In the Doghouse


a lecherous old bastard
Mar 8, 2009
[OOC: This thread is closed for EklectikChik and myself]

Lungs bursting. Paws hurting.

"He just went down between one-fifty-seven and one-fifty-nine."

Fur scrapped on fence. Ears flat on head. Tail flat behind. Running feet. Three of them. Jumped fallen bike. Splashed through large puddle.

Pfffft. Whistle. Thud!

He ran harder. Black soil hurts his paws more as he ran faster to get away form them.

"Fuck, that thing's got to be a fucking wolf!"

"Too big for a wolf, got to be a cross though. Which makes him dangerous."

"Shut up, you two. It's a fucking mutt. Just tranq it and get it back to the shelter."

He vanished under some stairs, panting loudly, coiled and ready to run again. Too many two legs around but much more food where two legs were. Didn't think two legs would hunt him. Had to stay quiet. Stay hidden. Make run back to forest where safe.

One of the animal control officers slowed and came around the corner where he saw the stray disappear. He had a healthy amount of respect for the large canine. If it chose to, it could do some serious damage to him, but it decided to run rather than fight. He looked around, not seeing anywhere that the dog could have gotten to.

He saw the stairs, including the gap that the dog could have fitted through. He squatted down, peering into the darkness from the distance, trying to see if the dog was indeed under there. He caught a slight hint of movement, and brought the dart rifle up.

Coiled muscles released. He leapted through the hole, straight for the two leg. Pffft. Whistle. Thwack! Yelp! He knock the two leg over, running along the grass as fast as he could. His legs went rubbery. His vision blurred. He swerved as he ran, colliding with a bin, sending rubbish flying.

"Over here. I hit him, but he's not going down."

He fell to the ground, pulling the dart free. He scrambled to his feet, running off in a different direction, side on to the two legs. Another raised his rifle. Pffft. Whistle. Thwack. He slowed, looking at three massive blobs that were merging into one as his legs finally gave up holding him upright. He fell to the ground, his tongue lolling out his mouth, tasting black soil before he remembered nothing more.


"He doesn't look that much like a wolf, does he?"

He sprang up from the soft place he slept on, shaking his head violently, splaying his legs to support himself. His nose was assaulted by horrid smells of ammonia, white rock, gray thread walls, two legs and lots of scared dogs.

He stared at the two legs that stood on the other side of the gray thread wall. They were not like those that hunted him.

"No, but there is wolf in there somewhere not too far back in his bloodlines. But he's big all right. Got no idea what's in the mix, but he's a passive one. The fells who brought him in said he turned tail whenever he could rather than put up a fight. Of course, we'll temper check him to make sure he can be adopted out, but he's looking like a good candidate."

He watched them wander off, talking about other dogs that needed to be checked, some that were to be put down. Their voices were drowned out by the cries of the other dogs in the compound. Unlike himself, the other pens had multiple dogs, though they were smaller than he was. He checked out his pen, finding water and something that passed for food. He ate, drank and went back to sleep.


He had passed his temper check check well. He knew what they were looking for quickly enough, and he behaved in the way that would allow him to be adopted. He had been put into a different pen, which had many different looking two legs come by looking at him and the other dogs.

"I see that they haven't been desexed yet?"

"No, our surgery was damaged by a fire a week ago, and we can't do those procedures here. So, we have an arrangement with the local vets. You hand them the certificate we give you with the adoption, they will do the procedure and we'll cover the cost."

The ruff of his fur went up along with his ears when he heard that. No one was going to do that to him. Not if he had any say. Still, all he could do was wait, and hope someone would adopt him. Then, he would make his escape.
Sarah grinned in amusement as her six year old niece pressed her button nose to the glass window of the local animal shelter. Kittens were on display and her big blue eyes were wide with delight. The fuzzy little fur balls pawed at the glass and meowed softly, making her niece giggle. “You don't think Mommy will be mad if I bring one home?”

Sarah ruffled the child's curly head of hair, which ironically was much like her own. A honey blond with wild ringlets that tended to be a royal pain. While Lucy wore hers carefree, Sarah had been wearing hers back for years now...tying it up in as many different ways as she could think of to try and tame it. “'s your birthday, so anything goes, right? Besides, it was my idea, so if she gets mad, she can take it out on me.”

Lucy peered up at her favorite aunt and grinned, her front teeth missing, which she was completely proud of. “So, are we going for a kitten...or a puppy?”

Taking her smaller hand, Sarah led the way inside, where they were greeted by a friendly and rather portly middle aged man. Lucy announced that it was her birthday today and she was six! The man chuckled and Sarah smiled as she looked around. “Well then!” The man exclaimed, “I think you deserve the royal tour and have you pick of the place, right?”

Lucy clapped with delight, but her sparkling eyes still glanced over at Sarah for the okay. Sarah nodded, pressing her hands into the back pockets of her jean shorts. “Sounds like a good idea.”

Abandoning the kittens in the window, Lucy bounced between the man who called himself Earl and Sarah who trailed behind. Her nose itched, twitched as they entered the back of the animal shelter. It smelled of heavy duty cleaners, bleach and likes of, but there was no masking the underlying scent of urine and feces. Her heart sank a little as the dogs began to bark, frantic for attention, almost begging to be rescued for the place.

Swallowing, she tired to focus on Lucy as she ooohed and aaahed over the many different breeds...mutts and pure breeds alike. Small and big, hyper and not so hyper. In the end, it seemed as though the kittens were still holding her attention. “Might be for the least all you have to really worry about is a littler box to change out.” Sarah said, turning full circled to head back to the front only to have her gaze fall onto one of the largest dogs she'd seen in the place. She paused, strangely drawn to the cage and moved to it. “Well hey big fella.” She murmured softly, slowly sinking down onto her haunches. He was big, with thick dark hair and dark eyes that captivated her. “Aren't you a handsome boy and so quiet...”

