The intruder ( Closed for debbiev)


Literotica Guru
Sep 16, 2015
The intruder ( looking to start this new but along the same lines)

View attachment 2063706 View attachment 2063707 View attachment 2063708 View attachment 2063709 108.jpg ( A few photos of the area)... (waiting on admin to help get uploaded photos to work....) {Got only the last one working trying to get first 4 fixed still}
Jon is a 35 year old mountain man. He has been out in the wilds from age 13. He grew where it was just him and his dad and they would go hunting and fishing all the time. He loved living in southern Alaska by the Juneau area. Sadly his dad died and he got put into a foster home. He didn't adjust to the city life and soon ran away. He had spent the last 20 years living in the woods, living off the land. He found time had no meaning other then the passing of the seasons. He quickly lost track of the time he was in the woods.

About 10 years back there was a old man tho had made a small cabin near by. Over time they became friends. As the old man was there for when it was summer months in the warm to enjoy fishing in the lake his cabin was off with a dock for sea planes to tie up to. There was also a road bit wider then a car but only wide enough for 1 car on the road. Well as the old man got older, soon he came less and less in the summer time. Then suddenly a few summers passed Jon knew what must of happened to the old man. Jon also knew the old man never talked to his son about the cabin so he was sure the son had no idea about Jon. Let alone Jon living on the old man's land.

Jon had his home partly dug into the mountain side and walls made of logs piled with leaves and branches as a outer lining and a thin layer of rocks and dirt covering his small home. It was tall enough for him to stand in or lay in. There is a built in chimney too for in door cooking for winter and rainy days. Jons home over looked the old mans cabin. It was about a quarter days walk down the mountian side, and also had a good view of the road.

Jon is 5'10 300 pounds of mostly pure muscle and thin layer of fat. He hunts with his hatchet and a knife he always kept on him. He wear a moose hide pants and shirt.
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Debbie's Alaskan Adventure

Born and raised and still living in NYC Debbie felt it was time for a major change. At 32 years old and working in the finance industry for 9 years and well it was just time for a change. She did quite well and made plenty of money but didn't want to burn out like she has seen many in the business do.

Despite being a fairly attractive 5'5" and 130 pound brunette with long curly hair, brown eyes, a big smile, and a curvy body she was always too busy working long hours and moving up in the corporate world to have a serious boyfriend. The last serious one was over three years ago. Although she did do some sporadic casual dating.

Browsing online and looking to take a leave of absence from her job and live in a summer cabin far away. Thinking it could be bought and can be used the whole summer and then rent it out for other summers. This way it could pay for itself for other summers. Cabins are so inexpensive up in AK and that area was decided upon.

Ad- AK Cabin, 500 square feet, Kitchen, Cute Living Area and Bedroom, 1 Bath, Fireplace. Furnished. Very cozy. Secluded in the mountains, lakes, beautiful views, hiking, nature at its best. $29,900.

Site unseen, the deal was done and Debbie was the brand new owner. Knowing a huge mistake could have been made doing it that way, but then thinking, what the heck I made plenty of money and I could plunk the cash down. You only live once.

July 1st comes quickly, today is the day. Wearing jeans and a white tee shirt and sandals as the airport security line is long. Thinking, she will no longer have to put up with crowds anymore. Her flight from JFK to Seattle and then Seattle to Juneau. Car rented at the airport and then driving down the winding roads. Stopping at a small grocery store to pick up some food for the week. Then driving another 20 miles or so and turning down a one lane dirt road and the cabin.

Debbie parks the car and gets out, it's 9:30 PM but oddly enough the sun is still out. Standing there and staring at the cabin, it's small and definitely cozy like the ad said. She walks inside and it's well kept, but a bit dusty. Heads to the bedroom, sits on the bed eek, it's not very comfortable. Then gets up and checks out the kitchen and sees the very old pots and pans with the bottoms all burnt. Thinking this isn't gonna be easy leaving, but I will make it my own and it will work.

Debbie's plan is to cook up some dinner and relax tonight after the long journey. Tomorrow the fixing up begins, unpacking and cleaning. Then maybe go for a short hike and see the area around the cabin.
Jon had just came back from checking his traps in the woods. He sat outside of his hidden dugout home and started to skin the animals. Having gutted them at a spot a ways down the mountain side. He knew better to gut them at his place as that would draw the black bears in the area. Also could draw the rare mountain lion or wolf.

As he was cleaning the animals and was about to cut them into chunks or strips for smoking. He noticed a slow moving car coming down the dirt/gravel road. He could tell it wasn't a Alaska game warden truck and that was the only form of law that got out this far with out being called. Jon started his way down the hill and into the woods. The thick woods where you only needed to be few feet in and could get lost. There was also few rows of berry bushes that are 4 feet around and about 7 feet high.

Jon now got to the clearing and watched as the car pulled up in-front of the cabin. He was half expecting to see the car turn around, but it stopped. He was shocked to see a woman park the car and make her way to the cabin. This made Jon mad as the stranger walked around like she owned the place. He wondered if she was related to the old man. Jon's eyes roamed over the woman's body. His eyes taking in her clothing. She was so clueless and he knew she didnt't belong in the woods. The sandals where ok for in the yard but would never work in the woods or higher up. His eyes roamed slowly up her legs in the tight fitting jeans. They would hold up for a while up here year round. Her thin white shirt would be a good late spring to early fall. Jon watches as she walks into the cabin and walks around. He wonders if shes lost an looking for directions or is she looking to move in. He is about to move to check out her car when he sees her walk out to the car.

Jon was feeling all sorts of emotions.. Part of him wanted to run her off and another part of him wanted to take her. He has never been with a woman, and he has been out in the woods for so many years he lost track. He didn't realize its been 20 years from when he ran away. He crouches looking threw the thick berry bush watching her. He is licking his lips as a predator would do eyeing its pray as its about to jump and ambush its pray. Part of his mind was saying to take her and have his way with her. He could see she was a full grown woman. She looked young still and healthy. She did look like she was in shape, but no where near to fend him off.

He thinks back on some of his trips closer to town hunting. Some times he would get near a lake the local teens like to party. He likes to watch them. Mostly to watch over them and keep the animals away. He also enjoys watching them make out. They never knew he watched them. He thinks back to the teens then looks at her. He smiles seeing the grown woman. Its rare and he never seen one other then few times a year he heads into town to self some of his gold dust from panning in the local river.
Debbie Settling Into Her New Cabin

Before dinner Debbie steps out of the cabin to get her suitcases from the rental car. There are two large ones, a smaller one and a backpack. Opening the trunk, she bends over and grabs a couple of suitcases. On the second trip to her car she stops with a suitcase and her backpack still in hand and looks around and scans her entire surroundings. She thinks, wow this is just amazingly beautiful and I own it all, that cozy cabin, the trees, the trail going into the woods and even those rows of berry bushes over there, so pretty. A big smile crosses her face and she heads back inside and puts everything on her bed.

