Away From home and missing home, the alluring Landlady (closed for scarlettnuit)


Literotica Guru
May 21, 2002
Away From home and missing home, the deviant Landlady

Miranda read the advert a final time before submitting it to the Local university's accommodation office.

Room Available

There is a room available from immediate effect. Would suit female student or fresh graduate. Room includes full internet access (wired and wireless) en-suite shower/bathroom and a kitchenette. Rooms are self contained and access to a bath can be arranged. Close to travel connections including tube and rail. Local shops within 2 minute walk, and a two major shopping locations within a 20 minute walk. Zone 2 for tube travel.

Sorry but non-smokers only please need apply and please be able to supply at least one character reference, preferably two.

Rent is provisionally at £550 pcm but can be negotiable within reason.

Please call 07123456789 and ask for Ms Miranda Ward

Miranda had rented her room that she had converted several times now. She didn't need the money. All the money she has received has gone straight into a separate bank account, which she had only touched once. She had been invited to a friend's wedding in New Zealand, and she decided to spend some of the money on upgrading her flight.

She did it because she enjoyed the company, at least to some extent. But her main reason was when she was at university, she hated life in the hall of residence. Yes at times it was fun, having other freshers to have a laugh with, but the loud bangs, those selfish types types who would return in the early hours determined to wake every one up. Yet when she looked for some where to live that was close to the campus affordable the options were limiting. Hence Miranda converted the top floor into a small 'studio' apartment for some one.

In her first letting, she was prepared, and did take on a male, and for the fiorst few weeks, the first semester, he was generally quiet and diligent. And then came with second semester, he was totally different. He obviously had a new group of friends and was less diligent in his studies, once or twice he came home after midnight, and then started to play loud music, to try and hid the noise of his partner as she cried out as she came. After a couple of weeks she had to talk to him, asking him to be more considerate.

Miranda smiled though after the conversation, she had mentioned she had heard them at it like rabbits and he blushed... He must have told her as well because she always flushed when they made eye contact... He was handsome, and understood why girls fell for him, but she was cute... That was a couple of years ago...

Miranda's eyes returned to the screen in front of her as she received the acknowledgement email from the accommodation office.

Well all she had to do was to wait until some one rang. With accommodation being at a premium, she knew it would not be long before she would be contacted by some one in the accommodation office with a possible lodger...
Ashley wandered around the hallways of her new school and felt uncomfortable. She had always been a shy girl for the most part and being in a new and foreign place scared her a little. Her home was too far away for her to simply stay there so she was forced into a residence hall.

Her roommate had been too much for her, she listened to loud music that seemed to be nothing but screaming, and seemed to have a distinct distaste for Ashley. It only took a few weeks for Ashley to attempt to find another place in which to house herself.

All of the halls were full and no one seemed willing to switch with her. She felt as if there were no hope, and that she would be stuck in her current hell, when she saw an advert at school for a studio apartment. She would barely be able to afford it, but she thought maybe if she talked to the owner about her studies and how diligent she was, that they could come to some kind of arrangement.

She instantly called the number given and arranged for an appointment to look at the apartment and to meet the land lady. Ashley was quite glad to see that the neighborhood was fairly quiet and pleasant, much like Ashley herself. When she arrived at the proper house she went up the walkway and knocked on the door. She hoped she could think of a way to talk them down on the rent a little, so far, the place looked quite nice.
Arranging a viewing...

Arranging a viewing...

It was only about an hour after placing the advert that her pay as you go mobile phone rang. Miranda had two phones, her i-phone that she used daily, for her close family work and friends, and another, that she used for 'every day use'. Unlike the majority of other people it seemed, Miranda uses her phones for her convenience, and not for 'their' convenience. As such, she will have both phones on during the day, but depending on her activities in the evenings, weekends etc, one or even both would be switched off, or at least on vibrate mode, and if she didn't hear ,feel the vibrations, so be it.

