Russian dolls of vulnerability

  • Thread starter La damnee elle la licorne
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Lovely and heartwarming story.
Also, I can't reply to you because you've exceeded your message storage. :D
Have you read the Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams? A quote I thought relevant:

"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?"

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

This is just what I needed to hear. The road to becoming my real self can sometimes be painful. I'm sure I have heard similar sentiments a thousand times in a hundred different ways. But here now, this is the one that has struck home and found the weak spot in my armor.
This is just what I needed to hear. The road to becoming my real self can sometimes be painful. I'm sure I have heard similar sentiments a thousand times in a hundred different ways. But here now, this is the one that has struck home and found the weak spot in my armor.

I am glad :rose:

I find becoming more real to be sometimes scary, sometimes painful. Sometimes I like to try to hide. But less and less so nowadays and I now have a partner I can be real with, utterly laid bare.
"Utterly laid bare", wow. That is an incredibly hot and at the same time scary phrase. Perhaps that fear is part of the turn on! :D
I just have a random, topic-breaking question (I seem to do that more nowadays)
- why "Russian dolls of vulnerability?" I'm thinking matryoshka dolls, but aren't they made of wood?
Or do you mean layers?
Or do you mean porcelain dolls?
I think you risk both. When truths are revealed they have an impact that cannot always be predicted. Some people surprise you with a happy response to something you thought was negative, others back away when truth is revealed. I think it a character test. Those who love you and have strength of character should not care what your truth is, as long as you have not been hurtfully deceiving them. Happy souls can adjust to change. -my thoughts on your thoughts :)
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Vulnerability is simply honesty... being true to ourselves.

It's not something to be stored away under lock and key.

We've all been hurt, likely pretty badly at times, but that's not vulnerabilities fault, that's something else. Maybe we chose bad partners, or maybe we had random acts done to us? Maybe the universe hates our face? Maybe the flying spaghetti monster didn't heed our prayers?

So what do you do? Do you hide in a corner and live an inauthentic life, or do you get yourself up, dust yourself off, tell the universe to go fuck itself, and live the most real and vibrant life that you can?

Vulnerability is not weakness.


I don't think it's the only form of honesty, of that the opposite of being vulnerable is the opposite of honesty... but I do feel that vulnerability is honesty in one of its purest forms.

That said, there are lots of valid reasons to not be vulnerable (or honest for that matter) with lots of people... at work is certainly one of them. With family, with government officials, with people on the street.

Vulnerability isn't for those people, just like most of us wouldn't share the intimate details of our sex life with random strangers (or maybe I shouldn't say that, this being lit and all).

Vulnerability is what you can share with those people you want to be intimate with. I guess I kind of assumed that was a given, but I could see how you'd look at it in a different light.
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That's ok Elle. Some days we just want what we want.

Sometimes I feel something so strongly and then remind myself that that is ok, just not to automatically act on a feeling.

I have been feeling more vulnerable just recently. I won't give details, but it is challenging. I am just working on feeling ok with myself again. Then maybe I can think about how I interact with others in relation to the new vulnerability.
In thinking more about my vulnerabilities, I find that my perceived invulnerability can often times lead to great vulnerability. This is a personal think pattern which I know to be wrong, yet fall prey to again and again. To illustrate:

I see X happening to my friend, but X won't happen to me!
And if course it can, and usually does :rolleyes:

I hate this about myself, my inability to see and shore up a vulnerable spot even when it is pointed out to me by life. Many times I do see it and take steps to protect myself, but many times I assume I am magically immune for some reason, and I get bit. I suppose mankind needs the injection of optimism, that it is crucial to our ability to rise above and persevere as a species. But sometimes, aaarrgh :p
This sounds a lot like the Valentine's card I just tore up. I hate that about you too.
Sometimes I just need the wall. The fortress. I can't feel all the feelings. It's just too much.

Finding the balance is hard.

Ugh - balance. Does everything have to be balanced? I suppose it does no good to be too comfortable with the moat around the wall around the fortress.
I don't know, Elle. We aren't made of steel. We aren't robots. Sometimes things are beyond our control. Sure, we choose how to respond. But sometimes the response is to be broken or sad and I have to think that's ok. At least, for a time.
I feel more emotionally vulnerable, but it does not feel to me to be an out-of -control vulnerability. And it is nothing like the vulnerability of childhood.

I feel more submissive than I did two years ago. And less afraid of whatever it is in me that makes me need to submit.

Yes... I am responsible for my life and choices and feelings... but I trust others to have a care with my heart once I am in relationship with them. I trust them to have respect for me and to be honest with me. I believe the promises they make to me and the words they say. Because I am good for my word. I find that my heart breaks when I am let down by others around these kinds of things. And I cannot say that this is because I have broken my own heart.

So - Elle - I beg to differ on your last point's example. :rose:
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Elle, yes, I like your 'party' analogy. I recently experienced this. Opened up and shared intimacy in a new way with some friends and it was reciprocated. But through miscommunication one person's feelings got badly hurt and for a little while it was scary, confusing and upsetting for us all. Fortunately we are all working on the mending of things and all will be well. In fact, possibly better than before.