Confusion... of female lust or love?(open for one woman)

Mar 1, 2006
Lisa rider didn't know she was going to fall in love with her best friend, then again she never expected to fall in love with another girl, granted her best friend was bi sexual as far as Lisa knew she was mostly into guys more then girls, plus Lisa would never ever do anything to jeopardize there friendship they had been friends since middle school now here they were in college still best friends, but things changed and somewhere along the way Lisa had wanted and needed more.

Lisa however had never been with a girl, did this make her a lesbian she wasn't sure, or maybe she was bi, but then again you don't pick the person you fall in love with, now here she was in love with a girl she could never tell, inexperienced with woman and very frustrated because she could never tell her friend what she felt, what would her friend even think of her after the fact, that and Lisa had always been a submissive would that even work in a girl girl relationship she didn't know.

Sighing to herself she just decides to keep the secret to herself, but her friend wasn't a dumb woman and would notice the change in Lisa.... plus Lisa was from a conservative family... they would never approve so she had to keep these feelings to herself.

Looking for a detailed role with one woman
Britney Scott, a Valedictorian of Xavier High School pulled the old leathery clad book from the library shelf. Her first year in Harvard was a little overwhelming… at least to say, it was nothing like the good years of high school when things seemed to come easy to her, and the only stress that she had at the time was the fear of people finding out that she was bisexual. Her best friend, Lisa Rider, was the only sole that she confided her sexual interests too, her dating of other girls were restricted to other school districts, and even that was stressful.

Britney looked at the gold, printed title with a heavy sigh, then confirmed it was one of the books that her professor authorized for extra credit. ‘Five thousand words!’ she sighed to herself, but if she wanted the extra credit she had no choice but read and then summit her thesis on the meaning if she wanted that extra boost in her grades. Britney stared at the book for several long, hard moments, for this was the weekend that she was suppose to accompany Lisa to a frat party. Her heart wanted to go and be with her friend, but her mind’s eye popped up a picture of her hard working father whom sacrificed so much to get her here. “Damn!” she hissed as she pushed the book into the fold of arm.

A heavy sigh escaped through the small nostrils of Britney’s nose, for her lips were pressed together in silent anger. She knew Lisa would be upset, for they planned on this weekend for weeks and now that it was here, what was she doing? Planning to cancel so she could work on this thesis paper of hers. ‘Lisa I’m sorry!’ she breathed to herself as if her inner apology would work. Several steps later she stopped once more and confronted the issue of this weekend.

Her mind swirled about looking for an answer that would keep everyone in harmony, ‘Damn I miss high school.’ Britney’s mind blared outward while her hand moved down her side and into her jeans pocket. The cold feel of her phone made her feel sick to her stomach. Once more, a heavy sigh comes out of her nostrils as the phone emerged from her pocket and came pressed to her ear…

“Lisa, Hey can we meet at the cafe’ I need to talk to you.” She said in her very soft and friendly tone of voice…
Lisa was so ready for this weekend, with Britney not only did she need a break from her studies she had been missing her best friend. Lisa however also knew keeping her feelings from Britney weren't going to be easy the two shared everything together and Lisa felt like she was harbouring some deep dark secret, one that could affect the both of them so it was best that she was keeping it to herself, it wasn't as if she were doing anything wrong after all, no she was just in love with her best friend... nothing the least bit wrong with that.

She sighed to herself as she took a seat on her bed... what a mess I've gotten myself into she thinks to herself.

Get yourself together she thought to herself, maybe she should go and study or something becoming a veterinarian was hard work, and she was doing well, but she needed to study also, when she found out Britney was going to Harvard she was ecstatic for her, they had always decided on the same college but Lisa told her she had to go to Harvard, so she did but now her time with her friend was becoming less and less and that made her sad.

It wasn't that she didn't want Britney to succeed because she did, she just missed her. Oh well she thought at least they had the weekend together. She bit her lip and decided to take a shower, maybe a long hot one would ease her mind that always seemed to do the trick, but lately being around Britney, she mush rather needed a cold one. Okay she thought stop thinking of her for now or you'll drive yourself insane.

