That One Special Night (open)


Oct 22, 2012
That One Special Night (Closed for PrincessAmelia)

Amy Stamford was just like every other nineteen year old girl. Daring, bold, and a little cocky from time to time. She was fully developed, enough so that she could pass to be a twenty-something year old just by body alone. Though, that was not her goal.

She was scheduled to work tonight, another high class waitressing job that would pay remarkably well. Perhaps then she'd be able to afford a new party dress for other special occasions. Just the thought of it made her want to work that much harder so she put on her uniform, a crisp white shirt, blonde hair tied back neatly and her black skirt with stockings underneath just to give it that rounded edge, that 'extra' piece of texture.

"All set for tonight's events, Amy?" Her boss, another lady quite a bit older than she was, was standing directly in front of her, helping her straighten the stupid black tie she also had to wear on these more special jobs. "All set, Danica." Amy smiled sweetly up at her, she didn't know what it was, but there was something that always made her smile when in the company of her boss.

A mere thirty minutes passed by before the party really got started. There had been a speech from the male host, with a gorgeous woman strapped to his arm; his wife no doubt. She was stunning, a real natural beauty if Amy ever did see one. It caused her to gawp in her direction, stunned into silence and the feeling of not being able to move from her spot but as the woman's gaze turned towards Amy, her jaw dropped. Wow.

Now Amy had never been attracted to other females before, but this woman, did something to her and she would just have to find out why.

(Closed for PrincessAmelia)
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Name: Cornelia Stevens
Age: 25
Description: brunette curly hair, blue eyes, tanned, 5 foot 6, size 8, 30 C and cute ass

Cornelia had taken ages getting ready for the party she stood by her husbands side. Their marriage wasn't a real one she was just a trophy wife and he just gave her the life she wanted. She looked over at the waitress. She smiled at her as she played with her the waitress was pretty and she was actually really attracted to the girl she did like girls.

She decided to go outside she was in

She walked to a bench in the garden to sit down she was so bored with her life she wanted some excitement but she didn't think she would get it. She had her glass of wine in her hand. She sipped on her glass of wine and tossed her long hair back.
Amy hadn't taken her eyes off of the woman dressed in white, as she held onto the silver serving tray whilst many of the guests took their drinks from it. She hadn't given any of the other guests the time of day, much more concerned over where this woman was headed. There were two drinks left upon the tray, so with that in mind, Amy headed over to the double doors and headed outside into the large garden. She couldn't see where the woman had disappeared off to but as she walked around a subtle corner, there she was sat upon the bench.

It was incredibly unprofessional of her, but Amy would perhaps make it more professional by offering the woman another drink. "Hi, would you like another drink Miss...?" She stood beside the bench, looking down at the beautiful woman.
"Well hello there yes please what's your name sit with me." She smiled at him. She stroked her side she fluttered her long eyelashes at him. She crossed her legs. She tossed her hair back as she stuck her chest out. She wasn't flirting a little with her. She enjoyed a good flirt. She ran her fingers through her hair and she smiled at her. "I'm Cornelia by the way."
She hadn't expected to be invited to sit with the host's wife like this, but she wasn't going to refuse either. She lowered herself down onto the bench, just inches away from Cornelia. "I'm Amy, it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled back at her and sat the tray down onto the grassy ground beneath their feet.

"You're the host's wife?" She wanted to be sure, in case she might offend her in the future by saying something inappropriate, hell, she might not have even been his wife. "It's a - uh - nice night tonight. Are you enjoying yourself?" She looked at her, trying to get a read on what she may have been thinking. Amy wanted to know more about her, but her flirting technique was something to be desired.
"Well your very pretty Amy so its nice to meet you." She smiled at him as she stroked her side. "Yeah that's right I'm the hosts wife but to be honest were not a very happy married couple we live together but we have separate lives."

She didn't know why she was telling her this but she wanted this waitress for some reason. She saw something in her that she wanted from a lover she needed a lover to make her life happy but what if this girl wasn't into that sort of thing. "No I'm not really enjoying it I'd rather go to a bar. I know I shouldn't ask you this but do you want to go to a bar with me get away from here I will make sure you still get paid though."