But having placed the advert, Miranda had her second phone on, and as she read a story on literotica, her phone rang.. Miranda picked up the phone with an unknown number being displayed..

"Hello Miranda ward speaking...."

"Oh Hi its Ashley, I'm calling for Ms Miranda Ward in response to the advertisement on the university accommodation site"

Oh evening, and how can I help, " quickly pausing, "and yes the room is still available!"

"Oh good, I was wondering if I could come round and see it? As quick as possible really as my current lodgings are,well rather nosiy, distracting..."

"What about Saturday, mid morning say after 10am, that will give me time to go to Waitrose... ??"

There was a brief pause before Ashley replies, "sure mid morning is fine, where are you...?"

Miranda proceeds to give Ashley the address and directions, "and when you are at The tube station, send me a text and I will call you with the house number, oh and please ensure you have your signed character references please.."

With the phone call finished, Miranda hung up, and decided to switch of her phone, it was approaching 8pm and any one else can wait. Ashley sounded slightly shy on the phone, but she had a lovely voice she thought with a softer American accent..

The remaining couple of days of the week soon passed quickly enough, and Saturday soon arrived, as Miranda woke up, and showered and dressed in preparation for the day ahead.

As usual, Miranda was outside her local Waitrose store just before the doors opened at 0830, dressed in her light tan knee high boots, black leggings and a bold blue jumper dress that almost reached her knees, with a large slash neck, the style that often slips of a shoulder exposing the bra strap (if worn) underneath. Being a warm Autumn day, Miranda had not worn a coat, and before long, she was pushing her trolley around the store, seeing a couple of the younger part time staff, and spoke with one or two of them, having formed a brief rapport over time...


Finally with her shopping put away, Miranda sat down to watch Saturday kitchen, with a coffee in her hand, and a lap top on her lap as she started to read another story....

"Beep Beep"

The sound of her phone beeping bought Miranda back to reality as she heard her mobile and picked it up, recognising the number as Ashley's with a simple text

"At the tube station"

Miranda quickly called Ashley and gave her the house number and a couple of land marks to allow Lisa to easily find her house...

Shortly afterwards Miranda saw Ashley approach as she watched discretely from her front room, watching Ashley getting an initial impression...

"Plain but cute" Miranda thought as she heard the door bell, and walked to the front door opening it and introducing her self, inviting Ashley in.

Miranda opened the door and invited Ashley in, first impressions were good as they shook hands softly.
Ashley regarded her reflection in one of the windows as she waited. She pale, but in an ethereal kind of way, with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was of average height and was curvy, not heavy but not anorexic either. She was wearing a simple pair of jeans with pale blue sweater and sneakers when Miranda answered the door.

The woman in front of her what was sort of what she expected from having seen the house. She was well dressed and, of course, well mannered, though she supposed younger than she had really anticipated.

“Hello, I'm Ashley, Ashley Gambon.” she smiled warmly as she shook Miranda's hand. “You have a very lovely home, I appreciate the time you took for me to come look at the place. I don't really think I'm made for dormitory living.” she added, blushing a little.
Miranda opened the door and invited Ashley in, first impressions were good as they shook hands softly yet firmly..

Miranda led Ashley down into the kitchen and started to give Ashley a tour of the ground floor, showing her the kitchen with the oven explaining that she can use that if you need to.. the laundry room fitted with a washing machine and a dryer...

"Burn the iron and expect to be scolded..." The iron is recognisable as one of the new expensive irons and ironing board sets that have a reputation to match the £750+ price tag...

Next is the conservatory and garden before the back dining room and the living room, with a large flat screen TV, HD and virgin cable...leather upholstery...

As Miranda shows Ashley around she is smiling as she glances over Ashley in her jeans and Crew neck top, hiding her curves. They chat briefly about the living room, being an open room, for Ashley and any guests she has

“Coffee or a cup of Tea Ashley?”