She headed down the hall to the shower she was glad she opted to not live in the dorms and rather got a small apartment of her own, she was working part time so it paid for that and her school books, she had her parents paying for college, she was so grateful for them another reason her and Britney couldn't be together no matter how much Lisa loved her, it wasn't right and that's what her mother would tell her, she sighed and climbed into the bow hot water easing her aching bones and trying to ease her broken mind and heart.

She needed to get these feelings under control and fast if she was spending the weekend with Britney. She could control herself though she had done it for what over a year now yes, she was great at hiding this secret. Lisa washed herself and then got dressed before going to make a pot of coffee so she could start to study. She grabbed books out of her room and headed to the kitchen her favorite place to study, waited for her coffee to be finished and grabbed a cup and headed to the table with everything she needed.

She no sooner opened her books when her phone started pinging. Normally she would be annoyed but not when she saw who was calling her smile brightened as she picked up the phone. Lisa could sense something was off but agreed to meet her at the cafe.

She changed quickly and then headed off to meet Britney.
The small cell phone tip lightly brushed against Britney’s cheek upon its short journey downward to the hard surface of Britney’s desk. A hard lump settled deep in her throat for she knew how Lisa would take this cancellation. They’ve sacrificed much of their time together already for their studies.

Britney’s gaze shifted to the window, it was a cloudy day, looked like it would rain, another ping of discomfort hit her for she loved to walk in the rain, especially if she was with someone she cared for. Memories of good times passed flashed across her mind, her childhood, the times her and Lisa did get caught in the rain, it seemed like it was just yesterday,

“Lisa!” Britney sighed. Her mind drifted back to the day she first saw her best friend. She wanted so much to ask her out on a date but that fear of others finding out stopped her, instead she asked her out as a friend. They went to the movies, which was the night Britney knew if Lisa couldn’t be a lover, she wanted her as a friend. Now several years later, she didn’t care about others finding out about her high school secret, but as of now she didn’t have the time to have a girlfriend and spend time with Lisa. Another sigh escaped over her lips.

Britney forced herself up from the desk, her gaze shifted from the window to her wristwatch. " I best get moving." her thoughts were on the meeting, what was she going to say? Would Lisa understand? Would their already stretched friendship handle this cancellation over a paper that she didn’t have to write for it was just extra credit? Britney’s stomach was in turmoil, her heart felt heavy and her ability to problem solve evaded her in this situation.

The walk was a long, stressful venture. The sky grew darker as did Britney’s heart. She hated the fact that she had to choose but she had a commitment to herself and her parents, or did she? Was that just a weak attempt to ease the sting of what she was about to do? She hated herself for what she was about to do, but one must grow up and realize that life wasn’t fair and this was one of those moments. The walk came to a sudden end when her gaze fell upon Lisa, the cafe’ outside tables were vacant due to the threat of rain, but her friend knew Britney’s one weakness, the rain…

“Hey!” Britney did her best to uppity her tone of voice. She tried to hide the internal conflict that was raging within her. She continued to fight the soured stomach, the fear of how Lisa was going to react and that little voice that just popped into her head, whispering that she didn’t need the extra credit, she could just work harder and still have Lisa’s friendship, even it being stretched was better than nothing at all.

“Umm, care to order brunch?” Britney exchanged while she pulled out the chair and sit down. Her gaze not being able to meet Lisa’s. “I umm …. I …. “ She sighed heavily … “Could we just order and have a little chat before I get into why I called for this little get together, besides the fact that I miss you.” She blushed playfully.
She luckily didn't live that far from the cafe so she opted not to drive, she got so sick and tired of driving everywhere and it was a nice almost rainy night out. Lisa couldn't wait to see Britney even if she did seem off slightly. She sighed wondering what could be up with Britney... it wasn't like her to ever really sound off.

Lisa walked to the cafe, slowly she wasn't sure if Britney was walking or driving so she didn't want o take to long or get there to soon either. Lisa started to think of her times alone with Britney and smiled, if Britney ever found out her feelings she was sure she'd be mortified. She sighed almost tearing up losing Brit would kill her, Brit Lisa was the only one ever allowed to call her that, she smiled about that as well then felt like a fool smiling like a idiot while in public.