Getting really hungry now as it's after 10:00 PM and Debbie hasn't had anything to eat since being on the plane. Looking at the the old blackened pots and pans and figuring maybe she'll try them out anyway as she was looking forward to cooking up the skirt steak she bought at the local grocery store. The stove is turned on but nothing. Thinking what the hell is wrong with this? Playing with the buttons a few times yields no result. "Damnit" Taking a deep breath and being a bit disappointed she decides to make a nice salad instead, which she enjoys but thinks that maybe tomorrow since there is no cell service, she will drive into town and try to get a repair person to fix the stove.

Unpacking her suitcases and putting her clothes away. Lots of shorts, some jeans, tee shirts and tank tops and a couple of pullovers in case it gets cool. Socks, sneakers, sandals and hiking boots. Also, in case there is any nightlife in town, a couple of button tops which can be worn with jeans and black pumps. Plenty of bras and low cut bikini panties and thongs. A smile crosses Debbie's face when she unpacks her vibrator and her Magic wand and puts those next to her bed in her nightstand. She shakes her head and thinks, well a girl has to de-stress at times right?

In the bathroom putting away all her supplies and makeup. Removing her jeans and slipping her bra off to get ready to just sleep in her white tee and white low cut bikini panties. Flushes the toilet and thinks, well thank god the toilet works and she laughs a bit.

She puts new sheets on the bed and lays down as her mind drifts about day tomorrow: cleaning, driving into town, and taking a short hike. Then quickly goes into a sound sleep despite the lumpy bed.
Jon looks at her with hungry and lustful eyes. His eyes moving over her body studding it as she walks to the trunk of her car and bends over. Jon gets a big grin as she bends over to grab a backpack and her suitcases.

When she gets the stuff out of the trunk. He notices her eyes scanning the tree line and sees the smile of her enjoying it. At first Jon was wondering if she could feel him looking at her and sizing her up, but soon realized shes just enjoying the view. Her eyes seam to be fixed on him for a few seconds. From the lack of shock or any emotion she must only see the bush.

When she takes the suit cases into the house Jon waits a few moments to make sure she isn't going to come back out. He skillfully creeps low to the ground like hes hunting as makes his way to the cabin. He slips up laying on the front porch/landing area and peaks in the screen door. As he can lay. He can see her walking around the cabin. Only when shes in the bedroom and bathroom is she out of sight. He is sure in the darkness he cant be seen outside. as the wooden door is casting a shadow on the door way its self.
Jon lays silently watching her as she gets the food and the pan to cook the meat. he can hear her asking whats wrong with it. The frustration in her voice. Jon gins to him self thinking "that wouldn't stop me, I cook over a fire anyways"

Jon stays laying on the floor as he listens with his skillful ears as he can hear the sounds of her unpacking. He hears her say "a girl has to de-stress at times right?"This gets him wondering what shes talking about. When the sounds of her in the bathroom unpacking tell him shes going to be busy by all the clanking in her make up bag. He slips into the cabin lightly closing the screen door. He now makes his way silently to the bed. He gets to her bed side and looks at the 2 objects. He hears her going to the toilet now. His interest in the long shaft object gets the better of him. He bends over lightly sniffing it and licks it. Just then he hears the toilet flush. He knows he cant get out of the room before shes odds are going to come back so he slips under the bed laying on his back.
He watches her feet as she walks to the bed. He can hear the sounds and some of the sheet getting tucked under the sides. He lays there silently as she makes the bed above him then slips into it and lays down. Unaware of him being there. One of the most dangers things to her is less then a foot away as she starts to sleep above him

He lays still listening to her lay above him, her breathing getting lighter as she drifts off to sleep. After a few minutes of her breathing being steady he carefully slips out from under the bed. Sitting on the floor with his face about her hip level. He is torn, should he investigate her more, or slip out of the cabin as he sits looking at her.

He don't know what he wants to do. Shes is a intruder and dose not belong her. The old man never said anything about having a daughter. He knew the old man had a son, but the son couldn't handle being out of city life. This put her as a intruder. He could try and scare her off or just kill her. Then part of him has a stronger drive to take her as a mate. Make her his or punish her till she gives in. He has seen that behavior in the wild. A female not giving in and they get bit on the neck till they give in and let him mate with her. Could he do that with her? She looks so tempting just to mate with her in her sleep, before she could react. He knew he was much stronger then her. He knew he could carry her off and disappear into the woods with her if he wanted to forcefully remove her. He knew he could pin her to the bed and her weak light frame would have no chance with his strong and heavy frame of a body. He sits there quietly thinking of what her fate will be. He knows she unknowingly put her self in a bad spot. Unknowingly going to bed over a predator, and a horny one never had mated in his life. She would be his first.
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Debbie's First Hot Night

Despite her deep sleep, most likely due to exhaustion from her long trip, Debbie stirs. Turning from her side to her back and then waking up a bit groggy. She opens her eyes and stares at the ceiling which is dimly visible as she left the bathroom light on and the door cracked so that a ray of light streams into the bedroom.

She quickly realizes that she is sweating....her forehead and neck all wet as is part of her pillow. She feels her white tee shirt at lower back and then between and under her breasts and she is pretty much drenched. She mutters...."oh god it's so fucking hot, must be a heat wave coming or something and there is no fan, shit".

She kicks off the sheets and tries to go back to sleep. After 10 minutes and still sweating, Debbie decides to remove her sweat drenched white tee pulling it over her head and wiping face and neck with any dry spots on the tee. Then she wipes between and under her breasts with it as well as her lower back. Debbie then throws it onto the floor on the left side of the bed. Sleeping in just her white bikini panties makes her feel a bit better.

She stirs some more and then smells something. Smells like body odor. Debbie lifts her arm and smells herself. Not the most pleasant smell as she has been sweating and hasn't taken a shower since early yesterday morning, but definitely that is not the same smell she is smelling. Thinking it must be my imagination or maybe it's just the night air around here, or maybe from the lake that's supposed to be on the trail at the back of the cabin. I'll check that out tomorrow and see if it's the lake that smells.

Laying there for a few more minutes thinking, adding a fan to my shopping list tomorrow for sure. Debbie turns onto her belly and stretches out on the bed so that the little bit of air around can touch all parts of her body, making it a bit cooler. Her arms over her head and her legs spread apart some. That makes her feel a bit better, but still its hot and she can feel herself sweating again. But she is extremely tired as her left foot slips off one side of the bed and she dozes back off.
Jon sits there thinking. Soon he hears her breathing change. Its picking up. He leans down and lays with his back to the bed. He soon hears her muttering about the heat. He feels the sheets get pushed down behind him and he now laying on his side looking up at the roof. He is glad she don't get up right away.

After a bit of time he hears more moving. His mind is wondering what shes doing. Then something falls in front of his face. He softly smells it. Its her shirt soaked in her cent. He likes how she smells. The hint of perfume she had on in the day that mostly wore off. Her strong smell of sweat.