From behind her Earl coughed. “I'm not sure he would be such a good choice for the young lady. He's new here...took almost three times the amount of tranks to bring him down. He still hasn't been fixed yet.”

This actually made her smile. “A fighter huh? You don't look like a bad guy.” She pushed her fingers through the wire cage, trying to coax him closer and Earl shifted nervously.

“I..I'm not sure that's wise...”

She watched the big animal tilt his head to the side and then slowly move forward, sniffing the her fingers and then gently pressing his head against her palm and the wire cage that separated them and Sarah's heart was lost. “I'll take him, Earl. And Lucy wants a I guess we both get a present today, huh?”

Lucy was over joyed, bouncing and chattering as she followed the now reluctant Earl to the front so they could start up some paperwork.
Many two legs stopped and looked, commenting on his size. None showed any more interest after that. He thought it strange. Size was good. He could be alpha of any pack. Strong, cunning, loyal. Two legs didn't know what to look for in a dog.

He stopped paying attention to the two legs that walked by. He caught the scent of one that cut through the smells of the place. His nose twitched, drawing in more of the scent. Two leg? Female two leg. He sat up, about to look about for the source of the scent when she squatted before him outside the gray thread wall.

“Well hey big fella. Aren't you a handsome boy and so quiet...”

“I'm not sure he would be such a good choice for the young lady. He's new here...took almost three times the amount of tranks to bring him down. He still hasn't been fixed yet.”

He ignored the other two leg that he'd seen many times. The one near the gray thread wall, she was more important to him than any other two leg. He just needed to think of why.

She showed her teeth, but her face was not angry. Her scent suggested pleasure, playfulness.

“A fighter huh? You don't look like a bad guy.”

He almost snorted a laugh. He was a fighter, and could be a very bad guy if he chose to be. He was smarter than many thought him to be. He fought when he knew that a fight would gain him more than any other course of action.

To his surprise, she pushed her fingers through the wall. No two leg ever did that before. It was not a fighting move, it was a move to make contact. Two legs used hands when touching dogs, rather than the noses like proper.

“I..I'm not sure that's wise...”

The two leg was interested in him like no other two leg had been, and she had a scent different to any other. The scent called to him. He could not understand the call, but he 'heard' it clearly. He stood up, padding over cautiously, watching her eyes for the first sign of a change in action. He lowered his nose to her fingers, the scent was powerful, clear and untainted. He would go with her if she adopted him. He had to know why she was different, before he returned to his range. He tried to rub his jaw on her hand, but the gray threads stopped him.

“I'll take him, Earl. And Lucy wants a I guess we both get a present today, huh?”

He sat near the spot where he sniffed her fingers, watching her walk away. He was going to be free of the bad place. He sat there, and waited for what would happen next.

He was not pleased to find himself wearing the collar about his neck. He hated the feel of it and what it meant. It was not what he was, and worse was the thing that went from the collar to the hand of the two leg that took him from the cage. He glared at the two leg, smelling the fear washing off the two leg as he took him to the female that he would leave with. He behaved carefully, not wanting to give the two legs any reason to keep him from her.

He reached a place where he scented her, another female two leg and a cat, along with weaker scents of other two legs. He sat indignantly while the two legs did what they did to get him away from there. The smaller two leg was looking at the cat, making sounds to it while it was in a small place like he had been in.

"Thank you very much, I hope you have no troubles with you new dog." Jane said to Sarah as she handed over the receipts and other paperwork for the two newly adopted animals.

"Here he is." The man holding the lead said, eagerly hand it over to Sarah and backing off as the dog have him a baleful look before falling into step beside his 'owner'.
Sarah stood next to her small economic car and looked over at Lucy and their two new buds. "Hmmm...this is going to be a tight squeeze girly. I think you may need to sit in the back with your kitty and let this big dude sit in the front."

Lucy didn't seem to care. She giggled and practically bounced on the spot and like most children. With her kitten held snugly against her body, she let her aunt pull the seat forward, giving her access to the back seat. Sarah then stepped back, pushing the seat back down and patting it.

"Come you go. We have to drop off Lucy first and then we'll go home." She wasn't sure why she was telling the dog this, but it seemed natural to talk to him. He seemed to hesitate for only a moment, but he soon hoped, awkwardly maneuvering his body until he was sitting on the seat with his head poking out the open window.

Sarah grinned. "Good boy." She murmured and gently ruffled his head before jogging around to the other side and sliding in. "Lets see how badly your mama is going to chew me up." She teased her niece and started the car.

She made a mental note to bathe the dog as soon as possible. He smelled of kennel...that bleachy, pee like odor that made her nose twitch. A trip to the pet store wouldn't hurt either for food and a new more necessities.
Two legs had the strangest things. The female stood beside something small that smelled strange. She looked at the other little two leg with a slight look of confusion.

"Hmmm...this is going to be a tight squeeze girly. I think you may need to sit in the back with your kitty and let this big dude sit in the front."

He simply sat and watched. He canted his head as the larger female moved things about within the small thing, then the little female and the cat climbed in, and the larger female moved everything inside back to the way it was. She then patted it, looking back at him. He knew that patting something was the way the two legs tried to tell him they wanted him to go there.

"Come you go. We have to drop off Lucy first and then we'll go home."

He waited for as long as his dignity would permit, then jumped up onto the seat. He liked how she spoke to him. He wondered if she knew he understood her words, and that he could follow them without all the silly actions that went along with them. Few two legs would, and if they did, they would be very scared.

The space was cramped, and he got his tail out of the way when she closed the open place behind him in time. He shifted around until he found he could put his head out the small place they were all inside of. He looked around warily, wondering what this thing did for them. It was on the black soil that filled the range of the two legs.

"Good boy."