Lisa was overthinking way to much, but she didn't have a off switch for her heart she sure as hell wish she did. I don't want to be in love with you she thought to herself almost saying it in some form to Britney. She inwardly groaned as if saying fuck me. Who has this happen to them, fall in love with your best friend... her that's who.

Stop it or she will know something is wrong she thought to herself. She walked a little faster now and tried to regain her composure. She took several long deep breaths and got herself under control. Ok, I can do this she thought, I've kept this secret this long I'll continue doing it, she wouldn't risk losing Britney.

She made her final trek to the cafe, walked in to get the two of them a table. She smiled sweetly at the waitress as she led her to the table that Lisa had requested, she thanked her politely and took her seat as she didn't so. Lisa was a bit nervous she knew she was hiding her feelings well but Brit knew her better then anyone else would she eventually catch on that Lisa seemed slightly different around her, she hoped not she never wanted to make Britney uncomfortable.

You can do this you've been doing this for two years now... just keep up what your doing hold your guard pretend she means nothing more to you then your very best friends and nothing had to change, it was that simple wasn't it. Yes that simple she had to do what she had to do, cause she refused to lose Britney she loved the girl far to much for that or far to much to make thinks awkward between them, she'd just have to deal with these feelings.

She brushed strands of her out of her face as the wind started to pick up a bit. She opted to sit outside despit the rain it was Britney's favorite one of her favorite things in the whole world, and she knew it would make her smile. Lisa smiles brightly as her friend walks over part of her wanted to hug her the other part said save that for another time.

"Hey you, glad you made it before the rain." She said with a giggle but knew Britney wouldn't mind being caught in the rain. She sensed something was wrong but didn't dare question her she would tell her what was bothering her in due time. "That sounds fantastic." She said sliding a menu over to her after she got seated and situated.

She looked everywhere but at Lisa, and Lisa almost asked if she was okay. She looked at her finally, and said sure that would be fine if they ordered first. "You okay,Brit?" She finally asked, as they looked over the menu.
Britney shifted her gaze from the various activities that were happening around the cafe' to the menu that Lisa slid across the table. She really wasn't hungry, seemed to lost her appetite from all the anxiety she was experiencing over this.*

Britney closed her eyes and drug in a heavy breath, it wasn't like she was moving away, it was just a cancellation of a weekend, she attempted to smooth over her guilt, it didn't work.*

Sighing. Britney picked up the menu and forced herself to look over their selection, maybe a cappuccino would do her good, but then again disappointing Lisa was a serious offense in her book of do's and don'ts.

Britney shifted her gaze up and over the top of her menu. Her hazel orbs focused upon Lisa gorgeous face. The question lingered and bounced around her head for what seemed like an eternity. "Lisa ...." she hesitated, not being able to find the right words.*

Britney exhaled heavily. "I know we had plans for this weekend... But..." once again Britney's heart sank and she felt nauseous. She sat there with a painful face. "Lisa, I'm really having a hard time in civil ethics and judiciary law." she gave Lisa a few moments to grasp the problem before she delivered the solution. " I can write a thesis paper for extra ccredit, but its five thousand words and has to be done by Monday." she allowed Lisa the time to figure out what was the problem and why Britney was so down and out. "I'm sorry. " she managed to whisper out.
Lisa looked at her carefully something definitely was not right, she took a deep breath wondering what could be bothering her friend so much.lisa looked over the menu deciding what to get and opted on a ceaser salad, that she kept to herself until the wAitress would come. She paid close attention to Britney, she was definitely off...what could be so bad that she looked so down.

She wished she could tell her friend that everything was okay. She also wished Britney would just tell her everything that was bothering her. She looked at her and smiled sweetly as if to tell her everything would be okay, but the way Brit was acting she didn't really know if it would. Lisa showed confusion by what was going on at the table, it felt so awkward and tense, man the tension you could cut with a knife.