When shes sleeping again he sits up. He sees her laying with her back up and legs spread. He carefully moves to the foot of her bed softly sniffing from her big toe up her leg. He hopes he wont wake her as he gets to her hips he has his hand lightly run over the thin small peace of cloth as it is in the middle of her legs. He can feel its soaked. He leans over sniffing it a few times and gives it a soft lick. He then moves back down her leg and lightly touches her foot.
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Debbie's Dreaming? Or Not?

After Debbie discards her white tee and the sheets over her and now laying on her belly just wearing her white bikini panties, she feels a bit cooler. She stretches out and then dozes back off and goes into a deep sleep after a long travel day.

She begins dreaming, first is of a dog sniffing her feet, feeling the dogs breath and some of the dogs saliva. That dream quickly morphs into a sex dream and her thighs being touched by a faceless man while she is sitting down in her NYC job. The dream is quite enjoyable as the faceless man reaches between her legs and feels her damp panties as she tells him to stop because she is at work. However the reality is she doesn't want him to stop at all. She tries to find out who this faceless man is, but it seems he cannot be identified.

As Debbie's excitement increases as she stirs, her panties feeling like they are plastered against her due to how wet they. She feels the faceless man lick the outside of her panties right between her legs. At that point stirs and moves to her side and then opens her eyes wide and flinches from the shock of it only being a dream.

Staring at the bedroom wall as Debbie tries to process how real that all was. She blurts out, "Oh my god what the hell was that dream?" In a way she is sad she woke up as the dream was certainly very enjoyable. She reaches down and can feel how wet her panties are and just shakes her head and mumbles, "Jesus tomorrow i'm using my magic wand before i go to bed". She laughs at her own comment.

Then dozes back off.
As Jon was getting closer to her hips. He felt one of her hands grabbing his hair in a grasp but not pulling on it to hurt. He could feel the tension in his hair. He heard her starting to moan and begging him to stop as she sleeps. He licks a few times then moves back down her leg.

When he is sitting on the floor sniffing soul of her foot about to lick the foot that is hanging off the side of the bed. She role and pulls it away. She is facing the wall as she wakes up. Jon is caught sitting up and only can sit still in the darkness at the foot of the bed as some of the sliver of light shining from her bathroom lights up her hip area. His eyes widen as she lowers a hand feeling the cloth his tounge was just at not long ago. He sees her body flinch and a slight reflex startle as she wakes up seeing the bedroom wall.

Jon can only sit still watching and listening as she rubs her panties and talks about her wand. Jon has no idea what shes talking about. He knows she has a dildo tho. Jon is shocked to feel his cock be rock hard. Its also much longer then his normal morning hard on he normaly has. He can only sit and wait watching her. Now and then his eyes shift to her dildo for a second then back to her. He watches as she falls back to sleep.

When she is sleeping he moves up to the head of the bed but still sitting on the floor. He sniffs her dildo then carefully picking it up. He licks it and can taste her on it. He now starts to eagerly lick and suck on it. He now makes up his mind, and that he wont kill her unless she fights. He dont know if he will let her stay or if he will carry her off. He wants her as his mate. He don't know when he will make his move but some time he knows he will mate with her. If she allows it or not its going to happen.

He seen animals do it all the time. Mate with a reluctant female at times, and others its willing. He grew up learning about all aspects of life from watching nature. For knowing how they think to help in hunting. To when they breed to know when not to kill the females as they may be pregnant and or tending to young ones. All the things he needed to study to live purely off the land in the wild.

When hes done licking it clean. He looks to put it on the table. He forgot where it was so he smiles and slips it on her bed next to her hand. He lightly closes her fingers around it pointing the rounded tip up. Hoping he has it pointing the right way as he thinks the rounded tip would feel better. Also how his cock would enter her when he wants to take his mate. He feels warm inside thinking of his woman that way regardless what she may think if she knew.

He soon slips out of the cabin and back up to the hill side to his home to sleep for the rest of the night.
Debbie's eyes open and she stirs and looks up at the ceiling. It's really light out and the sun streams into the small bedroom window at the back of the cabin.

She feels something in her hand and flinches. Looking at her hand she sees her vibrator and says to herself, "Oh my god did i masturbate last night? Wait I don't think so, maybe I started and fell asleep? I was exhausted, but I don't remember masturbating at all. I do remember that I had a sex dream though. Oh I probably left it on the bed when i was unpacking. Yes that's it. Thought I was going crazy. Then maybe I am, cause I am talking to myself". She laughs at her reasoning and is satisfied that she has solved the mystery of her vibrator in her hand.

Debbie heads to the bathroom and removes her white panties....sits on the toilet and then showers. She looks in the mirror and brushes her hair as its curly from the shower. She forgot to bring her flat iron to straighten her hair. But then again it doesn't matter as she doesn't have to look professional out in the middle of nowhere.

She heads into the bedroom and slips into her light blue low cut bikini panties and light blue bra. Then puts on a yellow clingy tank top and beige shorts. They are kinda tight and quite short with pockets all around. Thinking the shorts fit really well. It feels like one of those hot days today so smart to dress light. She puts her sandals on and heads to the kitchen.

Heading to the refrigerator in the small kitchen she gets out a cherry yogurt and makes coffee then sits on the porch and enjoys the scenery, smiling as she looks at the cleared out area of mostly dirt and weeds with a bit of grass near the porch. Then looks at the tree line surrounding her, the berry bushes and the amazing looking mountains. She feels relaxed and yet ready to start her day. She looks around more and smiles as this is the reason she came here.

She goes back inside, gets her handbag and keys and heads out. Locks the cabin door and drives down the narrow dirt road heading for town to pick up more supplies and a fan and a stove repair person.
Fate has spoken.

Jon woke up with the early morning rays of light shining into his dugout home. He heads down to the berry bush and lays under it and naps while he waits for her to get up and show signs of life. Her opening the door wakes him up and he smiles watching his soon to be mate come outside. Hes still not sure when he will make his move but he knows he will.

He watches her slip back inside after looking around. He is about to move closer when she comes back out so quickly. He watches her lock the door. Something he never seen the old man do as there is no one around for 10 miles in any direction if that close even. He watches her drive off.

When shes out of site he walks to the door and tried to open it. He finds he cant. The odd movement he realize is what is stopping him from entering. He slips under the cabin and moves to where the bed should be. He lays on his back carefully pushing up on the boards popping a few lose under the bed. He slips into the cabin that way. He looks for her underwear and sniffs it in her crotch area. He inhale her wetness mixed with her sweat smell.

He smiles seeing the toy and start to sniff and lick it more for a minute. Then he slips out of the cabin threw the lose boards of the floor and heads to a river to wash up.

