G-Spot Orgasm Therapy?


Literotica Guru
Sep 21, 2008
Just over eight minutes after getting onto the table, Becky is crying.
“Let your goddess out,” says Ben Rode, the 29-year-old man rubbing down her naked body with oil. “This is your goddess ceremony.”


I had written a couple of scenes (SS #23-24) using this as a device, never thought it could be really used. :D:D:D

:eek: However,it appears that sexologist are combining positive reinforcement with visualizations.
LOL I read that article on Salon. I figured it was almost too tame compared to what some people have written here.
It is interesting that these concepts are just now being accepted by the no-Loony fringe. It really is a expansion of what Skinneren Behaviorism.

Positive reinforcement instead of negative works so much better.
Anyone asks me questions about my past life as a queen, I start crying, too.

"Nobody bows to me anymore!" :(
I'm all for it

Even Dr. Oz admits it exists now. Just last night I saw him point it out an a drawing of the female parts.
That should legitimize it more!

Ladies, keep looking for it. I believe it will help people.
The times I've seen it, and felt it, it certainly was a rightious experence.
I wonder if one can get the same experience without the past-life-goddess affirmations and $475 price tag... :confused:

Hey, I don't need anything that esoteric :devil: