The thief and The Great Lord ~ Closed

When Empress Shalendra heard that Kyleen had been found, she started watching everything through the fires and some of it through Nylor's eyes. His own foolish actions caused his death and clearly put her daughter into more danger. After watching everything though, she wondered what it is Kyleen saw in him considering he acted out to rashly and very selfishly. With a sigh, it no longer mattered as his life faded from the connection to her.

"Fools, the lot of them. She has been right under their noses and it takes this to find her."

For most of the time since Kyleen ran off, she has always known where Kyleen was. Although there were a few times through out the years when she lost that connection. The last few months to almost a full year were one of those times, pretty much the day she started working for that King Damascus. Almost as if someone had put a veil over her. Since word did reach her that Kyleen had been found and of the events at some royal court a few days ago.. Shalandra had been probing hard to reach her daughter again. Yet, with everything she's been through, that connection was either blocked or weakened.

Nylor's death broke one of the blocks and the short few moments Kyleen was able to use her magic allowed Shalandra to pin point her location again. Now is the time to intervene it seems otherwise they will both lose her. Since Kyleen still had the ability to her magic, Shalandra was able to follow them to his chambers.

Truthfully she has been where Kyleen is now, not to this great extent, but took off a few times and refused her position. Back in those days however it was safer to run wild than it is today. Now her daughter is a slave to this weak pathetic human, although Shalandra can see that he is starting to learn.

"Your healers will not help her. Your witch has done great damage to her with that stunt of hers. Though, that isn't the only fight she is battling right now."

She paused for a moment and considered a few things. Technically she can heal Kyleen to a certain extent, could easily wake her if she chose to. Yet, she glanced over towards the King with a curious look that he couldn't see. The most she can do is heal what the witch has done.

However, dealing with what Nylor had done, that would be more tricky for her to deal with. It would be easier for him to take care of that problem through their bond together. Perhaps a little test is needed here, especially after hearing his words just now and seeing the desperation in his eyes. She smiled and continued to speak and see how things will play out.

"She needs to feel the love that only her mate can provide. Whether you truly love her or not isn't the point, I am certain as a human you can fake it easily. All humans lie about such things, it is like second nature to them. She just needs to feel it and believe it."

She walked up to the bed, placing her ghostly fingers over Kyleen's head and watched her subconsciously flinch from the touch. That made Shalandra smile, knowing that Kyleen still had some fight left within her. Though it also meant that she may not wish to return home either out of unnecessary fear. Another issue to deal with at another time, for now there were more important issues at hand.

"Nylor had a play in this fight as well.... he mated with her while he had her. He had foolish hopes and tricked her with many lies. Her body and that child now fights with his seed. Only the seed of her mate can end that fight and save her. Your seed will heal her and the child."

Naturally she didn't tell him the full truth, Nylor is already dead so all the blame can easily go to him. If he knew Kyleen did it willingly, he would most likely be upset and punish her more. At least, that is how Shalandra saw it. Soon, she began to walk away and fade before pausing to look back at him with a smile.

"Oh and a little trick for you.. A hot bath will wake her... If she remains unconscious for much longer, it will be more difficult for both of you."

With that, the Empress faded from sight to let him decide what his next step will be.
Kyleen had a very difficult time waking up as the warm water surrounded her shivering body. It wasn't that she couldn't wake up, more to the point of not wanting to. The will and the fight to keep moving forward became weak and there was peace within that darkness. There was the unknown future outside of this darkness and lately so much pain that made this darkness home.

Reality had a nasty way of forcing itself to be acknowledged though. Between the warmth of the water warming her up and his comforting touches, Kyleen had to reluctantly open her eyes. Soft whimpers broke the silence as he positioned her onto his hardness. To her amazement, it was the most incredible feeling she has had in a good long while. More incredible than how Nylor felt, which is saying a lot. It seemed as though they were made for each other, a perfect fit.

Kyleen however only gasped as her breathing picked up slightly the deeper he went. Turning her head away from him so he wouldn't see the tears, yet he could easily feel all the conflicting pain nipping at her. The last few weeks have been hell on her and little by little it was breaking her spirit down. Then she saw the vision of her Mother sitting in one of the seats, almost as if this is entertainment for her. Perhaps it is, anything is possible when it came to the Empress.

"Why? Why should I return to you? I am nothing more than a slave. This child I carry will bring harm to many lives.... My people mean nothing to you.. I-I am better off...."

She stared right at her mother, almost as if she was speaking to her instead of him. Each time the tears threatened to break free, Kyleen would push them back, numbing out the pain and hurt. The witches words back in the cell kept echoing in her mind, the look she gave, the touch to her belly. Even the Kings words about having her bear many children and selling them kept coming back.

"I-I was hoping that... We can bring peace between our races... That this bond and this child would.... change things between our people. Y-You and the witch... confirmed I am nothing more than slave... a tool to be used.. I know you mean to return me to Mother, I can feel it.. Yet what happens after that? What happens to this child?"

Again, as her emotions started to rise, she pushed them down hard and forcing herself to go numb towards them. Shalendra didn't say a word and kept her distance while listening. Somehow she knew what her daughter was saying is true, even if the bond between them is taken away. The child will always remain an issue, being torn between two conflicting races.

That child will need both of them if it is to be raised with a good head on its shoulders. Still, that is something that is between them and something that even Shalendra can't intervene with. Then there is that damn witch... Shalendra sat there wondering of she should do to punish that witch.

Eventually Kyleen turned her head away from her Mother, shaking her head as she proceeded to pull away from him. Not knowing what else to do in that moment as her thoughts ran wild. In her mind she didn't think he truly cared, although she could sense how he felt, she couldn't trust her heart right now.

".. What happens.... to... me?... to us? Pretend as if none of this happened? You spoke once that you would do things differently.. That you would make me your Queen... Was that a lie? "

Kyleen started to lose what control she had on her emotions, unable to see things rationally as she finally pulled away from him and turned her back towards him. She knew better than to leave him though, his guards would just bring her right back as they always do. Especially after what they had seen earlier, they did not trust her.

"Are you not even willing to try? Or to hear me out? What say do I have in this? Or will I always just be a slave in everyones eyes?"

That statement about being his Queen actually shocked the Empress. She was not aware of that conversation and realized it might of been something Nylor blocked out. In either case, she was curious to see what his answer would be.
Kyleen took a sideways glance over at her mother curious as to what she had to really say about all this. Nylor mentioned that she is capable of breaking the bond, yet at what cost? Like Kyleen had told the King once before, everything comes with a price. In this case, that price could be this child as a way of breaking any kind of connection to him. However, her mother wouldn't do that as life is very precious to her no matter what that life is made of. The only other price would be searching for another mate while potentially thinking of him.

"She is the Empress Shalendra, my mother. She can't take me with her while she is in this form, this is just a vision of her. Something that allows her to travel while keeping her material body safe. Her powers are limited in this phase."

With a sigh, she still felt the pain that her body is fighting and he can sense her weakness. In reality, it is taking what is left of her strength just to keep standing instead of going under the water. At the same time, she didn't want to be entertainment for her mother either, in fact it kind of creeps her out to think of her mother watching her have sex. Although, she most likely watched the whole thing with Nylor.

"I deserved everything you have done to me. I am an elf thief, trespassing on your lands and have stolen from you. To think you would be kinder would be a foolish thought. I am just amazed you kept me instead of selling me. Of course you did not know who I was, I kept that part of me hidden. You didn't need to know, nor anyone else and that is what I wanted."

Shaking her head and slowly moved to the edge of the pool, holding onto it for support as the room started spinning. It hurt to think, not understanding what it is she wanted anymore. It isn't like she personally can go on pretending like nothing happened, especially not after saving his life, not once but twice. Now that she thinks about it, she didn't know why she saved his life at all. The second time was mostly for her own survival, an instinct that a mate would carry. The first time though... why did she help him? The queen could have killed him and life would move on.... Though, again, thinking about it now, the Queen could have blamed his death on Kyleen very easily.

"No.... I do not wish for anything to be removed. The vows that I made were forced upon me, yet I still wish to remain loyal and obedient to you. The vows concerning my magic will need to be reworded, I need that energy, it is very painful when it is blocked as it is. I do not wish for this necklace to removed, as long as you are the only one wearing the bracelet. No other is to use it."

He can sense that she is at war with herself, the emotions were so confusing and mixed in with the pain that her body is going through. Kyleen still didn't know what she wanted, however, she also knew that nothing will go back to as they were. This is a path laid out before her and any choice she makes now, there is no going back and that is something she fears.

"No other has done what you did to me. I have every right to fear you for those reasons. At the same time, I cannot deny that it was all horrible. You have shown me pleasure beyond anything I could ever imagine. I am not sure I can find another mate that can give me such sensations."

She glanced over at him finally, then past him to her mother, seeing a smile on her mothers lips and though the Empress was disappointed. It also did fill her with pride knowing that she raised Kyleen better than she thought. Her daughter is for once taking responsibility for her own actions, making her own choices with the hope of a better future. It will not be easy, yet at least Kyleen isn't running away this time, showing that she is starting to accept her place.

"You have rightful claim over me caused by my actions towards you, it is what I deserve as a thief. If you will have me by your side as your Queen and Empress to my people. If you promise that no more harm will come to my people, that your laws against them and their slavery to humans will be lifted."

These next few choices were not easy for Kyleen to accept, yet in her gut, she knew it was the right choice to make. The bond they share will keep her safe, and if nothing else, her mother will certainly step in and kill him if it came to that. Eventually Kyleen looked over to meet his gaze, still at war with what she wanted and the fear of her choices.

"Then I will be anything you desire me to be hidden between us. You give me what I have been seeking in a mate.... I will always be constantly searching for you..."
It was very difficult for Kyleen to trust in her own actions, then to hear what he had to say about changing the hearts of people. The trust became even more difficult and she came so close to backing out of the whole thing. However, she looked over towards her mother, seeing the hidden disgust in the expression, though nodded in respect for these choices. The Empress may disagree with how things are going, more than anything she wanted to snatch her daughter up and hide her from the world. In the end, Kyleen is old enough to make her own choices and was smart enough to know that every choice in life creates ripples in the future. Kyleen right now is doing what Shalendra could not, she couldn't even consider bringing peace between their races.

Shalendra was about to get defensive with his words, talk of humans going into the forest and never returning.... if he only knew what those humans were doing.... Yet, Kyleen held her hand up to keep her mother quiet when seeing the flare of anger. In reality, Kyleen just wanted her mother to leave them alone, yet these are things that she would need to hear anyway.

"I do not expect you to change the hearts of your people. Mine will be just as difficult to deal with. It will not happen over night and it will take much time, however the laws themselves can be changed. The laws you have now make it seem like.... we are a hunting game for humans. Those that enter our forest are normally there hunting us down. They go well beyond the restricted boarders just so they can....."

Kyleen sighed and took a deep breath to calm herself down, knowing full well how the humans feel and think about her kind. Laws can be changed, punishments enforced and no matter what, there will alway be those select few who think they are above the laws. Glancing over at the Empress, seeing that she wanted to say so much more and was getting closer to breaking.

"Mother... I am fine you may leave us now.. please. I will return home, I promise and the three of us will speak more then. For now, just leave us.."

It was very clear that the Empress didn't want to leave without getting her two cents in, though the glare that Kyleen had given said more than enough. Shalendra was about to say something, though bit her tongue back as it wouldn't have been kind words. Instead she simply said "Very well, I will expect you home within the week.." and then vanished from their sight completely.

"She has every right to be upset with me, but I do apologize for her showing up like she did. It'll be a while before we see her again like that."

Kyleen still didn't trust her own heart, even looking at him now and thinking of everything she's been through, she wondered why she isn't walking away. It was the little things that answered that question though, the soft concerned expression he has now, noticing the way his eyes dance a little when he looks at her. Although she highly doubt he knew his eyes were giving him away in that sense which made her smile lightly.

"I can advocate peace between our races until my last breathe leaves me. Yet, if your laws allow humans to keep hunting us and enslaving us, then I do not see where peace can begin. Humans have more of us in chains, including our children and mostly women... kill our men just to get the women and children... Can you really blame the Elves for their actions towards humans? We do not harm the human children, nor the women. We kill the slavers and the hunters while trying to rescue those of us that are caught..... Like Nylor tried to do.."

Just the very mention of Nylor's name made her head spin and she had to close her eyes for a moment. Without realizing it, she reached out and held onto him for support while her other hand rubbed her head. She really didn't have the strength to be thinking about all this right now, yet they were thoughts that have always plagued her.
Kyleen felt sick to her stomach as he talked about Nylor, shaking her head in disbelief that he would get off at her being beaten. She wanted to defend him naturally, yet she was in her own panic state of mind at the time and there is no defending any of his actions. Still, Agrahad knew that she had willingly mated with him and that alone was a kick to the gut.

"I- lov.... We... grew up together. I would have chosen him to be my mate, but mother never really liked him and kept him close, watching like a hawk... I- I apologize for my actions... I shouldn't have..."

She couldn't continue as it did hurt to think of Nylor, physically and emotionally. Especially when the last image she had of him is his head rolling on the cell floor. Then thinking of everything else Agrahad was saying, shaking her head and most likely made it appear as though she was disagreeing with him. It did crush her heart to hear that he won't free those already in slavery. Then she couldn't expect that to happen over night, though a few years sounded like eternity to her, wondering how many will survive that long.

"Those that you speak of were traitors. They went behind Mother's back and against her orders. They were not meant to attack the villages as they did, instead they went rogue. Wanting to prove a point that didn't exist. They were no heroes among us, they made things worse for us. Creating the world in which we are now slaves in."

Kyleen sighed when thinking of those days, although they were a few years before her time, she certainly knew all the stories. Though glancing over at him, it should have been before his time too, at the very least when he was child. The way he spoke of it though made him sound older than he should be in her eyes. A slight shiver trailed down her spine as she felt his desires and a weak smile teased at her lips, having not realizing her own needs since waking up. With everything, she's managed to ignore the cravings of her own body, resisting the urge to pounce on him.

Then she thought of all that happened today, with Nylor, then putting the King in cuffs, followed by zapping him in the cell... Kyleen took a couple steps back, shaking her head as she proceeded to deny these desires she felt, having gotten stronger since her mother left.

