't too bad, in other circumstances it might even have been erotic. As he lingered on that space between life and death, the old smell of fresh blood woke up a part of them that had been buried under the weight of death and birth.

He drank, timidly at first as the blood was not food, but growing confident, knowing it to be the door to a new life.
Once he had taken enough for a blood dolls to finish feeding him mother nodded to Omen.

Take him to Chambers the young will finish his nourishment. Eden... He will need sleep I will see that he is delivered to your Chambers once he is fully fed.
The darkness enveloped him and he met it with open arms, it was new and familiar at the same time. He could taste blood, feel the power it gave his body. Then he rested, dreamless and dark. The way death should feel like.

He awoke slowly, opening an eye slightly as he took in the smell and feel of his surroundings.
She sat there watching over him biting at her lip. She was worried about him. Was Lucien truly back with her? Should she call him Lucien or Alex? How would he ever be able to withstand the sway of their brother as only a fledgling?

Seeing him wake she smiled.
The first face he saw, was that of Eden and her smile brought a smile to his own lips.

"Now if I knew that was what it took to get into your bed, I might have agreed to this much earlier."

He sat up with a chuckle and stretched, joints popping into position with loud cracks. He rolled his neck and touched the mark in his neck.

"She sure didn't waste time did she?"
Mother simply did what was asked.

She slithered down to snuggle up with him. Pressing a kiss to his neck.

So do we still call you Alex or Lucien?
He smiled

"How typical of you to defend her."

He placed an arm around her, "Since I am both, you can call me by either name, just pick one."
And how typical of you to make me decide everything.

She laughed softly and snuggled up with him so glad to have Lucien back even if he was also Alex.
"We have been parted for far too long."

He ran his fingers through her hair

"Omen seems angrier than I remember him."
Far too long my love...

She smiled fingertips dancing over his chest.

As for Omen... He... Has become more protective and cynical for sure love.
"Some times being cynical can be a boon, but for us it can become a problem if we do not unwind."

He kissed her forehead, "I feel that there is a lot that I need to know, of all that had happened since I had left."

His fingers traced her cheek, down her jaw and the slender arch of her neck. He smiled

"Gods, you are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
There is so much to tell... Rarely any of it good. We can speak on all of that later. I am sure mother or Omen will wish to fill you in on things they don't think I know.

Her hand caressing his cheek as she smiled staring into his eyes.