Her hand ruffled his fur on his head and neck. He wasn't sure about that. It seemed like a move meant to soothe him. Her voice seemed calm, even happy. Pleased. He watched her move quickly to the other side, getting in sitting beside him.

"Lets see how badly your mama is going to chew me up."

He was confused by that, but that was forgotten when the thing they were in made a noise and started to growl. He was startled and tried to pull his head in while trying to jump out at the same time. When the thing moved, he stayed still, with his snout, and half his head out the window. The feel of the air moving through his fur, however, was fantastic. He stuck his head out fully, enjoying the feel of the air as if he was running. He settled himself down, and enjoyed the ride. He looked about, seeing what the two leg range really looked like as they went through it. There were many other moving things going over the black soil, all different shapes and sizes.

He lost himself in the feelings of the air, the scents of the new range and soon, found the moving thing coming to a stop. He turned his head, trying to figure out what had happened. He pulled his head back in, scrunching up and looking at the female who 'adopted' him with a clearly questioning look on his face.
Sarah was mildly amused by her new dogs reaction the car and then grinned as she watched him enjoy the moving car – the air through his thick hair. It was becoming obvious that the poor guy had been on his own for some time and wasn't used modern immensities. It didn't take very long before they reached her sister's place and the big guy gave her a confused look. For a moment, Sarah paused, taken by it. In that moment, he looked distinctly human and highly intelligent. She then shook her head at her own silliness. “I'll be right back. I have to drop little Lucy here and then we'll go home.”

Turning about she shoved the door open and moved the seat for Lucy and her new found best friend. The little girl bounded up the stairs to the large home, calling for her mother. Sarah followed behind, taking the steps two by two until she was greeted by her sister. She was hugging Lucy, talking sweetly, but casting Sarah death glares which made her giggle.

“I'm sorry, but she really wanted the kitten. I could trade you if you'd like...” She motioned to the car, where her own 'pet' sat quietly.

Carol gasped and straightened, “Jesus, Sarah. That thing is huge! Is it a wolf?”

Sarah shoved her hands into her pockets and shook her head, ringlets popping out of her braid in disarray and curling around her neck and gently about her face. “Nah...just a big ol'mutt. He's shoo sweetheart should come visit in a week or so when he's settled in. He needs a good bath and I'm guessing so does that kitten.” Pulling out her wallet, she began to pull out a twenty. “Here, take this for some supplies...I know you weren't expecting it. If it doesn't work out, I'll take the little critter.”

Carol shook her head and smiled despite the fact that she had one more animal to tend to. “I just hope it doesn't eat any of the other critters. The hamster, the turtle, the fish, the BIRDS. Birds, Sarah.”

Sarah laughed. “Sorry hun. Now I gotta get him home and cleaned up. You guys have fun. Happy Birthday Lucy!” She hollered into the house. Lucy screamed a thank you back and Sarah grinned and then gently patted her sister's growing belly. “I hope the next little one is as fun as she is.”

“Oh I'm sure he or she will the question is when are YOU going to start popping a few out?!”

“As independent as I am sweet sister, I think I need a man to help me in that department.” Sarah teased and descended the stairs, laughing. “Lets hope Prince Charming is around the corner, but don't hold your breath!”

With a wave she was back in the car. “I promised to go home first, but we should probably get you some dog shampoo and something to eat, a bowel...and we need to figure out a name...I can't keep calling you dog. Hmmmm...”

Pursing her lips in though, she pulled out of Carol's place, turning towards the nearest department store for some essentials.
The female two leg shook her head for some reason before facing him.

“I'll be right back. I have to drop little Lucy here and then we'll go home.”

He watched on as where the larger two leg had sat was moved, and the little one and the cat got out, and everything was moved back to the way it was. The two legs had clever ways of doing things, but he still could not reason why having them in the first place. The he looked at the two legs. Another was at the opening to the den, and he saw they must have been from the same litter. The female from the den looked like the mother of the little two leg, and looked like she was with cub.

The litter sisters talked, the adopter pointed back at him, and the den mother was surprised. He took some pride in the reaction. They talked more, then as they parted, the adopter patted the belly where the cubs were growing, while still talking as she walked away.

She got back into the car, giving him a quick look.

“I promised to go home first, but we should probably get you some dog shampoo and something to eat, a bowel...and we need to figure out a name...I can't keep calling you dog. Hmmmm...”

He had a name, though he could not tell her what it was, mainly because she wouldn't understand him. Not that it would matter, he would be gone before too long and whatever she decided to call him wouldn't bother him.

He didn't care where they were going, as long as he could feel the wind on his fur again. As soon as the moving thing growled again, he shoved his head out the window as soon as it was opened for him, ready to enjoy it once more.

This time, it was not enjoyed for long, as they arrived somewhere truly strange. Many different moving things all sat still, waiting in long lines. This time, he learned his lesson and kept his head out the window, stubbornly refusing to pull it in. No amount of coaxing, tugging nor attempted choking and decapitation attempts got him moving. He knew she wouldn't hurt him, so he waited out her bluffs.
Sarah a little surprised by her new pets sudden stubborn streak. He clearly didn't want to budge from his spot at the window and go inside. She didn't want to upset him either though, so after a few threats that bore no real truth to them, she finally soothed a hand down the big dog's spine and then scratched the back of his ears. " a stubborn brute." She muttered, but was clearly not all that upset. "I'll lock the car and you can guard it...because God knows someone wants this economical beauty."

With a snort, she left the car, locking it as promised, but making sure he had enough air. She then rushed into the market, not wanting to leave him alone in her car for too long. Inside the supermarket, Sarah found the pet isle without any distractions, buying a big bag of kibble, shampoo, bowls, a new collar and leash, just in case and a few toys. She wasn't sure what he'd enjoy...had never owned a dog in all her years, but she figured it couldn't be that difficult.

