Immortal Love

Deacon Frost

"Nothing but death..."

He softly spoke the words and gave Salim's a crooked smile,

"Even the beast can be tamed my dear friend and tonight you will see that."

Of course Salim did not hear him, Deacon turned away from the two of them and looked for wine.
Salim made sure the Healer cleared her to work tonight and went about preparing for the warriors and killers to follow as always and descend on his gathering house with a vengeance.

Samira sighed nodding to him having forgotten that it was drawing close to time for them to travel this way. She moved quickly back to her room and changed what she wore to one of her finer costumes and the soft scent of night jasmine oil softly wafting from her.

Mirri also prepared though she did so in some strange broken hope that they would want her over Samira.
Deacon Frost

After slacking his thirst, he went to his room and from his bags pulled dark clothing, so dark gray that they seemed black. He got dressed and rounded the outfit off with boots made of cured, black leather. His hair he left as they were, they were too short anyway to do anything with. He sat on his bed, holding what seemed to be a harp. but the design was strange and the instrument much smaller. He plucked at the strings softly, tuning the instrument. It was not as strong a sound as the guitar, but he could play it well. he decided to take it with him tonight, maybe it will come in handy. He slipped the harp into a black leather covering and onto his back, he was ready for death and it's fellows.
Samira returned tot he main room once she was prepared. Soft deep blue gossamer soft fabrics swayed around her hips and soft deep blue and silver choli top she was prepared for the evening. She took a seat near the back where the musicians played and awaited the crowds and then night.
Deacon Frost

There was impatience in the air mingled with fear and curiousity, what would this evening bring? Deacon took his normal seat and produced the harp, he played softly, his gaze far away as the melancholic sounds of the harp slowly seeped through the room.
The main room calmed except for the fear of some of the girls knowing who was supposed to be coming. Samira watched him play the strange little instrument and smiled faintly. It calmed her some but still there was fear in her eyes.
Sooner than expected the warriors burst into the place, their entrance much like the dessert wind blowing in through an open door. They of course swaggered with the walk of men who always got their way, Deacon knew the type and he had little patience with them and their kind. He slid the harp back into it's pouch and produced his guitar, one of the fellows came over and scowled at him,

"So this is the mongrel who turned your mighty prince into a weak babe, go ahead kaffir let me hear your so called music."

Deacon gave him one of his dangerous smiles and even he realized that Deacon was much more trouble than what he seemed to be. The first sounds that came from the guitar was strong and defiant, like a mighty lion rearing up, ready for combat, it instantly angered the group even though they did not understand why, then it changed to the soft caress of a woman, eager to please with body and mind. The man narrowed his eyes as he stared at Deacon, Deacon stared right back, a mocking smile touching the corners of his lips.
Samira ready to calm the stares between the two men stood and began to dance. Guiding the warrior's eyes away from the musicians and more towards her. In her own way trying to keep the peace.
"Better sit down and have a drink, I'm not for sale,"

The warrior looked back at him, eyes blazing, out of nowhere Mirri showed up with a cup of wine, Deacon said nothing further, he allowed the music to soothe raw nerves and as they settled down and started to pay more attention to the dancers, he began to work his magic. Playing songs that came to him, soon only the leader was the only one not languid and at peace. He had expected this and he focused on him. Karan the wild wind, he had heard the name whispered around camp fires, his fingers started to draw a strange melody from the strings, it was a song he had heard once only, Karan stiffened and peered cautiously at Deacon, but Deacon seemed to be lost in another world as he had his eyes closed and slowly moved his head to the sound of the song.

Karan gre angry, he was certain that this strange man was baiting him, toying with him, yet he seemed as peaceful as the song he played, a song from his home, a place where no stranger wants to go as it was desolute and barren. Yet he could not argue the point, this was a song from his home, he leaned against his cushions and listened, despite himself he was relaxing, growing lazy along with his men.

The song drew to an end and without thinking another song, much like the previous one came to him, he played it. From the energy in the room he felt like python mesmirizing it's prey before striking and squeezing the life from it. He knew that his point was proven, the beast could be tamed, but how long could he keep it calm, that was the other question.
The girls kept dancing around a few weak grabs at them that barely connected for now as they moved with the music. Samira looked to their leader and then to the musician a brow raised as she danced certain that he wielded some sort of magic to cause them to become to calm and weak.
Deacon Frost

On and on he played, the music swaying and swirling, in his mind's eye it looked like mist drifting over the crowd, seeping into them, turning them into languid creatures at his command, there was no anger, just peace and serenity. Of course they were fighting his influence, but his music countered them, overwhelmed them and he stayed in control as long as he played the music that came to him and not the music he was used to playing.
The weak and idle grasping of the warriors and their leader seemed to finally pull the dancers down to their laps and sides as Samira found herself sitting with him her eyes still watching the musician sure that he was doing something to these death bringers but the question was how long would it last and what was it?
Deacon Frost

He kept playing the music, enchanted by the strange sounds just as much as it enchanted his crowd. He had noticed that the dancers were now seated, but did not allow it to distract him from the music. A small smile ran over his mouth corners as he looked among the warriors, how calm they were and how gentle the music was that they liked.