“Coffee please” Miranda proceeds to prepare the filter machine before leading Ashley up to the first floor.

On the first floor, Miranda explains "my bedroom and Office is out of bounds but should you ever have guests, you are welcome to use the spare room as long as you warn me in advance, 24 hours notice or less is unacceptable..."

Miranda continues to explain the bathroom that your room has a shower but if you want a bath to use the bath in the spare bedroom assuming there are no guests staying.

Finally as we go up another set of stairs, Miranda shows Ashley her floor behind a door with a Yale lock; a bedroom with a 3/4 bed, network points a small kitchenette with fridge/freezer and an small en-suite bathroom...

Miranda stands as Ashley walks around the room, testing out the bed, looking inside the small bathroom, the sink toilet and power shower.

“Some basic rules please, no music late, no smoking in here, please use the garden for that” as Miranda points to the smoke detector on the ceiling.

“Also please no overnight guests unless they are booked in.” Miranda smiles as she continues “Sure by al means bring them round and fuck them but no one stays after midnight – okay?”

As Miranda finishes her statement she sees the look on Ashley's face as her face questions this rule and so Miranda answers the unspoken question.

"I had a bad experience once Ashley, and well never again.... I don't enjoy strange men walking into my room whilst I am asleep; he had insomnia and decided to pry. If I know there is a stranger in the house and I have not met them I sleep very badly, which in turn makes me rather grumpy the following day!. Once I have met him.. or her, i am not bothered but please no one night stands or first dates please..."

Soon they are talking in your room as I sit on a chair as you wander around, opening doors, seeing the room is very clean, A front window overlooking the street and a skylight facing the back.

Finally Miranda turns to meet Ashley's gaze.

"Over there is a hard point for your ether net connection and of course there is a wi fi down stairs again with virgins new 30 MB broadband – please don’t down load any torrents! or visit any obvious sites, I have blocked some of the more obvious ones but...”

“So what do you think Ashley? Anything else you want to see or shall we go down and have that coffee?"
Ashley followed Miranda around the house and really liked the place. It was nice and neat, and seemingly quiet. Something seemed a bit off about it all, but she supposed that was simply because she was in a new place she was unfamiliar with.

When Miranda started to go over the rules, Ashley blushed brightly. She had only had sex a handful of times and hadn't been a particular fan of it, so she doubted very much that she would be bringing anyone home.

“With things as they are, I'm quite sure I won't have to bother you with many visitors. There may be the occasional study partner, but I don't know anyone here and I don't have a boyfriend or anything like that.” she told her, embarrassed at how blunt Miranda had been about sex.

She nodded as the internet was explained to her and was definitely ready for coffee.

“Yes, please” she said and then followed Miranda downstairs. Soon they were at the table sipping from their respective beakers.

“I really like the room and the house is lovely. However, I was wondering...if it's not too much bother, if we could discuss the amount of the rent. I can't really afford what you're asking, but I'm more than willing to help out around here to make up the difference in rent, if we could agree on a lower price.” she said, feeling badly about having to ask for a lower price than she was already asking.

Miranda smiled as she saw Ashley blush with her blunt language and thought you had better get used to it Ashley. They headed down stairs and back into the kitchen were Miranda poured the coffee before sitting down opposite Ashley. Miranda continued the 'sales pitch' talking about the local shops, parks before Ashley asked the question...

“I really like the room and the house is lovely. However, I was wondering...if it's not too much bother, if we could discuss the amount of the rent. I can't really afford what you're asking, but I'm more than willing to help out around here to make up the difference in rent, if we could agree on a lower price.”

Miranda smiled at the young American girl's style, direct and to the point, a bit like herself.

