Any Canadians around? part 2

Good evening guys. Wind warnings here...100km/hr.
We are battening down the hatches.
That is how we hook you....give you the good stuff and when you are all drunk we adopt you.:)
The first round is on us Sailer.

Actually, by my recollection, it was!

I loved it back in the day though, I was 19. The drinking age in Windsor was 19, we just drove across the border.
I would go in and order 2 beers, hand the guy a US 20. He'd hand me 2 beers and 21.75 in change. You all used to pay me 1.75 to come drink beer. :D

That whole "exchange rate" thing was always confusing to me...
That makes me think of back in the day when I was younger. I live very close to the border and would drink in Buffalo where it was 18 there at the time. I didn't get any great exchange on my money though but you did have lots of
Wow that was some wind last night, I haven't checked the fence yet let's hope it is still standing. Have a good day to work in a bit.:)
Wind is here today - gusts to 80KMH, a good, steady 45-50KMH with rain. If you're out in it, drive carefully. Don't really want to go out on the 102 today for any mvas.
I'm ashamed to admit... I spent much of the day wishing I had a cinema-sized box of Junior Mints while watching the news.
Hi galen and everyone else that I missed while working hard for little
I have the tendency to get grumpy when it snows before US Thanksgiving. D'ya suppose there would be any problem if I go into hibernation?