First story is pending.

Congrats on getting the first one done.

When it goes live start a thread in the feedback forum with the link and some people will check it out and tell you what they think.

There is an editors forum as well if you want some help on your next one.
Just one note...

At Literotica we don't use indents for each paragraph.

But if you have a block of text that you think should stand out with an indent you can use <blockquote>text</blockquote>, this will indent the text by five spaces at each end. Of course you have to be careful with the blockquote because if the block of text spans a page boundary it will screw up the rest of the text. And if it does, Laurel will most likely just delete the html tag.

Congrats on your first.
Hey Down4fun91!

Congrats! Have fun.

Remember - not everyone reading stories here is an authority or unbiased critic - take what you are told with a HUGE grain of salt.

Looking forward to reading your wares. Happy writing!
I finally published something on here. I want to collab with a grammar Nazi next time who can give me feedback and put punctuation/indents in my stories. Anyone interested, I'll link it when it posts.

Congratulations and hopes of great satisfaction once you see your story go live.

I would daresay is a unique website with an old school charm and an immense dedication to providing a forum for authors of virtually any skill level.

The boldest thing you can do is to release your little darling onto an unsuspecting Internet and see what happens. Maybe people will love your scribblings. Some might hate it. Either way, it's a beginning. You're making a statement and that deserves applause. Congratulations!
I finally published something on here. I want to collab with a grammar Nazi next time who can give me feedback and put punctuation/indents in my stories. Anyone interested, I'll link it when it posts.

"You've taken your first step into a larger world."

No, wait, maybe it's more like--

"You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

Either way, good luck and welcome to Lit.