"Well Ashley Several lodgers have hinted at similar things in the past though not quite as direct as yourself, and we have come to some amicable agreement. Personally, whilst money is always a commodity I need to be aware off, one commodity that I do not have these days is time... and as you can see this house is large... and requires some up-keep. A couple of lodgers in the past have agreed to work 3-4 hours a week helping me with basic house keeping chores, ironing etc. And being Generous, I reduce the rent £25 per hour offered... So that will reduce your rent down to £150 per month in return you assist me in anything I ask..."

Miranda Paused..

"How does that sound shey?"

As Miranda sat at teh table, her tunic sleeve had slid of from her right shoulder, exposing her flesh and her blue crop top-bra that she was wearing, as she reached for her coffee and took a sip or two...
Ashley felt like there was something a little off about Miranda, but again, she attributed it to her own nerves. After a few moments of contemplation, she smiled and extended her hand to her new Landlord.

“Sounds like a deal” she smiled and shook the other woman's hand.

“Thank you so much for being so accommodating, I really do appreciate it. How soon would I be able to move in? I'm not sure how much more I can take of my current roommate. She's my complete opposite in every possible way.”
"Well before we confirm an agreement a couple of well administrative points... Firstly I'd like to see your character references first..."

Miranda paused.

"More Coffee?" Miranda stands and refills her own mug. Ashley replies with a polite "no thank you"

Miranda walks over to the side and takes an envelope and returns to the table, sitting down, unaware that her neckline of her top was attempting sliding of her shoulder exposing her luxurious silk bra strap, a deep red.

"Well Ashley So for £150 pcm, you agree to assist in keeping the communal areas clean, assisting with my more basic ironing requirements as well as any other requests I may have? Previous lodgers have agreed an evening in the week, but I am sure we can agree some time over the weekend"

Ashley looked over Miranda briefly, assuming the last part was referring to cleaning style requests and thought nothing more of it...

"Of course" Ashley replied

"Ashley, this is a legal document, and has been written by a lawyer friend, and whilst unorthodox, it will stand up in court, not that I anticipate that. Basically, it offers us both a 14 day clause, in case we decide we we are not compatible. However should I use the 14 day get out clause, you have 14 days to find some where else, but you wont have to pay for those 14 days. Again if you give me the 14 days, then also I will allow you to live here free for those 14 days... "

Miranda signs her part of the contract before she turns the page to the paragraph containing the clauses which include the no over night rule unless they are booked in advance with at least 24 hours notice.. the noise rules, a disclaimer not to use the broadband for porn or downloading large films, not to enter her office or bedroom unless requested to do so and other rules as appropriate... The more 'controversial rules/agreements were highlighted in yellow to aid identification.

"By all means take the contract and have it reviewed by a third party if you prefer but it has been cleared by the accommodation office's legal adviser an d here is their report. Miranda handed Ashley a separate collection of papers."

As Ashley reads that page, Miranda pours more coffee and watches Ashley feeling a little stir within as she ponders to herself very cute definitely needs some fashion advice though she does look good in those jeans, pity she isn't in a pair of boots...."

Miranda is oblivious to the jumper having slide from her shoulder exposing the delicately embroidered bra strap and the glimpse of the lace of the bra cup....
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When asked for her character references, Ash gave Miranda two very well written recommendations, one from her english professor, and another from her chemistry professor.

“I hope these are ok. My professors are the only people I could really think of that would give me a worthy recommendation.” Ashley told her, feeling strangely uncomfortable as Miranda's shirt dropped, revealing her bra-strap.

“I don't mind cleaning up. I used to do it at home, I promise it won't be a bother” which was true, she had cleaned plenty at home. She never imagined that Miranda would mean anything other than house chores.

She looked at the piece of paper that was put in front of her, the clause, for lack of a better word, about compatibility. It seemed fair to Ashley, as far as she knew, and she had no problems in signing this clause. She only hoped that she didn't do anything that would bother Miranda or upset any stipulatoins of the lease.

