To Boldly Go (OOC)

Should I reply or does somebody else want to step in and allow the Lieutenant to conitinue?
Should I reply or does somebody else want to step in and allow the Lieutenant to conitinue?

You've made your position clear. Wait for an OOC from the Captain here, make your mind up what to do IC, or you could ask the captain IC what he wants to do.
Why does everyone role play in the third person? Shouldn't IC be 1st person?

Except for a case like with Wyldfire playing an NPC (Martin) of course.

Just asking. :confused: Happy to switch if that's what everyone is comfortable with.
Why does everyone role play in the third person? Shouldn't IC be 1st person?

Except for a case like with Wyldfire playing an NPC (Martin) of course.

Just asking. :confused: Happy to switch if that's what everyone is comfortable with.

Interesting question...

I've always thought of the IC as telling a story, hence my use of third-person narrative.

However, should the consensus agree, I will switch to first-person.
I'm with AmenRa on this one - whether I'm roleplaying or writing fiction, I treat it as a narrative. I'm capable and willing to write in the first person if it is the want of the group but I believe it best to allow individuals to write in whatever form they are most comfortable.

DeathsKnight, I solved nothing with my post. Sorry :(
When I came here Cosmic Knight taught me to RP in third person and in past tense as it is a sstory telling. When I started out I wrote in First person present, so like the others said, have no problem with writing in first person.

Not to worry Lady, I just go with the flow
When I started I saw most people use third so that's what I used. You are free to use first if that's what you like.

And my next post will take care of things Deathsknight