Paying for her purchases, she rushed back out, smiling broadly and feeling accomplished. He still had his head out the window when she returned and studied her as she moved towards the car. "Got you some goodies...even if you are stubborn. I figure I'll let you slide this time...since you barely know me and all." She laughed at herself and popped the trunk to her car, unloading her purchases before returning to the drivers seat.

"OK...home sweet home."

Back on the road, she happily hummed along to the radio, belting out a couple of lines here and there until finally they pulled into her drive way. Home...her pride and joy. It wasn't a big place, but the feel of it had instantly warmed her heart. The yard was lush with flowers, trees and an assortment of bushes. She enjoyed gardening and had always wanted a sort of 'secret garden' and while her garden was anything but secret, she had filled her yard with all sorts greens and colored flowers that compliment the stone cottage. It was as pretty as a postcard...with a curving little walk way.

"We're home..." She smiled, exiting the car and walking around to open his door. Loosely she took the leash that had been given to her at the shelter and gave his collar a gentle tug. "Come on...lets get you inside and comfortable, okay?"
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He felt good staking his claim to stay in the moving thing. He didn't like the feel of the place the female two leg was planning on going into. If he didn't stay, he would have to go with her and he didn't want that. He flinched when he felt her hand touch his back, then relaxed at the feel of it running down his spine. Even the scratching behind his ears was nice.

" a stubborn brute. I'll lock the car and you can guard it...because God knows someone wants this economical beauty."

He ignored her words, because they had little meaning to him. But he watched other two legs as they passed. They seemed different to those at the place where he was kept before. The two legs here were friendlier. Many stopped and approached to touch him gently, speaking nice words. He got more scratches behind his ears which he was finding more likeable each time. He was genuinely enjoying himself when she returned with her arms full of things.

He watched her as she got closer, trying to figure out what she had in her arms. He smelled some of the type of food he had at the other place. That didn't excite him all that much. The rest he had no idea about. Another door, this time at the rear of the moving thing opened, and she put everything in there. He pulled his head in to watch her get back into her place.

"OK...home sweet home."

He pushed his head out the window, ready for the wind again. He lost himself in the joy of the wind in his fur. He was totally oblivious as to where they were until the moving thing stopped. He fragrances that filled his nose were beautiful and he tried to jump out the window before she had a chance to let him free.

"We're home..."

He stopped himself, looking back at her. She smiled and got out of the car. He was still eager to get out but he calmed himself a little. But then she took hold of it, the thing that the two legs held that went to the collar. He felt the gentle tug, the meant 'follow'.

"Come on...lets get you inside and comfortable, okay?"

He hopped out, took one look at how well she was holding it, then dashed off, pulling the leash from her grip. His nose went to the ground and he started sniffing everywhere. He loved the smell of the place, and couldn't get enough of it. He raced from one place to another, criss crossing the lawn until he reached the largest tree there. He cocked his leg, and left a long river against it to tell everyone that he was there.

He sauntered back to her, feeling better for his sniff and initial claiming of territory. He looked back up to her, letting her know she could take up the leash again, if she really wanted to, or she could just lead the way. He even sat, and panted sedately.
A moment of panic hit her as the leash flew from her grasp and Sarah began to protest as he shot off into the yard, but then found herself watching him instead. He was curiously sniffing the place out, making her smile as he cocked his leg up and marked his territory.

Another surprise came as he sauntered back, looking rather pleased with himself as he plopped his bottom in front of her and waited. "Well then...I guess you're now ready." She said, amusement lacing her words as she opened up the side door to the house which led directly into the kitchen and pantry area.

Sarah lugged the food in and dumped the bag by the door, then grasped the smaller bags, shut the trunk and came up behind him, giving him a small nudged with her knee. "Go on...this is your home now." She told him sweetly and then maneuvered around him, going inside to put the bags down.

She watched him tentatively step in, his nose sniffing as his large body moved. "So this is the kitchen..." She spread her arms out and grinned. "It's not a big place, but I like it. Since it's just me here and now you. I think it'll work out just fine."

When he was within reach, Sarah removed his leash and gently ruffled the fur on his head, something she was becoming fond of doing. His coat was so thick and yet soft, she almost couldn't resist. "The grand tour then...follow me."

She chattered on happily as she led him through her home. The small cozy living room, which was also attached to a corner office in which she did most of her work. It was all decorated tastefully, light and yet warm, with lots of personal touches. Pictures were prominent. Of family and friends and places she had traveled. She led him up the back stairs to the upstairs, which was equally nice and cozy, with two bedrooms. One obviously a guest room, which was a little bare, but inviting, a large bathroom meant to be shared and her master bedroom which was filled with light. A large bed took up the majority of the space, looking plush and inviting, with pillows and a fluffy looking comforter. The shades of blue were soothing and a large window that over looked the yard let in a ton of light which was filtered by gauzy curtains.

"I know, it's all a little girly, but I have an addiction to home magazines and I love cottage charm. I told you, it's not big, but it's home." She slowly sank on the edge of her bed and kicked off her shoes, yawning. "God, Lucy wore me out today. She's so full of energy...I can't imagine keeping up with her and being pregnant. I'm exhausted just from our morning spent together. I imagine you're hungry though..."

Stretching, she groaned softly and stood back up. " and bath and then we can worry about being lazy..."
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"Well then...I guess you're now ready."

He watched her go and open the door to her den, and walked in. He followed her slowly, testing the air as he went. She went back to the moving thing, and he paused at the door, unsure of whether to enter without her or not. It was her den, not his, and he knew better than to enter a female's den without permission.

"Go on...this is your home now."

She nudged him toward the opened door. He padded in slowly after she walked around him. The place smelled different to the last place. There was no frightened dog smells, which was good. He looked at her. Her arms were out wide, and she was smiling again.

"So this is the kitchen... It's not a big place, but I like it. Since it's just me here and now you. I think it'll work out just fine."