Once everything was signed, Ashley looked up and felt a little odd as she saw Miranda's bra. “I think everything is in order on my there anything else you'd need? I'd like to move in as soon as possible.”
Miranda took the references, both in sealed envelops and read them aware that Ashley was watching her as she sat at the table. Miranda was methodical as she read them quickly browsing one and then the second, before returning to teh first one and read that in greater detail, occasionally sipping her tea as she raised her eyes, over the top of the paper and met the eyes of Ashley.

Finally Miranda placed them down and smiled.

"Excellent, two good references, thank you.."

The ion turned back to the cleaning briefly before Ashley read the contract, specifically the clauses.

“I think everything is in order on my there anything else you'd need? I'd like to move in as soon as possible.”

Miranda stood and collected all the paper work, leaving one copy of the contract for Ashley to keep. She methodically placed all the paper work into a clear plastic folder and took the keys out and turned and offered them to Ashley.

"As you saw the room is empty, so tomorrow?"

Miranda paused "I will look forward to your company, any further questions on the house or area, parks etc?"

"Otherwise I will see you tomorrow?"
Ashley smiled excitedly as she was told that she could move in the very next day! Her heart rejoiced for the peace and quiet it would afford her.

“Thank you so much!” she smiled at Miranda and shook her hand, though she wanted to hug her. “I hope tomorrow afternoon will be ok, I wouldn't want to wake you to early.” she grinned at her and then headed out the door.

She made the school aware of her arrangements and then headed to her dorm to pack up her few belongings. That night there was a very loud party in the dorms and she couldn't wait to be out of there.

The next afternoon she took a taxi filled with what few belongings she had with her to her new home. She opened the door and headed up to her room. She was so excited to be in such a nice place and finally have some privacy. Once her things were unpacked, she laid back in her new bed and relaxed, leaving the door open in case Miranda needed anything further from her.
Miranda went out to the local shops in the early afternoon, dressed in a simple pair of leggings and a V neck tunic jumper, slightly too large as the jumper.

As she walked up, she saw Ashley unloaded the taxi, and offered to assist as Miranda left her bags in the kitchen and gave Ashley a hand emptying the taxi and took a couple of loads unto the first floor.

"Would you like a pot of fresh tea or fresh coffee Ashley?

"Either?" was her reply...

"Why don't you finis carrying your cases up and come down in about thirty minutes for a pot of afternoon tea?

Ashley smiled and turned back to her moving in whilst Miranda went back to the kitchen to unpack her shopping.

Soon Miranda was alone in the back conservatory, the patio doors open as Miranda sipped her tea listening to mellow female vocalist a tray of biscuits on the table..
Ashley finished her moving in and then met Miranda down in the conservatory. Miranda kind of amazed her in her sophisticated sexiness. She wished she could move with the grace that she did, to have the natural since of style that Miranda clearly possessed. She wished a lot of things.

“Thank you so much.” Ashley told her as she sat down to a cup of tea. “I appreciate the help, and the tea.” she smiled at her sweetly and then sipped from her cup. “I hope I haven't been too much of an inconvenience.”

After a few moments of silence Ashley finished her tea and looked over to the woman across the table from her. “Is there anything I should do chore wise? Perhaps you've made a list?” she asked, unsure of how to continue the conversation.
After a few moments of silence Ashley finished her tea and looked over to the woman across the table from her. “Is there anything I should do chore wise? Perhaps you've made a list?”

Miranda smiled as she looked at her new lodger, looking her over discretely, the soft curves of her neck, the subtle hint of cleavage under her top. Miranda all so noted how well Ashley fitted her tight jean. Whilst jeans can be practical, and certain legs can look good in well fitting jeans

"Well Ashley, I have never really made a list, but if you prefer, I will do. But the jobs include keeping the communal room clean, dusting, vacuuming, wiping the surfaces down the kitchen clean, etc. And if there is ever any bed linin, etc in the laundry room, they will need ironing to.."

