Most versatile item?


Nov 21, 2009
I recently bought a couple of leather bracelets - just ordinary male jewellery, braided, with a chunky stainless steel spring fastener at one end. It hadn't occurred to me when I ordered them, but there are a whole lot of really interesting uses these things can be put to;

- pass one through the other before fastening, to restrain wrists
- snap them together end to end, ditto for ankles
- the spring fasteners make fairly harsh nipple clips ;-)
- again snapped together end to end they make a fairly snug collar
- leave one end unclipped and it's a flogger with a steel end (ok, pretty unimpressive but...)
- snap together and twist, and you have a penis ring (not tight but you can both feel it)

Think there's one other I thought of, but it's slipped my mind. Any other ideas? The really fun thing is, I can wear these in the office and nobody bats an eyelid, but I can think about what they'll get up to later and smile to myself...
Why don't you post a pic?
Then perhaps it would be easier to come up with additional uses...