Then she did something that lifted his opinion of her a great deal. She took the long thing off his collar. That was followed by her hand rubbing his head. His eyes closed and he raised his head slightly as she did it. It felt so nice how she did it.

"The grand tour then...follow me."

He followed her she she led him through her den. She took him from the place of food smells into another room full of soft places to rest, and other place that seemed more harsh than where she brought him. About were sights of places, two legs and other things that he didn't recognize. But he felt that place was Her.

Then she went up stairs, which took him a moment to figure out, then he caught up with her. Another room, not much there, a place that smelled... clean in a not so good way, then where she slept. He could tell from the scent of the room. Sleepers gave off different scent when sleeping. This was the place where his two leg would retreat from everything, where she felt safest, let her guard down and relaxed. This place was really HER. He sat down, watching her.

"I know, it's all a little girly, but I have an addiction to home magazines and I love cottage charm. I told you, it's not big, but it's home."

He canted his head, the tail swished from side to side twice. She sat down on her sleeping spot, removing the things on her lower paws.

"God, Lucy wore me out today. She's so full of energy...I can't imagine keeping up with her and being pregnant. I'm exhausted just from our morning spent together. I imagine you're hungry though..."

When she stood, so did he he, backing up a step to give her room.

" and bath and then we can worry about being lazy..."

At the word 'food', he was off with a scramble of paws towards the stairs. He half walked, half slid and tumbled down the stairs and went to the kitchen, where he sat in the exact middle of the room, looking expectantly for her to enter, his tail wagging slowly on the floor.
Sarah was amused by her pets wild dash down the stairs. She followed behind, barefoot and giggling. “Someone is hungry.”

Back down in the kitchen, she fished out his new bowls and set them on the floor. In the first she filled with clean cool water and in the second, she filled with kibble. She then gave him space as she decided she needed her own lunch. She'd been running all day and hadn't taken much time to see to her own needs, focused on Lucy. Humming to herself, she fixed a quick sandwich of ham and cheese, shook out some chips onto her plate and grabbed a soda before situating herself at her kitchen island.

That's when she noticed her new pets reluctance to eat. He bowed his great head, sniffed a few times and then sat on his bottom and gazed at her expectantly. “Not good? Guy at the store said it was good stuff...”

He didn't seem convinced, completely ignoring his bowl, his eyes riveted to the sandwich she held in her hands. She moved it to the right a little and his gaze followed, then the left and he followed. Smiling, she felt another tug at her heart strings again. “Well...I guess maybe you could have what I have until I figure out what you DO like...hmmm?”

Standing, Sarah placed her plate on the floor and returned to make herself another one, hoping that she could at least fill his belly until she got the hang of this pet ownership deal and also came up with a name.
When she joined him in the place of food smells, she placed two bowls on the floor, one with water, which he too a few laps from, and the other with the same of food as from the place of scared dogs. But the two leg was making something that smelled good. Maybe, if he was good, she would share some before he had his food.

He sat down, looking up at her food intently hoping that she would share some.

“Not good? Guy at the store said it was good stuff...”

He followed the food in her hand, the scent was divine. His mouth was wet in readiness for whatever the two leg would share. He was sure that she would share some with him.

“Well...I guess maybe you could have what I have until I figure out what you DO like...hmmm?”

She stood up, and he once more followed her lead, stepping back a little while the plate was put on the floor. He looked up at her with some initial confusion, the gulped it all down before she changed her mind. It tasted as wonderful as it smelled. He took a few more laps of water, then started on the kibble, munching away as if there was nothing wrong with it. He had the good grace to look guilty at her when she gazed at him.
Sarah couldn't believe she'd be had, but only shook her head and grinned. She studied him as she ate, trying to think of a name. Something that would suit him...not so generic. He wasn't a Spot or a Fido and she couldn't go around calling him dog or boy forever.

Sighing, she ate her lunch silently, happy that he was eating and drinking. At least he felt comfortable enough to do that in his new home so far. In fact, she was rather happy about that fact that he accepted her so readily. She wondered if giving him a bath on the same day would be a little too much. Perhaps she could just skip that part until tomorrow. She still felt pretty damn tired and had some drawings to finish up for her latest project to finish up that evening. She preferred working nights, finding it soothing. The luxury of working at home was an added perk and she could do as she pleased during the days unless a meeting was involved.

Grabbing up his plate from the floor, she took both of them to the sink and washed them up, setting them in the drying rack to be put away later and yawned. "Okay big man...I'm going to skip the bath for now...we can clean you up later. I'm going to take a nap. Make yourself a home...try not to pee on my floor. I'd appreciate a little signal that you need out."

She smiled and stretched, groaning as a couple of joints popped and then sighed. Reaching up she began to undo her braid, padding barefooted back up the stairs to her room as she worked her hair free. Soft curls bounced and coiled, fluffing over her back and shoulders. In the comfort of her room, Sarah wiggled out of her shorts, leaving on her panties and shirt on and then slid into bed with another yawn. Hugging a pillow to her middle, she curled onto her side and let sleep take over.
While he ate, he watched her eat. Two legs had good food, a little better that what he had. But he got used to the food she got for him when he was in the place of scared dogs. But he knew she liked him, because she gave him two leg food.

She finished her food, picked up her flat bowl from the floor, taking that and hers to be dunked in water. She bathed the flat bowls? He frowned. Two legs didn't bath them, they... something elsed them.

"Okay big man...I'm going to skip the bath for now...we can clean you up later. I'm going to take a nap. Make yourself a home...try not to pee on my floor. I'd appreciate a little signal that you need out."

He panted softly at her while she stood up. As she moved off, he followed, curious to see what she was going to do. Like her, he padded up the stairs quietly, watching how her fur bounced around when let free. They went into her place, where she took off one of the pieces she wore. It left a thin bit of material covering her rear. As she got closer to her bed, he closed quickly and took a quick sniff. She slipped under the covers too quickly for him to get a proper scenting, so it would try it again some other time.

