
It is rather odd to look like the significant other of three different people (Rainshine said something similar). I can only imagine that it is a case of projection, and that the contempt/loathing you feel for them is aroused more instantly and profoundly by my photograph.

That is me, of course. I've never used a photo of anyone other than me. It is, though, from an awfully long time ago - it was on the last day of my exams at university, around 20 years ago. All my other photos have been recent, and my profile picture is.

I'll be 40 next year. The spring fled long ago from this chicken.

My apologies.
Can you post a current picture, so I'll know what my ex will look like when he gets out of prison?

I think he’s posted a current, and time did not prove to follow the same path in my instance.

Seriously, dude looks like senior pic hanging in his mom’s den to this day.

I'm pretty sure etymology would show that the word references thermal underwear that is followed by multiple layers of clothing and topped with an arctic-gear parka.

Not too sure about the entomology of the word.
Brings back old memories of being a fork truck operator in the midwest in the winter. It took until April for my bullocks to thaw out.

Call me crazy, but I don’t see a problem. Are you talking about evolution?
Everyone knows we all evolved from dinosaurs which evolved from slime in the swamps. Sadly evolution has been slow for some Lit slimeballs.

Totally lost here, by the way. I mean speechless.
I've been lost. It's hard to find your way when you can't ask directions.


The GB loves tasty pink boobs!
Or any other color of boobs.

Are they not aware of your reign as Lit's Most Beloved Poster??

Sidebar: Beloved. Bi or trisyllabic?
Only in Lance's own mind.

Speaking of weird pronunciations. I want to hear how you all say "mauve."
More importantly, WTF color is mauve?

Well, you might be one of Lits biggest shit-stirrers but at least you can be funny.
Or just a shit stirrer we enjoy seeing falling face first in his own shit.