"I-I don't deserve to have pleasure right now... Not after betraying you and putting you in danger.."
Things were different now between them and not nearly as aggressive as before, which in some ways actually frightened Kyleen. It meant that the effects of her choices would create desires that normally embarrassed her. In reality she didn't know the first thing about being passionate, what she did with Nylor wasn't really about passion. They were both acting on a fools hope that things would change with one simple action, an action they both knew wouldn't work.

As he spoke while forcing her to feel all that pleasure, she was beginning to think that it might be easier if he was aggressive. Though, in many ways, he is actually forcing her to serve his needs only in a much different way. The pleasure he brought out made her desires grow to the edge, causing her to want this.. forcing her body to obey. As she looked at him adjusting, seeing his cock hard and standing proud as it called to her, Kyleen shyness started to show through.

"I-I don't know how to be intimate Master... You have been my only experience. Other than..... him.. Yet, he wasn't you and..... I just don't know how to pleasure you.."

Truthfully she didn't know what to do with a male, it's always been him that forced himself into her one way or another. Yet, she licked her lips and her body craved to have him back inside of her. Though, as he said he wanted to know how a real mate is suppose to feel like, she blushed deeply when thinking of how Nylor felt. It wasn't that she wanted Nylor again, yet that experience is how it is suppose to be feel.

"It is different with you Master... There is a... a connection of the souls when the bonding is... true between elven mates... With you, being a human, may not experience things to that extent. Yet, everyone is different, if you allow yourself to go that deep in pleasure, you might experience it. That is for you to decide though... to trust the feeling it gives."

She didn't know how else to explain as she moved forward, biting her lower lip for a moment before reaching out to touch him. Very slowly her finger tips explored the thick head, blushing as it twitched to her light touch. Again she thought of Nylor's cock, although it was more out thoughtfulness rather than desire, as if she is contemplating on something.

"I... I have read something a long time ago, a journal of a female elf... Much like our situation, only she was in love with her human. With their bonding, they were able to change certain things.... Like this for example."

Kyleen glanced down at his shaft as her fingers became a little bolder with their exploration. Though she wasn't brave enough to call it what it is and the shyness burning in her cheeks proved it. She didn't need to explain how Nylor was different considering he has already seen it all and she had no doubts he knew the details.

"You will have a different kind of control over what this does.. It is meant to give the female mate ultimate pleasure. A perfection that no other mate can provide... I know what words she had used. My body will change as well, if you desire it too as a way of making myself a perfect fit for you, giving you pleasure that no other female can give... If.. If you wish to try it Master."

Leaving it up to him to decide if he would like to have an elven cock or not, Kyleen sank down to her knees and kissed the tip of his hardness. Shyly licking over the head, showing him in her own way that she wanted to make this work. Also showing that she didn't fear him as much as before, that she is wanting to learn how to be intimate with him.
It honestly surprised her that the enchantment actually worked. There was no proof that it would work and it is rare that elves did this willingly with humans. Though she did smile as he seemed to accept it when she expected him to freak out. Instead he gave a wicked grin as he surprised her by picking her up suddenly.

She could barely respond to his comment about being trapped as she gasped in pure shock. Not even Nylor had felt this huge and so filling. Sure, he had all the right moves and hit all those glorious spots that make the toes curl. Yet, he wasn't her mate and wasn't meant to feel this good to her. Again, Agrahad caught her off guard and before she could react, had her pinned underneath him.

Instantly her legs wrapped around his hips and raised up to meet his first thrust. For the first time since this all started, Kyleen felt like she died and gone to the heavens. There are many, many stories out there of how this is suppose to feel, even her mother gave an experience. Yet, not a single one of those stories compared to the real thing.

After her second orgasm, realizing after the first that there is no time to beg for permission. Everything about him kept her on edge until the next few thrust sent her over that edge. She clawed down his back while moving with him as if they were truly one. Before too long she started to chant the same thing she had done with Nylor, only her words now were different. They were meant just for him and no other as she finally gave all that she is to him. No longer caring if he is human or not... Right now he is truly her mate and she has fully accepted that willingly.
Kyleen was lost in her own pleasure that she barely noticed the struggles that he went through. When he did start to panic though, she felt the difference in his vibes and even his thrusts were changing. Luckily she was able to focus enough to calm him down and moments later he rewarded her with his seed. Kyleen hadn't had an orgasm that strong, even with everything he has done to do her, this was the most powerful one yet.

She was left on the edge of the pool panting and shivering hard as the rush slowly subsided. At first she hadn't realized that he wasn't there with her, hell she barely felt him pulling out of her for that matter. Mere moments went by before she started to actually feel him through the bond. Weakly she opened her eyes to look for him, seeing he wasn't anywhere to be found.

Finally she caught notice of movement in the pool, air bubbles creeping to the top of the water. When she looked into the water, he wasn't moving, his eyes were closed as if he didn't know he went under water. She climbed the rest of the way out of the pool and laid down on the edge. With one hand in the water, her fingers created circles on the surface and she spoke a few simple elvish words.

A few seconds later the water started to respond to her and it swirled into a much larger circle, creating an air bubble around his body. Before too long he floated to the surface of the water and she directed the water to push him onto the edge. There is no way she could lift him on her own, especially after that orgasm she experienced. The strength of the water was good enough to at least get him to lay next to her. Once he was safe though, she closed her eyes again and proceeded to drift off while curling up against him for warmth.
As she laid there on top of him, she listened closely to his words, the tone he used and even his heart beat as he said those three words. Those three measly little words were so easy to say in trickery, for the most part easy to hear when the person believes it.... Yet, nothing about how he spoke those particular words indicated trickery on his part and after everything, he honestly had no reason to trick her now. Three simple words put her at war with her own emotions. Why did he love her all the sudden? Did the experience they share really break those walls down?

Nylor used to say those same words too.. Though Kyleen never said them back to him. Nylor was a game to her, to see if he would climb to the top for her. Of course after a time she did grow to love him and he turned around and back stabbed her. It was then she didn't trust her own feelings towards that single word "Love". It has hurt her a few times now with just everyday people that surrounded her life. Never expected to hear it from a mate though.

"There is no need to remove anything to prove yourself to me. I chose to keep the necklace as my part of the rewards because it calls to me. If it wasn't for the necklace. I wouldn't... be here. Also... I have grown rather attached to it over the last few days. I wish to keep it. As for the.... piercings..."

Kyleen had to pause here for a moment to consider how to she honestly felt about the studs. She hadn't consider them fully until now, only that she did despise the power they hold over her. Almost just as bad as the necklace, if not worse considering he can easily for her to take vows that would betray her people. That thought alone made her consider having him take them out. Though, just laying on him now with her breasts crushing into chest, she realized for the first time exactly how sensitive her nipples were.

They were always extremely sensitive, perhaps by too much considering no one has ever played with them. The piercings obviously made them more touchy, the slightest movement now causes them to harden and her clit to twitch. If she actually allowed it, Kyleen is certain that the very air alone could make her cum with how touchy they have gotten. Perhaps that is something he will discover later and use that against her, for now though she didn't think they were all that horrible.