She looked at Britney as if willing her on. "Hmmm." Lisa said as in answer sweetly yet worried at the same time. Just relax she wanted to tell Britney but she knew that was easier said then done also. Lisa started to listen intently as she spoke to her, when she mentioned having plans but Brit threw that but in there lisa knew where this was probably going, but at the same time didn't understand why Britney seemed so stressed out to tell her.

She hated seeing Britney like this, Britney was always so self confident and self assured about everything to see her looked i.e. This was off point. Lisa felt sad that she mentioned she was struggling the last thing she wanted was her friend to struggle. She continued to listen by once cutting her friend off.

She looked up at her softly. Lisa sighed. Off corse she was upset, but she definitely wasn't mad and she definitely understood. "I understand.... I'm sad, but I definitely understand." She reached over to take brits hand in her own and smiled. " I know school comes first and I get that, why were. You so stressed to tell me, I'm upset yes but not angry at all I'd never be angry with you" All of a sudden a idea hit her.

"What about this I can help you study for yr paper, we can order pizza and when you need time alone to write it will give me time to study." She said brightly.
Britney felt as if a huge brick weight was removed from her chest. Her breathing came easier, her stomach settled a little with the knowledge that Lisa understood her reason why she had to cancel their plans this weekend. That was one thing that Britney has yet to grasp about her friend was the ability to keep calm and calculated. Most people get a little confrontational when a three week plan gets canceled at the last moment, but not Lisa she just informs that she is upset but not mad, that’s why it’s so hard to cancel things with this girl. She was just so damn cute and cuddly.

focus upon the cuddliness of Lisa came to a sharp closure when she felt the soft hand encompassing around hers. She didn’t mind the contact but it startled her none the less. There was always that hit a friend, hug a friend at moments of happiness, but this was something different, this was a moment of disappointments not a severe need for comfort in this manner and when the holding of the hand continued while Lisa spoke of her idea brought a slight hint of confusion to Britney.

“Lisa…” Britney looked down at the hand holding. She was baffled for she knew Lisa was straight and never showed any interest in girls, but yet here she was holding her hand. Maybe it’s just Lisa thought this was a severe meeting and was happy that it wasn’t and was releasing that stress. Yeah, that’s it Britney decided, and brought her gaze back up to her friends face.

“That sounds like a plan.” Britney smiled, happy that they would be spending time together even if it was doing homework. She sighed happily this time, allowing some of the pined up feelings to wither away. She lightly pulled her hand away from Lisa. “Are you sure you want to pass up on that frat party? You could find some good friends among them. Not that I want to share you with anybody, but it would help you in the future if you need help with anything and I’m not able to help you. Not that I can’t solve your problems, it’s just that I have to let you grow on your own now and then...” She gave that snotty arrogant look upon her face, but couldn’t keep it up very long before she burst out laughing.

“I’ll tell you what. We can work on this paper now at the apartment and maybe we can get to a point where we can go to the party and I can finish up the paper on Sunday.” Britney exclaimed wanting to make her friend as happy as she did for her just now. “I know you want to go and well so do I just to see you get all shit faced and everything.” Britney looked up as the waitress came to a stop at the table. “Yes, I would like a chocolate crème cappuccino and powered donut…. Hush!” Britney pointed her finger at Lisa with a smile.
It was nice to finally see Britney relax, there was nothing worse then seeing her stressed out or worried about something, Lisa remembered high school and how stressed Britney would get over some papper, or something academic, but lisa always found ways to cheer her up. She didn't want to give Britney any reason to think she was angry with her, that was actually the last thing she wanted... she needed Britney to know that she'd always be okay with her choosing school over everything else... for the simple fact she wanted Brit to know she supported her in everything that she did.

She smiled gently st her, her own conflicting feelings lingering as her thoughts took over her, for a moment. Remember you can't let her know you have any feelings for her what so ever she thought to herself, her heart started to pound against her chest ever so slightly...she had been over this same old thought process time and time again and to be quite honest she was frankly getting tired of it.

