Revenge is best...(closed for Jogori)


Harmless Teddybear
May 22, 2008
Vlad washed the blood from his hands, he smiled as the now pink water swirled down the drain along with the industrial cleaner he used. It was time, for a very long time had he been working on his skills, his hunger for revenge never sated. He made certain that his nails is clean, then splashed some cold water over his face, tied his hair back and strolled into his bedroom. The bed was untouched, he had not slept, not that it bothered him much, he had a quite productive evening. The woman had given up quite quickly, he grew tired of her mindless whimpering and ended his little game. Normally they lasted longer, especially the males, he had most of his fun with them as they still had that old blood lust inside of them.

He looked at his open closet door, crossing his arms to figure what clothing would fit best for the day, he had quite a busy schedule and he also knew that tonight he would finally capture the object of his hate, the woman who had started him on his road of finding and killing the corrupt and evil people of this world. A small smile creased his lips, he was going to make certain that she knew exactly who it was who did it to her and why. He will finally clear the shame from his father's name and clear the stain on his family's name.

He finally decided and pulled a black suit with blue shirt and white tie from his closet, with his mind made up, he felt much better and the anticipation for the evening started to grow like a hunger in the pit of his stomach.
Innocent Jennie

"Jennie, it is getting dark!"

18 years old chirpy Jennie was counting the number of butterflies flying across her nurtured little garden when she suddenly heard her aunt calling her. The beautiful, tall and lean girl laughed and hurried towards her little wooden cottage beside the garden. She ran and hopped like a rabbit towards the cottage and almost fell on her aunt who was standing there for her. As she hung across her, she gave a hearty laugh.

"Oh! Grow up, Jennie!" Aunt Mary scolded her, "Just stop behaving like a child. You are a big girl now."

Jennie laughed in reply.

Aunt frowned as she noticed how the girl had soiled her hands and her beautiful pink gown. "You are such an impossible girl, Jennie. Look how much dirt is on your dress. At least you should take care of yourself."

Jennie removed her flower hat and tossed it on the table beside. She ran and embraced Aunt, "Oh Auntie, why should I bother when you are here to take care of mine." And with that hug, she transferred the dirt of her dress to Aunt Mary's white apron.

"Oh oh get away, you naughty girl." Aunt Mary pushed her away and Jennie laughed as she planted a kiss on her cheek and hopped to the bathroom.

Aunt Mary watched her merry niece and sighed, "Yes my darling, I love you a lot. That is why I stole you away from that evil world and hid you here. I can only pray that those evil eyes never fetch you and you never pay for your father's sins."

She wiped her eyes and went to Jennie's room. She got a beautiful black gown out of her cupboard. Meanwhile Jennie had washed herself and she was in front of her mirror wrapped in white washgown. Her wavy shoulder length golden brown hair was bouncing on her shoulders as she was humming a beautiful song and wiping her face dry. Aunt Mary helped her to dress with her bodice and the black gown. She parted her beautiful golden brown hair in two and locked them with laced bands.

"I will get you some, porridge." She smiled as Jennie kissed her back and took out her favorite story book to read.

Jennie was lost in her story when suddenly she heard a loud thump and followed by Aunt Mary's cry. She immediately jumped out of her bed and ran to the kitchen. Aunt Mary was lying on the floor with a bleeding head. She had slipped and her head hit the steel can.

"Oh Jesus!" Jennie cried and shrugged Aunt Mary, "Wake up Auntie please!" She cried as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I need to get Doctor Smith here." She wiped her eyes and determined.

Hurrying out her cottage, she grabbed her hat and a torch as the dark night welcomed her outside. She got a little afraid but the sense of Aunt Mary lying fainted in the kitchen forced her on the way. She had never been to Dr. Smith's house before. All she knew that he lived on the south to the woods. The road leading to his house experienced her running feet. She ran breathlessly with the torch in her hands. The woods had ended but lo! Not a singe house was visible! Jennie couldn't recall whether it was south to the woods or west! She turned her heels to the west and entered the woods. It had a narrow passage. Jennie was panting and felt very weak. She started crying as she ran feebly on the narrow passage. Suddenly she saw a flash light. A car coming behind her. She turned back and waved her hands, "Help! Help!" She shouted.

The car slowed and stopped just in front of her. A man, dressed in black suit with blue shirt and white tie, peeped out of the window and asked, "Excuse me Miss! Is there any problem? Can I help you?"

Jennie burst into tears, "Sir, My Auntie fell in the kitchen. I am going to see Dr. Smith but I have lost my way."

