Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT even though I knew we weren't really getting together today, it was my first thought when I woke today...
IFCT if that day ever comes, it would be more than explosive.
I confess that it sometimes gets exhausting to maintain this facade of asexuality while at work when I'd really enjoy fucking just about everything with a pulse.
ICT I am looking forward to picking up my woman from the station later. She's been away on business a few days and she might could do with some help from me to unwind really well.
ICT when I start having a panic attack the first thought that crosses my mind is "I wish Jon was here". But we are separated and getting a divorce. He doesn't want to even see me or talk to me anymore which hurts.
IACT I shouldn't feel that way because he was abusive. But I can't stop it.
ICT when I start having a panic attack the first thought that crosses my mind is "I wish Jon was here". But we are separated and getting a divorce. He doesn't want to even see me or talk to me anymore which hurts.
IACT I shouldn't feel that way because he was abusive. But I can't stop it.

ICT I really, really hope you fall head over heels in love with a guy who is totally respectful towards you and that the "I wish ... " moments have a different name in them in the not distant future.

I confess I feel good now, I dislocated my wife's boyfriends hip this morning. Then when my father showed up with a shotgun to threaten me with bodily harm with it a $400 shotgun turned into so much scrap when I took it away from him bent the barrel, and shattered the stock. It is not going to be me going to take it in the teeth for society until I die. No matter what society says. I am not a set piece in it like everyone wants.
I confess I just had an amazing encounter with an amazing person..... and I ended up messy.
Ict one day I'm gonna cause the kind of reaction that inspired SleepingBeauty's hot audio!
ICT that people that have to post more and more and go outta the box to shock people with their "sexuality" in a way sorta annoy me.... I mean I get it it's Lit but do you have no personality that you just have to top yourself over and over and over again to get others to interact with you?!?!??!
ICT that people that have to post more and more and go outta the box to shock people with their "sexuality" in a way sorta annoy me.... I mean I get it it's Lit but do you have no personality that you just have to top yourself over and over and over again to get others to interact with you?!?!??!

ICT if this thread had a like button, I would press it.
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