She settled down, and fell asleep. He looked on, not sure of what he was to do. He padded out, and investigated the house, sniffing everywhere he could over the next hour. Content that he knew all there was to know of the house, and the fact that it was hers and hers alone, her returned to her room.

He put his front paws up on the bed delicately, surveying it before moving around to the end, and jumping up and lying down beside her. He laid his head down, remembering that he was surprised that she washed the flat bowls in the kitchen.

His head shot up, blinking rapidly.

Wash. Kitchen. He remembered. He looked at the two leg beside him, dimly aware that they called themselves a different name... they were... he frowned as he groped for the word he knew was there... humans! She was a Human. A female human. He was so excited, his tail was wagging so hard it was bashing her legs. He stopped it, laying his head down again.

Wash. Kitchen. Human. Female. The words were coming back. Coming back? How did he know them in the first place? Maybe that could come back too. He rested his head, his eyes drifted close and like the female human beside him, he too fell asleep.
Sarah woke up a few hours later, stretching like a lazy cat. Something heavy was resting against one of her legs and she frowned sleepily, glancing down. There lay her new friend, making her smile. Well, she had said to make himself at home. He seemed good at following orders. She sort of liked how easily he seemed to understand...was that normal?

Shifting, she struggled out of bed and padded out of the room to the bathroom, shutting the door to relieve herself and freshen up. 10 minutes later, she was back, looking a little fresher, her hair was contained in a long braid one again and she dug through her clothes to slip on a pair of comfortable yoga pants.

“Alright...time to get to work big man...first off, we really need to de-stink you if you're going to be sharing my bed.”

With those words, she returned to the bathroom and began to run some water into the tub. She made a trip to the kitchen to pick up the shampoo she'd left there and then ran up back up. “So...I'm hoping you won't fight me on this...I promise it's painless. We just need to knock the funk off of you. No offense...but you still smell of doggy prison.”

Patting her upper thigh, she tilted her head towards the bathroom. “Come on...if you're real good I'll make you another sandwich.” Bribing a dog! She almost laughed out loud at herself. She was truly losing it.
He woke sharply as he felt movement beside him. The woman was getting out of the bed. He dropped his head back down.

Woman! Bed!

More words came back to him. His tail wagged furiously across the bed. Female humans were women, or where there was one, woman. He wondered about those like him, ones not female.

Male. Men. Man.

Soon more words flooded his mind. Children, brothers, sisters - words dealing with how humans referred to themselves, and those close to them; family and friends.

“Alright...time to get to work big man...first off, we really need to de-stink you if you're going to be sharing my bed.”

He lifted his head, looking at the woman who... adopted him. Humans would say... owned him. He woffled at that thought. He got up, hopped off the bed and padded over to the bathroom (another word that he remembered). He licked her hand as she went past him, and he looked into the growing pool of water.

He put his front paws in, taking a big, noisy drink from it. Satisfied, he turned around and padded out into the hall, sat and waited as she came back up the stairs.

“So...I'm hoping you won't fight me on this...I promise it's painless. We just need to knock the funk off of you. No offense...but you still smell of doggy prison.”

He looked at the bottle in her hand, and the water in the bathroom, finally understanding what was going to happen. Then came the universal tap to the leg that confirmed it.

“Come on...if you're real good I'll make you another sandwich.”

He gave her a cross between a shameful and a guilty look, then like the condemned, marched himself toward the bath. He paused, glancing over his shoulder, then he jumped into the water. They did this to him in the doggy prison too. At least, the woman wasn't going to use a hose.

The thought, and the new word, made him so happy, he barked with joy in the small room, giving himself a little start at the volume. He looked back at her, his expression clearly saying "Well, why aren't we done yet?"
Again, Sarah was surprised. He didn't put up a fight or try to get away. Heck, he didn't even need her to pick him up and lug him into the tub. Nope...he just hopped right into the tub and barked happily, wagging his tail. She couldn't help but stare in wonder and laugh softly. How lucky was she!?

He gave her a quizzical look and she grinned. "Sorry...I know, I'm being slow."

Moving to the tub, she grabbed a large empty plastic pitcher and began to scoop up water, pouring it over his fur until he was wet. Still, no fight. He stood still as she made sure he was good and wet and then began to poor copious amounts of shampoo on him.

Her fingers sank through his fur then, lathering, scrubbing and humming to herself as she did. She was careful around his ears and head, not wanting to get any in his eyes. Then more water came down, until the tub was was murky and bubbly. "Stay one more second...I need to get clean water."

Pulling the plug, she let the water drain out and then ran some clear water, rinsing him a little more until his coat was squeaky clean and he smelled ten times better than what he did. "That's better...feel better?"

Stepping back, Sarah grabbed the biggest towel she could find and held it out, shielding herself from the inevitable spray of water that came after a good shake.
He stood there and took it like a ma... dog. He flattened his ears in time as the water was poured over him. Again, and again and again. Maybe the hose would have been better after all he thought. He wanted to shake the water out, but he knew that it would mean getting wet again. He stood there, Unhappy. Waiting. Kind of patiently.

Then came the... shampoo! Soap. Lather. Cream. Lotion. More words flooded his mind as the woman worked the shampoo through his fur. This part wasn't too bad, he thought. One rear leg started to flicker as if wanting to scratch, then her hand moved to another spot.

His happiness over more words coming back to him was lost as she poured more water over him to wash out the shampoo.

"Stay one more second...I need to get clean water."

He looked down and was shocked at the colour of the water. He took a stop back as the water went down the drain, the sucking noise making his scrunch up in the other end of the tub. Soon it was gone, replaced by more clean water, and she finished rinsing him off.