Miranda pauses as she meets Ashley's glances before continuing

"Don't worry Ashley, I will do my fair share! - I know you have your studies to concentrate on as well" smiling seeing Ashley relax slightly, "and if you want me to make a list for guidance, I can do?".

The two continued chatting about chores and other topics regarding the local shops, and other useful snippet f information, the jumper that Miranda was wearing through pouring the teas etc was now off her shoulder exposing eh delicate embroidered bra strap that she was wearing, and her silky smooth skin.
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Ashely nodded as she went over the list and enjoyed the chit chat they had after this list. Her attention, however, seemed to be drawn to Miranda's bra strap. I looked much fancier than anything she had ever worn, so it was difficult to remove her eyes from it.

After a few moments, she looked up at Miranda and blushed a little. "Thats a very pretty bra...or at least the strap seems to be..." she said, feeling she had to explain herself. "I've never had anything as pretty as that really. My stuff is pretty bland and me I suppose." she laughed a little nervously.
"Thats a very pretty bra...or at least the strap seems to be..." she said, feeling she had to explain herself. "I've never had anything as pretty as that really. My stuff is pretty bland and me I suppose."

Well thank you Ashley, smiling as her eyes met Ashley's nervous glance.

"Well I guess I enjoy, and can afford luxurious lingerie, but it is all a case of priorities. You are young, a student cash starved and so have more important things to spend your money on?"

Miranda leans back into the leather sofa as she speaks, making no attempt to cover up her strap, aware that Ashley appears to be mesmerised b the sight, making Miranda feel well good. After a ll every body rises an inch in height after a complement or two....

"Well Ashley, I am sure, as and when you are able to afford such lingerie, you will not only look good wearing it, you will feel gorgeous as well!
Ashley blushed as Miranda complimented her. "That's very kind of you to say. Maybe one day." she sighed softly and then looked at the clock.

"Well, I had better get to studying, I have a quiz tomorrow." Ashely said a bit awkwardly. She then got up and headed to her room and hit the books.

Studying seemed easier here, not that it would take much compaired to the craziness she had just left. She felt nice and relaxed, making it easier to absorb the material. She had definately made the right choice.

The next few weeks passed, and though Ashley had many chores to do, she found that she didn't mind doing them so much. Miranda was kind and pretty, and in truth, she wanted to be like her, if only a little. She thought perhaps the more time she spent with her, that she would have a better chance of having some of that glamor wear off on her.

After a particularly long study day, Ashely came home and called out to Miranda to tell her that she was home, a habit she had gotten into. When she heard no response, she went to her room and surfed around on the internet, wanting to give her brain a break. As she did, a pop up window came up, and when she clicked it, it directed her to a porn video.

Ashley blushed and was about to close the window when the sounds of the woman moaning in the video made her bite her lips. She started to watch the video and could feel herself getting wet as she watched the couple, particularly when the man in the video played with the woman's nipples, or when she moaned.

Ashely looked around, she knew she would get in trouble for watching this video, but she couldn't. She had a lot of pent up stress and her body was seeking a release. She looked around again and then unbuttoned her jeaned and slid her hand downward. Her finger found her clit and started to play with it gently, her eyes focused intently on the video.
And some information about your landlady...

Miranda was born in a military family, I guess what could be termed as upper class, having had a history of service on both sides of her parents for several generations, her father side more so, in the army. Her mothers side was more navy, merchant or Royal.

Her older brother has already served for several years, and has been invited to to continue to do so. Miranda never really liked the idea of service to the crown, though she had served in the reserve forces at University, a combination of curiosity and family tradition.

She graduated, and soon was successful as a business woman. Combination of family money and her own success, Miranda would never have to worry about money as long as she was sensible, prudent....

Sexually Miranda was also a late starter, also having attended an all female school for a while and was residential as her parents were stationed in Germany at the time...