She really wasn't sure why she had grabbed Britney's hand, it was a friendly gesture however not sexually motivated at all. She just wanted Britney to know she was really okay with her having canceled on her. As quickly as she took her friends hand was as quickly that she had let her hand go, she felt a spark...and the last thing she needed with her already conflicting feelings was to feel a spark of anything.

She sensed maybe Britney was a little off put with her holding her hand but she wasn't sure why they were friends, nothing more... and there never could be anything more she reminded herself. She sighed inwardly, this was so fucking hard. Okay nothing to worry about as long as Britney never found out how she felt.

She was brought back to reality when she noticed Britney looking at her. Lisa was so happy when Britney agreed to her suggestion but she didn't want to look overtly happy either. She wanted nothing more then a quiet time with Brit, sure she had been looking forward to that frat party, but her time with Britney doing no matter what they did together was far more important to her then any stupid frat party.

Lisa smiled at her as she began to talk. "I'm positive it's just a party there will be plenty more like them..." She said laughing at Britney's comment about letting her grow, but then felt her heart tighten at the mention of not wanting to share her with anyone else, god if she only knew how much lisa wished that were true but in a whole other meaning... what were these feelings she asked herself... she didn't understand them, she had never ever been with a girl and to have feelings for a girl made no sense to her what so ever... it was so damn confusing.

Lisa looked up once again lost in her thoughts,she was so distracted but luckily Britney did not seem to notice. "That sounds like fun, you always were the smarter one." She said with a bright laugh. She smiled so brightly now happy they still got to spend there time together, even if was just to study. She bursted into laugher when Britney mentioned her getting shit faced. "I am quite a funny drunk." She said with a little giggle.

Lisa was going to say something about Britney's order but she told her to hush and lisa made a zipping motion with her lips and just laughed, she loved there easy playfulness with one another.
Britney smiled at the way Lisa was handling the situation, she felt somewhat ashamed as well for misjudging how Lisa would take it, it wasn’t like they were thirteen again and had teeny tantrums, she was a grown woman and was capable of handling a cancellation. No, it was more of a Britney’s problem of not wanting to let Lisa down for Lisa was there for her always, always supportive and yet here she is again supporting her decision to study than to party. Lisa was one of a kind and Britney knew she was damn lucky to have such a good friend.

Britney smiled when the rain finally began to fall, it was just at the right tempo for a good walk. “Well hell, it seems like we are going to get a little wet!” Britney tried to make it sound like that was the worse possible thing to happen to them. Her gaze shifted from the rain to the waitress whom lowered the cappuccino and her donut in front of her. Britney’s smile got a little bigger. “Now this is the life, I have my rain, my donut… Hush… My Cappuccino and the most important thing in my life my best friend.” Britney mused before picking up the Cappuccino and taking a sip.

Lowering the cup. “So, how are you doing with your studies? Do you feel the overwhelming sensation, this is nothing like high school.” Britney was releasing all the anxiety she could while all the feel good components were around her. “OH! I have to ask… Any hot bodies caught your eye yet?” The smile across Britney’s face was like she managed to grab a cookie from the cookie jar and didn’t get caught. “Come now tell me all!” She mused before taking another sip of her cappuccino.

Britney stared into Lisa orbs, a place she loved to go when they were on a playful but serious note. She felt secure, invulnerable from everything when she was with Lisa, staring into those gorgeous orbs. She almost cracked up laughing when she almost felt like Alice in wonderland staring into the debts of Lisa’s orbs. Lisa was one of those laid back, take it easy kind of gals, that seemed like everything she wanted she got, and far as Britney knew she does.

“Well come on no secrets between us… Tell me if some hunk has your ogling eyes.”
Lisa was grateful that Britney seemed more at ease now, she has seemed so worried before and that was the last thing she wanted she would do anything to ease her friends mind. She smiled brightly and sweetly at her friend she loved her far more then Britney would ever know, and more then Britney needed to know or could know rather. Nope never could she know her true feelings ever.....