Death itself indeed, he turned his attention back to the music and he became aware that there was a subtle change to the music, it started to become more pronounced and he sensed that this came from one of the dancing girls. He looked directly at Nirri and he at once knew that the darkness came from her, but it was now too late, now after keeping the warriors at bay for hours, the dark will of the dancing girl will break his carefully created spell.

Softly cursing under his breath he smoothly slipped from her influence and stayed with the soft slow songs, the warriors now free from his spell, blinked weary eyes back into wakefulness and noticed the girls, drink and food among them. Loud laughter started and Deacon knew that it would not be long, he gave Nirri a dark look and focused on his guitar, ignoring her further.
It was only when Samira was removed from the room that Mirri became the attention of all and only then could she find someone who she could slowly convince or try to convince to take her away from this life. Not that it had worked but the more she tried some day it would work though she had lately wished it would be this strange musician even though he seemed all about protecting Precious little Samira. His dark look hurt her as she looked away and left her attention with the old soldier who now seemed intent on devouring her neck with drunken kisses and feeble gropes.

Samira now felt her hair pulled back as their leader seemed to realize that he had her there with him as he continued to drink and roughly grab at her and keep her right against him.
Deacon Frost

He grimly played on, the decided that he have had enough, enough of this cowering and doing what others wanted him to do, he was a free man after all even if he was bound by the chains of poverty. The songs grew, the power built and at last he started singing. A tale of a mighty king, whose son wanted a falcon, his son was as wild as the wind and the father knew that the falcon would never hunt for one as his son.

A strange silence came over the soldiers, oh they knew what was going on, the stranger was tempting their leader into action, but no proof was there as the tale wound on. It ended with the son killing his father and from his grasp the falcon flew, the son pursued, but so focused was he on the bird that he gave no heed to the danger...and tumbled over a cliff, the bird was free and there was no more dominance over it.

Mirri understood the meaning of the song, it said that the dancing girls would one day be free of this place and the ones who continued to seek them out, but never took them away. The words gave her courage, yet around her soldiers grumbled. Suddenly Deacon fell back into an old lively song, a song people would expect at a happy occasion he sang gayly as he played, the words lifting spirits and soon the company. Was joining in with the song
Mirri hoped the song was right and that the stranger would get her out of this place some day. She smiled to him as she watched the warlord with Samira. The man seemed intent on proving that he would not be distracted from his target. Mirri hated that so many wasted their time with Samira and passed over those who would leave this place with ease to have only one to have to endure.

Samira just watched the stranger as lips and hands seemed to flow over her as if more than one being taking claim to her. A tear clung nearly unseen to long dark lashes as she did all she could to listen and sink into the music trying to ignore the inevitable.
Deacon Frost

He kept the music flowing, then he focused his attention on Samira and played the music that came to him. He noticed that many heads turned towards her and knew that in the greediness of man, her salvation would lie tonight. He kept playing and like moths the warriors seemed to draw to Samira like she was the flame and Deacon coaxed that flame. He noticed that Mirri's attention was drawn from her soldier for a few moments and he smiled to himself. The songs flowed and ebbed, running through the company like a tranquil river in which the deadliest fish swam.
Several saw Samira and that she was within the embrace of their commander and shied away only watching and others more brazen stood up and pressed around the table to join them. Those at his table with him began reaching for Samira as well. She tensed not understanding why suddenly more seemed to reach and grab at her. Minor shoving began and Salim moved slowly to keep an eye on things not wishing them to turn this into a fight and risk damaging his establishment.

Once it began to escalate Salim quickly ordered Samira and several of the dancers to the rooms and started doing what he could to break of the fights and tell them all that Samira and the others were in the rooms waiting for them guiding the "officers" of this death army to the room he sent Samira and Mirri to.

He glared then at this stranger and called out in a veiled snarl.

Play something lively for the other girls to dance now.
Deacon Frost

He smirked at Salim,

"Leave the artist to do what he knows what to do."

In response to the snarl, he changed the music, it was once again that hard, harsh music that dared and defied everyone, yet there was a lively tune. Salim had nothing to say as the stranger did do as he had asked, but he did not expect this.