As Jon slips into the river in a shallow pool of the river that is flowing off the mountain. Jon wonders why this woman is getting to him. What about her makes him want to take her as his mate. He just knows something about the smell and the taste of her drives him crazy. He has seen allot of woman when he goes into town. Some of them he likes looking at and even turns around to look more at them if they walk past him, but never has a woman brought out this drive in him. Wile in the cold water he starts to drift off in a daydream. Replaying last night seeing her walk out of the bathroom to the bed and making the bed. Then the sounds she made in bed... The night played out like it did till he got his face to her hips. In his mind when he licked. He did not stop with one soft genital lick. In his mind it was much more aggressive. Much more like the first spring kill. How he guts the large animal then puts the animal on his shoulders and starts to run. Running as fast and hard as he can to his dug out. How he locks him self in there and cuts the skin around the base of the ribs and then lowers his face devouring the meat. Mentally all he can think about is the meat all he can eat. A full meal..... Now in his mental daydream he is licking her in the middle of her legs. Where shes the sweetest. His tongue deep in her rolling trying to git all the sweet juices out like he would when licking the last of a small jar of honey. Her taste is far more better then thee best honey he ever had. Even better then the honey from the bee hive.

A shiver runs down his spine snapping him out of the daydream. The shiver is not from him being cold. Its from her, some how thinking about her with her so far away. Is still affecting him. He is glad and has a big grin on his face. He says out loud to him self and to any wild animal "I am Jon and that woman is going to be my mate! She is mine" Jon feels a warmth wash over him. He jumps up out of the river getting dressed in a rush and runs to his home. He sleeps listing for her car to return. He sleeps to rest up for tonight and to pass time.

Her fate is set. She will be his, one way or the other. He is going to have her. Not just one night but every night.... That though is in his head as he goes to sleep.
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Debbie's Busy First Full Day

It's quite a long ride to town on a Sunday morning, first a dirt road then a single lane paved road and then a two lane road, all winding through the mountains. Debbie is fairly cautious as she is inexperienced on driving the mountain roads but she manages to get to town in decent time.

While in town and at a hardware and appliance store she arranges to have a handyman come and repair her stove but he cannot come for 3 days but on Wednesday at 9 AM he will be there. She then purchases a fan as no way does she want to be sweating like a pig tonight as it seems a heat wave has hit the area. Then heads off to buy some cleaning products and then some vegetables and a couple of cheeses for her salad. Also some cold cuts, bread and a few other items. She might even decide to cook up some chicken by making a fire outside, but she is totally experienced with that.

Debbie walks through town learning of all the businesses that align Main St. She sees a nail place, the grocery store, one gas station, a souvenir shop, a couple of restaurants, a pizza place and a bar with a pool table in the back. Debbie loves playing pool and she is pretty good at it so one night she may drive in, get dinner and then play a few games of pool. She did bring more dressier clothes such as her tight jeans, black button top and black ankle boots. She laughs to herself as she sarcastically thinks, "what a night life huh, probably as good as it gets". She shakes her head but thinks i'll probably be fun, and certainly different. The few people she has spoken to seem really nice and friendly so that's always good.

Heading back to her cabin, down the winding roads and finally to the narrow dirt road she slowly drives down. Parks and bends over the trunk and takes out her purchases for the day. Brings some to the kitchen table and then goes back out and bends over again to pick up the the rest of them. Closes the trunk and locks her car and heads into her cabin to put everything away.

She cleans the kitchen some with the cleaners and mops she bought as the place isn't the cleanest. She figures she will clean the living area, bathroom and bedroom tomorrow, but now she wants to enjoy herself.

Checking the time it's 4:30 PM so she decides to take a small hike, like just for an hour or so so she can get a feel for the area surrounding her cabin. She goes to the bathroom and washes up and ties her hair back in a pony tail. Replacing her sandals for socks and brown hiking boots. Debbie then gets her backpack puts a bottle of water in it and granola bar, along with a flashlight, a lighter and a small pocket knife as she mumbles, "good to be prepared" and locks her cabin door and heads out ready to enjoy nature at its fullest as she heads towards the berry bushes first.
With his home on the hill side. The sound of the car can be heard as it echos in the valley long before he can see it. He quickly finds a spot and waits to see the car come into view down the long single lane road that folks have to use caution on. He smiles seeing shes back. He beats her to her home. He finds his place in the middle of the berry bush. There is 6 wide by 3 deep for the most part. They are not really in rows, but in a staggered line from animals dropping some now and then. He lays in the middle some what of the first row and watches. His hungry eyes roam over her body as she walks around. His eyes taking in how her yellow small top clings to her. (He don't know its a tank top just knows he enjoys seeing all the exposed skin on a woman) His eyes also watch her quite short shorts as they hug her hips and makes him think of her sexy body in bed in only her underwear. He can feel his heart racing as he watches her and getting more turned on. He also feels the odd drive to get closer to her. The closer the more happy he is. He is amused such short shorts has so many pockets all around her hips.

As she bends over he licks his lips as her clothing is pulled tight to her body. Her breasts pushing into her top as her shorts hug and strain as they get pulled around her ass. Some time she lifts her foot and he thinks about rushing out there and ripping the weak fabric (weak to him) from around her hips and having his way with her cunt. He wonders how sweet she is right now if only his tongue could get into that cunt that is driving him wild. He can also see he would be in a good spot to rush out pin her to the car and fuck her cunt right there.

Oh how he wants to take her. Clam her so she knows that he is his. He wants her to feel how strong and fit he is. Make her see he is the top predator in this valley. He knows the only thing that could make him back down would be a black bear. He knows they are not aggressive for the most part and that will give him the upper hand.

He watches her bring the stuff in and after a while of her staying in. He stealth fully stocks her. He moves up to the house and under it. He lays on his back listening to her move above him on the other side of the floor. Being here makes him feels happy. Happy to be around her and also happy as he knows he can watch over her. To make sure nothing can hurt her. Nothing will dare to come close to harming her. (He don't know why he has the protective drive to kill if need be for her safety)

He listens to her move around above him. Setting up to clean then hes shocked as she walks away. He can hear her foot steps move into the bedroom. His years of tracking pray makes fallowing her sounds inside simple. He dont need to move as he lays near the center of the cabin far out of sight should she come outside. He can hear her walk to the bed area and the slight sound of the bed moving into the wall. He knows shes on the bed, and hears a new sound. Something heavy hitting the floor. (not knowing its her boots.) She isn't making any sounds of being hurt, so he stays laying still. He now hear her steps sound heavyer as she walks. He can soon see why. Shes now wearing boots.

He smiles seeing she is out of them sandals an is pleased in her shoes covering her feet up more. The thick souls will protect her feet better if she steps on a sharp rock. She can also run if needed. The any danger she may face will not be fallowing her. He watches her walk silently to the berry bushes. A mistake as a human (normal tame human) should always be talking in the woods, extra so around berry. So any bears in the area know to run before being seen. Her ignorance flares a spark of anger in him. He starts to slowly move to the side of the cabin then catch up keeping out of sight as she walks into the wood. He has years of hunting behind him so he can move off trail with little to no sound.
When Good Hiking Trips Go Bad

According to Debbie's online research with Google Satellite that she did before she purchased the cabin, there is a trail near the cabin that leads up a small mountain and on the other side of it is a beautiful lake. Unsure where her property ends but she knows that according to the survey she has 10 acres and part of her land goes pretty deep into the woods. She looks around, sees the dense berry bushes and the tree line and heads into the woods to find the trail.