That smile on Britney's face melted Lisa's heart, melted Lisa's everything, she had to refocus. Lisa giggled if Britney only knew how many ways Britney made her wet, then shook those thoughts away what the fuck was she thinking. She looked at her and smiled brightly...she knew Brit was being sarcastic. She watched Britney's face then the waitress bringing herself back to reality once more. "Your smile I swear." Was all lisa could say. Lisa found herself blushing at her friends words... well and her own really. She watched wistfully as Brit took a sip of her drink.

She was so damn sexy, she was quickly taken away from her thoughts, when Britney spoke up. She thought about her studies, they were fine it was her feelings for you that were a problem she thought. "At times yes, but I'm dealing I have you.. and studying always works." She said smiling. Lisa was trying not to show her own anxiety over the feelings she had to hide for her friend. One hot body has yours, but she couldn't say that and she hated to lie. Lisa took a long deep breath. "Nothing to tell really." She said thoughtfully.

She was looking at her in that was when she was trying to get a secret out of her. Lisa bit her lip shyly fuck it I have to make up something or she will know. She sighed god she hated this. Lisa smiled looking into her warm eyes.

Okay partly lie she thought. "Well someone has, there very sweet adorable kind and funny but they don't know and I plan on keeping it that way for a while no time right now with the studies." She stated matter of factly.
Britney knew something was up with her BF when that giggle rolled over the woman’s lips. It was the stress release thing Lisa always did when something was an issue and Britney was trying to get it out of her. ‘So she has put a bullseye on some hunk’ she thought to herself, but that nervous giggle of hers meant it was either a one-sided feeling for now, or something worse. Lisa had that knack to get herself into trouble by taking men that were already spoken for. Her answer to why she does it would always be they weren’t happy for if they were, they wouldn’t have came so easily to me.

Britney popped back into real time when Britney tossed in the added words about Britney’s smile, that was the messing piece of the puzzle, Britney knew something was afoul and it was time to start digging deeper. She wasn’t afraid to dig deeper, the relationship between them was like steel and could handle Britney’s meddling into her affairs, besides they always mettle into each others business, that’s what makes them besties.

Britney’s eyes narrowed as she studied her friend closer, the deep breath was a stalling factor as she wrestled with something to say, trying to push off that everything is going okay. She wanted to ask if there was a study that she was having difficulty with and was too ashamed to tell Britney. Britney knew some of the studies that Lisa struggled with in high school, but this was college and it was a completely different level of play here.

Britney’ s brow arched up, her gaze sharpened when Lisa told her there was nothing to tell. ‘Lisa, Lisa, Lisa’ Britney whispered to herself. Lisa knew better than to try and con a con. It just wasn’t feasible for Britney knew Lisa way to well to believe that there wasn’t really anything to tell. She could see the playful cover up that she was playing to try and hide the anxiety.

Britney’s face lit up when Lisa finally gave in and told her the situation. She almost giggled from the playful power she had over Lisa. “Your so sexy when you finally give in!” Britney lightly tossed across the table at her friend. Britney watched that warm look in Lisa’s eyes. “Hmmm, He must be something special to bring that warmth look in your eyes.” Britney added. “So when do I get to see him from a distance?” Britney lightly pushing her friend in hopes to get more information.

“I’ll tell you what. I will show you the girl whom I’ve been eyeballing if you show me yours.” Britney openly tossed the dare across the table, hoping to bait Lisa in showing her the heart throb she has encountered here at college.
Lying definitely was not one of Lisa's strongest suits, but yet here she was and she was doing it oh so well. She hated that Britney was pushing this, she wished her friend would just let the whole thing go but that was not Britney's nature after all. Her nervous giggle had nothing to do with the past occurrences but if that's what Britney thought it was for the better, and hell lisa would even let her believe it. Better her believe that than the truth after all.

Lisa's trying to change the subject didn't seem to work when she mentioned Britney's smile, but she really meant her words, she really did love brits smile and she would die to see it on her face all the time especially if she were the one to always put it there. She took a deep breath okay enough of those kind of thoughts at least why she was out and about with Britney.

She chewed on her lip as Britney eyeballed her making her feel small and exposed man she loved and hated when her best friend did that to her, only she was the one that was able to get that close to her to be able to do that to her... to expose her like that. She just smiled warmly over at her letting her k ow that everything was going okay, and meaning at least that part. School was fine, she had a excellent study group, and tutors were available at every turn if she needed one.