"That's better...feel better?"

He gave her a soft bark, letting her know he did feel better. She smiled and grabbed a large towel (yet another word he remembered), holding it up between them. He gave her an almost human grin, as his front paws left the tub, one dragging down the towel, allowing him to give her a few friendly licks in her face.

Then he showered her with free dog scented water, along with most of the bathroom. Feeling much better, and distinctly fluffier, be quickly made his way down to the door he was brought in through. He bounced, barked and tried to let her know that he needed outside time unless she wanted to clean up something really special.
Sarah laughed and then sputtered as he licked her, then sprayed the bathroom and her with water from his fur. Good lord, but she didn't mind. He seemed so much happier about being clean. Satisfied with herself, she decided a good clean of the bathroom and her own shower might be in order.

However, his barking signalled to her that perhaps he needed something else. She quirked a brow, " you need out?"

He barked again, spun around, his tail wagging as he panted softly. Taking that as a yes, she quickly sprang into action and raced down the stairs with him following very closely. At the bottom of the stairs she pushed the back door and made a note to get a doggie door installed for him. It certainly would make life easier on them both.

"There ya go...have at it." She told him, feeling damp, but happy. She watched him race across the lawn, suddenly startled when a knock at the front door. Hmmm...who could that be, she wondered to herself and padded silently through the house to take a look.

A familiar face stared back at her and she groaned. Ah crap...she'd forgotten all about her date/meeting with Paul. And she was drenched and probably a little bit smelly. Sheepishly she grinned and opened the door to him. At the site of her disheveled look, he raised his brow and gave her a questioning look. "I tried hour cell, but you didn't answer...everything alright?"

Dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a polo shirt, he looked fresh and nice. "Yeah, I"m really sorry. I lost track of time. My niece had a birthday today and I took her out and then I adopted a dog and well..." She flushed and looked down at herself. "I gave him a bath and I think he tried to give me one."

For a moment she thought she saw a flicker of pure irritation, but it was quickly replaced with a dashing smile. "No harm done. How about you get changed and I'll treat us to dinner instead of a movie?"

She tilted her head slightly, opening the door wider to let him in. "Are you sure?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" He added, his gaze sliding around her living room as she shut the door. There was movement then, a large furry body entered and came to her, a great big head pushing against one of her hands. "Holy that a dog? Looks like a wolf to me!"

Sarah giggled and patted his head affectionately. "Just a big ol' mutt I think. Who knows...he's incredibly smart."
The back door was opened and he shot out, nose to the ground in search of a place. He found it near the back corner, and went into a squat. He stared off into the distance as things did what were needed, and he felt much better for it. He took a little further sniff around, marking a few more key points, including the recent one left by an old Jack Russel Terrier. The height difference alone would tell him that it was not worth arguing loosing that little patch of range.

He caught the sound of a new mobile thing - car - stopping near her house. It was driven by a man who's scent was not entirely good. His exposure to male scents was limited top what she called the Doggy Prison, and none of them smelled good either. He knew why they didn't smell good.

He bolted for the back door, slowing to a sedate padding walk as he entered the house. He homes in on her scent, going straight for the hand lazing at her side, ducking his head so that she ruffles his fur between his ears when she reaches her side.

"Holy that a dog? Looks like a wolf to me!"

"Just a big ol' mutt I think. Who knows...he's incredibly smart."

He looked up at the man. Dressed in neat clothing, clean and presentable, the Dog can smell his intent towards the woman. The man wants to mate with her. He knows she is good woman to mate with. Healthy, and has what people look for in a woman.

He canted his head, confused at that knowledge, looking straight up at her, easily seeing the physical features that were so compelling to the man she invited in.

He turned to look back at the man. There was something about him. The man was Alpha, almost. The man worried him, but he couldn't figure out why. She seemed OK with him.

So, the man got the benefit of the doubt, and he approached and his hand got a good, long sniffing. He wanted to remember this one's scent, just in case. She was Pack now. No one messed with the Pack and got away with it.

He followed her, butting his head under her hand to get more rubs between the ears. Not only did he like them, he wanted to remind the man that the dog was the first male in her thinking, not him.
Paul didn't seem quite comfortable with her pet and she watched with slight amusement as he stiffened when the dog leaned in to sniff ht is hand and then sat back again, letting her pet him.

"Well...if you're alright with just doing something simple, let me grab a quick shower and change. Make yourself at home. TV remote is on the couch if you want to flip through some stuff. I wouldn't want you to get too bored." She said sweetly.

Paul regarded the dog again and then smiled at her, clearing his throat. "Sure thing...take your time. No real hurry. You're well worth the wait."

Sarah flushed softly and gave him a slight nod, then glanced down at her companion. "Come on big boy...gotta get changed."

She wasn't sure if he'd follow her, but Paul didn't seem too thrilled with the idea of her pet keeping him company, so she hoped he would. She wasn't sure how she felt about him acting nervous around the animal, but being optimistic, she figured he would warm up to him. After all, he was a bit of an imposing figure.

Making her way upstairs, Sarah quickly grabbed a long summer dress that fell a little past her knees and some sandals, new underwear and headed for the bathroom. She didn't want to keep hm waiting. Leaving the door cracked an inch, she quickly stripped and stepped into the shower with a soft sigh as the hot water hit her skin.
He thought the man was up to no good. Or he didn't like dogs, which meant he was not a good person. With meant pretty much the same thing for him.

"Well...if you're alright with just doing something simple, let me grab a quick shower and change. Make yourself at home. TV remote is on the couch if you want to flip through some stuff. I wouldn't want you to get too bored."

"Sure thing...take your time. No real hurry. You're well worth the wait."

He wanted to roll his eyes at that line. The man was a sleaze. Another canine frown. 'How did I know that that meant?'

"Come on big boy...gotta get changed."