"I hated them at first because of how much pain they caused. Yet, since Ny..... Since I was able heal.. I find that I actually enjoy them."

After she spoke of those concerns, it was now or never to respond to those three words he spoke of. Her heart did skip a few beats when considering her own feelings towards having him in particular saying it. The natural response should be so easy to answer and the words were on the tip of her tongue. However, it came down to trusting her own guts and to consider the love she felt coming off him.

"I-I want to love you Master... Yet, my emotions are bouncing all over the place right now. I do feel better and I am no longer in pain. However, I-I do need to rest and clear my thoughts a bit. As you well know, the last few days haven't been easy for me to process... I just don't how to feel about anything right now. I hope that doesn't disappoint you, Sire."
Kyleen didn't have a chance to respond when she felt the sudden weight of sleep overwhelming her. Giving one last yawn while her eyes closed and within seconds, the world faded just like that. As he carried her the dreams made it seem like she was flying high in the sky. Eventually though she would come down and simply run through the forest the way she loves to. She took to the trees, leaping from branch to branch as though they were nothing. In the dream she was free... Free from everything... Daily life and all the trauma that it has brought didn't exist here.

That is until she felt something.. A surge rushing deep into her core.. At first she thought nothing of it until it happened again. Between her legs were starting to ache from desire which put a severe halt to her running and she laid down on a heavy branch. For a moment she wanted to ignore it, hoping that all she needed to do is catch her breath and soon she'll be off again.

Yet, that didn't happen at all. In fact the surges kept getting stronger and stronger and after a few moments, his scent filled the air. She felt him, felt the strength of his arms holding her.. the heat of his breath kissing her flesh. It all triggered that need to mate again and her hand slipped down between her legs in the dream as she thought of him. Despite the fact that she thought of him and pictured him there, he never did fully show up yet in the dream.

For the time being all she had were her fingers, with one hand down between her legs while the other is pinching and pulling at the stud on her nipple. Her physical body mimicked what she did in the dream as one of her hands reached for a nipple. The other hand slowly creeping down only to meet with his hair, which she instinctively grabbed. Another moment or two went be as the orgasm kept rising until she couldn't hold it back any longer. Her hips raised as the grip in his hair tightened and without warning, she came and filled his mouth with sweet aphrodisiac cum. Giving him a taste of what only her mate would crave, the irresistible sweet nectar that only she can provide.
If there was an entire new world between dream and reality, Kyleen had found it! She felt everything within the dream as if it was reality, the dream itself felt so real that she thought of it as reality. Imagining herself being bound with her arms stretched above her head and legs open lewdly for her mate. She watched his eyes enjoying the sight below him while writhing to his touch before he blinded her with silk.

Every movement and sound she did in the dream would be transferred to the physical world. Her hands were stretched taunt above her head as though they were bound there and kept her legs spread for him. The difference is that her legs were wrapping around his waist in the real world, where as in the dream they were bound. Her moans and cries were filling every corner of the room, intensified by the heat of his seed spilling into her.

There is no real way for her to tell how many times he came versus her count of orgasms, all she did know is that her world melded into this one. Into a world that in between dream and the world she didn't want to return. This world is safe from everything and brought only pleasure. A pleasure that she didn't want to end nor let go of either. In fact she whimpered when the sensations had come to a stop and felt him pulling away from her.

In the dream she felt him unbinding her legs, sliding his hands up to her wrists and undid the cuffs there, slightly blinded when he removed the silk from her eyes. Although before she could fully adjust her eye sight, she watched as his shadowed figure walked away from. Reaching out to him with one hand, not realizing that she's doing it physically as well and she spoke softly towards him.

"Don't leave me... Daddy... Please.. stay... I need you Daddy..."

Though when the King would look down at her, he would see that she is still very much in a deep sleep and didn't know he is there with her.
It took Kyleen a few good moments to really wake up, although she did feel very refreshed until she felt the wet stickiness between her legs. The wet stain that remained on the bedding and confusion was seen on her face as she looked up to meet his gaze. He had this knowing look and a wicked smile that she couldn't quite figure out. Then he spoke of having a present for her, which only added to the confusion, however he insisted that she get cleaned up and dressed.

There was no doubts of where her position would be when they entered the throne room. She is still technically his slave and as such belongs kneeling at his feet. The idea of sitting in the empty Queens' throne didn't even cross her thoughts as she knelt down by his side. Yet, watching all the men come into the throne did startle her and she pressed back against his leg in fear. For a moment she had no idea what his intentions were going to be, however upon further inspection, the men appeared to have been in a fight.

When one spoke and the response was a hard jab into his gut, Kyleen couldn't stop the smile from teasing the corners of her lips. Their words and protests did sting quite a bit however, shoving their hatred for her kind down her throat. The real shock came to her when he left the choice of their fate up to her and called her the future Queen in front of these men. The shock on their faces was more priceless than any reward she could ever steal.

“Did I not warn you that the King would be upset with you touching me?”

She glared directly at the one that had a hand in killing the only human there that wanted to help her. His fate now laid in her hands as did the whole lot of them. His son in particular stood next to him, the words he spoke back at the camp echoing in her ears. He wanted to use her first, to lose his virginity to her body for his selfish gain.

“Those two there... They killed the one human that tried to help me. The young one there wanted to be the first to use me.. A reward for the killing. Death is too easy for them. Give them to someone that likes to fuck men. Let them all feel what it would have been like for me. Rape them just as they would have done to me in my weakest moment.”

Kyleen didn't seem to care if there were good ones in the bunch or not. The faces she saw before her were all the ones that beat her down until she couldn't fight back. Whether or not they would have raped her is a different story, she knew for certain that a good handful wanted to have their fun.

“I wish to witness those two pleasuring other men.... Publicly!!! To humiliate them as they would have done to me. I do not wish to ever see them touch another female for the rest of their days. Can you make that happen Daddy?”

She looked up to meet the Kings gaze with a little wicked smile playing on her lips. Her expression gave no indication that she realized the title she just called him. The word Daddy slipping from her lips as if it was so natural and without any hesitation.
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Kyleen was rather proud of her punishment plan and then he shot it down while also putting a guilt trip on her. Of course if she had the power to do so she would have punished the King himself... Although, this forced bond should have been punishment enough for him considering he now can't rid of her. Which only seemed to backfire on her as now he actually wanted to keep her.

Looking back towards the men as they begged and pleaded for a different punishment. How on earth can she turn this into a way that would bring peace? The only thing that could work is killing them, marking them as elf hunters or rapists or something lame that humans don't care about. To them those crimes are petty since everyone hates the elves.

"You there...."

She pointed to the one that helped kill that the leader of the camp... OR she assumed was the leader, none the less, he is the one that caught her and demanded to use her.

"How many elves have you hunted, sold, raped and perhaps killed?"

The man hesitated while looking up at the King as if seeking for his advice, then glanced back down to her impatient eyes. He refused to answer until Kyleen finally stood up and walked towards him boldly and glared at the man. He had no where to look except for her eyes that demanded an answer.

"15.... I have sold and hunted down 15 of your filthy kind..."

