Story Pending

If you've had no reply at all, try resubmitting with a note attached. Usually it doesn't take more than 3-4 days.
Did you confirm after previewing it?

Have you tried tinkering with it after submission? (that puts it in the back of the line?)
Edits are processed whenever Laurel has time. If there are a lot of new submissions, an unusually large amount of audio submissions, contests, etc., then edits can take a while to go through. So far, you're not outside the current, normal range. A few more days, and you may want to start worrying.

Just in case you aren't aware, once the edit has been processed, and vanishes from your "pending" folder, it typically takes between 24 and 48 hours for the changes to actually appear on the public side of the site. Your changes have been made in the database as soon as the edit is processed, but the cache of the site will persist for a little while afterwards.

Not everything may change at the same time, either. Page 1 may change, and page 2 may show the old version for a while. Once the process starts, all the changes should appear on the public side not long after, though.