Stepping over scrub bushes and weeds that tickle her calves she continues on. She looks back several times to make sure she knows how to get back to the cabin as the last thing she wants is to get lost out here. Now realizing she should have bought a compass in town, but still confident she can find her way back. Marching on, feeling excited and yet a bit anxious but loving the scenery. Then she yells out, "Yes there's the trail". She makes a beeline for it as she charges over the scrub.

The trail gives her some relief from the scratching of the scrub and the tickling of the weeds. Thinking she is gonna have to clear it all out sometime so she can hike cleanly to the trail. Up the small mountain, which doesn't look that big as she debates in her head whether it's a small mountain or a big hill and smirks at the discussion of that in her head.

Reaching the top and excited to look down at the lake on the other side. There is a boulder about 3 feet high and 100 feet after that she can just barely see the lake through the trees. She removes her backpack and opens it to get her bottle of water out. Then she places her backpack on the boulder, figuring she will first look at the lake and then sit on the boulder to relax and have her granola bar.

Heading slightly downhill now as she approaches the view of the lake. Her mouth opens in surprise, "Wow, now that is absolutely beautiful, just stunning, clean, clear and the surroundings, well just amazing". She stares at it for several minutes, almost trance like.

Suddenly Debbie hears something, and she is startled as her heart skips a beat. It's back towards the boulder. Turning quickly to see, but there are trees in the way, but what is that? She sees trees moving and hears the leaves on the forest fall being crunched like that are being stepped on, but by something heavy. She remains still afraid that if she moves and it's a bear then she doesn't wanna approach it. Thinking it can't be a person, or can it? But what would they be doing up here? Either way her thought is to remain still and hide behind a large tree trunk.

Her legs are shaking from nerves, now feeling stupid that she went hiking alone and in a place she is unfamiliar with and with nothing but a pocketknife for protection and that is in her backpack and totally useless now.

Listening and trying not to breathe heavy despite her fear. She covers her mouth with her hands to prevent any breathing sounds from her. Peeking around the tree, seeing movement, but still unable to see it clearly. Her thoughts are it's definitely big and seems to have fur, has to be a bear. Then hearing her backpack hit the ground. Her heart racing as she remains still, knowing that whatever it is, that if it knows i'm here I could be mauled to death. Wiping sweat from her forehead as it pours nervously out of her.
Beauty meets the beast and a bear.

Jon watches and shakes his head in disapproval as she walks into the forest. Them shorts are not right for her to be hiking with, but he is glad she kept them on. They drive him crazy. He watches as she passes about 2 bushes away from him. She walks quietly for the most part. Another thing shes doing wrong. He carefully stocks her out of site. Looking at how sexy she is and keeping her safe.

As Jon walks in the woods he knows the only thing that can really stand up to him is a black bear. He has fought them a few times. Comes out battered and sore but always alive. More then what the bears can say as they often end up being smoked and part of them cooked. Jon hates fighting with bears as they really can put up a fight back but always lose. Moose, deer and elk. Them kind of animals often get taken before they know what hit them.

He sees her get to the bolder. It over looks one of the lakes closer to town. Still far out for the kids to have party's at. That lake is much closer to town along this path. Jon watches as she puts her pack on the bolder. He watches her drink. He can see the sweat all over her body. For some reason he wants to dart out and take her on that rock. Lick her clean before going for her sweet juicy cunt. As he is crouched watching her in a day dream. He hears something off to his side.

He looks and see her about 8 feet away from her pack. He knows she is helpless. The bear makes its way down the trail and runs almost into her.

It stops at the clearing in shock. He sees it sniff the air. He watches it rear up on its hind end as it challenges her. It must not know the human. The wind blows to Jon. His eyes widen. He smells berrys on her. Must be a sent too make her smell good. He feels a rage building in him over her. He is so mad at her and knows the bears wants what it thinks she has berrys on her.
Jon moves to the bear side in the wood an lets out a growl as he pulls out his hatchet from his just as he lunges. His lung is a skilled attack. Driving with his body weight into the bears lower ribs. The bear is about 2 times if not 3 times as heavy as he is, but the bear is exposing its weak spots. The belly and ribs area. The impact is a bone crushing impact. It send him and the bear into the brush.

The bear is shocked. No animal stands and fights for the most part with a bear. Yet here Jon is and landed a hit making it hard for the bear to draw breath. Also slows its movements some too. As they land on the ground Jon swings his hatches into the bears belly. The bear lets out a fear rawr in anger and pain. Russuling can be heard in the dense brush around them. Hiding the fight out of sight from her. Jon knows it sounds bad. Jons anger flares as he thinks about his mate.He growls and charges again this time his hatches landing blows on the bears most sensitive spot. Its nose. Jons shoulder hits the bears neck. The bear now gets its claws on his back. He hates this part. He lets out his own rawr of anger and pain. He can feel his back cut up with a good swipe from the bear. The bear is far worse tho. With hard time getting air in its lungs from his first hit and then the hatchet landing blows filling its nose up with blood. The bear is struggle. It knows if it stays in the fight its going to lose. As Jon preps for another attack, it takes the time to flee. Jon watches it move away from the lake area up the mountain side and away from the cabin. Jon would be half tempted to finish the fight but his mate comes to mind. Jon sniffs the air to find her sent, so he can stock her.

He wonders. Did she see him? Did she run home hearing the nasty fight? Dose she think the bear will be coming for her next? Jon knows he is just as deadly to her as the bear could be but Jon has other plans for her. He wants to mate with her rather then harm her.
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Debbie's Hiking Horror

Hiding behind the tree trunk as Debbie's fear intensifies, her hand over her mouth so the animal does not hear her breathing. Her line of sight is mostly blocked by trees but she peeks around the tree trunk and sees the back end of a bear and her backpack with everything strewn all over the ground. Then more heavy pounding and another noise and a fierce growl. She mumbles through her hands "Oh fuck, another animal attacking the bear".

She remains hiding behind the tree trunk and just barely peeking out as the animals seem to break out into more of a clearing and now in her line of sight. She can now clearly see the bear as it stands up, but the other furry animal appears to have something in its hand. With nervous sweat pouring down her now she watches in horror as the bear groans in pain and in desperation it appears to strike back at the other animal and claw it back badly. The other animal yells out a bellowing sound that oddly enough sounds like an injured human.

Debbie's mind races from thoughts of what if the animal that wins attacks me. What is that other animal, is it some kind of human like creature? Whatever it is it's extremely strong and she knows that she will have to run while they are both occupied fighting. But to get passed she has to run closer to them first.