She had boyfriends, and at an early age had been semi sexually active, with heavy snogging, oral and masturbation, but had never lost her virginity till at university... It was while she was at university, she realised she had stated to look at females and wonder. She never really understood what drove those feelings, thoughts, and often shut them away, till she was 25 (read sweet is the night) when she finally summoned the strength and courage to realise her bi curiosity...

She soon realised that she had been curious since her teens; several reasons were plausible for this, including a TV film which had an intense sexual scene; that was on her subconscious for years. It was seeing the film again that made her realise.

Miranda had dated Adrian for a few years, before his life was bought to a tragic end... Since then, she had had sexual encounters but very much just passing sessions, nothing long term. Simply she had not found MR Right (or even Miss Right), and had on times considered hiring escorts...

Sexually, Miranda can be assertive or submissive, having enjoyed tie and tease games with Adrian, either as the aggressor or victim. In fact she bought a new bed for them to play on {}, silk ties permanently attached to the frame... Her room also has a hook which can be lowered from the ceiling and that hook had been used with both herself and Adrian restrained to it....

As to her dress sense, Miranda rarely dressed sluttish, as a high street common hooker. Rather she would be more aptly described as the high class call girl, professional yet provocative look. Rarely in trousers other than tight jeans or leggings.. she always dressed well, her toned, curvy legs suited tight jeans/leggings or skirts. Most were below the knee but with revealing slits, many were bespoke to emphasise the slit... Miranda believes in the saying "Less is More"

She has an extensive lingerie collection, silks and lace and enjoyed wearing it... Often she would were a pastel shade blouse/top, but with a darker bra underneath, e.g. a navy blue bra under a pale blue blouse... Miranda loved boots, and had a large collection. She had early discovered how sexually provocative they can be, the best way to get Adrian to recover was to masturbate him with the toe of her leather boot, her FMB. Whilst they were never in a Ds relationship Adrian would lick and kiss the leather, and his erection would return so quickly... Whilst her bi-sexuality was both secretish and quiet, she had discovered that other fems can find boots alluring as well...

At home Miranda preferred leggings and a baggy jumper tops, worn as dresses. Obviously a trend setter, Miranda had been doing it for years, well before it became fashionable...

Miranda is very tidy, and keeps a tidy house, though her long hours and active social life keep her occupied, one commodity Miranda is short of is time, and hence why she started to offer students the alternative contract, and so far it had worked out... Whilst a couple of her students had been attractive, Miranda had never felt any thing sexual..

But that afternoon as Ashly stood and collected the crockery onto the tray and headed to the kitchen before retiring upstirs Miranda looked at her and felt her body stir.

"Need to lose the jeans" Miranda thought to her self.

That evening Miranda could not sleep, her mind was curious about Ashley, her l breasts, whether she was a virgin, whether she was gay, bi, kinky. Did she do a good blow job, does she allow cum in mouth? Does she spi? Does she swallow or even snow ball kiss? Her instinct thought no to being a virgin, but probably only with a couple of guys a couple of times... She ended curing her insomnia with a hard orgasm, the object of that orgasm, was Ashley.

Over the next few weeks a routine developed, with Miranda and Ashley meeting in the morning as Ashley got ready for college and Miranda for work.

Once or twice, Miranda complimented Ashley on her attire, though one day she saw Ashley wear a knee length skirt with a small slit at the rear, and so Miranda made the effort to complement her on her legs, and the funky tights/leggings she had worn.

Several evenings, as Miranda was cooking offered to cook for them both, and once or twice a bottle of wine had been shared. Each time Miranda had noticed, or at least thought she had noticed the same curious glances as Ashley made on that Sunday aftermaths, even though her bra straps were not always exposed.

Ashley soon settled into the chores and worked hard, leaving Miranda with very little to moan about. Rather and fortunately Miranda was able to compliment Ashley on her efforts. Several times though Miranda had found her self looking at Ashley as she cleaned, some times in tight jeans other times in leggings. During one of Ashley's cleaning session as Miranda assisted in the kitchen, Miranda remembered the comment about the bra as Miranda wondered what Ashley would look like cleaning in a 'maids' uniform....