Then he spat at her only to get jabbed in the gut, luckily she wasn't close enough for the spit to land on her. Kyleen went around to the rest of the men asking each one the exact same question. Some gave a number, where others remained silent and refused to answer. More than one bragged about the 25 they captured and raped. By the end of the last person the total count was up to 60 elves that they have ruined.

She considered what the king had said and though she really wanted to pay them back for what they did to her... and was about to do.... He is correct that the punishment would have been for selfish reasons. But to just let it go and let them free with just a slap on the wrist and "Don't do it again..." attitude... People would never take her seriously.

After getting the answers she wanted, Kyleen turned in silence to go sit at Agrahad's feet again. She had a feeling that he wanted her to simply forgive them. Forgive them for beating her quite literally unconscious and not care about her well being. She wondered of they would have used her until she died then just toss her body into the river as if it was nothing.

"Daddy.... Are you asking me to forgive and forget. They did hurt me and would have left me for dead or sold me. You would have never known. I did tell them to bring me back to you and they refused."

Lifting her face up to see if King Agrahad would agree to this. They needed to be punished for at least refusing to bring her back to the King.... to THEIR King.

"They do need some kind of punishment for hurting a Kings personal slave. 60 lashes for each of them. A lash for every elf life they ruined. A lash to remind them of the pain they caused to those 60 elves. Although if you include me, that should be 61 lashes... Do you find that to be a fitting punishment? Daddy?"
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Kyleen stood there frozen for a moment as the whip was being placed in her hands. She has never swung a whip before, let alone actually punish someone. Sure, she has done many things to many people, yet that was always a means to survive. This is different, this is to show the world of what she is capable of and to show her strength as any Queen would show. For some reason, this felt empowering in ways she never thought possible. Of course she has seen her mother lay on some pretty harsh punishments while growing up, some were lessons that she tried to teach Kyleen. However, at the time, Kyleen wasn't into learning the ways of being a leader.

“You will count each strike your son receives. If you miss a count, I will start over and so shall your count. Do you understand?”

She saw the flare of anger in the older mans eyes while she went up to the younger boy and ripped his shirt off to expose his back. The first few strikes she had the executioner show her how to use the whip and those strikes did count. In truth, she didn't know if she could lay out the full 61 count on both of them, however she didn't show any indication that she was weak.

It seemed easier to the start with the young boy instead of the older father because it would hurt the father more while watching and hearing his son get whipped. Kyleen wanted to drive that dagger deeper into his soul. Perhaps even make the son be upset with the father in return, driving that dagger even deeper.

“I do not believe the crowd can hear you counting. Speak louder and keep watching, do not look away. You are proud of your son, are you not?”

She delivered the 20th strike before the father could get his answer in, forcing him to count instead. There wasn't a spot on his back that didn't get kissed by the whip, some of those kisses broke skin as well. The whip tore at his pants while she struck at the back of his legs and ass, at times even the bottom of his bare feet when he lifted them.

Kyleen showed no mercy when it came to the punishment and a few times, she did start over. After the third time starting over, she did manage to finish the last few strikes. The father sobbing out the last 10 strikes while watching the son jerk from the pain. It was clear that the son would black out at any given second.

“There, now that wasn't so bad was it?”

She whispered into the crying boys ear before passing the whip back to the executioner and told him to finish the fathers punishment for her. In a lot of ways, her own actions somehow reminded her of the fallen Queen and how cruel she was. At the time Kyleen found it disgusting that the Queen would get off on such displays, to get off on creating pain for entertainment.

In this new moment however, almost like a switch went off, Kyleen understood where that thrill of power came from. Some of it had to do with the pleasure he placed on her through the link, however it there was more to it. A sensation she couldn't quite understand and he certainly would feel it through the bond. Not to mention see that thrill and power hungry lust in her eyes.

“Did I make you proud Daddy? I do not think I damaged him too much... I certainly had the crowds attention though!”

When she came back to The Kings side, she wanted to crawl into his lap and kiss him harder than ever. Then she quickly remembered her place is at his feet, not in his lap acting like a slut. There is still a nagging fear that kept her behaving, the fear that he will take everything from her. Secretly, that is one reason she chose to keep the collar, to feel that very moment of when he back stabs her. When and if that happens, he will no doubt use the collar first to force her.

Those are also the moments when she reminds herself that he would willingly remove the collar too. All the same, he is a human and they make and break promises all the time. It was just a matter of time and until then, Kyleen decided to play nice while kneeling at his feet.

“May I ask something Daddy?”

She waited until he gave an answer and even then she hesitated a moment before asking the question.

“Why did giving him that punishment arouse me? The need to cum is almost comparable to when you inflict pain on me. I do not get off by hurting others...Just as I never thought pain could make me cum.“

Her attention went back to the whipping as the cracking sound made her jump a little. The King can easily see and sense that the sound alone aroused her as she slightly gasped at the next crack. Biting her lower lip as she could almost feel that bite. After a few more cracks and crying, her back twitched as though it just been kissed by the whip.

A few more strikes and her breathing picked up slightly while her legs pressed tightly together. A few times her head did shake as though she's trying to remove this craving, not willing to accept that this is arousing. Yet, all it did was make her wetter and more needy.

“Why do I now crave that pain? To see it on others and to feel that same pain? I crave to feel that whips kiss so much that the very sound of it makes me want to cum. I need to cum so badly right now and I do not understand why.”
Her eyes grew very wide when she felt the sudden pain and oddly didn't care about the attention it caused. Knowing that all her new subjects would be watching as she writhed on the floor while crying from another lash. The only thing that really rushed through her is the orgasm that quickly washed over her, not caring about the eyes that watched. Nor did she seem bothered by the fact that her scent filled the air and most likely a wet stain would show through her dress.

Another orgasm crashed into her world and she suddenly felt the humiliation of that one when noticing the executioner's confusion. Slowly she got back into position by her Kings feet only to feel another bite of the invisible whip.

“P-pain whore?... But... I-I...”

She couldn't quite finish that thought when a rush of pleasure ran its course and lust soon filled her eyes. The idea of it all frightened her to some extent. Unsure if she liked the idea of being punished all the time, to her pain is punishment and nothing more. Yet, the invisible whipping just now wasn't due to punishment, at least none that she could think of. She didn't do or say anything that would cause him to punish her, not that he spoke of anyway.

Then he lifted her up and excused them from the scene in front of them, she taking notice of the glares she got when walking away. This is the second time he's embarrassed her in front of a crowd, at least time it wasn't nearly as bad. They could just simply think that the whip did actually hit her, yet she couldn't quite explain the orgasms that everyone witnessed.

“Push my limits?.... Haven't you already done that?.... I mean.... well.. you know... You have already inflicted much pain on me.... What else is there to... umm.. to see?”

Kyleen clearly didn't understand what it is he planned to do with her. All she knew is that he intends to inflict more pain on her. Some part of her craved that idea, savoring the lingering sensation of that invisible whip against her skin. The more rational side of things feared it, unsure of how far he will go, he has already shown a certain extent of pain that she rather not experience again. Already permanently scarred her with the nipple rings, what other scars will he leave behind? Yet, a sense of trust teased her a little, the need to learn to trust him taunted her and this is probably the best way to do so.
Trust didn't come easy for Kyleen, more so after the recent events in the last few weeks. She simply didn't know how to trust anyone at this point. Now he actually wants to cause pain just to see how much she can handle, that alone had her heart racing. There's some curious side to all this, curious to see if what he says is true, wondering how far he will honestly take things. More curious to see if he intends to break her spirit down even further than he already has. There is no way of knowing if he is playing games with her or not, based on what she felt though, Kyleen found no hint of trickery in all this.