He padded off after her, not giving the other man a second thought. When he got to the top of the stairs, he sat still, his ears turned to listen back down the stairs. He saw the dress, and the rest of the clothing she chose to wear, and he was again surprised at the thoughts that went through his mind.

'Wow, she's going to look way too good for him in that.'

He heard the shower running, and cautiously made his way over to the partially closed door. He pushed it open, getting hit with the wave of warm, humid air, and the sound of the water splashing against her body. He sat just inside the barely opened doorway craning his head to see past the shower curtain, but otherwise sitting patiently and quietly.

After waiting for a few moments, he got up, and quietly made his way back downstairs to find Paul sitting on the sofa, flicking through the channels in a frustrated manner. He gave a slight doggy smile before closing on the man and dumping his head in the man's lap, looking up at him with the stereotypical mournful look.

"Fuck!" Paul relaxed a bit, confused as to what to do with the massive dog's head in his lap. He tentatively reached out, and quickly ruffled his fur between his ears. "Good boy. Just careful with the teeth down there, buddy. I've got stuff there I hope to use soon. Unlike you, poor bastard." The hand was a little more affectionate with the fur ruffle.

He kept his head in place, his eyes moving from straight ahead to up to the man's face, his tail wagging every so often to show he was pleased with where he was. Which he was. He was keeping the suspicious bastard effectively pinned to one spot while his Pack mate was grooming herself for the man. The man didn't smell too good, but he was willing to ignore that if he needed to bite him.
Sarah showered, shaved and took an extra minute to primp just a little. She hummed softly as she got herself ready. She liked Paul. He seemed like a nice enough guy, although she didn't know a lot about him. Only that he seemed to have taken an interest to her and while she didn't honestly feel the earth move or sparks fly when he was around, she also wasn't looking for anything serious. So why not enjoy dinner or a movie with a friend who happened to be a man?

Dressed and ready to roll, she pulled her hair up in a twist so that the curl would remain out of the way. A few sprang free and frame her pretty face and dangled over her shoulders, emphasizing her slender neck. She brushed them away as she spritzed on some delicate perfume and grabbed her purse.

Making her way back down, Sarah found herself smiling, her heart warming a little at the sight of her new pet resting his great big head on Paul's lap. least he wasn't completely put off and she liked that.

“Hey...I see you two are getting along.” She said lightly and smiled. “I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long.”

Paul quickly turned off the tube and stood, admiring her neat little figure before him. “You clean up nice.”

She laughed, her eyes sparkling, “Why thank you. It's nice to look like I own more than a pair of yoga pants once in a while.” She teased and took a moment to close the back door. “I hate to sound lame, but this is the first night that I've had home. I don't want to be gone too long until he gets used to the place.”

“Haven't named him yet?” Paul asked, quirking a brow as he glanced down at the pooch that was gazing up at him intently.

“Not yet...nothing seems to fit, so I'll wait a little bit. He's been a good boy so far, but...”

“No need to explain. I'll have you home in plenty of time.”

She beamed, “Thanks.”
The dog took his head off the man's lap, turned and looked at the woman. He was surprised at what he saw. Something deep within him stirred that he hadn't felt in a long time, a feeling that scared him.

With a skittering of paws, he dashed out of the room, pausing to have a deep drink of water, then he went up stairs as the feeling grew stronger. He got to the spare room, fighting to keep the whimpers he felt in his throat from escaping. He cocked his ears, listening hard for the sounds of them leaving. He held on tightly, pouring all of his willpower into keeping the urge gnawing at his belly in place until they were gone.

He heard the door close. A soft whimper escaped, easing the power of the urge. He continued to listen intently. The car started, and the sound of it grew softer. He let go, allowing the urge to run free. He did keep himself from howling in the from the excruciating pain roiling through his body. His ribcage slowly flattened and his fur retreated into his skin. Limbs lengthened, his snout shortened and his ears moved and changed shape. The lines of his canine shape blurred as he rolled and writhed on the floor. Pops, cracks and grinding noises filled the room as the metamorphosis continued. Dark fur gave way to light colour hair across pale skin. Paws gone, replaced by feet and hands. Broad shoulders topped a massive chest that flared from a flat belly and hips wide enough to support the joining of the equally large legs. Bright blue eyes gazed out from a rugged face, not shaven for the last few days. The light brown hair seemed just as wild as the rest of him.

Slowly regaining his breath, he stood up while remembering to balance on two legs. The collar around his neck was tight, unmoving but not choking. He looked down at his naked self, examining what he looked like. He even lifted the lengthy appendage between his legs with a degree of curiosity. He felt his face, his ears, neck, shoulders arms, back.

"How..." He glanced around, as if looking for the speaker. "That's... my voice?" He took a few more steps, each more confident than the last. "This is why I remembered words. I'm a human too?!? But why was I a dog? What if I can't change back to being a dog? What is Sarah going to do if she sees me like this?" He slowed himself down. "Just stay calm, Remus, stay calm. My name is Remus. Remus. Yeah, I'm Remus. I was in this form once, and changed to being canine, so I can do it again."

He sat down on the floor. He closed his eyes, remembering everything he could about being a canine. It was blurry, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it clearer in his mind. He focused on how it felt having Sarah ruffle his fur, and he got a similar urge in his belly to the one before he changed into his human form.

He heard the car pull into the drive way. Remus panicked. He jumped up to look out the window, seeing Paul and Sarah getting out of the car. As he turned, the urge hit him again, and he went with it. It was painful, but not as painful as the first time. He welcomed the change, opened himself to it. It flowed quicker, easier. He knew that he fought it the last time, and he wouldn't do so again. He was still changing when the door opened. He willed the change to complete, feeling himself drained as he finally finished. Barely able to remain on his paws, Remus padded through to Sarah's bedroom, flopping down on 'his' side of her bed, falling deeply asleep.