Oh how she wished her friend would stop looking at her like that. She shook her head stop prying I can't tell you the truth, and I don't want to lie she inwardly told her friend. Lisa sighed to herself but only she could tell thank goodness. Fuck me lisa thought again. She hated being a liar and this was a big lie... she was telling.

Finally she gave in and told the damn lie. Damn woman... she thought. Lisa blushed when Britney mentioned that she was sexy, oh how she longed to really hear those words from Britney, if only Britney knew she was the one lisa had her eyes on. "He's something." She admitted though her he was a she and she was sitting right across from her and could never ever know. Lisa bit her lip now she had to make up a guy on the fly also great just flipping great she thought.

Her heart sunk when Britney mentioned she was eyeballing a girl then she decided she had no right to feel that way at all and got over it as fast as it had started. "Accepted. But you have to promise not to say anything to him... or I'll never forgive you, I'm not really ready for him to know yet." Lisa said which was true considering there was no guy she was interested in.

This was going to be so damn hard.
Brit leaned up in her seat when Lisa began with the words … He’s something… but then stopped. Britney eyed her friend once more, a smile formed over her face, but the expression was saying… Yeah! Don’t leave me in suspense! Britney’s mouth slight hung open as she gawked at her friend. “I can’t believe your dangling this subject in front of me like you would tease a cat with a ball of yarn!” Britney voiced outward to her friend.

“Yes, Yes I won’t tell him.” She fired out quickly, excited to know that Lisa has a heartthrob and was so happy for her. She knew once Lisa found a man things would get much easier than what they are now. Yeah, Lisa and her made each other happy, but it’s that person that makes your heart flutter that brings the best times to you and Lisa has one. “Well, come on what does he look like? Let me guess he is a Jock on the football team!” Britney’s eyes gleamed with happiness for her friend.

Britney licked over her lips, the anticipation was killing her she wanted to know everything about this stud-muffin that has captured Lisa’s heart. She almost wanted to burst out a question if she could take her and meet the man, but that would definitely give the man a sign, one that Lisa made her promise not to do. That fact sorta damped the fun, for she wanted them to get married ten minutes ago. Britney just wanted the best life for her friend and if there was anything that Brit could do to make that happen she wouldn’t hesitate to make it happen.

“Are you going to tell me or do I have to keep guessing here! Your enjoying dangling that ball of yarn in front me aren’t you!” Brit began to act like she was getting flustered but knew Lisa would see right through that ruse. “I tell you what if you don’t tell me when it’s my turn to tell you about my eyecandy I will not tell you for days.. How do you like that!” Brit giving her the playful evil eye!
Lisa was leaving it at that, it was bad enough that she had to lie to her friend about some made up guy in the first place. She knew Britney wanted to tell her more, but in all reality there really wasn’t anything else for her to tell her, she sighed she hated this feeling, she hated living these lies but what other choices did she have. Sorry was the look on Lisa’s face as if to say there is really nothing more to know Britney was so cute pouting but she didn’t want her friend thinking there was anything more to this because there wasn’t. She shook her head but couldn’t help but smile at her. “I’m not trying to there’s really not much to tell at the moment.” She said honestly.

She sighed a sigh of relief when she said she wouldn’t tell him. “Thank you.” She said sweetly and blew a kiss at her friend. She took a deep breath and relaxed some knowing Brit would never break a promise to her. If you only knew the truth Britney, lisa thought to herself and looked away for a moment unable to meet her gaze. “Actually he’s not a jock, he’s more the studious type, beautiful eyes, kind smile, he’s so smart and sweet and funny... but we’ve only talked a few times.” She replied gently... she was describing her best friend she realized.

As Britney licked her lips, Lisa’s breath caught in her throat and she had to gain her composure once more. She gave her a look as if to say you will know all in due time, in due time. She wished in a sense that Britney would catch on to her feelings then she wouldn’t have to lie like this. She wished that’s really all she could do was wish..

