The worst state for health care says no thank you to ACA

no shit sherlock, hence where I said "I haven't been able to find a reliable poll":rolleyes:

Do you have a reliable poll backing up your claim that doctors hate the ACA?

Who the fuck needs polls reliable or not? When the Right make a declaration that shit is solid fact until enough time has passed that they can pretend they didn't say that!
Wrong Element said:
They don't care about their poor constituents. They DO care about doctors and hospitals, however, and those folks are going to be wondering why the hell their governors are turning down free money. It's cutting off your nose to spite your face-- make that cutting off your nose and condemning untold numbers of people in your state to an early death in the process.


It seems the under-educated think the Government picks up that whole medicaid bill. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program, most states are already broke.

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The Feds cant handle existing entitlements and interest payments now.

ObamaCare is bait & switch cuz the moneys gonna be used to pay all the other bills NOT healthcare.
The fringe right wing in America has always thought it acceptable for other people to suffer so that the fringe right might maintain ideological purity.
Leavenworth, Kan. —

Byron Maduska

To the editor:
A new survey of Doctors has been released. The results are bleak.
If Obamacare is fully implemented, 83 percent will consider leaving the practice of medicine. Sixty-one percent say it's an affront to their ethics. Eighty-five percent say it destroys the doctor-patient relationship. Sixty-five percent say governmental involvement is the cause of the problems in medical care now. Seventy-two percent say the insurance mandate won't result in improved access to medical care. Seventy-four percent say they'll stop accepting Medicare patients, or leave Medicare altogether. Seventy percent say reducing governmental involvement would be the single best fix for healthcare in this country. The negatives of Obamacare went on and on in the results of the survey.

Repeal of Obamacare is imperative for the protection of our medical care in this country. When the people most vital to our healthcare are considering leaving the profession something is terribly broken.
There is other horrible news about Obamacare as well. A new GAO audit of the costs of Obamacare says the IRS alone will spend $881 million in just the first four years to implement its provisions in Obamycare – that's $881 million we don't have. And a recent CBO report put the expected costs of Obamacare itself at twice what we had been previously told to expect.
It's apparent Obamacare won't resolve anything, and is itself a huge problem. We're already projected to fall far short of the MDs needed in future years, and this atrocity will run huge numbers out of the profession. And the costs of it are ridiculously high.

Survey after survey show the American people want this atrocity repealed. Yet Democrats, the people who rammed this unconstitutional mandate down our throats, won't lift a finger to stop it. In fact, they won't even discuss Obamacare – out of fear. And their media minions have removed it from public view lest it ruin Democrats in the fall elections.

But make no mistake, it's still out there, and is still a malignant threat to our healthcare system, and our national finances. Socialized medicine is a horrible idea.
That's been proven over and over. Yet the Democrats say we must knuckle under to it and all its hideous ramifications. We must show them we won't – at the ballot box in November.
Doctors are hugely against this travesty, with the expectation many many doctors will and are leaving the profession in frustration, adding to the government induced mayhem.

Doctors ARE the travesty.

Even taking into account all their whining about "defensive medicine", malpractice insurance, school loans and all the rest of it, doctors are far and away the highest paid profession in the country. They need knocked down a peg.
They don't care about their poor constituents. They DO care about doctors and hospitals, however, and those folks are going to be wondering why the hell their governors are turning down free money. It's cutting off your nose to spite your face-- make that cutting off your nose and condemning untold numbers of people in your state to an early death in the process.


Same when Jeb pulled the same shit.

And yet somehow there is tons of morons who still back these people.

It's not principles, it's simply greed.
Doctors ARE the travesty.

Even taking into account all their whining about "defensive medicine", malpractice insurance, school loans and all the rest of it, doctors are far and away the highest paid profession in the country. They need knocked down a peg.

Tell you doc that before your next surgery. :D

Classic logrolling.

A fringe right looney tunes medical organization, DPMA ("we helped defeat Hillarycare!") commissions a push poll.

The push polls biased results are published on the fringe right Freeper site.

The Daily Caller quotes the Freepers.

The exact same letter then appears in 20+ small town newspapers, one of which is quoted by fringe right looney tunes poster Mensa Boy.

Impressive amount of Derp.
Your proof is a Letter to the Editor?




Classic logrolling.

A fringe right looney tunes medical organization, DPMA ("we helped defeat Hillarycare!") commissions a push poll.

The push polls biased results are published on the fringe right Freeper site.

The Daily Caller quotes the Freepers.

The exact same letter then appears in 20+ small town newspapers, one of which is quoted by fringe right looney tunes poster Mensa Boy.

Impressive amount of Derp.

Mensa must be giving their membership cards away via lottery or bingo raffle or something.
83% of doctors will consider leaving medicine?


Hey coach, I have recently been contact on your behalf by a bank in Nigeria, they are holding a large settlement of money on your behalf, all I need is your bank information and a small transaction fee and the money is all yours.
The Mediciaid expansion is fully funded by the federal government to begin with

Bull shit, the fed doesn't have nor do they generate any money. They get it from the states with TX and give it to broke ass states. So the ONLY states that will benefit from federal funding are the ones who don't have any money of their own. Not Texas, they see giving up 10 bucks to get 2 back as a BAD deal...and that is why they are all bent out of shape about it.

This is an especially good deal for states that provide little or no Medicaid benefits right now, such as--hey, there we are again!--Texas.

There were are again indeed. TX has the money and they can foot the bill but they don't want pay for someone else's shit and I can't really blame them for that. They are of a business mindset, not a charity mindset and that is why they and others like them are holding all the cash.

You can oppose all this if you want, but it's at least an attempt to do something about the problem of the uninsured and the huge expense of treating them currently incurred by hospitals.

By robbing peter to pay paul, and that piss's peter off to the point he will fight it tooth and nail to keep his money, and I expect(ed) to see peter put up a pretty good fight considering the amount of money on the line.

Any alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated, so long as you realize that any solution other than "let 'em die" is going to cost money at some point in the process.

There is no alternative, the losers think they are entitled to what the winners have and it's a fight.

The real debate here is how far do you allow the have not's to fuck those that have out of what they have? How hard and how long do you bite the hand that feeds?
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83% of doctors will consider leaving medicine?


Hey coach, I have recently been contact on your behalf by a bank in Nigeria, they are holding a large settlement of money on your behalf, all I need is your bank information and a small transaction fee and the money is all yours.

There are waiting lines to get into med school. The more at the top that get out, the more opportunity for the next generation. Nobody over 50 should work. Let the kids have a chance.
83% of doctors will consider leaving medicine?


Hey coach, I have recently been contact on your behalf by a bank in Nigeria, they are holding a large settlement of money on your behalf, all I need is your bank information and a small transaction fee and the money is all yours.

Hold on a minute there, TexWife. I got a bridge in Brooklyn I wanna sell to him first! :D
What we have are a few generations of affirmative-action T-ballers who feel entitled to trophies for everything and a free ride.