If anything, she felt the increase of his lust, the enjoyment that he gets with her vulnerability. Which oddly brought in a sense of happiness and some pride that she can do that to someone. Then quickly realized it isn't really her that is causing him to react that way, it's the bond and the raw need to mate. Her scent and her own desires is what fuels him and nothing more. That is until she recalled what he said earlier in the bath and those three words is what she thought of when the silk covered her eyes.

Kyleen had almost forgotten that he had confessed his love to her. Everything about how he said and what she felt when he said it felt real enough and had no trace that it would be false. Kyleen started to question as to why he suddenly loved her when she felt his hands groping her breasts. The questions were almost all answered when he touched her belly and she realized then that is it. He didn't love her, it was the child she carried that he loved... A child that he will most likely take away from her.

The hand on her throat brought on a sense of comfort that she couldn't explain and strangely it made some of the fear fade. All the focus went to him with no where else for it to go, not wanting to let the fear ruin this moment. If anything, she wanted to learn from this experience, to understand why being vulnerable would have this affect on her. Always being on her own for so long, she thought of herself as a strong female, always the one in control of her life. Comprehending why she wanted to lose that control and give it someone else seemed impossible. Though, she saw it as another challenge in life and accepted it for however long he plans on keeping her.

His voice broke through all these racing thoughts and questions, although what he said caught her by surprise. Ticklish? What did he.......

She quickly found out what he meant by it and in seconds she rolled into a mixture of sensations. Some areas were far more ticklish than others and she fought hard to not let herself giggle or laugh. Other areas, such as behind the knees, sides of her chest and the few spots close to her spine were all hot spots that had her blushing in no time. Biting the knot he placed into her mouth and used it to stifle some of the moans, however, those moans didn't last long. The laughing and giggles put up a stronger fight as she danced to get away from the sensations.

The excitement from earlier still lingered as it only happened a few short moments ago and some of that tickling refreshed that desire. Her hips rolled in need while her clit danced as the air kissed it and at times she tried to close her legs. Being exposed still embarrassed her, despite having no one else around to see it, she knew anyone can walk through that door. Not to mention, being spread wide open also twisted that vulnerability to a whole new level. It felt different this time and she didn't know how it was different now.
Kyleen went pretty deep into subspace and on the verge of being at her limit as the minutes went on endlessly for her. Losing count of the strikes, having no clue how many orgasms he whipped out of her and when it suddenly stopped, she still felt it all. Her back side more tender than she knew what to do with as all the never kept twitching, muscles jerking as she hung there. For the longest time she didn't hear the fight, nor realized what was going on. Even after landing hard on the floor when the ropes were cut free, she didn't register the situation.

Ever slowly the sounds of their fighting broke through the darkness and pulled her out of subspace. Carefully she reached for the blindfold when realizing he was in danger. The brightness blinded her for several seconds and she barely had enough time to focus when seeing him on the ground. It was the blurry form straddling on top of him and the glinting of the sword that caught Kyleens' attention.

For almost two hours the fight between the two elves grew intense. Neither one wanting to kill the other, yet refusing to hear each other out. Kyleen was almost defeated a number of times, simply out of pure exhaustion from what the King had done to her. In the end, she used a powerful spell that took the rest of her energy to knock the dark elf back against the wall. In that process, she reluctantly took off her collar and placed it around the dark elf's throat.

Just before the dark elf came to her senses and went in for another attack, Kyleen already had the cuffs on and in seconds the dark one screamed painfully.That was the end of the fight, she fell unconscious while Kyleen glanced over the body. For some reason Kyleen wasn't healing on her own this time, bruises from the fight covered her entire rib cage area. Blood dripped from her nose and lip, a few cuts here and there along her arms and legs.

Tears streamed down her bruised cheeks while she glanced back at the dark elf sister, realizing that she is a childhood friend. So close that they could easily be sisters. The King started moving around and Kyleen looked up at him just as she fell to the floor herself.


She barely whispered and it was more through their bond that he heard it, hearing her without the help of the collar. He would notice that her belly had a soft pulsing glow to it, although he couldn't be certain, it gave him a sense that her body is under severe stress.
The dark elf remained curled up on the floor simply glaring at the humans as they touched her sister. She hated every second of this and wanted nothing more than to take Kyleen and run. Also very confused as to why Kyleen would choose to remain here among humans. Anger grew deep as the seconds passed and she kept trying to move, thinking that all spells wear off in time. Only to find out this spell didn't wear off and it got worse by making her limbs feel heavier each time she twitched.

What angered her the most is that he wasn't telling her how he is doing this. The safest assumption is this damned collar that Kyleen for some reason placed on her. Sadly she couldn't move enough to try and pry it off again. Nor would any of her spells do her any good considering she used up all her energy fighting Kyleen. When The King asked for her name though, all she did is growl and glare at him with a look of pure hatred.

The weight of her body made it difficult to breathe and she used that, along with the pain he caused her to fuel that hatred. At one point she did try to cast a spell that would harm him, thinking if she kills or knocks him out, then she will be free of this magic.

That failed and she felt a jolt of pain shooting straight into her core, though she couldn't react due to the weight of her body. Sadly she is very good with torture and knew it would take quite a bit for her to verbally give information. On the other hand, it didn't prevent her from thinking of those answers as she screamed out in pain.

She remained silent doing everything in her power to keep a blank mind, or to think of something lame. Yet somewhere in the mix of trying, the name Rhenazelshi came into thought. However, she didn't say it and afterwards prayed that he didn't catch it. Then she grew angry with herself for allowing it to slip like that.

“Why do you care what my name is? You are going to kill me anyway.. Or do you plan on selling me? Either way, my name means nothing to you filthy humans....”

She spat in his direction as best as she could, fighting that sensation of having her mouth gagged, yet knowing full well that there is nothing there. This fight was a mental one and she realized it, mind over matter is what it came down too. Once she breaks free of this mental cage, he will regret doing this to her. Be even more regretful of brainwashing Kyleen!
Rhenazelshi only growled at him before charging towards him. There is no way she is ever going to be polite to him! He is a human, one that allows this conflict between the elves and humans to continue instead of ending it. She seriously didn't like the idea that she couldn't touch him, let alone not knowing what he plans to do with her. He said that he won't allow death to come to her, however he made no mention at all about being sold. Although she has escaped slavery once, she believed that she can do it again if it came down to it. After all these humans were weak and lacked the kind of power she has.

She didn't have time to react when the pain shot through her again. This time it felt as though her clothes were made of needles and all she wanted to do is strip. However, she was much stronger than Kyleen when it came to this and Rhenazelshi lasted far longer than Kyleen had done. It was by no means an easy thing for her to deal with, never in her life as she felt this kind of pain. Even her hair felt like needles and she wanted to rip it all out! Casting any spells at all were impossible as she didn't get enough time to consider what spell would actually help this situation.