As she darts from behind the tree she looks at the bear now groaning in pain and winning the battle is the creature, but getting another closer look, now only 50 or 60 feet away Debbie realizes that it's human and a very large man who looks uncivilized, wild and covered in furs.

Her eyes widen as she cannot believe what she is seeing. She continues running and turns around a couple of times to make sure the bear or the uncivilized man is not following her. Trying to process everything as she continues running at full speed, such as who is that man and how did he happen to be there just as the bear appeared? Continuing to run she turns around again to make should they are no longer visible and her feet get caught in a vine along the ground and she falls flat on her face into the dirt. It all goes dark.

Debbie lays there completely still on her belly, her left hiking boot several feet away hiding in the scrub. Blood trickling from her nose. Time passes but she remains flat on the ground.
The victor claming its prize.

Jon is wrapped up in the fight of his life. He lost all track of the woman who drives him so wild. The fight only lasts about a minute. Jon is the clear winner as he is left standing his ground tho hurt baddly. Deep cuts on his back and arms from the bear claws.

As he crouches and watches the bear back away roaring in defiance. Saying the bear still had fight left in it. Jon had no desire to continue the attack. He let the bear go to lick its wounds and heal up. Jon now puts his hatchet back in the pouch on his hip.

Jon now scans the brush line, and the small clearing they feel into. He moves to the other side of the row of bushes and trees to where he last seen her... Jon soon sees her. Jon walks up to the laying woman. He sniffs her and lets his eyes roam over her body. He lets his hands move up her legs. Feeling them freely, up over her ass up her back an down her arms. He then feels her neck... No response. He can feel her heart beating and her breaths as she is unresponsive. He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. He growls in pain as he runs threw the woods. To her cabin. He would normally have taken her right to his dugout. After the fight with the bear he wants to find a nook and rest up. He takes her to her cabin and puts her down on the ground next to the stairs. He then walks up the stairs and takes a deep breath turning sideways to the door. He sends his body smashing into the door busting it lose off the hinges. He yells out in pain. He turns back to her and picks her up. Anger and lust surging threw his body as he takes her to her bed.

He lays her on the bed tearing off her clothing. Stripping her nude as she lays passed out. He lays along side the bed with his feet to the bed and head away to the center of the room. He balls her clothing up and puts it under his head as he lays on the floor in the middle of the small bedroom. He lays on his side. His back to the bed as he rests facing the door. He waits for her to come too or his nap to be over. What ever comes first. He is staying in the cabin to watch over her and rest up. He could of just taken her to his dugout but didn't want to reveal that much of him to her, not yet. He knew the cabin had a phone. He used one years ago and knew he could call 911 if he needed to tho he couldn't tell them where he was. Something tho from far back told him if he need to use it, some how to get help. That is where he needed to be. He had no clue why, just like a faint shadow of a memory from when he was a kid.

As he lays down, Jon has the ball of clothing he stripped from her. Jon then adds her tee shirt that was so soaked filled last night and her panties on top of that she had taken off this morning. Jons head laying with the crotch of her panties under his nose and mouth as they lay inside pointing up. She cant miss the fact as he sleeps he is happy with her smell of her cunt and ass.He didn't bother to use the blankets from the foot of the bed.

(something to note.... when he springs his legs put about 800 pounds of thrust. As he drives with his shoulder that 800 and his body mass of about 300 is about 1,100 pounds impact. Should be like someone throwing a car at you.)
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Debbie In Panic Mode

Debbie is laying flat on her back as she stirs a bit. Then rolls slowly to her side.
Her eyes open slowly and she wakes up staring at the wall of her bedroom. She feels like air is surrounding her entire body as she looks down to see that she is completely naked. Confused as she doesn't sleep naked, she usually wears a tee or tank top and panties. She turns onto her back and looks around, then sits up. It's light outside which makes it more confusing. Then she comes too more, realizing some of what happened, her hiking, the lake, the bear, the man-like creature fighting the bear and running at full speed and then nothing.

Her thoughts now racing, why am I naked? Why do I have a massive headache? Why does my nose hurt? Why was I in my bed? She slowly puts her legs on the floor and stands up. Feeling a bit dizzy, but managing to stay standing. She begins walking to the bathroom when she sees the man-like creature on the floor, she freezes as she tries to process the chain of events, shaking her head to make sure this isn't all a dream. Fear quickly fills her body as this creature is laying on her bedroom floor and his head is resting on top of her dirty clothes with her dirty panties from yesterday by his nose.

Now realizing that the creature must have stripped her naked, then thinking did he rape me? She awkwardly feels her crotch area to see if any cum is there. Thankfully it appears dry and she doesn't hurt there. The only places she hurts are her head, nose and palms of her hands and knees. Which she now concludes she must have fell while running from the fight.

Standing there she begins to piece the puzzle together. Could this man-like creature fought the bear to protect me and maybe I got hurt and he carried me back here? She takes one step towards her drawers and pulls out some clothes. Knowing she needs to get dressed right away just in case the creature decides to rape her. Quickly putting on her black low cut bikini panties and her black bra. Then she grabs her jeans and a brown tee shirt. She looks for her hiking boots and only finds one, puts that one one and looks for the other but can't find it. But there is no time to look very much. So for now she wears just the one.

She stands there watching the creature sleeping. Staring and trying to figure out his story. She begins to conclude that he saved her by fighting off the bear and carrying her back when she fell. So he has a good heart. But why did he strip me naked? That thought bothers her and brings fear though her body. She sees his hatchet, his furs, his wild long hair and beard as he seemingly lives out in the wild. But as she looks closer he looks more human, but still quite scary.

The thought that he stripped her naked makes her decision for her and she slowly grabs her car keys and tip toes to the door. When she looks up the front door is busted opened and all broken, pieces of wood lying all over the kitchen and living area. Debbie's fear grows as this man-creature busted through her door, he is definitely dangerous and most likely intends to rape me as the thought of him sleeping on her dirty panties goes though her head. Her first priority is to get out of here quietly and quick and drive to town and get the police.

She turns to take one more look at the man-creature and as she does she drops her keys. They clang loudly on the wooden floor. Debbie sees the man-creature stir and in a panic she hobbles out of the cabin, being she only has one boot on.
Off the porch and to her car. Fumbling with her keys she drops them several feet from her car. Then reaches down and clicks the button, the car unlocks and she scrambles to the car and she opens the door....
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Jon is half asleep. When she gets up he keeps his eyes closed just peaking out of a small opening of a slit (like a kid wanting to see but fake they are sleeping). He can hear her dressing behind him. He lays still not wanting to scare her. Letting her adjust to him "sleeping". With him laying facing the front door he sees her start to make a run for it. He quickly gets up and sprints after her rawring in pain with his arms an back still clawed up from the bear. He is pissed at this stupid woman. Wearing a sweet berry perfume in the woods and provoking the bear. He risked his own life now the stupid woman is running with one boot on and the other left at the lake...He is right behind her as she bends into the car. He throws his body weight on top of her and grabbing her in a bear hug. This causes a new wave of pain as he screams and rawrs in pain with his mouth next to her ear. There faces pushed down in the passenger seat.