It was cute she was prying but it was so hard for Lisa to have to make things up on the fly. “Really nothing to tell yet.” She replied but obviously Britney didn’t believe her. Actually she wasn’t enjoying this at all she thought to herself. She had to think up something else but what... she thought hard. She couldn’t help but laugh at Britney... that was a good thing for Lisa she didn’t want to know... she was already insanely jealous over it. Lisa had to play along or she’d be figured out.
Britney smiled, playfully sighed and leaned back in her chair. Her once hot cappuccino now cooled to her liking took a deep sip while staring at her friend over the rim. She loved Lisa as close friends do, but there were times she wanted to bitch slap her, for she was too subtle to reach out and just take what she wants in life. She changes the perimeter of the situation to meet everyone’s wants instead of her wants or even needs. For instance if this party was her idea and Lisa was asking to cancel it, Britney would have played the damn guilt card, make Lisa feel guilty for backing out of this party especially if it was just for credit she really didn’t have to have, and then there is this hunk she is interested in, she will babble around and put off till he fades off or finds someone else. Britney took in a deep breath and swallowed that wanting feeling to bitch slap her. “Fine there is nothing to talk about.” Britney finally let the issue drop.

“So, What’s on your list to do tonight?” Britney asked back to her quizzical self, She smiled and was about to hit upon the HUNK Issue again, but refrained. “I have an idea! Why don’t you ask ….” She rolled her eyes, took a deep breath, she just couldn’t help herself… “Ask Mr Hunk to the party!” Britney’s eyes sparkled with happiness for her friend, by god if she isn’t going to take the bull by the horn at least I will keep pushing her till she does! Britney retook her stand in making Lisa happy. “And don’t say your not ready for him to know, just send him an anonymous invitation and stalk him at the party until you get enough nerve to press forward.” Britney now trying to use the insult method to make Lisa take the bull by the horn.

Lisa’s attention slowly diverted from Lisa as a few girls walked by, her attention focusing upon the tall red head. “Damn!” Britney lowly muttered as she watched the red with interest in her eyes. “Now, if I had something like that near me I would send her an invitation to the party.” Britney spoke up, shifted her gaze back to Lisa with a sinister smile on her face. “Damn Lisa, for once go after what you want in life.. Please! Sometimes I hate how you change the situation to please others! I want you to be happy with the things you want!” Britney couldn’t take it anymore, she loved Lisa so much it was killing her not seeing the girl get what she deserves.

“I’m sorry love! I just cant stand it anymore. You need to be a little more aggressive and take the things you want in life, it’s not like your a greedy person, your the most adorable being on this planet and you deserve so much more than what your settling for!” Britney had to get it out of her system…
She hated that she had to keep secrets from Britney, but she hated that Britney was prying for more, when there truly wasn’t more to tell. She watched carefully as Britney eyeballed her over the rim of her please tell me more. She took a deep breath, god I love her but god she’s a big pain in my ass. Couldn’t she just for once let this drop. She took a long deep breath and looked over at Britney with a soft begging smile as if saying please please let this drop. She bit her lip and then looked away. She was grateful that Britney finally decided to let it drop, because fuck she was starting to get tired of lying.

She looked up when Britney asked her what was on her to do list and in her perverted mind she almost said you, but bit her tongue. Here we go again Lisa thought with a eye roll in her mind, no this wasn’t what she wanted at all she thought the issue had been laid to rest. Oh no here comes another lie lisa thought to herself, even if that was the last thing she wanted to do, was lie to her best friend... damn she was getting a awful headache now. She sighed. Finally here came the lie she had to tell. “I can’t do it, I have to tell you the truth... the truth is he has a girlfriend.” She knew how Britney felt about her falling for taken guys.

She couldn’t help but laugh at Lisa yet feel a twinge if jealousy at the same time as she watched Britney admire a nice long legged woman. She shook her head at the slight dig at her. “I can’t break a couple up.” She said exasperated. She sighed and took a long deep breath and smiled softly st her friend once more, “please understand.” She said softly.

“I appreciate the love and the fact you want what’s best for me, but right now all I need is you and my schooling.” She said softly.