In that same moment, Kyleen started having very vivid dreams while she heard the screams in her sleep. The dreams were strong enough that King caught glimpses of them. Most were of the past with her and Rhenazelashi growing up together, they both taught each other many things throughout the years. What he could sense the most is the strength of their bond and how much Kyleen loves her.

They have been parted for the last several years, yet neither one ever stopped looking for the other. Until now, Kyleen believed that she would never see Rhenazelshi again. The fresh memories of their recent fight trickled into the dreams and it tore Kyleen apart to relive those dreams. Athough the painful screams never woke Kyleen up, she can hear them all the same and it crushed her knowing who those screams belonged to.

Instead of stripping Rhenazelshi glanced around on the floor and saw one of her other daggers from earlier. Very painfully she crawled towards that dagger as the tears finally broke when she grabbed the dagger.

“I will kill myself before I let you or anyone else touch me... I refuse to be your puppet...”

With that she held the dagger at her chest with extremely shaky hands. Her eyes is what gave her away though, showing him that she truly didn't want to take her own life.
She didn't like this human King touching her in any fashion and flinched as he so boldly took off her cloak. The idea of him shredding her clothes terrified her more than anything. She would rather deal with the endless pain than to allow him the honor of seeing her naked. Although being his mindless puppet terrified even more, no matter how much she tried, her body wouldn't listen to her and it obeyed his every command.

Doing everything in her power to keep from letting the slip while watching him with the dagger. These were her only clothes with her and if she did manage to escape from this, she'll need them back. It made her sick to think that a human does this for fun and a King doing it just proved how power hungry humans really are. Still, if she is to get out of here it is time to play nice... For now.

As he removed the gag she cried out from all the pain her nerves have gone through and it hurt to release her jaw after so long. Though she did glared at him with both fear and pure hatred, looking down at the dagger he held, noticing it was the one Kyleen had given her a long time ago. The need to kick him hard between the legs consumed her and she did try, only to be disappointed by her own damn body.

“I can assure you that I have nothing else hiding. My clothes are tight enough that you would be able to see anything else. I will undress if that is what your perverted eyes want, but only if you allow me to leave peacefully. If you won't kill me, nor sell me, then what use do you have of me? It is clear that you have turned my one and only sister against. Turned me into a puppet... What more could you possibly want of me?”

Lowering her gaze down to the floor then glancing over at Kyleen as the first tear finally slipped down her cheek. Normally she would be extremely determined to get Kyleen back, to free her from this strange imprisonment. However, she knew when things were a lost cause and also she knew of the bond between the elves and their mates. Even if she did manage to free Kyleen, she would only keep coming back and to make things worse, she is carrying this humans children.

“I promise, on my life and hers to never return if you let me go.”

Despite her words though, there is no denying that Rhenazelshi wanted to remain by Kyleens side. To protect her and just be there for her. At the same time, she hated the very thought of staying in this humans realm with the constant fear of being used by them.
She stood there glaring at him while trying to hide what she could. Even though the itching did stop, it caused her nerves to have that creepy crawly effect. Which in turn kept her scratching here and there as she quickly grabbed the dress from him. Something she would never wear in this life time willingly and she did glance over at where he put her clothes angrily. Only in defeat did she put the damned dress on and honestly, it didn't make her feel any less naked.

"Why do you care so much about her? Humans despise the elves... You of all humans hunt us down like we are wildlife... Mock us, enslave us... Why do you treat her differently? Why do even care about what happens to her?"

Taking one last glance at the spot where he placed her things and growled deeply. They were so close, within her grasp and there isn't a damn thing she can do about it. Then he told her to sit and that was the last thing she wanted to.. sit on the BED so close to him. Sadly her body reacted to the command which only caused her growling to grow that much more deeper.

"She was running away one day from her care takers and we just sort of ran into each other. We grew up together, take care of each other.... It seems as though I'm too late this time.... End of story.."

She didn't want to touch Kyleen and it made her sick to see him to tenderly touching her. That look in his eyes only showed the love he felt for her, although Rhenazelshi didn't believe it was sincere. Then it finally dawned on her and it was like a kick in the gut when she realized the truth of what is going on... It wasn't a spell or brainwashing...

"You are the one that took her virginity aren't you? You are forced to care about her, just as she is forced to protect you... She took this collar off and stuck on me... You used this on her to rape her didn't you? How is she can take it off and I can not?"

Her anger started to flare up again as the truth started to come to light, yet all she can do is ball up her fist in rage. It was then the tears finally broke when she realized just late she really is. Sadly she just recently learned that Kyleen had been captured.

"What do you plan to do with her after these children are born? Toss her to the side? Make her breed more half breeds? You don't seriously intend to make her your Queen do you? The humans will not accept that, some will try and kill her if you do that..."
Never in all her life has she ever felt pleasure that intense! Granted she has been lucky enough to keep her virginity this long. Although there has been some extremely close calls when humans had caught her. They just didn't know how to keep her contained and at the right moment, they regretted catching her. But this... this wasn't anything she could be prepared for, let alone escape from and it actually terrified her.

She wanted to remain pissed off at him and deep down she still was, hating him more than any human she has ever known. However on the outside, and emotionally, he had broken her in a way she didn't think would be possible. This is also the first time she has felt what it is like to be so utterly vulnerable. Normally she is the strong one between her and Kyleen.

Of course Kyleen had her strengths, yet there is a clear difference between the two races. Rhenazelshi didn't know how to be vulnerable, it wasn't the way her people were raised. To show vulnerability would mean weakness and weakness is what gets you killed. Right now she is at her weakest limit, after fighting with Kyleen, all the pain he made her endure and now.... extreme pleasure? It is amazing she is still conscious, although he can tell she wouldn't be able to take much more.

Watching as Kyleen whimpered and softly cried out in her sleep in what appeared to be an orgasm. Her legs rubbing together and clawing at the sheets as her sweet scent filled the air. Even being so pregnant, she looked more beautiful now than ever. Rhenazelshi could sense that Kyleen is happy for once in her life. She has always been searching for some kind security in life and it seems as though she found it.

He hadn't given her permission to speak yet, even if he had, she had nothing more to say to him. Glancing back over at the King with the threat of tears in her eyes, she simply rolled over and turned her back towards him. It is a lot for her to process and he has already brought her to this level of weakness, he didn't need to see the tears. The more her body relaxed from everything he had done to it, she started to go into shock, curling up in a tighter ball while shivering.
Rhenazelshi flinched at his touch and tried to hide her face as he continued to speak. She didn't like it that a human would tell her it is okay to be afraid, though glanced up at Kyleen when he mentioned she was once afraid too. Knowing that he brought fear to Kyleen and that she wasn't here to protect her from that fear, brought out more tears. However, she remained silent and did find a tiny amount of comfort towards his caressing fingers.

While Kyleen started to wake up, Rhenazelshi held her hand and hugged her arm. Looking exactly like a scared little sister would do when seeking protection from the older sister. It didn't stop her from glaring at the King as he said that she 'offered' to stay and help. Wanting to call him a liar right then and there, perhaps even spit on his face. Instead, she remained passive since she is far too exhausted to keep fighting, being angry at him is exhausting right now.