He makes sure he has a good hold of her before he brings his legs into play an uses his knees to push off pulling them to the ground her laying on top of him. The impact of them causing a new wave of pain and a new pain and anger rawr erupts from his mouth.

As he holds her on top of him. A deep huffing can be heard. Her hair is laying on his face. She can hear his deep breaths taking in her sent from her hair while a deep pain huff is mixed in with a sound of joy of smelling her. His hands clamped and locked over her breasts. His hands coming together making a fist in her cleavage. He now raps his strong legs around her thighs. Hes holding her on top of him (ready for a piggy back if she was standing up)

He uses some of his force. Only what he feels is needed to hold his mate still but not hurt her. He now starts to kiss her neck and softly licking it. He don't know what he is doing. He knows he has seen some humans from afar when he has watched them at a lake far away that is the nearest to town, He also seen lots of animals do this. If she struggles he will nip her in the neck.That is all he has planned for her for now... His brain is filled with pain from his back and arms being all clawed up. He tries to keep his anger in check as shes so ungrateful. She only wanted to run.. Didn't even stop to check on him. He grumbles a bit thinking of that and how he ran his hands over her body while she was unresponsive to check on her. He could have taken her right there easily but he cared to much for this stranger. He grumbles again at the lack of respect and her being so self centered.

His emotions have him torn. He is so mad that he wants to punish her, this intruder. He could kill her and should for trespassing on his area. In the cabin of the old man. He also is drawn to her like no other woman that makes him wants to claim her as his mate. That really he did. The caring and tender side of him wanting to look after her that saved her life from a bear attack. Then anger again how she didn't even bother to check on him just got dressed and tried to drive away.

He could crush her ribs and end her right now. Parts of him thinks he should. This woman shouldn't be here. He should have taken her to his dugout and mated with her there... Let her come to with that, but something in him over ride every anger and harmful feeling. Something somewhere deep in him needs her. He never wanted a woman before. What about this stupid woman provoke the strongest feelings he ever had in his life. Strong enough to risk his life fighting a bear. He lets out a cry of frustration mixed with longing now.
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Debbie's Caught

In a panic and trying to get into her car with the man-creature charging behind her. He grabs her and they topple into the car, him on top and her face planted in the passenger seat. His roar is frightening but oddly enough to her, it almost sounds like a roar of pain and not of attack. But, it's deafening as the man-creature bellows out a roar of pain directly in her ear.

Wrestled back out of her car and ending up on top of him, but despite using all her strength to break free it's useless as he doesn't let up on his hold of her. She is trapped. Feeling her breasts mercilessly being squeezed as he maintains his grip on them, but it doesn't feel sexual, instead it just feels like he grabbed them to hold her in place. But still, it's hurts and she groans in pain as she tries to push his face and get leverage to push up. But instead he locks his legs around her thighs and she knows she is trapped.

Debbie then feels his tongue licking her neck, while totally gross that a man-creature is doing that to her, in a way it's comforting to know that he is actually showing a sign of affection. Plus if he didn't rape her when she was in the cabin unconscious and naked, then maybe he isn't likely to kill her. That gives her some hope. But, being that he strip her clothes off before, she worries that he may still rape her.

She stops struggling and she feels the man-creature's grip lessen ever so slightly.
Then hears another roar from him, but this roar is not threatening. It sounds more like frustration.

She looks at the man-creature, straight into his eyes, although her knotted hair is now covering much of her eyes and her face. While staring into his eyes, she actually sees a man, not a creature. A wild, untamed, uncivilized man that must not have little if any contact with humans. Maybe raised by animals or something.

Her breathing is rapid and heavy from the struggle and the adrenaline. Still staring at him and him staring back, feeling his breathing on her face and a bit of groaning mixed in. Out of options, she decides to switch course and goes to plan B. She takes a deep breath and nervously says, "Thank you for saving me and bringing me back to my cabin. I appreciate that very much. I should have thanked you and not run. I am sorry Sir. We can go back inside and we can talk, would that be alright?"

While waiting for a response Debbie's mind races, is she setting herself up to be raped in her own cabin? What if he is dangerous and tries to kill her? Maybe he is hurt, he did wrestle a bear and sounds of pain were heard. Am I doing the right thing here? Do I even have a choice? She feels his grip loosening a bit more as they continue to stare at each other.
He suddenly spins her sideways.. Her shoulders on his left arm, her hips on his right arm. His right hand on her ass with his fingers spread out more supportive as he leaps up to his feet. He says in a matter of fact tone "You smell like berrys, that is what the bear wanted and you scared it." Jon walks into the cabin and sets her on her bed. He growls and in a stern look says "Stay"

He now starts to take off his torn animal hide shirt. As he looks over the back, seeing the drying blood on it. He bundles it up and tosses it into the bathroom. He says "Stupid woman, walking in them shorts, wearing berry smell perfume. You think you own this place, are you that dence to think you belong here? Your so stupid you have no clue what your doing. That bear should have killed you. Your so lucky I was there to protect your stupid and stuck up ass. That bear is more human that you. You didn't even bother to check on me. I could have been laying dead on the floor and you wouldn't have cared you selfish woman. *Anger is clear in his tone as he starts to chew her out.* He goes on saying "What would miss almighty have done if it wasn't for me? Would you have ran? News flash moron. Bears can out run us. You would be bear food. You should be laying inside that bear right now now in here on your bed."* he growls at her. His eyes moving over her body"He says in a commanding voice "let me check you out again" * He moves to her and lifts up her shirt as he starts to undress her.. The look on his face is firm and half way daring her to put up a fight.
Debbie's Defiance

The man-creature shifts his arms and Debbie is now sideways as he stands up. His grip on Debbie is very firm and while she feels he won't drop her she is fearful as to what his plan is. She is about to yell at him to put her down, but he begins lecturing on how she smells like berries and how it's her fault the bear approached her. So instead decides to remain quiet as she doesn't want him getting angrier as they head into her cabin.

He gently places Debbie on the bed but she is not happy when he orders her to "Stay". Feeling like he is treating her like a dog. Again she decides to remain quiet as she can feel the tension in the air and the last thing she wants to do it upset him more. Debbie watches as he removes his animal hide shirt as the claw marks on his back and the dried blood are deep. She begins to realize how much he did for her and how he risked his life as she starts regretting running off and that she didn't thank him. She makes a note in her mind to do just that once she feels it's safe to speak.