"Don't worry, Miss!" the man smiled with his green eyes, "I am going that way. I will leave you by Dr. Smith's house. Please come in." He opened the front seat door for her.

Jennie wiped her tears and boarded in. The car door locked back and the man accelerated the speed. Jennie felt a little relaxed.

"What is your name, Miss?" the man asked.

"Jennie." Jennie replied feebly.

- Jennie- .... The man murmured her name.

"And you Sir?" Jennie asked.

"Vlad." Vlad replied with a faint voice and plain face.

Jennie didn't see the iron rod beside his seat which was stained with Aunt Mary's blood. She started looking at the way ahead completely unaware of the hungry pair of eyes which were gazing her devilishly.
Vlad Dracul

He had not expected Jennie to come out of the forest when she did, he decided to take her to the doctor's house, just she will never get to see the doctor. He smiled coldly at himself and looked at her from the corner of his eyes, she was actually a pretty little thing and the black just emphasized that fact. Shortly he pulled up to a house just outside of town, it was the doctor's house, but he had made certain that the good doctor was out on a call. Actually a call he had made just before Jennie had burst out of the woods. Though the aunt was of the family, she was an innocent one, of course he had to hit her hard enough for it to look authentic, but he knew where and how hard to hit, he did not spend years to perfect his art for nothing.

"Let me help you out, it must be a shock to see your aunt like that."

He got out of the car, opening her door to help her out, as she brushed past him, his hand slipped into his jacket, pulled a syringe free and before she could take two steps, the sharp point slid into the jugular vein, the tranquilizer being sent into her system a tenth of a second later. His hand clamped over her mouth to prevent a scream and scant seconds later she slumped into his arms. He removed the syringe and easily lifted her lithe frame into his arms, placing her inside his car. He got in and drove away, he headed straight for his house, it was old, but it was not the mansion and the grounds taken from him and his family.

As he pulled into the garage two figures came to the car and removed Jennie from the seat. They took her down into the special chamber Vlad had made to do his work. There they stripped her naked, placed her into a chair, leather straps securing her arms, legs, middle and chest to the chair. Vlad took a seat in the shadows and waited.

Jennie murmured faintly as she slowly came to her senses. She was dumbstruck when she found herself completely naked. A chill ran through her spine leaving her dumb. She found herself trapped. Struggling hard against the ropes tied to her body, she tried to free herself but all in vain. She was trapped fully naked and exposed. She cried out, "Somebody help" she shouted, "help please."
She burst into tears.

Suddenly her eyes encountered someone sitting in the shadow. The thought of being fully naked and exposed in front of somebody unknown made her almost dead with horror.
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Vlad Dracul

He watched her wake, listened to her pleas for help and her sobs, all sweet music to his ears, he smiled coldly as he rose and moved into the light.

"Nobody will hear you and nobody can help you Jennie McCougal."

He stopped in front of her, leaning forward, resting his hands on her arms until their eyes were level and she could see the deadly gleam in his eyes.

"And the sons will suffer the sins of the fathers...only problem is that you father had no sons, so you will have to do."

He stood up and reached behind his back, pulling a Jambiya dagger into view, the curved blade flashing in the dull light like an evil sigil. He rested the edge against her arm and pulled, the razor sharp edge parting her skin neatly without touching the tissue underneath, blood welled up in the small cut and slipped down her smooth skin.
Jennie gave a soul-stirring cry. The girl who never knew what being hurt means, was totally stunned by this sudden attack. World seemed dark to her. Her heart started beating fast and the pain ran across her body
Vlad Dracul

Ah the sweet sound of terror, he loved it. He caught a drop of blood on the point of his dagger and watched as it rolled over the polished steel.

"You would most probably want to know why this is happening right?"

Of course there was no quick reply and his gaze returned to her, his hand lowering, the tip opening a gash on her left thigh.


"Ahh!" Jennie shouted. She couldn't believe that the man standing in front of her was a human. Her eyes fell wide in horror as she watched him playing with her own blood. Each and every inch of her body was shivering in fear. She didn't even hear what he asked. But when the knife touched her body the second time, she whimpered, "Yes... Why are you doing this to me?"
Vlad Dracul

He moved behind her, trailing the back of the dagger's point over her skin,

"Did you not listen?"

He rested the back of his dagger against her throat,

"Your father caused you this pain. You should thank him."

He ran his fingers through her hair, taking hold and pulling her head backwards,

"Thank him for this, we must be thankful."