They both watched as he left the room, leaving them alone for the time being. It didn't take long for Rhenazelshi to fully break at that point and burst out sobbing. Kyleen obviously had no idea what happened, yet seeing how she was dressed in a simple white dress, she did fear the worse. The last thing Kyleen wanted right now is to deal with Jealousy of her friend. The scent of sex is clear in the air, she couldn't see the wet stain that was left, though she could feel it against her leg. Also felt her own wetness between her legs, the idea almost being confirmed that he did do something.

Rhenazelshi started speaking through the sobbing, asking Kyleen a thousand questions as to why he would this. Somewhere during that sobbing though, Kyleen realized that he didn't claim her and that he only used the collar the entire time. Eventually Kyleen managed to sooth the dark elf down enough to have a mostly sensible conversation. Reason why it was mostly is because Rhenazelshi started to quickly fade out as the exhaustion overwhelmed her.

Once Rhenazelshi fell asleep to the soothing caressing and soft humming, Kyleen held her close and drifted off again herself. So much time had passed before either of them would wake again and it was Kyleen that woke first. The sounds of a servant cleaning the room and providing fresh food is what her attention the most. She called the servant over to the bed and requested for some fresh, hot bathing water to be brought in. The servant bowed and ran off to do as requested.

Ever so slowly Kyleen rolled onto her side to face the sleeping dark elf, slowly running her fingers through the white silky hair. Reluctantly, the dark one started to wake up and was startled at first, not realizing where she is. Though Kyleen quickly eased her mind and kissed her softly on the lips.

"You need to eat something Rhena..."

Kyleen smiled when Rhena shook her head and buried it into the pillow. Even though it may have sounded like a command, Kyleen didn't wear the bracer to force it. Instead she carefully crawled out of the bed to get the tray of food. Setting it on the bed before crawling back into it and offered some fruit to her friend, which she reluctantly accepted. While Kyleen hand fed her friend and feeding herself in the process, they both started talking.

Eventually the servant came back with another helper to set up the little bath that is in the room. The girls couldn't leave the room so going to the bath house wasn't an option. But Kyleen needed a bath and she knew that would help Rhena relax too. Soon they were both crawling into the bath and Kyleen took care of Rhena, answering all her questions she had about the King.
The girls had been quiet for a few moments before he came in, simply enjoying the baths and food. The servants didn't want to bathe them and only got close enough to check on the water. Beyond that, the servants acted as though they were afraid of the elves. they had every right to be cautious so neither Kyleen or Rhena could blame them.

Kyleen had been rubbing her belly and giving what could pass as a prideful smile. Returning his kiss lovingly, which is something she hasn't done up to this point. Through that kiss and their bond she can tell something is bothering him and almost asked about it. Before she could say anything, he asked about the child first and she smiled again looking at her belly.

"It is children M'Love... And they are doing very well today."

She took hold of his hand and placed in a couple of spots that gave clear indication there were two heads. Also to allow him to feel them moving around as she soaked in the bath. He can also sense that though she might seem to be happy, that she is having some emotional detachment. She wasn't ready to be a mother yet and didn't want to get pregnant the first time. Wanting to enjoy life a bit more first and now she couldn't.

Filled with doubts and concern about this situation she's in. Questioning if this will ruin her body and he will not see her the same afterwards. Thinking that is why he wanted to keep Rhena around. He never said what he planned on doing with the children, which in turn made her question if she will be a good mother. Although that led to the detachment and almost resentful vibe she was giving him. On the outside though she put up a good act, making everyone around her think she is happy.

Looking over at Rhena, thinking of what she said about bonding with the children. This is the time for that and yet Kyleen felt no such bond. In fact by keeping herself detached, it made it easier to deny that this is really happening to her. None of these things she spoke of though, not letting Rhena know how she really felt. This whole time she has been trying to convince Rhena that he isn't all that horrid.

"Rhena was telling me she can offer you something... Go on Rhena.. Tell him.."

Kyleen spoke while working on getting out of the tub with his support. She had been soaking in it for too long now and it made the babies restless. Meanwhile Rhena flushed deeply while trying to keep herself hidden from his eyes, failing the attempt of course.

"Y-You will not.... live long enough.. to see these children grow... You will leave Kyleen sooner rather than later.... I-I can...."

She spoke quietly and eventually crawled out of the tub herself, keeping her distance of course. Glancing back towards Kyleen, not really wanting to make this offer, yet it is the only way to assure Kyleens' happiness.

"I-I can give you the life of the elves. You heal like we do, be younger when you were at your best. Kyleen will need you to live as long as possible for the children. People will come after her and those children, more so when you leave this earth. She needs your protection more than ever now."

Rhena honestly didn't want to do this for a human, yet she had the knowledge and the power to do so. She also had to do this for Kyleen, making it very clear she is doing for her and not him.
"For starters, I need permission to grab one of my daggers along with your trust to use it."

Rhena hated this idea and her gut twisted with how happy he is about it. Just like a human to be greedy and she knew he will most likely waste this gift, as all humans would. Yet, if he dies then Kyleen will no doubt go mad and the children taken from her. This is something that Rhena refuses to allow, if she can't rescue Kyleen from this place, then there really is only one option. That is to stay by her side for as long as possible.. Even it means... Shaking her head, Rhena didn't want to think about that.

"It's that one right there, with the amethyst blade."

To her surprise he went to the closet that held her things and pulled the dagger out for her. Although she can easily tell that he didn't trust her with it, however, she is restricted from harming him. With his permission, she emptied a goblet and cut into her hand, allowing the blood to spill into the goblet. She did it with both his hand and Kyleens, mixing all three of their blood in the goblet.

"The side effects vary between humans. There are not many that can handle the blood of the elves, let alone from two different elves. All things considering, her blood will help a great deal in making you stronger. With both wisdom and physically. You will also contain the memories of the elves. How far back, I can not say, but it will be enough for you to see what truth you need to see."

Rhena spoke while stirring the blood with her sharp claw like nails and shortly spoke again in an ancient elven tongue. Her eyes glowed as she lightly smeared the blood on his lips and then her own, the mixed blood had a soft pulsing glow to it as well. Before he could reject or protest to anything further, Rhena kissed him without hesitation. She had to make certain that he tasted and swallowed the blood, which also meant the kiss deepened and had a hint of passionate desire behind it.

Kyleen smiled while watching Rhena work, seeing the surprised look on his face before he returned the kiss. Seeing this created a hint of jealousy that she didn't expect to feel. The last thing she wanted is to be jealous of Rhena, knowing that Rhena would never do anything to hurt her. However, seeing the way they were kissing now... Kyleen didn't think it would be long until he claims Rhena too.

During the kiss, Rhena had been guiding him towards the bed, surprising herself with how much she enjoyed kissing him. However, that isn't why she guided him to the bed, it would best if he was sitting down, or even laying down, while his body adjusts to the changes.

By the time Rhena had finished the spell, Kyleen had slipped away to go outside on the balcony as a means to give him some time to adjust. Rhena will know best on how to handle his reactions, meanwhile, Kyleen took this time to get some air. All the while, Rhena kept a soothing chant and remained by his side to help him through the process of the flooding memories that will soon begin.