Soon soldiers were shoving each other, the drink flowed even more easily and they became louder and harsher, Salim now feared for his establishment. Deacon kept on playing, the music seemed to place the soldiers in a battle lust. He suddenly stopped and in the quiet all eyes turned to him, he stood up and grinned at them.


A murmur ran through the crowd,


The anger grew, became almost palpable,

"Dishonest pigs is what they are,
the cowards from the sea,
they think they are immortal,
but soon they will see!"

And he went on with the song, soon there was good natured laughter as he sang about the defeat of raiders and soldiers who tried to invade the lands. The story was gory and gruesome, it was a song that the soldiers liked and when he finished they called for it again. He gave Salim a grin, a silent warning not to mess with his work, then he started the song again.
Salim seeing this and few if any of the soldiers going to where he sent Samira and the others he went growling for them to return to the main floor and keep these soldiers entertained and having no desire to fight and he did not care what they did to do it.
Deacon Frost

He sang many tales, of wars and raids and the soldiers drank it up, the wine flowed more freely, the food a bit less. Soon it was a drunken crowd listening to his songs. When he could sing no more, he went back to playing just music, much to the disappointment of the soldiers, their attention wandered again to the dancing girls and then Deacon started to play a song he had learned many years ago.

He had no idea how it worked, just that it worked, after a few moments the drunken men started to feel the effects as well and they started looking for women. Samira found herself grabbed by four soldiers each of them claiming her, Deacon kept playing as he moved from his spot, when he stopped playing, the soldiers looked at him. Quick as a snake he struck, pulling her from their grasps and behind him.

"How dare you!"

It was the leader, he came at Deacon with a fire in his eyes and his hand clutching the hilt of his sword. With all the force he could muster, Deacon swung the guitar and it splintered as it connected with the leader's head. He stopped in his tracks and slumped to the ground. Deacon grinned at the dumb founded soldiers,

"I dare as Salim said if I want to claim her, I must do so. Who defies my claim? Bring your sword and let's see how good you are."

There was silence, then a voice came from the back,

"We will not challenge your claim, but you will answer for laying our leader low."

Deacon scoffed,

"A weak man, to be felled by an instrument so light. Are you all this soft? I feel that this man has no right to lead."

There was a murmur and the soldiers picked up their fallen leader and leaned him to a table. It was clear that there would be nothing more from it, Salim rushed closer and hissed at Deacon,

"Fine, you have done what I told you to do. Now play and I will keep her away from the soldiers."

Deacon chuckled and pulled the harp from its sheath and started to play another song, it was the same tune and soon the dancing girls had their hands full as Deacon's song kept running through the room.
Mirri veiled a hiss watching the stranger claim precious Samira. She quickly moved to their commander and began to tend to him trying to make sure he was alright as she refused to look at the musician and Samira who curled and hid behind him. Samira then felt Salim's vice like grip wrap around her arm and pull her to his table to wait till closing time. She whimpered and walked to sit with him. His glare that passed between the stranger and her scared her. She suspected she knew what would happen once the stranger was done with her at least for this time.

The night droned on as she danced a few times but Salim did not let any lay claim though she could tell that Salim was not happy that he was losing money by saving her for the musician but he would make it back by not paying him since he claimed her so late in the evening.
Deacon Frost

With the harp he produced sounds that did not seem like they belonged to the harp, he sang until his voice could go on no more and it was the early hours of the morning when the wine stores of Salim was drained, there was no more wine and only little food left. Only a group of five soldiers remained standing and singing along with the songs that Deacon played.

When it became clear that the drink was finished the soldiers gathered the remaining girls and with boisterous laughter and loud bragging, they took the girls to their rooms. Relieved Deacon sat back in his seat, he had been tired before, but never before like this. He knew that Salim had made more money tonight from these soldiers than he had made in a week alone, but he knew that he would forfeit his own money, he had known many greedy men and Salim was no exception.

He drained the water from his cup and for a moment he closed his eyes, leaning over the harp, holding the small instrument close to himself. He heard Salim nearing, but did not look up. He was too tired for an argument right now and if Salim pressed him, his sword might just taste blood tonight.
Salim simply dragged Samira over to him tossing her at his feet before turning to count the nights earnings and oversee the clean up.

Samira landed hard her eyes cast away from what she knew was the venom gaze of Salim waiting for him to walk away before even remotely thinking of moving. She then drew her legs close to her as she bit her lip wondering what her fate would be with the stranger.
Deacon Frost

He looked up slightly to look into Samira's eyes,

"Oh stop looking at me like I'm a snake ready to strike at you. It seems like the only clear way out of this is for you to take me to your room. At least you will be safe for a while."