Once or twice, especially at weekends Miranda had returned from a run in her sports attire, and met Ashley. Whilst it was Autumn, it was a mild early autumn, and so Miranda had often ran in a crop top and racer back vest and running shorts....

But the routine continued....
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As Ashley rubbed her clit and watched the movie, every time she closed her yes, she thought of Miranda. Through their time together thus far, Ashley had admired her and wanted to be like her, but unexpectedly, this video made her think of her stylish landlady. She thought about her breasts when she came in from running, the way her nipples would sometimes be hard from the cool evening air, the way she couldn't stop staring at them when they were....

At that very thought, Ashley came hard, though she clenched her teeth, not wanting to make a noise. Her bottom lifted up off the chair as she rode it out, and then slowly came down. She panted, surprised at the force of her orgasm. She slowly removed her hands from her pants and buttoned them back up, not noticing the small wet spot her orgasm had made on the front of her jeans. She cleaned got up and washed her hands and then headed down to the kitchen, she suddenly felt ravenous.

She decided to go ahead and cook for the both of them, assuming that Miranda would be hungry when she got home from wherever she was. She made a simple stew, as she didn't know how to cook a whole lot in all honesty, and ate some. She left a note for Miranda about dinner being in oven for her and headed back upstairs. After a few moments, she found herself watching more porn, but this time she watched women, masturbating and sometimes with each other. She got herself so worked up she hardly knew what to do with herself.

After awhile, she changed into her pajamas and headed downstairs. She was thirsty and desperately wished she owned something that vibrated. Her pj's were nothing special, just a tank top and shorts, but her arousal caused her nipples to poke through the material. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she saw Miranda. She blushed for a moment and was glad the room was fairly dark.

“Hey there, did you get my note about the stew?” she asked.
A Thursday evening...

One particaulr Thursday evening, Miranda came home slightly later than normal, having had a meeting that had been extended to finish in a local bar close to work.

She walked in and went straight to the kitchen to make soem tea, her boots echoing on the floor tiles. As Miranda switched the kettle on she saw a note on the table..

"Dinner is in the oven if you want some - please help yourself"

Miranda looked in the oven and saw a casserole dish with a stew, the oven on a low heat. She turned the heat up slightly as she grasped for her phone and sent a text to Ashley "Stew looks lovely thank you"

Miranda hurried upstairs and quickly changed into a simple tunic and returned to the kitchen and made herself a pot of tea looking at the clock, 8 pm.

Soon Miranda was sitting on the table alone eating the stew, and enjoying it's simplicity, simile homely and filling.

Later that evening, with the kitchen tidied up, Miranda was in the front living room watching the evening news program on the news channel checking her own personal email... when she noticed she had received one from her Router. Her friend had configured her router and home server to inform Miranda if the internet was being used to access any sites that Miranda might not appreciate. She had received in the last few hours such a warning, of a solitary attempt to watch a video. She clicked on the link and watched it briefly smiling...

"the little minx"

She quickly closed the link, and started to search for the 'maid' unfoirm that she was thinking off....

A while later she heard foot steps coming down the stairs and looked up at the door to the front room, to see Ashley standing there..

“Hey there, did you get my note about the stew?” she asked.

Yes thank you it was quite homely, i enjoyed it very much, thank you.. there is some left as well, Ive put that in the fridge."

Miranda looked at her lodger aware that she had been viewing some porn, and smiled. She seemed slightly different, radiant and her nipples were still prominent..

"How many orgasms did you give yourself? Miranda asked to her self as she watched Ashley turn and head of to the kitchen for her drink of water. From her own experiences Miranda always feels great, perky after a good orgasm or two, whether self inflicted or with a partner.

Smiling Miranda returned to her online shopping...