FDR's & Billary's Supreme "court-packing" opportunities


Literotica Guru
Jun 16, 2016
Today is the 79th anniversary of FDR's infamous Supreme "court-packing" plan - read briefly about it, here:


Also today, I read that Clarence Thomas has told intimates he is considering retiring from the Court after the election.

Unless Thomas has adopted my thinking - that old America is already long and irretrievably lost - it seems to me he would prove himself to be a total imposter if he did pick this time in history to go hermit in his RV, instead of staying and fighting for what he's always maintained is constitutionally right.

(I truly do hope he has come to the conclusion that America is finally lost, and that he just doesn't want to be another hanging accessory on a dead tree, and that he still has hope for spending the rest of his life doing right because our group would certainly welcome another mind focused on what's to come in New America, not what must be left behind in the old.)

The Court now sits in a balancing 4-4 tie; if Thomas does retire after the election, it'll be 4-3 in favor of the progressives, tilting 5-2 when Kennedy sides with them. But Kennedy turns 80 next year, so he isn't long for the Court, either.

Thus, if both Thomas and Kennedy hit the road before the Senate confirms the next Justice nomination, that leaves the court with a progressive 4-2 majority, with the perfect opportunity to make it 7-2 if enough lemmings elect Billary as their next Criminal-in-Chief.

7-2: very bad news even for the United Socialist State of America, as FDR's "Socialist" will finally mature into Despotic...

But very good news for all of us who've been maintaining it's only going to get worse, and that the sooner it does, the sooner even more hearts and minds will realize what's been wholly lost, thus the sooner what needs to be done to correct that travesty can begin.


Thanks, Billary.
It started with the idea of one nation being indivisible and ended with liberty as granted by the state and social justice for all.....
Dear Lord,



You can't speak for humanity, wannabe. And, if you even cared for humanity, you'd just make sure from your supreme place in this life to keep it up-to-date on Laurel's upcoming bowel movements so it can evade the same shit you eat for a living.
You can't speak for humanity, wannabe. And, if you even cared for humanity, you'd just make sure from your supreme place in this life to keep it up-to-date on Laurel's upcoming bowel movements so it can evade the same shit you eat for a living.

Tastes like apple butter.

Mom wants you to take the trash out. You should log out and get your chores done.
You can't speak for humanity, wannabe. And, if you even cared for humanity, you'd just make sure from your supreme place in this life to keep it up-to-date on Laurel's upcoming bowel movements so it can evade the same shit you eat for a living.
That's what the GOP gets for nominating candidates who aren't conservative enough.