His lecture continues and he appears to get angrier as he continues. She begins to feel foolish knowing he is right about how little she knows about the wilderness up here. However as he continues on his lecture gets personal as Debbie begins to get pissed that he calls her, "dense, selfish, stupid, stuck up, miss almighty and moron". But still she decides to just let him blow off steam, until he states that he wants to check her out as he grabs her top and quickly pulls it up above her black bra.

Despite knowing the wilderness man can crush her if he wanted to, Debbie's defensive reaction kicks in as she pushes his hand off her and blurts out, "I don't need to be checked out, I'm fine. Now we can talk about everything, but one thing I insist on is that you don't touch me. You removed my clothes earlier when I was unconscious which was very wrong of you, but that is not happening again. I appreciate that you saved my life, but that doesn't give you the right to remove my clothes. I am sorry this all happened and yes maybe I was stupid, but we are okay now. I can tend to your back wounds if you like. We can get along, please lets do this my way. I am interested in you and who you are, I really am. We need to talk, please." As she presents her cases, Debbie's voice shakes from nerves as his reactions don't seem civilized and she fears being beat up, being raped or killed in one of his rages.

She knows this is a desperate attempt to gain control of the situation and to stop him from stripping her naked again and then god knows do what to her. Hoping he is somewhat rational, but doubting that. She stares at him waiting for his reaction. In her mind she thinks of making another run for it and will do that when she gets the chance as he doesn't seem rational, especially given the fact he feels that he can just remove her clothes whenever he wants to.
As Jon moves the shirt she tried to hold her shirt on. He lets out a deep grawl sound and bares his teeth at her looking at her in the eye. Staring at her deep into her. He has no idea some lady's find blue eyes sexy. He knows his shift from light blue to dark blue. He is sure his eyes would be light blue now...After his grawl that last a second he says "let me or i am ripping it" He pushes her back hard with one hand making her back bounce on the bed a bit. He then starts to pull the shirt up again.

Her using his hands to try and push his hands away is a failure. He grabs her writs and move them to the top if the bed. pinning them into the mattress. He didn't even need to think or use much strength to pin her arms for a second. Shes so weak and pitiful next to him

He watches to see if she will let him take her shirt off.. He quickly moves his hips on top of hers as he sits with his hard cock on her belly. His strong legs up along her sides. He can feel the front of her hips pressing into the under side of his strong ass. His feet hugging the side of her hips by pressing firmly into them. His hands running up her belly over her bra and breasts cups. His hands softly but firmly with fingers extended to feel as much of her as possible.

As he is staring into her eyes and says "Be good and let me. If I wanted to hurt you. I would have. We wouldn't be here now. *he rises his tone in a strong dominant tone* let me and make this easy or I will do this the hard way."

He listens as his hands move up her body. His highly skilled nose can smell shes getting wet from the same smell last night from in the middle of her legs and the slight smell on her toy.

He looks at her and says "I am checking on you, You are going to lay still and not get hurt. I have every right to take care of you. Shut up with your moronic city thinking, your way is what caused this mess. Your way is utter failure, where my way is life over many years. There is no more talking, in the wild the weak/dumb parish and the strong/smart survive." A stern but soft and friendly look is on his face. If she bothers to look up at him she will see it on his face. A warm friendly smile, but intense eyes staring into her brown eyes. Staring so intently they should be boring holes into her.

In his mind its racing, driving him nuts. What about this woman drives him so wild. She can anger him and clam him just as quick. He realizes soon as he has one strong emotion he feels another on the other side. He wonders is this love? Like more he wants to use force to pin her on the bed and strip her nude he feels the other side of him that wants to kiss her on the lips and let his hands lightly roam over her body. The anger is countered by protectiveness. The only time the feelings where matched up was when he faced the bear.
Debbie Overpowered

Debbie's apology and offer to talk this out seems to go unheard as he growls with his teeth showing. This causes her to get silent as reasoning doesn't seem to work. She feels like he may bite into her and kill her. As he stares down at her she stares back at him, trying to show strength, maybe he will realize she is physically outmatched but mentally a strong woman. She notices his blue eyes, blue eyes that pierce and that would actually be attractive if this were a different situation. But as he threatens to rip her top off and his anger intensifies she can swear his eyes change colors. It's scary and yet there is something in his eyes that says he is human and has feelings. Although his feelings have seem to strayed far away from what is socially acceptable.

Debbie's wrists are pinned together over her head as he holds them with one hand. His strength is absolutely no match, but she doesn't want to submit, she doesn't want to be raped. She has to continue to struggle regardless of her defeat being certain.

He mounts her hips and she can feel his hard cock on her belly. This frightens her more and adds to the certainty that he intends to rape her as she cannot think of him backing off now. the thought of being raped in her own cabin in the middle of nowhere is terrifying. Her eyes widen more in fear as he continues to stare down at her with his light blue piercing eyes.

Feeling his large hands touch her belly and rise up to her bra cups. His hands feeling her breasts through her bra, he does this softly. Debbie feels herself react as her nipples harden and she feels herself begin to moisten. With that her conflict begins as to why is that happening, especially with the man-creature telling her to let him and implying that if she doesn't he will do it the hard way. Knowing that he has to mean rape. The conflict bothers her, she hates this so why is her body reacting?

Under his threat of doing it the hard way, he orders Debbie to lay still. At this point she listens knowing she is pinned and unable to move and resistance is futile. She stares up at him, knowing that she is about to be raped but this man-creature. She begs him with her eyes but doesn't say anything.

At that point he states he is supposedly "checking her" as he looks down and stares at her breasts. Then he begins his lecture again and insulting remarks about how stupid she is. Her realizing that if he doesn't respect her at all he will end up hurting her badly. But that stare of his, that piercing stare. There is more to him than what he leads on to be. Debbie is thinking that if she can get through this in one piece that maybe she can find out. Maybe this can be explained. Or maybe not, maybe he is just animal like and will take what he wants when he wants it. And after kill her to have one less problem.

Debbie continues to stare up at him, her big brown eyes now welled up with tears, her hoping he sees her as a human being and a woman. Not just something to rape or beat up or use and inspect like a piece of meat.
He frees her hands. His hands fully remove the shirt and then he slides down. As he slides down he starts to remove her jeans. He looks up and sees the tears. He says in a soft voice "If I wanted to do something bad, I would have done it. Out in the grass or on the bed. *his tone changes a bit more sharp but still caring * Just lay still and let me do this". He soon takes her jeans fully off leaving her in her bra and panties. He smiles looking up at her as his strong and skillfully hands slowly feel her toes and work there way up slowly up her left foot. Sliding feeling her ankle and up her leg. His hands moving to cover all the skin as he slowly works up.

She can feel him being so strong, but so gentle. A intent soft look to his wild face. A small smile as his hands feel her soft smooth skin. He is enjoying him self and happy as she gives in. She can see he is taking slow deep breaths. Can hear each loud deep breath even with him being at her feet.

The broken door still laying in shatters as proof that he is strong. She seen that and him stand the ground with a bear, but now hes gentle like a baby feeling her.
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